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— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 8383) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 8383) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module intbasis; % Author: James H. Davenport. fluid '(!*tra !*trmin excoatespoles intvar previousbasis taylorasslist taylorvariable); exports completeplaces,completeplaces2,integralbasis; symbolic procedure deleteplace(a,b); if null b then nil else if equalplace(a,car b) then cdr b else (car b).deleteplace(a,cdr b); symbolic procedure completeplaces(places,mults); begin scalar current,cp,cm,op,om,ansp,ansm; if null places then return nil; %%% ACH loop: current:=basicplace car places; while places do << if current = (basicplace car places) then << cp:=(car places).cp; cm:=(car mults ).cm >> else << op:=(car places).op; om:=(car mults ).om >>; places:=cdr places; mults:=cdr mults >>; cp:=completeplaces2(cp,cm,sqrtsinplaces cp); ansp:=append(car cp,ansp); ansm:=append(cdr cp,ansm); places:=op; mults:=om; cp:=op:=cm:=om:=nil; if places then go to loop else return ansp.ansm end; symbolic procedure completeplaces2(places,mults,sqrts); % Adds extra places with multiplicities of 0 as necessary. begin scalar b,p; sqrts:=sqrtsign(sqrts,intvar); b:=basicplace car places; p:=places; while p do << if not(b = (basicplace car p)) then interr "Multiple places not supported"; sqrts:=deleteplace(extenplace car p,sqrts); p:=cdr p >>; mults:=nconc(nlist(0,length sqrts),mults); places:=nconc(mappend(sqrts,b),places); return places.mults end; symbolic procedure intbasisreduction(zbasis,places,mults); begin scalar i,m,n,v,w,substn,basis; substn:=list(intvar.intvar); % The X=X substitution. n:=upbv zbasis; basis:=copyvec(zbasis,n); taylorvariable:=intvar; v:=sqrtsinplaces places; for i:=0:n do w:=union(w,sqrtsinsq(getv(basis,i),intvar)); m:=intersection(v,w); % Used to be INTERSECT v:=setdiff(v,m); w:=setdiff(w,m); for each u in v do << if !*tra or !*trmin then << prin2t u; prin2t "does not occur in the functions"; mapvec(basis,function printsq) >>; m:=!*q2f simp argof u; i:=w; while i and not quotf(m,!*q2f simp argof car i) do i:=cdr i; if null i then interr "Unable to find equivalent representation of branches"; i:=car i; w:=delete(i,w); places:=subst(i,u,places); if !*tra or !*trmin then << prin2t "replaced by"; prin2t i >> >>; if (length places) neq (iadd1 n) then << if !*tra then prin2t "Too many functions"; basis := shorten!-basis basis; n:=upbv basis >>; m:=mkvect n; for i:=0:n do putv(m,i,cl6roweval(basis.i,places,mults,substn)); reductionloop: if !*tra then << prin2t "Matrix before a reduction step:"; mapvec(m,function prin2t) >>; v:=firstlinearrelation(m,iadd1 n); if null v then return replicatebasis(basis,(iadd1 upbv zbasis)/(n+1)); i:=n; while null numr getv(v,i) do i:=isub1 i; w:=nil ./ 1; for j:=0:i do w:=!*addsq(w,!*multsq(getv(basis,j),getv(v,j))); w:=removecmsq multsq(w,1 ./ !*p2f mksp(intvar,1)); if null numr w then << mapvec(basis,function printsq); prin2t iadd1 i; interr "Basis collapses" >>; if !*tra then << princ "Element "; princ iadd1 i; prin2t " of the basis replaced by "; if !*tra then printsq w >>; putv(basis,i,w); putv(m,i,cl6roweval(basis.i,places,mults,substn)); goto reductionloop end; symbolic procedure integralbasis(basis,places,mults,x); begin scalar z,save,points,p,m,princilap!-part,m1; if null places then return basis; mults := for each u in mults collect min(u,0); % this makes sure that we impose constraints only on % poles, not on zeroes. points:=removeduplicates(for each j in places collect basicplace j); if points = list(x.x) then basis:=intbasisreduction(basis,places,mults) else if cdr points then go complex else << substitutevec(basis,car points); if !*tra then << prin2t "Integral basis reduction at"; prin2t car points >>; basis:=intbasisreduction(basis, for each j in places collect extenplace j, mults); substitutevec(basis,antisubs(car points,x)) >>; join: save:=taylorasslist; % we will not need te taylorevaluates at gensym. z:=gensym(); places:=mapcons(places,x.list('difference,x,z)); z:=list(x . z); % basis:=intbasisreduction(basis, % places, % nlist(0,length places), % x,z); taylorasslist:=save; % ***time-hack-2***; if not excoatespoles then previousbasis:=copyvec(basis,upbv basis); % Save only if in COATES/FINDFUNCTION, not if in EXCOATES. return basis; complex: while points do << p:=places; m:=mults; princilap!-part:=m1:=nil; while p do << if (car points) = (basicplace car p) then << princilap!-part:=(extenplace car p).princilap!-part; m1:=(car m).m1 >>; p:=cdr p; m:=cdr m >>; substitutevec(basis,car points); if !*tra then << prin2t "Integral basis reduction at"; prin2t car points >>; basis:=intbasisreduction(basis,princilap!-part,m1); substitutevec(basis,antisubs(car points,x)); points:=cdr points >>; go to join end; symbolic procedure cl6roweval(basisloc,places,mults,x!-alpha); % Evaluates a row of the matrix in Coates lemma 6. begin scalar i,v,w,save,basiselement,taysave,mmults,flg; i:=isub1 length places; v:=mkvect i; taysave:=mkvect i; i:=0; basiselement:=getv(car basisloc,cdr basisloc); mmults:=mults; while places do << w:=substitutesq(basiselement,car places); w:=taylorform substitutesq(w,x!-alpha); % The separation of these 2 is essential since the x->x-a % must occur after the places are chosen. save:=taylorasslist; if not flg then putv(taysave,i,w); w:=taylorevaluate(w,car mmults); tayshorten save; putv(v,i,w); i:=iadd1 i; flg:=flg or numr w; mmults:=cdr mmults; places:=cdr places >>; if flg then return v; % There was a non-zero element in this row. save:=0; loop: save:=iadd1 save; mmults:=mults; i:=0; while mmults do << w:=taylorevaluate(getv(taysave,i),save + car mmults); flg:=flg or numr w; mmults:=cdr mmults; putv(v,i,w); i:=iadd1 i >>; if not flg then go to loop; % Another zero row. putv(car basisloc,cdr basisloc,multsq(basiselement, 1 ./ !*p2f mksp(intvar,save))); return v end; symbolic procedure replicatebasis(basis,n); if n = 1 then basis else if n = 2 then begin scalar b,sqintvar,len; len:=upbv basis; sqintvar:=!*kk2q intvar; b:=mkvect(2*len+1); for i:=0:len do << putv(b,i,getv(basis,i)); putv(b,i+len+1,multsq(sqintvar,getv(basis,i))) >>; return b end else interr "Unexpected replication request"; symbolic procedure shorten!-basis v; begin scalar u,n,sfintvar; sfintvar:=!*kk2f intvar; n:=upbv v; for i:=0:n do begin scalar uu; uu:=getv(v,i); if not quotf(numr uu,sfintvar) then u:=uu.u end; return mkvec u end; endmodule; end; % ***time-hack-1***; % This is the version of CL6ROWEVAL which does not attempt to % make multiple steps. See $IMPLEM, item 2. symbolic procedure cl6roweval(basiselement,places,mults,x!-alpha); % Evaluates a row of the matrix in Coates lemma 6. begin scalar i,v,w,save; v:=mkvect isub1 length places; i:=0; basiselement:=getv(car basiselement,cdr basiselement); while places do << w:=substitutesq(basiselement,car places); w:=substitutesq(w,x!-alpha); % The separation of these 2 is essential since the x->x-a % must occur after the places are chosen. save:=taylorasslist; w:=taylorevaluate(taylorform w,car mults); tayshorten save; putv(v,i,w); i:=iadd1 i; mults:=cdr mults; places:=cdr places >>; return v end; endmodule; end;