Artifact 6e29a544968480ddaf56ed16439333555b8783a93efa59602b76fd5632df4aaf:
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 8426) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
off echo, dfprint$ % FJW % To run this demo you need and % Either read in the files with % in "crack"$ % in ""$ % or, to speed up the computation compile them before % faslout "crack"$ % in "crack"$ % faslend$ % faslout "liepde"$ % in ""$ % faslend$ % and then load them with % load crack,liepde$ % lisp(depl!*:=nil)$ % clearing of all dependences setcrackflags()$ lisp(print_:=nil)$ lisp << write"-------------------------------------------------------"$terpri()$ write"The following runs demonstrate the program LIEPDE for the"$terpri()$ write"computation of infinitesimal symmetries. Times given"$terpri()$ write"below refer to a 8 MB session under LINUX on a 133 MHz"$terpri()$ write"Pentium PC with the CRACK version of April 1998."$terpri()$ >>$ lisp(prelim_:=nil)$ % not necessary as this is the default value lisp(individual_:=nil)$ % not necessary as this is the default value lisp << write"-------------------------------------------------------"$terpri()$ write"The first example is a single ODE with a parametric"$terpri()$ write"function f=f(x) for which point symmetries are to be"$terpri()$ write"determined."$terpri()$ write"(Time ~ 6 sec.)"$terpri()$ write"-------------------------------------------------------"$terpri()$ >>$ lisp(freeint_:=nil)$ % This enables the solution of differential equ.s in % which unevaluated integrals remain. This becomes % necessary in this example through the parametric % function f=f(x) depend y,x$ depend f,x$ liepde({df(y,x,2)=-(y+3*f)*df(y,x)+y**3-f*y**2-(2*f**2+df(f,x))*y, {y}, {x}}, {"point"},{})$ nodepnd {y,f}$ lisp(freeint_:=t)$ % Because the simplification of differential % expressions which involve unevaluated integrals % may provide difficulties such solutions involving % unevaluated integrals are disabled. lisp << write"-------------------------------------------------------"$terpri()$ write"The following example demonstrates a number of things."$terpri()$ write"The Burgers equation is investigated concerning third"$terpri()$ write"order symmetries. The equation is used to substitute"$terpri()$ write"df(u,t) and all derivatives of df(u,t). This computation"$terpri()$ write"also shows that any equations that remain unsolved are"$terpri()$ write"returned, like in this case the heat quation."$terpri()$ write"(Time ~ 15 sec.)"$terpri()$ write"-------------------------------------------------------"$terpri()$ >>$ nodepnd {u}$ depend u,t,x$ liepde({df(u,t)=df(u,x,2)+df(u,x)**2,{u},{t,x}},{"general",3},{})$ lisp << write"-------------------------------------------------------"$terpri()$ write"Now the same equation is investigated, this time only"$terpri()$ write"df(u,x,2) and its derivatives are substituted. As a"$terpri()$ write"consequence less jet-variables (u-derivatives of lower"$terpri()$ write"order) are generated in the process of formulating the"$terpri()$ write"symmetry conditions. Less jet-variables in which the"$terpri()$ write"conditions have to be fulfilled identically means less"$terpri()$ write"overdetermined conditions and more solutions which to"$terpri()$ write"compute takes longer than before."$terpri()$ write"(Time ~ 85 sec.)"$terpri()$ write"-------------------------------------------------------"$terpri()$ >>$ liepde({df(u,x,2)=df(u,t)-df(u,x)**2,{u},{t,x}},{"general",3},{})$ nodepnd {u}$ lisp << write"-------------------------------------------------------"$terpri()$ write"The following example includes the Karpman equations"$terpri()$ write"for three unknown functions in 4 variables. "$terpri()$ terpri()$ write"If point symmetries are to be computed for a single"$terpri()$ write"equation or a system of equations of higher than first"$terpri()$ write"order then there is the option to formulate at first"$terpri()$ write"preliminary conditions for each equation, have CRACK"$terpri()$ write"solving these conditions before the full set of conditions"$terpri()$ write"is formulated and solved. This strategy is adopted if a"$terpri()$ write"lisp flag prelim_ has the value t. The default value"$terpri()$ write"is nil. "$terpri()$ terpri()$ write"Similarly, if a system of equations is to be investigated"$terpri()$ write"and a flag individual_ has the value t then symmetry"$terpri()$ write"conditions are formulated and investigated for each"$terpri()$ write"individual equation successively. The default value is nil."$terpri()$ terpri()$ write"It is advantageous to split a large set of conditions"$terpri()$ write"into smaller sets to be investigated successively if"$terpri()$ write"each set is sufficiently overdetermined to be solvable"$terpri()$ write"quickly. Then any substitutions are done in the smaller"$terpri()$ write"set and the next set of conditions is shorter. For"$terpri()$ write"example, for the Karpman equations below the speedup for"$terpri()$ write"prelim_:=t; individual_:=t; is a factor of 10."$terpri()$ write"(Time ~ 1 min.)"$terpri()$ write"-------------------------------------------------------"$terpri()$ >>$ lisp(prelim_:=t)$ lisp(individual_:=t)$ depend r,x,y,z,t; depend f,x,y,z,t; depend v,x,y,z,t; on time$ liepde({ first solve( {df(r,t) + w1*df(r,z) + s1*(df(r,x)*df(f,x)+df(r,y)*df(f,y)+r*df(f,x,2)/2+r*df(f,y,2)/2) + s2*(df(r,z)*df(f,z)+r*df(f,z,2)/2), df(f,t) + w1*df(f,z) - (s1*(df(r,x,2)/r+df(r,y,2)/r-df(f,x)**2-df(f,y)**2) + s2*(df(r,z,2)/r-df(f,z)**2))/2 + a1*v, df(v,t,2) - w2**2*(df(v,x,2)+df(v,y,2)+df(v,z,2)) - 2*a2*r*(df(r,x,2)+df(r,y,2)+df(r,z,2)) - 2*a2*(df(r,x)**2+df(r,y)**2+df(r,z)**2)}, {df(v,x,2), df(r,x,2), df(f,x,2)} ) , {r,f,v}, {x,y,z,t}}, {"point"}, {})$ off time$ nodepnd {r,f,v}$ lisp << write"-------------------------------------------------------"$terpri()$ write"In the following example a system of two equations (by"$terpri()$ write"V.Sokolov) is investigated concerning a special ansatz for"$terpri()$ write"4th order symmetries. The ansatz for the symmetries includes"$terpri()$ write"two unknown functions f,g. Because x is the second variable"$terpri()$ write"in the list of variables {t,x}, the name u!`2 stands for"$terpri()$ write"df(u,x)."$terpri()$ write"Because higher order symmetries are investigated we have"$terpri()$ write"to set prelim_:=nil. The symmetries to be calculated are"$terpri()$ write"lengthy and therefore conditions are not very overdetermined."$terpri()$ write"In that case CRACK can take long to solve a single "$terpri()$ write"subset of conditions. The complete set of conditions would"$terpri()$ write"have been more overdetermined and easier to solve. Therefore"$terpri()$ write"the advantage of first formulating all conditions and then"$terpri()$ write"solving them together with one CRACK call is that having"$terpri()$ write"more equations, the chance of finding short integrable"$terpri()$ write"equations among then is higher, i.e. CRACK has more freedom"$terpri()$ write"in optimizing the computation. Therefore individual_:=nil"$terpri()$ write"is more appropriate in this example."$terpri()$ terpri()$ write"Because 4th order conditions are to be computed the"$terpri()$ write"`binding stack size' is increased."$terpri()$ write"(Time ~ 5 min.)"$terpri()$ write"-------------------------------------------------------"$terpri()$ >>$ lisp(prelim_:=nil)$ lisp(individual_:=nil)$ lisp(if getd 'set_bndstk_size then % FJW -- PSL only! set_bndstk_size(7000))$ % nodepnd {u,v}$ depend u,x,t; depend v,x,t; des:={df(u,t)=+df(u,x,2) + (u + v)*df(u,x) + u*df(v,x), df(v,t)=-df(v,x,2) + (u + v)*df(v,x) + v*df(u,x) }$ nodepnd {f,g}$ depend f,t,x,u,v,u!`2,v!`2,u!`2!`2,v!`2!`2,u!`2!`2!`2,v!`2!`2!`2$ depend g,t,x,u,v,u!`2,v!`2,u!`2!`2,v!`2!`2,u!`2!`2!`2,v!`2!`2!`2$ liepde({des,{u,v},{t,x}}, {xi_t=0, xi_x=0, eta_u=+df(u,x,4)+f, eta_v=-df(v,x,4)+g }, {f,g} )$ nodepnd {f,g}$ end$