Artifact 3e0080d5501bdd975f3c2796b29bb1848f09eba33ca6b92a1c0144e1cb8360cf:
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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 4540) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
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2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 4540) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 4540) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
\appendix \chapter{Reserved Identifiers} We list here all identifiers that are normally reserved in \REDUCE{} including names of commands, operators and switches initially in the system. Excluded are words that are reserved in specific implementations of the system. \vspace{13pt} \begin{list}{}{\renewcommand{\makelabel}[1]{#1\hspace{\fill}}% \settowidth{\labelwidth}{Numerical Operators}% \setlength{\labelsep}{1em}% \settowidth{\leftmargin}{Numerical Operators\hspace*{\labelsep}}% \sloppy} \item[Commands] {\tt ALGEBRAIC} {\tt ANTISYMMETRIC} {\tt ARRAY} {\tt BYE} {\tt CLEAR} \linebreak {\tt CLEARRULES} {\tt COMMENT} {\tt CONT} {\tt DECOMPOSE} {\tt DEFINE} {\tt DEPEND} {\tt DISPLAY} {\tt ED} {\tt EDITDEF} {\tt END} {\tt EVEN} {\tt FACTOR} {\tt FOR} {\tt FORALL} {\tt FOREACH} {\tt GO} {\tt GOTO} {\tt IF} {\tt IN} {\tt INDEX} {\tt INFIX} {\tt INPUT} {\tt INTEGER} {\tt KORDER} {\tt LET} {\tt LINEAR} {\tt LISP} {\tt LISTARGP} {\tt LOAD} {\tt LOAD\_PACKAGE} {\tt MASS} {\tt MATCH} {\tt MATRIX} {\tt MSHELL} {\tt NODEPEND} {\tt NONCOM} {\tt NONZERO} {\tt NOSPUR} {\tt ODD} {\tt OFF} {\tt ON} {\tt OPERATOR} {\tt ORDER} {\tt OUT} {\tt PAUSE} {\tt PRECEDENCE} {\tt PRINT\_PRECISION} {\tt PROCEDURE} {\tt QUIT} {\tt REAL} {\tt REMFAC} {\tt REMIND} {\tt RETRY} {\tt RETURN} {\tt SAVEAS} {\tt SCALAR} {\tt SETMOD} {\tt SHARE} {\tt SHOWTIME} {\tt SHUT} {\tt SPUR} {\tt SYMBOLIC} {\tt SYMMETRIC} {\tt VECDIM} {\tt VECTOR} {\tt WEIGHT} {\tt WRITE} {\tt WTLEVEL} \item[Boolean Operators] {\tt EVENP} {\tt FIXP} {\tt FREEOF} {\tt NUMBERP} {\tt ORDP} {\tt PRIMEP} \item[Infix Operators] \verb|:=| \verb|=| \verb|>=| \verb|>| \verb|<=| \verb|<| \verb|=>| \verb|+| \verb|*| \verb|/| \verb|^| \verb|**| \verb|.| {\tt WHERE} {\tt SETQ} {\tt OR} {\tt AND} {\tt MEMBER} {\tt MEMQ} {\tt EQUAL} {\tt NEQ} {\tt EQ} {\tt GEQ} {\tt GREATERP} {\tt LEQ} {\tt LESSP} {\tt PLUS} {\tt DIFFERENCE} {\tt MINUS} {\tt TIMES} {\tt QUOTIENT} {\tt EXPT} {\tt CONS} \item[Numerical Operators] {\tt ABS} {\tt ACOS} {\tt ACOSH} {\tt ACOT} {\tt ACOTH} {\tt ACSC} {\tt ACSCH} {\tt ASEC} {\tt ASECH} {\tt ASIN} {\tt ASINH} {\tt ATAN} {\tt ATANH} {\tt ATAN2} {\tt COS} {\tt COSH} {\tt COT} {\tt COTH} {\tt CSC} {\tt CSCH} {\tt EXP} {\tt FACTORIAL} {\tt FIX} {\tt FLOOR} {\tt HYPOT} {\tt LN} {\tt LOG} {\tt LOGB} {\tt LOG10} {\tt NEXTPRIME} {\tt ROUND} {\tt SEC} {\tt SECH} {\tt SIN} {\tt SINH} {\tt SQRT} {\tt TAN} {\tt TANH} \item[Prefix Operators] {\tt APPEND} {\tt ARGLENGTH} {\tt CEILING} {\tt COEFF} {\tt COEFFN} {\tt COFACTOR} {\tt CONJ} {\tt DEG} {\tt DEN} {\tt DET} {\tt DF} {\tt DILOG} {\tt EI} {\tt EPS} {\tt ERF} {\tt FACTORIZE} {\tt FIRST} {\tt GCD} {\tt G} {\tt IMPART} {\tt INT} {\tt INTERPOL} {\tt LCM} {\tt LCOF} {\tt LENGTH} {\tt LHS} {\tt LINELENGTH} {\tt LTERM} {\tt MAINVAR} {\tt MAT} {\tt MATEIGEN} {\tt MAX} {\tt MIN} {\tt MKID} {\tt NULLSPACE} {\tt NUM} {\tt PART} {\tt PF} {\tt PRECISION} {\tt RANDOM} {\tt RANDOM\_NEW\_SEED} {\tt RANK} {\tt REDERR} {\tt REDUCT} {\tt REMAINDER} {\tt REPART} {\tt REST} {\tt RESULTANT} {\tt REVERSE} {\tt RHS} {\tt SECOND} {\tt SET} {\tt SHOWRULES} {\tt SIGN} {\tt SOLVE} {\tt STRUCTR} {\tt SUB} {\tt SUM} {\tt THIRD} {\tt TP} {\tt TRACE} {\tt VARNAME} \item[Reserved Variables] {\tt CARD\_NO} {\tt E} {\tt EVAL\_MODE} {\tt FORT\_WIDTH} {\tt HIGH\_POW} {\tt I} {\tt INFINITY} {\tt K!*} {\tt LOW\_POW} {\tt NIL} {\tt PI} {\tt ROOT\_MULTIPLICITY} {\tt T} \item[Switches] {\tt ADJPREC} {\tt ALGINT} {\tt ALLBRANCH} {\tt ALLFAC} {\tt BFSPACE} {\tt COMBINEEXPT} {\tt COMBINELOGS} {\tt COMP} {\tt COMPLEX} {\tt CRAMER} {\tt CREF} {\tt DEFN} {\tt DEMO} {\tt DIV} {\tt ECHO} {\tt ERRCONT} {\tt EVALLHSEQP} {\tt EXP} {\tt EXPANDLOGS} {\tt EZGCD} {\tt FACTOR} {\tt FORT} {\tt FULLROOTS} {\tt GCD} {\tt IFACTOR} {\tt INT} {\tt INTSTR} {\tt LCM} {\tt LIST} {\tt LISTARGS} {\tt MCD} {\tt MODULAR} {\tt MSG} {\tt MULTIPLICITIES} {\tt NAT} {\tt NERO} {\tt NOSPLIT} {\tt OUTPUT} {\tt PERIOD} {\tt PRECISE} {\tt PRET} {\tt PRI} {\tt RAT} {\tt RATARG} {\tt RATIONAL} {\tt RATIONALIZE} {\tt RATPRI} {\tt REVPRI} {\tt RLISP88} {\tt ROUNDALL} {\tt ROUNDBF} {\tt ROUNDED} {\tt SAVESTRUCTR} {\tt SOLVESINGULAR} {\tt TIME} {\tt TRA} {\tt TRFAC} {\tt TRIGFORM} {\tt TRINT} \item[Other Reserved Ids] {\tt BEGIN} {\tt DO} {\tt EXPR} {\tt FEXPR} {\tt INPUT} {\tt LAMBDA} {\tt LISP} {\tt MACRO} {\tt PRODUCT} {\tt REPEAT} {\tt SMACRO} {\tt SUM} {\tt UNTIL} {\tt WHEN} {\tt WHILE} {\tt WS} \end{list}