/* javaint.c: Copyright (C) Codemist Ltd., 1996. */ #include /* #include */ #include #include "machine.h" #include "tags.h" #include "cslerror.h" #include "externs.h" #include "read.h" #include "stream.h" #include "arith.h" #include "entries.h" #include "javahost.h" #include "javaops.h" #include "javaglb.h" /* integers representing exceptions (map to Java exceptions in javaint(). */ #define E_NegativeArraySizeException 1 #define E_OutOfMemoryError 2 #define E_NullPointerException 3 #define E_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 4 #define JSTK_MAX 10000 #ifdef DOWNWARD_STACK /* need to fix up locals too! */ #define push_(sp,v) (*--(sp)=(v)) #define pop_(sp) (*(sp)++) #define lose_(sp,k) ((sp)+=(k)) #define stk_(sp,k) ((sp)[k]) #define STLO 0 #define STHI 1 #define loc_(lv,k) (*((lv)-(k))) #else #define push_(sp,v) (*++(sp)=(v)) #define pop_(sp) (*(sp)--) #define lose_(sp,k) ((sp)-=(k)) #define stk_(sp,k) (*((sp)-(k))) #define STLO 1 #define STHI 0 #define loc_(lv,k) ((lv)[k]) #endif static void jraise(int E_whatever) { jsyserr("Exceptions unimplemented"); } static int java_sizeof(int32 t) { switch (t) { default: jsyserr("bad type code to newarray()"); case T_BOOLEAN: return 1; case T_CHAR: return 1; case T_FLOAT: return 4; case T_DOUBLE: return 8; case T_BYTE: return 1; case T_SHORT: return 2; case T_INT: return 4; case T_LONG: return 8; case -1: return 4; /* for anewarray */ } } typedef struct JavaArray { unsigned32 length; /* access long/double by stream as maybe not aligned */ union { int8 elts8[1]; unsigned8 eltu8[1]; int16 elts16[1]; unsigned16 eltu16[1]; int32 elt32[1]; } u; } JavaArray; static int32 java_newarray(int32 *sp, int32 flavour, int32 refclass, int32 k) { /* Note that 'k' is (number of dimensions)-1. */ /* Caller loses junk when k>0 (j_multinewarray). */ /* k>0 not supported yet. */ JavaArray *res; int32 nelts = stk_(sp,0), csize; if (nelts < 0) return E_NegativeArraySizeException; csize = java_sizeof(flavour)*nelts + sizeof(int32); res = (JavaArray *)jmalloc(csize); if (res == 0) return E_OutOfMemoryError; memset(res, 0, csize); /* @@@ beware 0 = HR_NULL assumed! */ res->length = nelts; stk_(sp,k) = (int32)res; /*ALPHA*/ return 0; } /* beware host/java rep issues here */ #define HR_NULL 0 /* Host Representation? */ static const union { struct { double d[2]; float f[3]; } s; int32 r[7]; } hostflttab = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f }; /* Remember many of the following are zero (optimise?) */ #define HR_D0W1 hostflttab.r[0] #define HR_D0W2 hostflttab.r[1] #define HR_D1W1 hostflttab.r[2] #define HR_D1W2 hostflttab.r[3] #define HR_F0 hostflttab.r[4] #define HR_F1 hostflttab.r[5] #define HR_F2 hostflttab.r[6] typedef union DbleRep { int32 irep[2]; double d; } DbleRep; /* Some of the following optimise if we know double's only need to be */ /* 32-bit aligned. */ static int32 *sim_i2d(int32 *sp) { DbleRep u; u.d = (double)stk_(sp,0); stk_(sp,0) = u.irep[STHI]; push_(sp, u.irep[STLO]); return sp; } static int32 *sim_d2i(int32 *sp) { DbleRep u; u.irep[STLO] = pop_(sp); u.irep[STHI] = stk_(sp,0); stk_(sp,0) = (int32)u.d; return sp; } static int32 *sim_l2d(int32 *sp) { jsyserr("l2d"); return sp;} static int32 *sim_d2l(int32 *sp) { jsyserr("d2l"); return sp;} static int32 *sim_f2l(int32 *sp) { jsyserr("f2l"); lose_(sp,1); return sp;} static int32 *sim_l2f(int32 *sp) { jsyserr("l2f"); push_(sp,0); return sp;} static int32 *sim_f2d(int32 *sp) { DbleRep u; u.d = (double)stk_((float *)sp,0); stk_(sp,0) = u.irep[STHI]; push_(sp, u.irep[STLO]); return sp; } static int32 *sim_d2f(int32 *sp) { DbleRep u; u.irep[STLO] = pop_(sp); u.irep[STHI] = stk_(sp,0); stk_((float *)sp,0) = (float)u.d; return sp; } static Code_Attribute *findcodeattr(Attribute_Info *v, unsigned32 n) { int i; for (i = 0; iconstant_pool; { int i; for (i = 0; i < cf->methods_count; i++) { unsigned32 n = cf->methods[i].name_index; if (0 < n && n < cf->constant_pool_count && cp[n].tag == CONSTANT_Utf8 && memcmp(cp[n].u.utf8, "main", 4) == 0) { Code_Attribute *p = findcodeattr(cf->methods[i].attributes, cf->methods[i].attributes_count); if (p == 0) jsyserr("no code for main"); pc = (int8 *)p->code; goto foundmain; } } jsyserr("no main()"); return; } foundmain: jdebug("Execution..."); #define u8i_(pc) (*(pc)++ & 255) #define s8i_(pc) (*(pc)++) #define s16i_(pc) (t1 = s8i_(pc), t1<<8 | u8i_(pc)) #define u16i_(pc) (t1 = u8i_(pc), t1<<8 | u8i_(pc)) #define s32i_(pc) (t1 = s8i_(pc), t1 = t1<<8 | u8i_(pc), \ t1 = t1<<8 | u8i_(pc), t1<<8 | u8i_(pc)) #define cp_maybe_string_(d) \ (cp[d].tag == CONSTANT_String ? cp[cp[d].u.val].u.val : cp[d].u.val) #define cp1_(d) (cp[d].u.val) #define cp2_(d) (cp[(d)+1].u.val) for (pb = 0;;) switch (jdebug("trace %d", op = u8i_(pc)), op) { default: jsyserr("Illegal java op %d/%s", op, jdecodeopname(op)); break; unimp: jsyserr("Unimplemented java op %d/%s", op, jdecodeopname(op)); break; case j_bipush: push_(sp, s8i_(pc)); break; case j_sipush: push_(sp, s16i_(pc)); break; case j_ldc1: t2 = u8i_(pc); push_(sp, cp_maybe_string_(t2)); break; case j_ldc2: t2 = u16i_(pc); push_(sp, cp_maybe_string_(t2)); break; case j_ldc2w: t2 = u16i_(pc); push_(sp, cp1_(t2)); push_(sp, cp2_(t2)); break; case j_aconst_null: push_(sp, HR_NULL); break; case j_iconst_m1: push_(sp, -1); break; case j_iconst_0: push_(sp, 0); break; case j_iconst_1: push_(sp, 1); break; case j_iconst_2: push_(sp, 2); break; case j_iconst_3: push_(sp, 3); break; case j_iconst_4: push_(sp, 4); break; case j_iconst_5: push_(sp, 5); break; case j_lconst_0: push_(sp, 0); push_(sp, 0); break; case j_lconst_1: push_(sp, 0); push_(sp, 0); break; case j_fconst_0: push_(sp, HR_F0); break; case j_fconst_1: push_(sp, HR_F1); break; case j_fconst_2: push_(sp, HR_F2); break; case j_dconst_0: push_(sp, HR_D0W1); push_(sp, HR_D0W2); break; case j_dconst_1: push_(sp, HR_D1W1); push_(sp, HR_D1W2); break; case3(j_iload,j_fload,j_aload): push_(sp, loc_(lv,pb+u8i_(pc))); pb = 0; break; case3(j_iload_0,j_fload_0,j_aload_0): push_(sp, loc_(lv,0)); break; case3(j_iload_1,j_fload_1,j_aload_1): push_(sp, loc_(lv,1)); break; case3(j_iload_2,j_fload_2,j_aload_2): push_(sp, loc_(lv,2)); break; case3(j_iload_3,j_fload_3,j_aload_3): push_(sp, loc_(lv,3)); break; /* Could use sv1,sv2 if lots of registers on my target. */ case2(j_lload,j_dload): pb += u8i_(pc); /* STHI, STLO */ sv = loc_(lv, pb+0); push_(sp, sv); sv = loc_(lv, pb+1); push_(sp, sv); pb = 0; break; case2(j_lload_0,j_dload_0): push_(sp, loc_(lv,0)); push_(sp, loc_(lv,1)); break; case2(j_lload_1,j_dload_1): push_(sp, loc_(lv,1)); push_(sp, loc_(lv,2)); break; case2(j_lload_2,j_dload_2): push_(sp, loc_(lv,2)); push_(sp, loc_(lv,3)); break; case2(j_lload_3,j_dload_3): push_(sp, loc_(lv,3)); push_(sp, loc_(lv,4)); break; case3(j_istore,j_fstore,j_astore): loc_(lv, pb+u8i_(pc)) = pop_(sp); pb = 0; break; case3(j_istore_0,j_fstore_0,j_astore_0): loc_(lv,0) = pop_(sp); break; case3(j_istore_1,j_fstore_1,j_astore_1): loc_(lv,1) = pop_(sp); break; case3(j_istore_2,j_fstore_2,j_astore_2): loc_(lv,2) = pop_(sp); break; case3(j_istore_3,j_fstore_3,j_astore_3): loc_(lv,3) = pop_(sp); break; /* Could use sv1,sv2 if lots of registers on my target. */ case2(j_lstore,j_dstore): pb += u8i_(pc); /* STHI, STLO */ sv = pop_(sp); loc_(lv, pb+1) = sv; sv = pop_(sp); loc_(lv, pb+0) = sv; pb = 0; break; case2(j_lstore_0,j_dstore_0): loc_(lv,1)=pop_(sp); loc_(lv,0)=pop_(sp); break; case2(j_lstore_1,j_dstore_1): loc_(lv,2)=pop_(sp); loc_(lv,1)=pop_(sp); break; case2(j_lstore_2,j_dstore_2): loc_(lv,3)=pop_(sp); loc_(lv,2)=pop_(sp); break; case2(j_lstore_3,j_dstore_3): loc_(lv,4)=pop_(sp); loc_(lv,3)=pop_(sp); break; case j_iinc: pb += u8i_(pc); loc_(lv, pb) += s8i_(pc); pb = 0; break; case j_wide: pb = u8i_(pc) << 8; break; case j_newarray: if ((t1 = java_newarray(sp, u8i_(pc), 0, 0)) != 0) { jraise(t1); } break; case j_anewarray: t2 = u16i_(pc); if ((t1 = java_newarray(sp, -1, cp1_(t2), 0)) != 0) { jraise(t1); } break; case j_multinewarray: t2 = u16i_(pc); t3 = u8i_(pc)-1; t1 = java_newarray(sp, -1, cp1_(t2), t3); sp += t3; if (t1 != 0) { jraise(t1); } break; case j_arraylength: if ((sv_qua_array = (JavaArray *)stk_(sp,0)) == HR_NULL) /*ALPHA*/ { jraise(E_NullPointerException); } stk_(sp,0) = sv_qua_array->length; break; case3(j_iaload,j_faload,j_aaload): ao = pop_(sp); if ((sv_qua_array = (JavaArray *)stk_(sp,0)) == HR_NULL) /*ALPHA*/ { jraise(E_NullPointerException); } if ((unsigned32)ao >= sv_qua_array->length) { jraise(E_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException); } stk_(sp,0) = sv_qua_array->u.elt32[ao]; break; case2(j_laload,j_daload): ao = pop_(sp); if ((sv_qua_array = (JavaArray *)stk_(sp,0)) == HR_NULL) /*ALPHA*/ { jraise(E_NullPointerException); } if ((unsigned32)ao >= sv_qua_array->length) { jraise(E_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException); } stk_(sp,0) = sv_qua_array->u.elt32[2*ao+STHI]; push_(sp, sv_qua_array->u.elt32[2*ao+STLO]); break; case j_baload: ao = pop_(sp); if ((sv_qua_array = (JavaArray *)stk_(sp,0)) == HR_NULL) /*ALPHA*/ { jraise(E_NullPointerException); } if ((unsigned32)ao >= sv_qua_array->length) { jraise(E_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException); } stk_(sp,0) = sv_qua_array->u.elts8[ao]; break; case j_caload: ao = pop_(sp); if ((sv_qua_array = (JavaArray *)stk_(sp,0)) == HR_NULL) /*ALPHA*/ { jraise(E_NullPointerException); } if ((unsigned32)ao >= sv_qua_array->length) { jraise(E_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException); } stk_(sp,0) = sv_qua_array->u.eltu16[ao]; break; case j_saload: ao = pop_(sp); if ((sv_qua_array = (JavaArray *)stk_(sp,0)) == HR_NULL) /*ALPHA*/ { jraise(E_NullPointerException); } if ((unsigned32)ao >= sv_qua_array->length) { jraise(E_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException); } stk_(sp,0) = sv_qua_array->u.elts16[ao]; break; case3(j_iastore,j_fastore,j_aastore): if ((sv_qua_array = (JavaArray *)stk_(sp,2)) == HR_NULL) /*ALPHA*/ { jraise(E_NullPointerException); } if ((unsigned32)(ao = stk_(sp,1)) >= sv_qua_array->length) { jraise(E_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException); } sv_qua_array->u.elt32[ao] = stk_(sp,0); lose_(sp,3); break; case2(j_lastore,j_dastore): if ((sv_qua_array = (JavaArray *)stk_(sp,3)) == HR_NULL) /*ALPHA*/ { jraise(E_NullPointerException); } if ((unsigned32)(ao = stk_(sp,2)) >= sv_qua_array->length) { jraise(E_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException); } sv_qua_array->u.elt32[2*ao+STLO] = stk_(sp,0); sv_qua_array->u.elt32[2*ao+STHI] = stk_(sp,1); lose_(sp,4); break; case j_bastore: if ((sv_qua_array = (JavaArray *)stk_(sp,2)) == HR_NULL) /*ALPHA*/ { jraise(E_NullPointerException); } if ((unsigned32)(ao = stk_(sp,1)) >= sv_qua_array->length) { jraise(E_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException); } sv_qua_array->u.eltu8[ao] = stk_(sp,0); lose_(sp,3); break; case2(j_sastore,j_castore): if ((sv_qua_array = (JavaArray *)stk_(sp,2)) == HR_NULL) /*ALPHA*/ { jraise(E_NullPointerException); } if ((unsigned32)(ao = stk_(sp,1)) >= sv_qua_array->length) { jraise(E_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException); } sv_qua_array->u.eltu16[ao] = stk_(sp,0); lose_(sp,3); break; case j_nop: break; case j_pop: lose_(sp,1); break; case j_pop2: lose_(sp,2); break; case j_dup: sv = stk_(sp, 0); push_(sp, sv); break; case j_dup2: sv = stk_(sp, 1); push_(sp, sv); sv = stk_(sp, 1); push_(sp, sv); break; case j_dup_x1: sv = stk_(sp, 0); stk_(sp, 0) = stk_(sp, 1); stk_(sp, 1) = sv; push_(sp, sv); break; case j_dup2_x1: r1 = stk_(sp, 0); r2 = stk_(sp, 1); stk_(sp,0) = stk_(sp,2); stk_(sp,1) = r1; stk_(sp,2) = r2; push_(sp, r2); push_(sp,r1); break; case j_dup_x2: sv = stk_(sp, 0); push_(sp, sv); stk_(sp,1) = stk_(sp,2); stk_(sp,2) = stk_(sp,3); stk_(sp,3) = sv; break; case j_dup2_x2: sv = stk_(sp, 1); push_(sp, sv); stk_(sp,2) = stk_(sp,4); stk_(sp,4) = sv; sv = stk_(sp, 1); push_(sp, sv); stk_(sp,2) = stk_(sp,4); stk_(sp,4) = sv; break; case j_swap: sv = stk_(sp, 0); stk_(sp, 0) = stk_(sp, 1); stk_(sp, 1) = sv; break; case j_iadd: r1 = pop_(sp); stk_(sp,0) += r1; break; case j_ladd: goto unimp; case j_fadd: goto unimp; case j_dadd: goto unimp; case j_isub: r1 = pop_(sp); stk_(sp,0) -= r1; break; case j_lsub: goto unimp; case j_fsub: goto unimp; case j_dsub: goto unimp; case j_imul: r1 = pop_(sp); stk_(sp,0) *= r1; break; case j_lmul: goto unimp; case j_fmul: goto unimp; case j_dmul: goto unimp; case j_idiv: r1 = pop_(sp); stk_(sp,0) /= r1; break; case j_ldiv: goto unimp; case j_fdiv: goto unimp; case j_ddiv: goto unimp; case j_irem: r1 = pop_(sp); stk_(sp,0) %= r1; break; case j_lrem: goto unimp; case j_frem: goto unimp; case j_drem: goto unimp; case j_ineg: stk_(sp,0) = -stk_(sp,0); break; case j_lneg: goto unimp; case j_fneg: goto unimp; case j_dneg: goto unimp; case j_ishl: r1 = pop_(sp); stk_(sp,0) <<= r1&31; break; #ifdef HOST_SHIFT_SIGNED case j_ishr: r1 = pop_(sp); stk_(sp,0) >>= r1&31; break; #else case j_ishr: goto unimp; #endif case j_iushr: r1 = pop_(sp); stk_(sp,0) = (unsigned32)stk_(sp,0) >> r1&31; break; case j_lshl: goto unimp; case j_lshr: goto unimp; case j_lushr: goto unimp; case j_iand: r1 = pop_(sp); stk_(sp,0) &= r1; break; case j_land: stk_(sp,2) &= stk_(sp,0); stk_(sp,3) &= stk_(sp,1); lose_(sp,2); break; case j_ior: r1 = pop_(sp); stk_(sp,0) |= r1; break; case j_lor: stk_(sp,2) |= stk_(sp,0); stk_(sp,3) |= stk_(sp,1); lose_(sp,2); break; case j_ixor: r1 = pop_(sp); stk_(sp,0) ^= r1; break; case j_lxor: stk_(sp,2) ^= stk_(sp,0); stk_(sp,3) ^= stk_(sp,1); lose_(sp,2); break; case j_i2l: r1u = stk_(sp,0); push_(sp, -(r1u >> 31)); break; case j_i2f: stk_((float *)sp,0) = (float)stk_(sp,0); break; case j_i2d: sp = sim_i2d(sp); break; case j_l2i: lose_(sp,1); break; case j_l2f: sp = sim_l2f(sp); break; case j_l2d: sp = sim_l2d(sp); break; case j_f2i: stk_(sp,0) = (int32)stk_((float *)sp,0); break; case j_f2l: sp = sim_f2l(sp); break; case j_f2d: sp = sim_f2d(sp); break; case j_d2i: sp = sim_d2i(sp); break; case j_d2l: sp = sim_d2l(sp); break; case j_d2f: sp = sim_d2f(sp); break; #define signext_(w,n) ((((w) & (1< 0); break; case j_ifge: condbr(pop_(sp) >= 0); break; case j_if_icmpeq: sv = pop_(sp); condbr(pop_(sp) == sv); break; case j_if_icmpne: sv = pop_(sp); condbr(pop_(sp) != sv); break; case j_if_icmplt: sv = pop_(sp); condbr(pop_(sp) < sv); break; case j_if_icmpgt: sv = pop_(sp); condbr(pop_(sp) > sv); break; case j_if_icmple: sv = pop_(sp); condbr(pop_(sp) <= sv); break; case j_if_icmpge: sv = pop_(sp); condbr(pop_(sp) >= sv); break; case j_lcmp: case j_fcmpl: case j_fcmpg: case j_dcmpl: case j_dcmpg: case j_if_acmpeq: case j_if_acmpne: case j_goto: t2 = s16i_(pc); pc += t2-3; break; case j_goto_w: t2 = s32i_(pc); pc += t2-5; break; case j_jsr: t2 = s16i_(pc); push_(sp,(int32)pc); pc += t2-3; break; /*ALPHA*/ case j_jsr_w: t2 = s32i_(pc); push_(sp,(int32)pc); pc += t2-5; break; /*ALPHA*/ case j_ret: t2 = u8i_(pc); pc = (int8 *)stk_(sp, t2); break; /*ALPHA*/ case j_ret_w: t2 = u16i_(pc); pc = (int8 *)stk_(sp, t2); break; /*ALPHA*/ case j_ireturn: case j_lreturn: case j_freturn: case j_dreturn: case j_areturn: case j_return: case j_breakpoint: case j_tableswitch: case j_lookupswitch: case j_putfield: goto unimp; case j_getfield: if ((sv_qua_array = (JavaArray *)stk_(sp,0)) == HR_NULL) /*ALPHA*/ { jraise(E_NullPointerException); } case j_putstatic: goto unimp; case j_getstatic: t2 = u16i_(pc); push_(sp, (int32)&java_PrintStream); /* @@@ */ break; /* @@@ */ case j_invokevirtual: t2 = u16i_(pc); cf = (ClassFile *)*spbase; if (cf != &java_PrintStream) jsyserr("invokevirtual"); if (cf->methods_count == 1 && /* @@@ */ cf->methods[0].access_flags & ACC_NATIVE) { sp = ((JavaBuiltin)(cf->methods[0].attributes))(spbase); } else { lv = spbase; spbase = sp+1; goto unimp; } break; case j_invokenonvirtual: goto unimp; case j_invokestatic: goto unimp; case j_invokeinterface: goto unimp; case j_athrow: goto unimp; case j_new: t2 = u16i_(pc); term_printf("NEW %d %d %.8x\n", t2, cp[t2].tag, cp_maybe_string_(t2)); goto unimp; case j_checkcast: goto unimp; case j_instanceof: goto unimp; case j_monitorenter: goto unimp; case j_monitorexit: goto unimp; } }