INPUT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ command

The input command returns the input expression to the REDUCE numbered prompt that is its argument.


input(<number>) or input <number>

<number> must be between 1 and the current REDUCE prompt number.

An expression brought back by input can be reexecuted with new values or switch settings, or used as an argument in another expression. The command ws brings back the results of a numbered REDUCE statement. Two lists contain every input and every output statement since the beginning of the session. If your session is very long, storage space begins to fill up with these expressions, so it is a good idea to end the session once in a while, saving needed expressions to files with the saveas and out commands.

Switch settings and let statements can also be reexecuted by using input.

An error message is given if a number is called for that has not yet been used.