% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Id: ofsfdet.red,v 1.3 2003/01/30 12:27:02 sturm Exp $
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright (c) 2003 A. Dolzmann, A. Seidl, and T. Sturm
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Log: ofsfdet.red,v $
% Revision 1.3 2003/01/30 12:27:02 sturm
% Renamed switch vmatverbose to rlvmatvb and moved switch and fluid
% declarations to where they belong.
% Revision 1.2 2003/01/29 11:53:50 sturm
% Moved ofsf_det from ofsfcadproj to ofsfdet.
% Revision 1.1 2003/01/29 11:35:55 sturm
% Moved determinant code to from module ofsfcadproj to new module ofsfdet.
% Initial check-in.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
lisp <<
fluid '(ofsfdet_rcsid!* ofsfdet_copyright!*);
ofsfdet_rcsid!* := "$Id: ofsfdet.red,v 1.3 2003/01/30 12:27:02 sturm Exp $";
ofsfdet_copyright!* := "(c) 2003 by A. Dolzmann, A. Seidl, T. Sturm"
module ofsfdet;
procedure ofsf_det(m);
% Determinant. [m] is a list of lists of standard forms, where
% each element has the same length as [m].
% Returns a standard form.
if !*rlourdet then
ofsf_newbareiss2 m
ofsf_bareiss m;
procedure ofsf_bareiss(nu);
% Compute a determinant using the Bareiss code. [nu] is a matrix
% given as a list of lists of SF's. Returns an SF, the determinant
% of [nu].
begin scalar nu,bu,n,ok,v,!*exp;
!*exp := t;
nu := for each line in nu collect
for each elem in line collect
nu := sort(nu,'ofsf_linesort3);
n := length nu; % We need it later once more ...
if eqn(n,1) then
return caar nu;
v := for i:=1:n collect gensym();
% Cannot rely on the ordering of the gensyms.
ok := setkorder append(v,kord!*);
nu := for each r in nu collect prsum(v,r);
bu := cdr sparse_bareiss(nu,v,bareiss!-step!-size!*);
bu := if length bu = n then
lc car bu
setkorder ok;
return bu
procedure ofsf_linesort1(l1,l2);
if null l1 then
else if null car l1 and not null car l2 then
else if not null car l1 and null car l2 then
else ofsf_linesort1(cdr l1,cdr l2);
procedure ofsf_linesort2(l1,l2);
begin scalar z1,z2;
z1 := for each x in l1 sum if null x then 1 else 0;
z2 := for each x in l2 sum if null x then 1 else 0;
if z1>z2 then
return t;
if z2>z1 then
return nil;
return ofsf_linesort1(l1,l2)
procedure ofsf_linesort3(l1,l2);
not ofsf_linesort2(l1,l2);
procedure ofsf_newbareiss(m);
begin scalar vm,w,mik,mkk,mk1k1; integer n;
n := length m;
vm := vmat_mk m;
vmat_put(vm,0,0,numr simp 1);
for k := 1:n-1 do <<
%% vmat_print vm;
ioto_prin2 {"[",n-1-k,"] "};
w := ofsf_goodlcpair(vm,k,n);
if not w then
rederr "zero determinant";
if not eqn(k,cdr w) then <<
vmat_swapc(vm,k,cdr w);
ioto_prin2 {"(",cdr w,"<-c->",k,")"}
if not eqn(k,car w) then <<
vmat_swapl(vm,k,car w);
ioto_prin2 {"(",car w,"<-l->",k,")"}
%% vmat_print vm;
mkk := vmat_get(vm,k,k);
mk1k1 := vmat_get(vm,k-1,k-1);
for i := k+1:n do <<
mik := vmat_get(vm,i,k);
for j := k+1:n do <<
w := addf(
negf multf(mik,vmat_get(vm,k,j)));
if w then
w := quotfx(w,mk1k1);
%% vmat_print vm;
return vmat_get(vm,n,n)
procedure ofsf_newbareiss2(m);
begin scalar vm,sign,w,k,cnt,doit; integer n;
n := length m;
vm := vmat_mk m;
sign := numr simp 1;
if !*rlvmatvb then
cnt := t; k := 1; while cnt and k < n do <<
if !*rlvmatvb then
ioto_prin2 {"[",n-1-k};
w := ofsf_goodlcpair(vm,k,n);
if not w then <<
if !*rlvmatvb then
ioto_prin2 "zero]";
cnt := nil
>> else <<
sign := ofsf_bareiss!-pivot(vm,k,w,sign);
if doit then
if !*rlvmatvb then
ioto_prin2 "] ";
doit := not doit;
k := k+1
if not cnt then
return nil;
if doit then <<
if !*rlvmatvb then
ioto_prin2 "[final";
w := ofsf_cdet2(vmat_get(vm,n-1,n-1),vmat_get(vm,n-1,n),
if w then
w := quotfx(w,vmat_get(vm,n-2,n-2));
if !*rlvmatvb then
ioto_prin2 "]"
return multf(sign,vmat_get(vm,n,n))
procedure ofsf_bareiss!-pivot(vm,k,w,sign);
if not eqn(k,cdr w) then <<
vmat_swapc(vm,k,cdr w);
sign := negf sign;
if !*rlvmatvb then
ioto_prin2 {"(",cdr w,"<-c->",k,")"}
if not eqn(k,car w) then <<
vmat_swapl(vm,k,car w);
sign := negf sign;
if !*rlvmatvb then
ioto_prin2 {"(",car w,"<-l->",k,")"}
procedure ofsf_bareiss!-step(vm,k,n);
begin scalar c0,ci1,ci2,w;
c0 := ofsf_cdet2(vmat_get(vm,k-1,k-1),vmat_get(vm,k-1,k),
if c0 then
c0 := quotfx(c0,vmat_get(vm,k-2,k-2));
for i := k+1:n do <<
ci1 := negf ofsf_cdet2(vmat_get(vm,k-1,k-1),vmat_get(vm,k-1,k),
if ci1 then
ci1 := quotfx(ci1,vmat_get(vm,k-2,k-2));
ci2 := ofsf_cdet2(vmat_get(vm,k,k-1),vmat_get(vm,k,k),
if ci2 then
ci2 := quotfx(ci2,vmat_get(vm,k-2,k-2));
for j := k+1:n do <<
w := addf(addf(
if w then
w := quotfx(w,vmat_get(vm,k-2,k-2));
w := ofsf_cdet2(vmat_get(vm,k-1,k-1),vmat_get(vm,k-1,k),
if w then
w := quotfx(w,vmat_get(vm,k-2,k-2));
procedure ofsf_cdet2(a11,a12,a21,a22);
addf(multf(a11,a22),negf multf(a12,a21));
procedure ofsf_goodline(m,k,n);
begin integer bestl,maxz,z;
maxz := -1;
for l := k:n do <<
if not null vmat_get(m,l,k) then <<
z := for j := k+1:n sum if null vmat_get(m,l,j) then 1 else 0;
if z > maxz then <<
maxz := z;
bestl := l
if not eqn(maxz,-1) then
return bestl
procedure ofsf_goodcolumn(m,k,n);
begin integer bestc,maxz,z;
maxz := -1;
for c := k:n do <<
if not null vmat_get(m,k,c) then <<
z := for i := k+1:n sum if null vmat_get(m,i,c) then 1 else 0;
if z > maxz then <<
maxz := z;
bestc := c
if not eqn(maxz,-1) then
return bestc
%% procedure ofsf_goodlcpair(m,k,n);
%% begin scalar bestlc; integer maxz,max1z,cz,lz,z;
%% maxz := max1z := -1;
%% for i:=k:n do
%% for j:=k:n do
%% if vmat_get(m,i,j) then <<
%% lz := for jj := k+1:n sum if null vmat_get(m,i,jj) then 1 else 0;
%% cz := for ii := k+1:n sum if null vmat_get(m,ii,j) then 1 else 0;
%% z := lz + cz;
%% if z > maxz or (eqn(z,maxz) and max(lz,cz) > max1z) then <<
%% maxz := z;
%% max1z := max(lz,cz);
%% bestlc := i . j
%% >>
%% >>;
%% if not eqn(maxz,-1) then
%% return bestlc
%% end;
procedure ofsf_goodlcpair(m,k,n);
begin scalar bestlc; integer minz,min1z,cz,lz,z;
minz := min1z := 6*n+1;
for i:=k:n do
for j:=k:n do
if vmat_get(m,i,j) then <<
lz := for jj := k+1:n sum ofsf_quality vmat_get(m,i,jj);
cz := for ii := k+1:n sum ofsf_quality vmat_get(m,ii,j);
z := lz + cz;
if z < minz or (eqn(z,minz) and max(lz,cz) < min1z) then <<
minz := z;
min1z := max(lz,cz);
bestlc := i . j
if not eqn(minz,6*n+1) then
return bestlc
procedure ofsf_quality(f);
if null f then 1 else if numberp f then 0 else 0;
% <VMAT> ::= [...,[...,<SF>,...],...]
% First line and first column exist for pivot.
% Last line is permutation info.
procedure vmat_print(vm);
mathprint vmat_prep vm;
procedure vmat_prep(vm);
begin integer n;
n := upbv getv(vm,0) - 1;
return 'mat . for i := 1:n collect
for j := 1:n collect
prepf vmat_get(vm,i,j)
procedure vmat_mk(m);
% [m] is a list of lists of SF.
begin scalar line,vmat; integer n,i,j;
n := length m;
vmat := mkvect(n+1);
line := mkvect(n+1);
line := mkvect(n+1);
for j := 0:n do
for each l in m do <<
i := i + 1;
line := mkvect(n+1);
j := 0;
for each c in l do <<
j := j + 1;
return vmat
procedure vmat_get(m,i,j);
procedure vmat_put(m,i,j,c);
procedure vmat_cmap(m,j);
getv(getv(m,upbv m),j);
procedure vmat_swapl(m,i1,i2);
begin scalar w;
w := getv(m,i1);
procedure vmat_swapc(m,j1,j2);
begin scalar w,map;
map := getv(m,upbv m);
w := getv(map,j1);
operator bdet;
procedure bdet1(m);
prepf ofsf_newbareiss for each l in cdr m collect
for each c in l collect
numr simp c;
operator bdet1;
procedure bdet(m);
prepf ofsf_newbareiss2 for each l in cdr m collect
for each c in l collect
numr simp c;
operator gmat;
procedure gmat(n);
'mat . for i := 1:n collect for j:=1:n collect mkid(mkid('a,i),j);
end; % of file