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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 15911) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 15911) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module bounds; % Upper and lower bound of a % multivariate functional expression in a n-dimensional interval. % Author: H. Melenk, ZIB, Berlin % Copyright (c): ZIB Berlin 1991, all rights resrved put('bounds,'psopfn,'boundseval); put('bounds!-rd,'psopfn,'boundsevalrd); put('bounds,'numericfn,'bounds!-rd); fluid '(boundsdb!* !*msg boundspolynomialdb!* !*boundsfullcheck boundsknown!* boundsvars!*); symbolic procedure boundsevalrd u; begin scalar dmode!*; setdmode('rounded,t); return boundseval u; end; symbolic procedure boundseval u; (begin scalar db,y,l,f, boundsvars!*; u := for each x in u collect reval x; f := car u; u := cdr u; if u and eqcar(car u,'list) then u := for each x in cdar u collect reval x; for each x in u do <<if not eqcar(x,'equal) then typerr(x,"domain description"); y := revalnuminterval(caddr x,nil); l:=list(simp car y,simp cadr y); boundsvars!*:=append(boundsvars!*,{cadr x}); db := (cadr x . minsq l . maxsq l).db>>; u := boundseval1(f,db); return mkinterval(prepsq car u,prepsq cdr u); end) where !*roundbf=!*roundbf; symbolic procedure boundserr(a,b); if not !*msg then error(99,'bounds) else if a then typerr(a,b) else rederr b; symbolic procedure boundseval0 (f,db,!*msg); % internal calling convention: % f algebraic expression, % db list of (x . lo . hi), where % lo and hi represent the current interval for % variable x as standard quotients. % result is a pair of standard quotients representing % the bounds for f. <<boundsvars!*:=for each x in db collect car x; boundseval1(f,db)>>; symbolic procedure boundseval1(u,boundsdb!*); <<if u member boundsknown!* then !*boundsfullcheck := nil else << !*boundsfullcheck := t; if dmode!* = '!:rd!: then boundsknown!* := u.boundsknown!*; >>; boundseval2 u>>; symbolic procedure boundseval2 u; % Main driver for bounds evaluation if adomainp u then <<u:=simp u;u.u>> else boundspolynomial u or begin scalar v,w,fcn; if (v:=assoc(u,boundsdb!*))then return cdr v; if idp u and (fcn:=get(u,dmode!*)) then <<v:=apply(fcn,nil); v:=(v ./1).(v ./1); goto done>>; if atom u then goto err; if car u='expt and fixp caddr u and caddr u>0 then <<v:=boundsexpt!-int(boundseval2 cadr u,caddr u); goto done>>; w := for each y in cdr u collect boundseval2 y; v:= if cdr w and cddr w and (fcn:=get(car u,'boundsevaln)) then apply1(fcn,w) else if length w>2 then t else if (fcn:=get(car u,'boundseval1)) then apply2(fcn,car u,car w) else if (fcn:=get(car u,'boundseval)) then if null cdr w then apply1(fcn,car w) else apply2(fcn,car w,cadr w) else if cdr w then t else boundsoperator(car u,car w); if v=t then goto err2; if null v or not domainp numr car v or not domainp denr car v or not domainp numr cdr v or not domainp denr cdr v then goto err; % cache result for later usage. done: boundsdb!*:= (u.v).boundsdb!*; return v; err: boundserr(nil,"unbounded in range"); err2: boundserr(nil,"bounds confusion"); end; symbolic procedure boundsoperator(fcn,u); % general external interface: function flagged decreasing, % increasing of explicit bounds given. if flagp(fcn,'increasing) then boundsincreasingfn(fcn,u) else if flagp(fcn,'decreasing) then boundsdecreasingfn(fcn,u) else if get(fcn,'upperbound) and get(fcn,'lowerbound) then simp get(fcn,'lowerbound) . simp get(fcn,'upperbound) else nil; symbolic procedure boundsplus u; if null cdr u then car u else boundsplus2(car u,boundsplus cdr u); symbolic procedure boundsplus2(u,v); addsq(car u,car v) . addsq(cdr u,cdr v); put('plus,'boundsevaln,'boundsplus); put('plus,'boundseval,'boundsplus2); symbolic procedure boundsdifference(x,y); subtrsq(car x,cdr y).subtrsq(cdr x,car y); put('difference,'boundseval,'boundsdifference); symbolic procedure boundsminus(u); negsq cdr u . negsq car u; put('minus,'boundseval,'boundsminus); symbolic procedure boundstimes u; if null cdr u then car u else boundstimes2(car u,boundstimes cdr u); symbolic procedure boundstimes2(x,y); begin scalar z; % first handle simple cases if not minusf numr car x and not minusf numr car y then return multsq(car x,car y) . multsq(cdr x,cdr y); if minusf numr cdr x and minusf numr cdr y then return multsq(cdr x,cdr y) . multsq(car x,car y); z:=list(multsq(car x,car y), multsq(car x,cdr y), multsq(cdr x,car y), multsq(cdr x,cdr y)); return minsq z . maxsq z; end; symbolic procedure minsq l; begin scalar x; x := car l; for each y in cdr l do if minusf numr subtrsq(y,x) then x:=y; return x; end; symbolic procedure maxsq l; begin scalar x; x:= car l; for each y in cdr l do if minusf numr subtrsq(x,y) then x:=y; return x; end; symbolic procedure sqgreaterp(x,y); minusf numr subtrsq(y,x); put('times,'boundsevaln,'boundstimes); put('times,'boundseval,'boundstimes2); symbolic procedure boundsexp u; boundsexpt(b . b,u) where b = simp 'e; put('exp,'boundseval,'boundsexp); symbolic procedure boundsexpt!-int(b,ex); % Form x ** n. Look for even exponents. begin scalar hi,lo,bh,bl; bl := exptsq(car b,ex); bh := exptsq(cdr b,ex); if not evenp ex then return; lo := minusf numr cdr b; hi := not minusf numr car b; return if hi then else % both had been positive if lo then else % both had been negative: invert (nil ./ 1) . maxsq list(bl,bh); end; symbolic procedure boundsexpt!-const(b,ex); % Form x ** constant, including fractional exponents. begin scalar l,n,m; n := '(nil . 1); if sqgreaterp(n,ex) then return boundsquotient('(1 . 1),boundsexpt!-const(b,negsq ex)); if denr ex = 1 and (fixp(m:=numr ex) or eqcar(m,'!:rd!:) and null addf(numr ex,negf(m := reval{'round,m}))) then return boundsexpt!-int(b,m); if sqgreaterp(n,car b) then boundserr(nil,"fractional exponent with negative base"); l := list(bounds!-evalfcn2('expt,car b,ex), bounds!-evalfcn2('expt,cdr b,ex)); return minsq l . maxsq l; end; symbolic procedure boundsexpt(b,e); if car e=cdr e then boundsexpt!-const(b,car e) else % Form x ** y. x>0 only. % Either monotonous growing or falling: pick extremal points. begin scalar l,n; n:='(nil . 1); if sqgreaterp(n,car b) then return nil; l := list(bounds!-evalfcn2('expt,car b,car e), bounds!-evalfcn2('expt,car b,cdr e), bounds!-evalfcn2('expt,cdr b,car e), bounds!-evalfcn2('expt,cdr b,cdr e)); return minsq l . maxsq l; end; symbolic procedure boundsprepsq u; prepsq car u . prepsq cdr u; put('expt,'boundseval,'boundsexpt); symbolic procedure boundsquotient(n,d); begin scalar l; if boundszero d then boundserr(nil,"unbounded in range"); l := list(quotsq(car n,car d),quotsq(car n,cdr d), quotsq(cdr n,car d),quotsq(cdr n,cdr d)); return minsq l . maxsq l; end; symbolic procedure boundszero u; % test: 0 in interval u. not(minusf numr car u = minusf numr cdr u) or boundszero1 numr car u or boundszero1 numr cdr u; symbolic procedure boundszero1 f; % test standard form f for zero. null f or zerop f or pairp f and apply(get(car f,'zerop),{f}); put('quotient,'boundseval,'boundsquotient); symbolic procedure boundsabs u; if evalgreaterp(prepsq car u,0) then u else if evalgreaterp(0,prepsq cdr u) then negsq cdr u . negsq car u else (nil ./1) . maxsq list (negsq car u,cdr u); put('abs,'boundseval,'boundsabs); symbolic procedure boundsincreasingfn(fn,u); % Bounds for an increasing function. Out-of -range problems will % be detected either by the function evaluation or finally by % the main driver if the result is not an interval with numeric % bounds. bounds!-evalfcn1(fn,car u) . bounds!-evalfcn1(fn,cdr u); put('log,'boundseval1,'boundsincreasingfn); put('asin,'boundseval1,'boundsincreasingfn); put('atan,'boundseval1,'boundsincreasingfn); put('sqrt,'boundseval1,'boundsincreasingfn); symbolic procedure boundsdecreasingfn(fn,u); boundsincreasingfn(fn,cdr u); put('acos,'boundseval1,'boundsdecreasingfn); put('acot,'boundseval1,'boundsdecreasingfn); symbolic procedure boundssincos(fcn,n); % Reason if one of the turn points (n*pi) is in the % range. If yes, include the corresponding value 1 or -1. % Otherwise compute the range spanned by the end points. begin scalar lo,hi,!1pi,!2pi,!3pi,l,m; lo := car n; hi := cdr n; <<setdmode('rounded,t); !1pi := simp 'pi; setdmode('rounded,nil); >> where dmode!* =nil; if not domainp numr !1pi then goto trivial; !2pi := addsq(!1pi,!1pi); !3pi := addsq(!1pi,!2pi); % convert sin to cos if fcn = 'sin then <<m :=multsq(!1pi, -1 ./ 2); lo := addsq(lo,m); hi := addsq(hi,m)>>; m := negsq multsq(!2pi,fixsq quotsq(lo,!2pi)); % move interval to main interval lo:=addsq(lo,m); hi:=addsq(hi,m); if minusf numr lo then <<lo := addsq(lo,!2pi); hi := addsq(hi,!2pi)>>; if null numr lo or sqgreaterp(hi,!2pi) then l:= (1 ./ 1) . l; if (sqgreaterp(!1pi,lo) and sqgreaterp(hi,!1pi)) or(sqgreaterp(!3pi,lo) and sqgreaterp(hi,!3pi)) then l := (-1 ./ 1) . l; if l and cdr l then goto trivial; l:=bounds!-evalfcn1('cos,lo) .bounds!-evalfcn1('cos,hi).l; if smemq('cos,l) then goto trivial; return minsq l . maxsq l; trivial: return ((-1)./1) . (1 ./ 1); end; symbolic procedure fixsq u; bounds!-evalfcn1('fix,u); symbolic procedure bounds!-evalfcn1(fcn,u); (if domainp numr u and denr u=1 and (x:=valuechk(fcn,list numr u)) then x else simp list(fcn,prepsq u)) where x=nil; symbolic procedure bounds!-evalfcn2(fcn,u,v); (if domainp numr u and denr u=1 and domainp numr v and denr v=1 and (x:=valuechk(fcn,list(numr u,numr v))) then x else simp list(fcn,prepsq u,prepsq v)) where x=nil; symbolic procedure agreaterp(u,v); (lambda x; if not atom denr x or not domainp numr x then error(99,"number") else numr x and !:minusp numr x) simp!* list('difference,v,u); symbolic procedure boundssin u; boundssincos('sin,u); symbolic procedure boundscos u; boundssincos('cos,u); put('sin,'boundseval,'boundssin); put('cos,'boundseval,'boundscos); symbolic procedure boundstancot(fcn,n); begin scalar lo,hi,x,ppi; lo := car n; hi := cdr n; ppi := rdpi!*() ./ 1; if sqgreaterp(subtrsq(lo,hi),ppi) then goto no; lo:=bounds!-evalfcn1(fcn,lo); hi:=bounds!-evalfcn1(fcn,hi); if fcn='cot then <<x:=lo;lo:=hi;hi:=x>>; if not sqgreaterp(lo,hi) then return lo.hi; no: return boundserr(nil,"unbounded in range"); end; symbolic procedure boundstan u; boundstancot('tan,u); symbolic procedure boundscot u; boundstancot('cot,u); put('tan,'boundseval,'boundstan); put('cot,'boundseval,'boundscot); symbolic procedure boundsmaxmin u; if null cdr u then car u else boundsmaxmin2(car u,boundsmaxmin cdr u); symbolic procedure boundsmaxmin2(x,y); (if sqgreaterp(car x,car y) then car y else car x). (if sqgreaterp(cdr x,cdr y) then cdr x else cdr y); put('max,'boundsevaln,'boundsmaxmin); put('min,'boundsevaln,'boundsmaxmin); put('max,'boundseval,'boundsmaxmin2); put('min,'boundseval,'boundsmaxmin2); % for univariate polynomials we look at the extremal points and the % interval ends. Assuming that the same expression will be investigated % with different intervals, we store the knowledge about the polynomial. symbolic procedure boundspolynomial e; dm!: begin scalar x,u,lo,hi,d,v,l; if dmode!* neq '!:rd!: then return nil; if(u:=assoc(e,boundspolynomialdb!*)) then goto old; if null !*boundsfullcheck or null(x:=boundspolynomialtest e) then return nil; d := realroots{reval{'df,e,x}}; u := x. for each s in cdr d collect <<d:=numr simp caddr s; d . evaluate(e,{x},{d})>>; u:=e.u; boundspolynomialdb!*:=u.boundspolynomialdb!*; old: x:=cadr u; u :=cddr u; v := assoc(x,boundsdb!*); if null v then return nil; lo:=numr cadr v; hi:=numr cddr v; l:={evaluate(e,{x},{lo})./1 , evaluate(e,{x},{hi}) ./1}; for each p in u do if lo<car p and car p<hi then l:= (cdr p./1).l; return minsq l . maxsq l; end; symbolic procedure boundspolynomialtest e; (pairp r and car r) where r=boundspolynomialtest1(e,nil); symbolic procedure boundspolynomialtest1(e,x); if adomainp e then x or t else if atom e then boundspolynomialtestvariable(e,x) else if car e eq 'expt then fixp caddr e and boundspolynomialtestvariable(cadr e,x) else if car e eq 'minus then boundspolynomialtest1(cadr e,x) else if car e eq 'plus or car e eq 'times then begin scalar r; e:=cdr e; r:=t; while e and r do <<r:=boundspolynomialtest1(car e,x); if r neq t then x:=r; e:=cdr e>>; return x or r; end else boundspolynomialtestvariable(e,x); symbolic procedure boundspolynomialtestvariable(e,x); if x and e=car x then x else if x then nil else if member(e, boundsvars!*) then {e}; %-------------------------------------------------------------- % % support for compilation % %-------------------------------------------------------------- fluid '(boundsdb!* boundscompv!* boundscompcode!*); symbolic procedure boundscompile(e,v); % compile bounds evaluation function for expression e, % input intervals v. begin scalar boundsdb!*,boundscompv!*,boundscompcode!*,u; boundsdb!*:=for each x in v collect x.x; u:=boundscompile1(e,nil); return {'lambda,v, 'prog . boundscompv!* . append(reversip boundscompcode!*,{{'return,u}})}; end; symbolic procedure boundscompile1(u,flag); % Main driver for bounds compilation if adomainp u then <<u:=simp u;mkquote(u.u)>> else begin scalar v,w,fcn,var; if (v:=assoc(u,boundsdb!*))then return cdr v; if idp u and (fcn:=get(u,dmode!*)) then <<v:=apply(fcn,nil); v:=mkquote((v ./1).(v ./1)); goto done>>; if atom u then goto err1; if car u='expt and fixp caddr u and caddr u>0 then <<v:={'boundsexpt!-int,boundscompile1(cadr u,t),caddr u}; goto done>>; w := for each y in cdr u collect boundscompile1(y,t); v:= if length w>2 and (fcn:=get(car u,'boundsevaln)) then {fcn,'list.w} else if length w>2 then t else if (fcn:=get(car u,'boundseval1)) then {fcn,mkquote car u,car w} else if (fcn:=get(car u,'boundseval)) then if null cdr w then {fcn,car w} else {fcn,car w,cadr w} else if cdr w then t else {'boundsoperator,car u,car w}; done: if v=t then goto err2; if not flag then return v; var:=gensym(); boundscompv!* := var.boundscompv!*; boundscompcode!*:={'setq,var,v}.boundscompcode!*; % cache result for later usage. boundsdb!*:= (u.var).boundsdb!*; return var; err1: typerr(u,"bounded value"); err2: typerr(u,"expression to be compiled for bounds"); end; endmodule; end;