/* arith12.c Copyright (C) 1990-94 Codemist Ltd */ /* * Arithmetic functions... specials for Reduce (esp. factoriser) * */ /* Signature: 4047a73b 16-Oct-1997 */ #define FP_EVALUATE 1 #include #include #include #include #include "machine.h" #include "tags.h" #include "cslerror.h" #include "externs.h" #include "arith.h" #include "entries.h" #ifdef TIMEOUT #include "timeout.h" #endif Lisp_Object Lfrexp(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a) { double d; int x; d = float_of_number(a); d = frexp(d, &x); if (d == 1.0) d = 0.5, x++; a = make_boxfloat(d, TYPE_DOUBLE_FLOAT); errexit(); return Lcons(nil, fixnum_of_int((int32)x), a); } Lisp_Object Lmodular_difference(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { int32 r; CSL_IGNORE(nil); r = int_of_fixnum(a) - int_of_fixnum(b); if (r < 0) r += current_modulus; return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(r)); } Lisp_Object Lmodular_minus(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (a != fixnum_of_int(0)) { int32 r = current_modulus - int_of_fixnum(a); a = fixnum_of_int(r); } return onevalue(a); } Lisp_Object Lmodular_number(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a) { int32 r; a = Cremainder(a, fixnum_of_int(current_modulus)); errexit(); r = int_of_fixnum(a); if (r < 0) r += current_modulus; return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(r)); } Lisp_Object Lmodular_plus(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { int32 r; CSL_IGNORE(nil); r = int_of_fixnum(a) + int_of_fixnum(b); if (r >= current_modulus) r -= current_modulus; return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(r)); } Lisp_Object Lmodular_reciprocal(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object n) { int32 a, b, x, y; CSL_IGNORE(nil); a = current_modulus; b = int_of_fixnum(n); x = 0; y = 1; if (b == 0) return aerror1("modular-reciprocal", n); while (b != 1) { int32 w = a / b; int32 t = b; b = a - b*w; a = t; t = y; y = x - y*w; x = t; } if (y < 0) y += current_modulus; return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(y)); } Lisp_Object Lmodular_times(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { unsigned32 h, l, r, cm; int32 aa, bb; CSL_IGNORE(nil); cm = (unsigned32)current_modulus; aa = int_of_fixnum(a); bb = int_of_fixnum(b); /* * The constant 46341 is sqrt(2^31) suitable rounded - if my modulus * is no bigger than that then a and b will both be strictly smaller, * and hence a*b will be < 2^31 and hence in range for 32-bit signed * arithmetic. I make this test because I expect Imultiply and Idivide * to be pretty painful, while regular C multiplication and division are * (probably!) much better. */ if (cm <= 46341U) r = (aa * bb) % cm; else { #ifdef MULDIV64 r = (unsigned32)(((unsigned64)aa * (unsigned64)bb) % (unsigned32)cm); #else Dmultiply(h, l, aa, bb, 0); Ddivide(r, l, h, l, cm); #endif } return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(r)); } Lisp_Object Lmodular_quotient(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); push(a); b = Lmodular_reciprocal(nil, b); pop(a); errexit(); return Lmodular_times(nil, a, b); } Lisp_Object Lmodular_expt(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { int32 x, r, p; unsigned32 h, l; CSL_IGNORE(nil); x = int_of_fixnum(b); if (x == 0) return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(1)); p = int_of_fixnum(a); /* * I could play games here on half-length current_modulus and use * native C arithmetic, but I judge this case not to be quite that * critically important. Also on 64-bit machines I could do more * work in-line. */ p = p % current_modulus; /* In case somebody is being silly! */ while ((x & 1) == 0) { Dmultiply(h, l, p, p, 0); Ddivide(p, l, h, l, current_modulus); x = x/2; } r = p; while (x != 1) { Dmultiply(h, l, p, p, 0); Ddivide(p, l, h, l, current_modulus); x = x/2; if ((x & 1) != 0) { Dmultiply(h, l, r, p, 0); Ddivide(r, l, h, l, current_modulus); } } return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(r)); } Lisp_Object Lset_small_modulus(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a) { int32 r, old = current_modulus; CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a)) return aerror1("set-small-modulus", a); r = int_of_fixnum(a); /* * I COULD allow a small modulus of up to 2^27, but for compatibility * with Cambridge Lisp I will limit myself to 24 bits. */ if (r > 0x00ffffff) return aerror1("set-small-modulus", a); current_modulus = r; return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(old)); } Lisp_Object Liadd1(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a)) return aerror1("iadd1", a); return onevalue((Lisp_Object)((int32)a + 0x10)); } Lisp_Object Lidifference(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a) || !is_fixnum(b)) return aerror2("idifference", a, b); return onevalue((Lisp_Object)((int32)a - (int32)b + TAG_FIXNUM)); } /* * xdifference is provided just for the support of the CASE operator. It * subtracts its arguments but returns NIL if either argument is not * an small integer or if the result overflows. */ Lisp_Object Lxdifference(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { int32 r; if (!is_fixnum(a) || !is_fixnum(b)) return onevalue(nil); r = int_of_fixnum(a) - int_of_fixnum(b); if (r < -0x08000000 || r > 0x07ffffff) return onevalue(nil); return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(r)); } Lisp_Object Ligreaterp(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a) || !is_fixnum(b)) return aerror2("igreaterp", a, b); return onevalue(Lispify_predicate(a > b)); } Lisp_Object Lilessp(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a) || !is_fixnum(b)) return aerror2("ilessp", a, b); return onevalue(Lispify_predicate(a < b)); } Lisp_Object Ligeq(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a) || !is_fixnum(b)) return aerror2("igeq", a, b); return onevalue(Lispify_predicate(a >= b)); } Lisp_Object Lileq(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a) || !is_fixnum(b)) return aerror2("ileq", a, b); return onevalue(Lispify_predicate(a <= b)); } static Lisp_Object MS_CDECL Lilogand(Lisp_Object nil, int nargs, ...) { va_list a; Lisp_Object r; if (nargs == 0) return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(-1)); if (nargs > ARG_CUT_OFF) return aerror("too many args for ilogand"); CSL_IGNORE(nil); va_start(a, nargs); r = va_arg(a, Lisp_Object); if (!is_fixnum(r)) return aerror1("ilogand", r); while (--nargs != 0) { Lisp_Object w = va_arg(a, Lisp_Object); if (!is_fixnum(w)) { va_end(a); return aerror1("ilogand", w); } r = (Lisp_Object)((int32)r & (int32)w); } va_end(a); return onevalue(r); } static Lisp_Object MS_CDECL Lilogor(Lisp_Object nil, int nargs, ...) { va_list a; Lisp_Object r; if (nargs == 0) return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(0)); if (nargs > ARG_CUT_OFF) return aerror("too many args for ilogor"); CSL_IGNORE(nil); va_start(a, nargs); r = va_arg(a, Lisp_Object); if (!is_fixnum(r)) return aerror1("ilogor", r); while (--nargs != 0) { Lisp_Object w = va_arg(a, Lisp_Object); if (!is_fixnum(w)) { va_end(a); return aerror1("ilogor", w); } r = (Lisp_Object)((int32)r | (int32)w); } va_end(a); return onevalue(r); } static Lisp_Object MS_CDECL Lilogxor(Lisp_Object nil, int nargs, ...) { va_list a; Lisp_Object r; if (nargs == 0) return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(0)); if (nargs > ARG_CUT_OFF) return aerror("too many args for ilogxor"); CSL_IGNORE(nil); va_start(a, nargs); r = va_arg(a, Lisp_Object); if (!is_fixnum(r)) return aerror1("ilogxor", r); while (--nargs != 0) { Lisp_Object w = va_arg(a, Lisp_Object); if (!is_fixnum(w)) { va_end(a); return aerror1("ilogxor", w); } r = (Lisp_Object)(((int32)r ^ (int32)w) + TAG_FIXNUM); } va_end(a); return onevalue(r); } static Lisp_Object Lilogand2(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a) || !is_fixnum(b)) return aerror2("ilogand", a, b); return onevalue(a & b); } static Lisp_Object Lilogor2(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a) || !is_fixnum(b)) return aerror2("ilogor", a, b); return onevalue(a | b); } static Lisp_Object Lilogxor2(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a) || !is_fixnum(b)) return aerror2("ilogxor", a, b); return onevalue((a ^ b) + TAG_FIXNUM); } Lisp_Object Limin(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a) || !is_fixnum(b)) return aerror2("imin", a, b); return onevalue(a < b ? a : b); } Lisp_Object Limax(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a) || !is_fixnum(b)) return aerror2("imax", a, b); return onevalue(a > b ? a : b); } Lisp_Object Liminus(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a)) return aerror1("iminus", a); return onevalue((Lisp_Object)(2*TAG_FIXNUM - (int32)a)); } Lisp_Object Liminusp(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); return onevalue(Lispify_predicate((int32)a < (int32)fixnum_of_int(0))); } static Lisp_Object MS_CDECL Liplus(Lisp_Object nil, int nargs, ...) { va_list a; Lisp_Object r; if (nargs == 0) return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(0)); if (nargs > ARG_CUT_OFF) return aerror("too many args for iplus"); CSL_IGNORE(nil); va_start(a, nargs); r = va_arg(a, Lisp_Object); if (!is_fixnum(r)) return aerror1("iplus", r); while (--nargs != 0) { Lisp_Object w = va_arg(a, Lisp_Object); if (!is_fixnum(w)) { va_end(a); return aerror1("iplus", w); } r = (Lisp_Object)((int32)r + (int32)w - TAG_FIXNUM); } va_end(a); return onevalue(r); } Lisp_Object Liplus2(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a) || !is_fixnum(b)) return aerror2("iplus2", a, b); return onevalue((Lisp_Object)((int32)a + (int32)b - TAG_FIXNUM)); } Lisp_Object Liquotient(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { int32 aa, bb, c; CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a) || !is_fixnum(b) || b == fixnum_of_int(0)) return aerror2("iquotient", a, b); /* C does not define the exact behaviour of /, % on -ve args */ aa = int_of_fixnum(a); bb = int_of_fixnum(b); c = aa % bb; if (aa < 0) { if (c > 0) c -= bb; } else if (c < 0) c += bb; return onevalue(fixnum_of_int((aa-c)/bb)); } Lisp_Object Liremainder(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { int32 aa, bb, c; CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a) || !is_fixnum(b) || b == fixnum_of_int(0)) return aerror2("iremainder", a, b); /* C does not define the exact behaviour of /, % on -ve args */ aa = int_of_fixnum(a); bb = int_of_fixnum(b); c = aa % bb; if (aa < 0) { if (c > 0) c -= bb; } else if (c < 0) c += bb; return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(c)); } Lisp_Object Lirightshift(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a) || !is_fixnum(b)) return aerror2("irightshift", a, b); return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(int_of_fixnum(a) >> int_of_fixnum(b))); } Lisp_Object Lisub1(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a)) return aerror1("isub1", a); return onevalue((Lisp_Object)((int32)a - 0x10)); } static Lisp_Object MS_CDECL Litimes(Lisp_Object nil, int nargs, ...) { va_list a; Lisp_Object rr; int32 r; if (nargs == 0) return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(1)); if (nargs > ARG_CUT_OFF) return aerror("too many args for itimes"); CSL_IGNORE(nil); va_start(a, nargs); rr = va_arg(a, Lisp_Object); if (!is_fixnum(rr)) return aerror1("itimes", rr); r = int_of_fixnum(rr); while (nargs-- != 0) { Lisp_Object w = va_arg(a, Lisp_Object); if (!is_fixnum(w)) { va_end(a); return aerror1("itimes", w); } r = r * int_of_fixnum(w); } va_end(a); return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(r)); } Lisp_Object Litimes2(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); if (!is_fixnum(a) || !is_fixnum(b)) return aerror2("itimes2", a, b); return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(int_of_fixnum(a) * int_of_fixnum(b))); } Lisp_Object Lionep(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); return onevalue(Lispify_predicate((int32)a == (int32)fixnum_of_int(1))); } Lisp_Object Lizerop(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object a) { CSL_IGNORE(nil); return onevalue(Lispify_predicate((int32)a == (int32)fixnum_of_int(0))); } #ifdef FP_EVALUATE static double fp_args[32]; static double fp_stack[16]; /* codes 0 to 31 just load up arguments */ #define FP_RETURN 32 #define FP_PLUS 33 #define FP_DIFFERENCE 34 #define FP_TIMES 35 #define FP_QUOTIENT 36 #define FP_MINUS 37 #define FP_SQUARE 38 #define FP_CUBE 39 #define FP_SIN 40 #define FP_COS 41 #define FP_TAN 42 #define FP_EXP 43 #define FP_LOG 44 #define FP_SQRT 45 static Lisp_Object Lfp_eval(Lisp_Object nil, Lisp_Object code, Lisp_Object args) /* * The object of this code is to support fast evaluation of numeric * expressions. The first argument is a vector of byte opcodes, while * the second arg is a list of floating point values whose value will (or * at least may) be used. There are at most 32 values in this list. */ { int n = 0; double w; unsigned char *p; if (!is_vector(code)) return aerror("fp-evaluate"); while (consp(args)) { fp_args[n++] = float_of_number(qcar(args)); args = qcdr(args); } n = 0; p = &ucelt(code, 0); for (;;) { int op = *p++; /* * Opcodes 0 to 31 just load up the corresponding input value. */ if (op < 32) { fp_stack[n++] = fp_args[op]; continue; } switch (op) { default: return aerror("Bad op in fp-evaluate"); case FP_RETURN: args = make_boxfloat(fp_stack[0], TYPE_DOUBLE_FLOAT); errexit(); return onevalue(args); case FP_PLUS: n--; fp_stack[n] += fp_stack[n-1]; continue; case FP_DIFFERENCE: n--; fp_stack[n] -= fp_stack[n-1]; continue; case FP_TIMES: n--; fp_stack[n] *= fp_stack[n-1]; continue; case FP_QUOTIENT: n--; fp_stack[n] /= fp_stack[n-1]; continue; case FP_MINUS: fp_stack[n] = -fp_stack[n]; continue; case FP_SQUARE: fp_stack[n] *= fp_stack[n]; continue; case FP_CUBE: w = fp_stack[n]; w *= w; fp_stack[n] *= w; continue; case FP_SIN: fp_stack[n] = sin(fp_stack[n]); continue; case FP_COS: fp_stack[n] = cos(fp_stack[n]); continue; case FP_TAN: fp_stack[n] = tan(fp_stack[n]); continue; case FP_EXP: fp_stack[n] = exp(fp_stack[n]); continue; case FP_LOG: fp_stack[n] = log(fp_stack[n]); continue; case FP_SQRT: fp_stack[n] = sqrt(fp_stack[n]); continue; } } } #endif setup_type const arith12_setup[] = { {"frexp", Lfrexp, too_many_1, wrong_no_1}, {"modular-difference", too_few_2, Lmodular_difference, wrong_no_2}, {"modular-minus", Lmodular_minus, too_many_1, wrong_no_1}, {"modular-number", Lmodular_number, too_many_1, wrong_no_1}, {"modular-plus", too_few_2, Lmodular_plus, wrong_no_2}, {"modular-quotient", too_few_2, Lmodular_quotient, wrong_no_2}, {"modular-reciprocal", Lmodular_reciprocal, too_many_1, wrong_no_1}, {"modular-times", too_few_2, Lmodular_times, wrong_no_2}, {"modular-expt", too_few_2, Lmodular_expt, wrong_no_2}, {"set-small-modulus", Lset_small_modulus, too_many_1, wrong_no_1}, {"iadd1", Liadd1, too_many_1, wrong_no_1}, {"idifference", too_few_2, Lidifference, wrong_no_2}, {"xdifference", too_few_2, Lxdifference, wrong_no_2}, {"igeq", too_few_2, Ligeq, wrong_no_2}, {"igreaterp", too_few_2, Ligreaterp, wrong_no_2}, {"ileq", too_few_2, Lileq, wrong_no_2}, {"ilessp", too_few_2, Lilessp, wrong_no_2}, {"ilogand", Lidentity, Lilogand2, Lilogand}, {"ilogor", Lidentity, Lilogor2, Lilogor}, {"ilogxor", Lidentity, Lilogxor2, Lilogxor}, {"imax", too_few_2, Limax, wrong_no_2}, {"imin", too_few_2, Limin, wrong_no_2}, {"iminus", Liminus, too_many_1, wrong_no_1}, {"iminusp", Liminusp, too_many_1, wrong_no_1}, {"iplus", Lidentity, Liplus2, Liplus}, {"iplus2", too_few_2, Liplus2, wrong_no_2}, {"iquotient", too_few_2, Liquotient, wrong_no_2}, {"iremainder", too_few_2, Liremainder, wrong_no_2}, {"irightshift", too_few_2, Lirightshift, wrong_no_2}, {"isub1", Lisub1, too_many_1, wrong_no_1}, {"itimes", Lidentity, Litimes2, Litimes}, {"itimes2", too_few_2, Litimes2, wrong_no_2}, {"ionep", Lionep, too_many_1, wrong_no_1}, {"izerop", Lizerop, too_many_1, wrong_no_1}, #ifdef FP_EVALUATE {"fp-evaluate", too_few_2, Lfp_eval, wrong_no_2}, #endif {NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; /* end of arith12.c */