Artifact 848f21bcbc596099a47bf0c58093938dfc48dc93fc0cb77354c93175a3fdb282:
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 3986) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 3986) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module eqn; % Support for equations as top level structures. % Author: Anthony C. Hearn. % Copyright (c) 1990 The RAND Corporation. All rights reserved. % At the moment "EQUAL" is the tag for such structures. % Evalequal is defined in alg/algbool. fluid '(!*evallhseqp); switch evallhseqp; !*evallhseqp := t; % Default is currently on. symbolic procedure equalreval u; % This definition really needs to know whether we are trying % to produce a tagged standard quotient or a prefix form. % It would also be more efficient to leave a *SQ form unchanged % on the right hand side as shown. However, it messes up printing. (if !*evallhseqp or not atom car u and flagp(caar u,'immediate) then list('equal,reval car u,x) else list('equal,car u,x)) where x= reval y % (if eqcar(y,'!*sq) then aeval y else reval y) where y=cadr u; put('equal,'psopfn,'equalreval); put('equal,'rtypefn,'quoteequation); put('equal,'i2d,'eqnerr); symbolic procedure eqnerr u; typerr(u,"equation"); put('equation,'evfn,'evaleqn); % symbolic procedure evaleqn(u,v); % begin scalar op,x; % if null cdr u or not eqcar(cadr u,'equal) % then rerror(alg,26,"Invalid equation structure"); % op := car u; % if null cddr u % then return 'equal . for each j in cdadr u % collect if op eq 'eqneval then reval1(j,v) else list(op,j) % else if eqcar(caddr u,'equal) or cdddr u % then rerror(alg,27,"Invalid equation structure"); % x := caddr u; % return 'equal . for each j in cdadr u collect list(op,j,x) % end; % put('eqneval,'rtypefn,'getrtypecar); symbolic procedure evaleqn(u,v); % This function allows us to perform elementary equation arithmetic % combining one equation and scalars by + - * / ^, and to compute % sums and differences of equations. Restriction: the equation must % be the leftmost term in the arithmetic expression. begin scalar e,l,r,w,op,x,found; if (x:=get(u,'avalue)) then u:=cadr x; if not !*evallhseqp then <<if eqcar(u,'equal) then return equalreval cdr u else typerr(u,"algebraic expression when evallhseqp is off")>>; op:=car u; w:=cdr u; if op='plus or op='difference or op='minus then <<for each q in w do <<q:=reval q; if eqcar(q,'equal) then <<l:=cadr q.l; r:=caddr q.r;found:=t>> else <<l:=q.l; r:=q.r>>; >>; r:=op.reverse r; l:=op.reverse l; >> else << u:=op . for each q in w collect reval q; e:=evaleqn1(u,u,nil); if e then <<l:=subst(cadr e,e,u); r:=subst(caddr e,e,u); found:=t>>; >>; if not found then rederr "failed to locate equal sign in equation processing"; return {'equal, reval1(l,v), reval1(r,v)} end; symbolic procedure evaleqn1(u,u0,e); if atom u then e else if car u='equal then (if e then typerr(u0,"equation expression") else u) else evaleqn1(cdr u,u0,evaleqn1(car u,u0,e)); % put(equal,'prifn,'equalpri); % put('equal,'lengthfn,'eqnlength); symbolic procedure lhs u; % Returns the left-hand-side of an equation. lhs!-rhs(u,'cadr); symbolic procedure rhs u; % Returns the right-hand-side of an equation. lhs!-rhs(u,'caddr); symbolic procedure lhs!-rhs(u,op); <<if not(pairp u and get(car u,'infix) and cdr u and cddr u and null cdddr u) then typerr(u,"argument for LHS or RHS"); apply1(op,u)>>; flag('(lhs rhs),'opfn); % Make symbolic operators. % Explicit substitution code for equations. symbolic procedure eqnsub(u,v); if !*evallhseqp or not atom car u and flagp(caar u,'immediate) then 'equal . for each x in cdr v collect subeval1(u,x) else list('equal,cadr v,subeval1(u,caddr v)); put('equation,'subfn,'eqnsub); put('equation,'lengthfn,'eqnlength); symbolic procedure eqnlength u; length cdr u; endmodule; end;