Artifact 16c1924fd673bdd4e21c08054c4fe6f5d5370ab5db7b9490d2134c9a060ffb82:

% The following UNIX script will create a hard copy version of the
% REDUCE bibliography from this file and the bibliography file bibl.bib.
%       #  Make REDUCE bibliography
%       latex bibl
%       bibtex bibl
%       latex bibl
%       latex bibl
\documentstyle [11pt]{article}
 \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}
\textwidth 6.6in\textheight 9in\columnwidth\textwidth
\title{REDUCE Bibliography}
\author{Anthony C. Hearn\\
Santa Monica CA 90407-2138  \vspace {.5cm} \\
May 1991}
This document contains a list of all known references to REDUCE.  It no doubt
contains errors and omissions.  Please report these by regular mail
(preferably in BibTeX format) to the REDUCE Secretary, RAND, P.O. Box 2138,
Santa Monica CA 90407-2318, or by electronic mail to
RAND Publication CP162 (Rev. 5/91) \vspace*{.5cm} \\
Copyright \copyright 1991 RAND.  All rights reserved.




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