Artifact 56a3a731c6743515dad5059c3ba43771aa710bcefaeafca84a1e8ba4de0eb0e5:
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 2400) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
module kredelw;% Kredel Weispfenning algorithm . % Author: H . Melenk(ZIB Berlin). symbolic procedure gdimension_eval u; begin integer n,m; for each s in cdr gindependent_seteval u do if(m:=length cdr s) > n then n:=m; return n end; put('gdimension,'psopfn,'gdimension_eval); symbolic procedure gindependent_seteval pars; % Independent set algorithm(Kredel/Weispfenning). % Parameters: % 1 Groebner basis % 2 optional: list of variables. begin scalar a,u,v,vars,w,oldorder,!*factor,!*exp,!*gsugar,!*groebopt;!*exp:=t; u:=reval car pars; v:=if cdr pars then reval cadr pars else nil; w:=for each j in groerevlist u collect if eqexpr j then !*eqn2a j else j; if null w then rerror(groebnr2,3,"empty list"); a:=if global!-dipvars!* and cdr global!-dipvars!* then cdr global!-dipvars!* else gvarlis w; vars:=if null v then for each j in a collect !*a2k j else groerevlist v; if not vars then return'(list); oldorder:=vdpinit vars; w:=for each j in w collect vdpevlmon a2vdp j; vars:=for each y in vars collect y.vdpevlmon a2vdp y; w:=groebkwprec(vars,nil,w,nil); return 'list.for each s in w collect 'list.reversip for each x in s collect car x end; put('gindependent_sets,'psopfn,'gindependent_seteval); symbolic procedure groebkwprec(vars,s,lt,m); % Recursive Kredel Weispfennig algorithm. % vars: unprocessed variables, % s: current subset of s, % lt: leading term basis, % m: collection of independent sets so far. % Returns : updated m . begin scalar x,s1,bool; s1:=for each y in s collect cdr y; while vars do <<x:=car vars;vars:= cdr vars; if groebkwprec1(cdr x.s1,lt) then m:=groebkwprec(vars,x.s,lt,m)>>; bool:=t; for each y in m do % bool and not subsetp(s,y); bool:=bool and not(length s=length intersection(s,y)); return if bool then s.m else m end; symbolic procedure groebkwprec1(s,lt); % t if intersection of T(s) and lt is empty. if null lt then t else groebkwprec2(s,car lt)and groebkwprec1(s,cdr lt); symbolic procedure groebkwprec2(s,mon); % t if monomial not in T(s). <<for each m in s do mon:=vevcan0(m,mon);not vevzero!? mon>>; symbolic procedure vevcan0(m,mon); % Divide multiples of m1 out of mon. if vevzero!? m then mon else if vevzero!? mon then nil else (if car m neq 0 then 0 else car mon).vevcan0(cdr m,cdr mon); endmodule;;end;