1. Changed references to "PS:" to "PNDOC:", in files PN:NMODE-EX-20 => PNB:NMODE-20.B 2. Redo the terminal type selection, in PN:NMODE-EX-20 => PNB:NMODE-20.B 3. Changed TELERAY terminal definitions to do 7 bit input (not 8), in PW:TELERAY.SL => PWB:TELERAY.B 4. Where is the source code for VT100 terminals (and AMBASSADOR)? 5. Changed PRINLEVEL init from 2 to NIL (in PDIST:MAKE-NMODE.CTL) 6. Use ESC as the M-Prefix key, in files PN:EXTENDED-INPUT.SL => PNB:EXTENDED-INPUT.B 7. Define M-ESC (accessed by the sequence ESC ESC) to be the ESC-Prefix, in PN:MODE-DEFS.SL => PNB:MODE-DEFS.B 8. When further terminal types are supported, load the packages from PW:WINDOWS-EX-20.SL => PW:WINDOWS-20.B 9. Note that PSL, not BARE-PSL is used to remake NMODE, so be sure you don't have a PSL.INIT file. Also a few extra packages (HOMEDIR and INIT-FILE) are pre-loaded in the new NMODE. 10. Note that the loading sequence finds the NMODE.LAP in "PL:", not the version in "PN:". 11. Fixed bug in METHOD TELERAY MOVE-CURSOR that used vector index of -1, in PW:TELERAY.SL => PWB:TELERAY.B 12. Why, in 2 window mode, is the top line of the bottom window printed as appended to the mode line of the top window, and therefore not visible? Is the bug something on our 20 or a problem in NMODE in general?