Propeller Diagram
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NGENeer on Propeller

The whole Propeller concept delivers some curious features that are likely to be exploited in the system we're attempting to make.

P1 image

P2 image

Parallax Propeller2 or, quite possibly as well, Parallax Propeller1

Possible implementation diagram

HUB RAM Shared Data COG0 Message Service - Expansion Bus - WAN/LAN COG1 Resource Service - Register Local - Register Expansion - Register WAN/LAN COG2 Task Service - Identify Resource - Queue Requests COG3 Ethernet Service - API - Gemini Server COG4 Database Service - Data Storage - Configuration COG5 Graphics Service - render - video display COG6 Chassis Service - Power Manage - Beep, Button, LED - Environmental COG7 Management Service - Serial Connections - TAQOZ Console Propeller Cog Usage
    lineht *= 0.4
    $margin = lineht*2.5
    scale = 0.75
    fontscale = 1.5

HUB: cylinder\
  "HUB RAM"\
  "Shared Data"\
  fit width 80%

hubscale = 2.75*HUB.height
fitwidth = 75

COG0: circle "COG0"\
  "Message Service"\
  "- Expansion Bus"\
  "- WAN/LAN"\
  fit width fitwidth%\
  at hubscale heading n of HUB.n
  arrow <-> thin from previous to HUB chop

COG1: circle "COG1"\
  "Resource Service"\
  "- Register Local"\
  "- Register Expansion"\
  "- Register WAN/LAN"\
  fit width fitwidth%\
  at hubscale heading ne of
  arrow <-> thin from previous to HUB chop 

COG2: circle "COG2"\
  "Task Service"\
  "- Identify Resource"\
  "- Queue Requests"\
  fit width fitwidth%\
  at hubscale heading e of HUB.e
  arrow <-> thin from previous to HUB chop

COG3: circle "COG3"\
  "Ethernet Service"\
  "- API"\
  "- Gemini Server"\
  fit width fitwidth%\
  at hubscale heading se of
  arrow <-> thin from previous to HUB chop

COG4: circle "COG4"\
  "Database Service"\
  "- Data Storage"\
  "- Configuration"\
  fit width fitwidth%\
  at hubscale heading s of HUB.s
  arrow <-> thin from previous to HUB chop

COG5: circle "COG5"\
  "Graphics Service"\
  "- render"\
  "- video display"\
  fit width fitwidth%\
  at hubscale heading sw of HUB.sw
  arrow <-> thin from previous to HUB chop

COG6: circle "COG6"\
  "Chassis Service"\
  "- Power Manage"\
  "- Beep, Button, LED"\
  "- Environmental"\
  fit width fitwidth%\
  at hubscale heading w of HUB.w
  arrow <-> thin from previous to HUB chop

COG7: circle "COG7"\
  "Management Service"\
  "- Serial Connections"\
  "- TAQOZ Console"\
  fit width fitwidth%\
  at hubscale heading nw of HUB.nw
  arrow <-> thin from previous to HUB chop

Caption: text "Propeller Cog Usage" italic with .n at 0.1in below PROP.s