module contact;
% Contact systems on jet bundles and Grassmann bundles
% Author: David Hartley
global '(indxl!* !*sqvar!*);
symbolic procedure contact u;
% u:{int,cfrm|rlist of prefix,cfrm|rlist of prefix[,props]}
% -> contact:eds
% Contact system for jet bundle of order ord
% over bundle with base coframing bas and fibre coframing jet
begin scalar ord,bas,jet,props,s,m,sys;
if length u < 3 or length u > 4 then
rerror(eds,000,"Wrong number of arguments to contact");
ord := car u;
if not fixp ord or ord < 0 then
typerr(ord,"non-negative integer");
bas := !*a2cfrm{car(u := cdr u)};
jet := !*a2cfrm{car(u := cdr u)};
props := if cdr u then foreach x in getrlist cadr u collect
if not idp cadr x then
rerror(eds,000,"Badly formed properties in EDS")
else cadr x .
if rlistp caddr x then cdr indexexpandeval{caddr x}
else caddr x;
m := cfrmprod2(bas,jet);
s := mkeds{{},
foreach f in cfrm_cob bas collect !*k2pf f,
puteds(s,'jet0,uniqvars cfrm_cob jet);
foreach f in {'solved,'reduced,'quasilinear,'pfaffian,'involutive} do
if allexact cfrm_cob m then
for i:=1:ord do % gbsys doesn't produce redundant mixed partials
<< sys := eds_sys s;
s := edscall gbsys s;
eds_sys s := append(sys,eds_sys s) >>
for i:=1:ord do % have to allow for structure constants
s := edscall prolongeds s;
return s;
symbolic procedure gbsys s;
% s:eds -> gbsys:eds
% Refine test for flg argument to gbcoords
begin scalar prl,dep,ind,jet,jet0,sys,cob,idxs,x,crd,m;
if not normaledsp s then
rerror(eds,000,{"System not in normal form"});
% Get information about s
ind := indkrns s; idxs := uniqids ind;
prl := prlkrns s; jet := uniqvars prl;
cob := edscob s;
jet0 := geteds(s,'jet0) or jet;
% Generate new index names if necessary
if not subsetp(idxs,indxl!*) then % indexrange is an rlistat
apply1('indexrange,{{'equal,gensym(),makelist idxs}});
% Generate new coordinates
jet := gbcoords(jet,idxs,jet0,allexact cob);
% New contact forms
sys := foreach pr in pair(prl,jet) collect
car pr .* (1 ./ 1) .+
negpf zippf(eds_ind s,
for each c in cdr pr collect !*k2q c);
% Compile coordinate and cobasis lists in correct order
foreach j in jet do crd := union(j,crd);
prl := foreach c in crd collect
if (x := lpow exdfk c) = {'d,c} then x
else errdhh{"Bad differential",x,"from",{'d,c},"in gbsys"};
prl := reversip setdiff(prl,cob);
dep := setdiff(cob,ind);
cob := append(dep,append(prl,ind));
crd := reversip setdiff(crd,edscrd s);
crd := append(edscrd s,crd);
% Update coframing
m := copycfrm eds_cfrm s;
cfrm_cob m := cob;
cfrm_crd m := crd;
% Update eds
s := copyeds s;
eds_sys s := sys;
eds_cfrm s := m;
foreach f in {'solved,'reduced,'quasilinear,'pfaffian} do
s := purgeeds!* s;
remkrns s;
return s;
symbolic procedure gbcoords(prlvars,indids,jet0,flg);
% prlvars:list of kernel, indids:list of id, jet0:list of kernel,
% flg:bool
% -> gbcoords:matrix of kernel
% constructs coordinates for fibre of Grassmann bundle
% index symmetries???
foreach c in prlvars collect
begin scalar x; integer n;
% split c into {base,indices} using jet0
if jet0 eq prlvars then
c := {splitoffindices(c,c)}
c := foreach c0 in jet0 join
if c0 := splitoffindices(c0,c) then {c0};
if length c neq 1 then
errdhh {"Name conflict in gbcoords:",length c,"matches"}
else c := car c;
n := length car c + length cdr c; % actually, cdar c + cdr c + 1
if (x := get(caar c,'ifdegree)) and (x := assoc(n,x)) and cdr x
then errdhh {"Degree conflict in gbcoords:",
append(car c,nil.cdr c)}
else mkform!*(append(car c,nil.cdr c),0);
return foreach i in indids collect
begin scalar x;
x := if (jet0 neq prlvars) and flg then foreach j in
sort(i . flatindxl cdr c,'indtordp)
collect lowerind j
else append(cdr c,{lowerind i});
x := car fkern append(car c,x);
if reval x neq x then typerr(x,"free coordinate");
return x;
symbolic procedure splitoffindices(u,v);
% u,v:kernel -> splitoffindices:nil or kernel.list of id
% v is an indexed variable, u is a variable
% if v is obtained from u by adding indices,
% return base.indices otherwise nil
% Rules: a,a -> {a}.{}
% a,{a,i..} -> {a}.{i..}
% {a,i..},{a,i..} -> {a,i..}.{}
% {a,i..},{a,i..,j..} -> {a,i..}.{j..}
% otherwise -> nil
if atom u then
if u = v then {u}.{}
else if pairp v and car v = u then {u}.cdr v
else nil
else if pairp v and car v = car u then
if null cdr u then u.cdr v
else (if x then u.cdr x)
where x = splitoffindices(cdr u,cdr v);
symbolic procedure indtordp(u,v);
% a total ordering for indices
begin scalar x;
x := indxl!*;
a: if null x then return orderp(u,v)
else if u eq car x then return t
else if v eq car x then return;
x := cdr x;
go to a
symbolic procedure uniqids u;
% u:list of kernel -> uniqids:list of id
% returns id's suitable for use as indices
% if elements of u are indexed pforms with the same base,
% we can use the indices, otherwise artificial names are
% constructed (if excalc allowed non-atomic index names, we
% wouldn't need to contrive id's).
begin scalar x;
x := foreach i in u collect indexid i;
if memq(nil,x)
or not allequal sublis(pair(x,nlist(nil,length x)),u)
then x := foreach i in u collect pformid i;
if repeats x then errdhh "Name conflict in uniqids";
return x;
symbolic procedure indexid u;
% u:kernel -> indexid:id or nil
% returns the index on a single-index kernel, else nil
(if x and length x = 1 then car x)
where x = flatindxl indexlist u;
symbolic procedure indexlist u;
% u:kernel -> indexlist:list of kernel
% returns list of ALL indices in u, free or not
% based on allindk
if atom u then nil
else if get(car u,'rtype) = 'indexed!-form then
for each j in cdr u collect revalind j
else if get(car u,'indexfun) then
indexlist apply1(get(car u,'indexfun),cdr u)
else if car u eq 'partdf then
if null cddr u then
for each j in indexlist cdr u collect revalind lowerind j
else append(indexlist cadr u,
for each j in indexlist cddr u
collect revalind lowerind j)
else append(indexlist car u,indexlist cdr u);
symbolic procedure pformid u;
% u:kernel -> pformid:id
% constructs an id for the pform variable in u
(if atom x then x
else intern compress foreach a in flatindxl x join explode a)
where x = pformvar u;
symbolic procedure uniqvars u;
% u:list of kernel -> uniqvars:list of kernel
% extracts pform variables from u, checking for repeats
if repeats(u := foreach k in u collect pformvar k)
then errdhh "Name conflict in uniqvars"
else u;
symbolic procedure pformvar u;
% u:kernel -> pformvar:kernel
% extracts pform variable from u
if atom u or get(car u,'rtype) = 'indexed!-form then u
else if car u memq '(d hodge partdf)
and null cddr u then pformvar cadr u
else errdhh {"No unique variable in ",u};