Artifact 7ec1aec2253cace4c664bbd2a76a5012bcb570afe8002e2d4bda8976efefb3e5:
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 3204) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 3204) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module indxprin; % Functions for special print. % Author: Eberhard Schruefer; fluid '(!*nat !*nero !*revpri obrkp!* orig!* pline!* posn!* ycoord!* ymax!* ymin!* fancy!-pos!* fancy!-line!*); global '(!*eraise spare!*); symbolic procedure indvarprt u; if null !*nat then <<prin2!* car u; prin2!* "("; if cddr u then inprint('!*comma!*,0,cdr u) else maprin cadr u; prin2!* ")" >> else begin scalar y; integer l; l := flatsizec flatindxl u+length cdr u-1; if l>(linelength nil-spare!*)-posn!* then terpri!* t; %avoid breaking of an indexed variable over a line; y := ycoord!*; prin2!* car u; for each j on cdr u do <<ycoord!* := y + if atom car j then 1 else -1; if ycoord!*>ymax!* then ymax!* := ycoord!*; if ycoord!*<ymin!* then ymin!* := ycoord!*; prin2!* if atom car j then car j else cadar j; if cdr j then prin2!* " ">>; ycoord!* := y end; symbolic procedure rembras u; if !*nat and (atom u or null get(car u,'infix)) then <<prin2!* " "; maprin u>> else <<prin2!* "("; maprin u; prin2!* ")">>; put('form!-with!-free!-indices,'tag,'form!-with!-free!-indices); put('form!-with!-free!-indices,'prifn,'indxpri1); put('form!-with!-free!-indices,'fancy!-setprifn,'indxpri); flag('(form!-with!-free!-indices),'sprifn); put('indvarprt,'expt,'inbrackets); symbolic procedure xindvarprt(l,p); % Thanks to Herbert Melenk. fancy!-level ( if not(get('expt,'infix)>p) then fancy!-in!-brackets( {'xindvarprt,mkquote l,0}, '!(,'!)) else begin scalar w,x,b,s; w:=fancy!-prefix!-operator car l; if w eq 'failed then return w; l := xindxlfix cdr l; while l and w neq 'failed do <<if b then fancy!-prin2!*("{}",0); b := t; if atom car l then (if s eq '!^ then x := car l . x else <<if s then <<w := fancy!-print!-indexlist1(reversip x,s,nil); fancy!-prin2!*("{}",0)>>; x := {car l}; s := '!^>>) else (if s eq '!_ then x := cadar l . x else <<if s then <<w := fancy!-print!-indexlist1(reversip x,s,nil); fancy!-prin2!*("{}",0)>>; x := {cadar l}; s := '!_>>); l := cdr l>>; w := fancy!-print!-indexlist1(reversip x,s,nil); return w end); symbolic procedure xindxlfix u; if null u then nil else if atom car u then xindxfix car u . xindxlfix cdr u else {'minus,xindxfix cadar u} . xindxlfix cdr u; symbolic procedure xindxfix x; % x: atom -> xindxfix:atom begin scalar xx; xx := explode x; while xx and car xx = '!! do xx := cdr xx; return if xx and numberp(xx := compress xx) then xx else x; end; endmodule; end;