module xColor;
% File:
% Purpose: Evaluation of colour factor for SU(n) gauge group
% Author: A.Kryukov
% E-address:
% Vertion: 4.2.1
% Release: Aug. 17, 1994
% Revision: 10/03/91 Start
% 17/08/94 RemoveG2
% 11/03/91 Split3GV
% 11/03/91 Exist3GV, ExistQGV
% 12/03/91 Put's and so on
% 14/03/91 CError
% 15/03/91 ChkCG
% 19/03/91 Color1
% 19/03/91 ZCoefP
% 17/08/94 RemoveG1
% xColor package.
imports AddSQ,MultSQ,NegSQ,QuotSQ,ExptSQ$
exports Color0$
create!-package('(xcolor cface),'(contrib physics));
% Structure definitions.
% ----------------------
% c-grpah ::= (v1 v2 ...), where vK - vertex.
% c0-graph::= (sq . c-graph), where sq - standard quotient.
% vertex ::= (vtype e1 e2 e3), where eI is name of corresponding edge.
% vtype ::= G3|QG|QX, G3 - three gluon vertex type,
% QG - quark-gluon vertex type,
% GX - quark-gluon vertex type with free gluon
% (not yet implemented).
% If vtype = G3 then e1,e2,e3 are gluons.Its order is clock.
% If vtype = QG then e1 is in-quark, e2 is out-quark and e3 is a gluon.
% Example:
% --------
% e1
% ----->------
% / \
% | e2 |
% v1 *............* v2 <=> c0=((1 . 1) (QG e3 e1 e2) (QG e1 e3 e2))
% | |
% \ e3 /
% ----->------
% Here: ----->----- quark,
% ........... gluon.
% Transformation rules.
% ---------------------
% (see: A.Kryukov & A.Rodionov
% Program "COLOR" for computing the group-theoretic
% weight of Feynman diagrams in non-abelian gauge theories.
% Comp. Phys. Comm., 48(1988),327-334)
% : ( : : )
% : 1 ( : : )
% : = --- ( * - * ) (9)
% : A ( / \ / \ )
% .....*..... ( ....*-<-*.... ....*->-*.... )
% --<--*--<-- ( -<-- --<- --<-- )
% : ( \ / 1 )
% : = A ( | | - --- ) (10)
% : ( / \ n )
% --<--*--<-- ( -<-- --<- --<-- )
% Here: n - order of SU(n) group,
% A - normalization factor. Sp(TiTj) = A*Delta(i,j). (3)
%----------------------- Selector/Constructor -------------------------
symbolic smacro procedure GetCoef g0$ car g0$
symbolic smacro procedure GetVL g0$ cdr g0$
symbolic smacro procedure PutCoef(g0,c)$ rplacA(g0,c)$
symbolic smacro procedure PutVL(g0,vl)$ rplacD(g0,vl)$
symbolic smacro procedure GetTV v$ car v$
symbolic smacro procedure GetE1 v$ cadr v$
symbolic smacro procedure GetE2 v$ caddr v$
symbolic smacro procedure GetE3 v$ cadddr v$
symbolic smacro procedure GetInQ v$ GetE1 v$
symbolic smacro procedure GetOutQ v$ GetE2 v$
symbolic smacro procedure PutTV(v,tv)$ rplacA(v,tv)$
symbolic smacro procedure PutE1(v,e)$ rplacA(cdr v,e)$
symbolic smacro procedure PutE2(v,e)$ rplacA(cddr v,e)$
symbolic smacro procedure PutE3(v,e)$ rplacA(cdddr v,e)$
symbolic smacro procedure PutInQ(v,e)$ PutE1(v,e)$
symbolic smacro procedure PutOutQ(v,e)$ PutE2(v,e)$
symbolic smacro procedure MkG0(c,g0)$ c . g0$
symbolic smacro procedure ChkTV(v,tv)$ GetTV v eq tv$
symbolic smacro procedure QGVp v$ ChkTV(v,'QG)$
symbolic smacro procedure G3Vp v$ ChkTV(v,'G3)$
symbolic smacro procedure ZCoefP g0$ null numr GetCoef g0$
symbolic smacro procedure MkCopyG0 g0$
% Make a copy of structure g0 without copying coeffitient.
GetCoef g0 . MkCopy GetVL g0$
symbolic smacro procedure ChkHP v$
% Check headpole.
% -->-- ........
% / \ : :
% | | : :
% .......*v | = 0, ........*v : = 0
% | | : :
% \ / : :
% --<-- ........
GetE1 v eq GetE2 v or GetE1 v eq GetE3 v or GetE2 v eq GetE3 v$
%----------------------------- Debug ----------------------------------
%symbolic smacro procedure DMessage x$
% << prin2 "====>"$ print x >>$
%----------------------------- Others ---------------------------------
symbolic procedure CError u$
% Output error message and interupt evaluation.
<< terpri!* t$
for each x in "***** xCOLOR:" . u do <<
prin2!* " "$
terpri!* t$
symbolic procedure RemoveV(g0,v)$
% Remove vertex v from g0.
% g0 is modified.
if null g0 then CError list("Vertex",v,"is absent.")
else if cadr g0 eq v then rplacD(g0,cddr g0)
else RemoveV(cdr g0,v)$
symbolic smacro procedure ExistQGV g0$
% Find quark-gluon vertex in g0.
% Return quark-gluon vertex or nil.
assoc('QG,GetVL g0)$
symbolic smacro procedure Exist3GV g0$
% Find three-gluon vertex in g0.
% Return three-gluon vertex or nil.
assoc('G3,GetVL g0)$
symbolic procedure MkCopy u$
% Make a copy of any structures.
if atom u then u else MkCopy car u . MkCopy cdr u$
symbolic smacro procedure RevV(v,e)$
% Revolve v such that e become the first edge.
% v is modified.
if null G3Vp v or null memq(e,cdr v)
then CError list("Edge",e,"is absent in vertex",v)
else RevV0(v,e)$
symbolic procedure RevV0(v,e)$
% Revolve v such that e become the first edge.
% v is modified.
if GetE1 v eq e then v
else begin scalar w$
w := GetE1 v$
PutE1(v,GetE2 v)$
PutE2(v,GetE3 v)$
return RevV0(v,e)$
end$ % RevV0
%------------------------ Global/Fluid --------------------------------
global '(SU_order Spur_TT n!*!*2!-1)$
SU_order := '(3 . 1)$ % default value
Spur_TT := '(1 . 2)$ % default value
n!*!*2!-1:= '(8 . 1)$ % default value
symbolic procedure Color0 g0$
% g0 - c-graph.
% Return colour factor (s.q.).
if ChkCG g0 then
MultSQ(AFactor g0,Color1(MkG0(1 ./ 1,MkCopy g0),nil,nil ./ 1))
else CError list "This is impossible!"$
symbolic procedure ChkCG g0$
% Check structure g0.
% Return t if g0 is ok else output message and interupt program.
begin scalar x,u,vl,z$
vl := g0$
while vl do <<
x := car vl$
if GetTV x eq 'QG then <<
if (z:=assoc(GetInQ x,u)) then
if cdr z eq 'OutQ then rplacD(z,'ok)
else CError
list(car z,"can not use as in-quark in vertex",x)
else u:=(GetInQ x . 'InQ) . u$
if (z:=assoc(GetOutQ x,u)) then
if cdr z eq 'InQ then rplacD(z,'ok)
else CError
list(car z,"can not use as out-quark in vertex",x)
else u:=(GetOutQ x . 'OutQ) . u$
if (z:=assoc(GetE3 x,u)) then
if cdr z eq 'Gluon then rplacD(z,'ok)
else CError list(car z,"can not use as gluon in vertex",x)
else u:=(GetE3 x . 'Gluon) . u$
else if GetTV x eq 'G3 then <<
if (z:=assoc(GetE1 x,u)) then
if cdr z eq 'Gluon then rplacD(z,'ok)
else CError list(car z,"can not use as gluon in vertex",x)
else u:=(GetE1 x . 'Gluon) . u$
if (z:=assoc(GetE2 x,u)) then
if cdr z eq 'Gluon then rplacD(z,'ok)
else CError list(car z,"can not use as gluon in vertex",x)
else u:=(GetE2 x . 'Gluon) . u$
if (z:=assoc(GetE3 x,u)) then
if cdr z eq 'Gluon then rplacD(z,'ok)
else CError list(car z,"can not use as gluon in vertex",x)
else u:=(GetE3 x . 'Gluon) . u$
else CError list("Invalid type of vertex",x)$
vl := cdr vl$
while u do <<
X := car u$
if null(cdr x eq 'ok) then
CError list(car x,"is a free particle. Not yet implemented.")
else if null idp car x then
CError list(car x,"invalid as a name of particle.")
else u:=cdr u$
return t$ % o.k.
end$ % ChkCG
symbolic procedure AFactor g0$
% Calculate A-factor of g0:
% A**(<num. of QG-vert.>+<num. of 3G-vert.>-<num. of free gluons>)/2
% Return A-factor (s.q.).
begin scalar n$
n := 0$
for each x in g0 do if QGVp x or G3Vp x then n := n + 1$
if remainder(n,2) neq 0 then
CError list("Invalid structure of c0-graph.",
if null g0 then nil
else if null cdr g0 then car g0
else 'times . g0)$
return ExptSQ(Spur_TT,n/2)$
end$ % AFactor
%symbolic procedure Color1(g0,st,result)$ Color2(g0,st,result)$
symbolic procedure Color1(g0,st,result)$
% g0 - c0-graph,
% st - stack for still uncalculated graphs,
% Return results - colour factor (s.q.).
if ZCoefP g0 or null GetVL g0 then
if null st then AddSQ(GetCoef g0,result)
else Color1(car st,cdr st,AddSQ(GetCoef g0,result))
else begin scalar v$
% Patch from 15/08/93
% if (v:=Exist3GV g0) then <<
% if ChkHP v then return Color1((nil ./ 1) . nil,st,result)$
% g0 := Split3GV(g0,v)$
% return Color1(car g0,cdr g0 . st,result)
% >>
if (v:=ExistQGV g0) then <<
if ChkHP v then return Color1((nil ./ 1) . nil,st,result)$
g0 := RemoveG(g0,v)$
Color1(car g0
,if cdr g0 then (cdr g0 . st) else st
else if (v:=Exist3GV g0) then <<
if ChkHP v then return Color1((nil ./ 1) . nil,st,result)$
g0 := Split3GV(g0,v)$
return Color1(car g0,cdr g0 . st,result)
else CError list("Invalid structure of c0-graph."
,if null g0 then nil
else if null cdr g0 then car g0
else 'times . g0
end$ % Color1
symbolic procedure RemoveG(g0,v1)$
% Remove gluon which containe in quark-gluon vertex(v1).
% Return pair (g1.g2), where g1 and g2 are graphs.
begin scalar v2$
v2 := FindE(GetVL g0,GetE3 v1)$
if car v2 eq v1 then v2 := FindE(cdr v2,GetE3 v1)$
if null v2 then CError list("Free edge",GetE3 v1,"in vertex",v1)$
v2 := car v2$
if ChkHP v2 then return (((nil ./ 1) . nil) . nil)$
if QGVp v2 then return RemoveG1(g0,v1,v2)
else if G3Vp v2 then return RemoveG2(g0,v1,v2)
else CError list("Invalid type of vertex",v1)$
end$ % RemoveG
symbolic procedure FindE(vl,e)$
% Find vertex included edge e in vertex list vl.
% Return vertex list started by vertex included e or nil.
if null vl then nil
else if memq(e,cdar vl) then vl
else FindE(cdr vl,e)$
symbolic procedure RemoveG1(g0,v1,v2)$
% Remove gluon between two quark-gluon verticies v1 and v2.
% Return pair (g1.g2), where g1 and g2 are graphs.
begin scalar v3,v6,g1,w$
% --<--
% / \
% | |
% v1*.......*v2 = n**2-1
% | |
% \ /
% -->--
%DMessage "2. 3j-symbol?"$
if GetInQ v1 eq GetOutQ v2 and GetOutQ v1 eq GetInQ v2 then
return (MkG0(MultSQ(n!*!*2!-1,GetCoef g0),GetVL g0) . nil)$
% v1
% v3--<----*--<-- v3--<----
% : \ \
% : | |
% : | = (n**2-1)/n |
% : | |
% : / /
% v5-->----*-->-- v5-->----
% v2
%DMessage "3. Arc.?"$
v3 := FindE(GetVL g0,GetOutQ v1)$
if GetInQ v1 eq GetOutQ v2 then <<
if v3 then PutInQ(car v3,GetInQ v2)
else CError list("Free edge",GetOutQ v1,"in vertex",v1)$
(MkG0(MultSQ(QuotSQ(n!*!*2!-1,SU_order),GetCoef g0),GetVL g0)
. nil
v6 := FindE(GetVL g0,GetOutQ v2)$
if GetOutQ v1 eq GetInQ v2 then <<
if v6 then PutInQ(car v6,GetInQ v1)
else CError list("Free edge",GetOutQ v2,"in vertex",v2)$
(MkG0(MultSQ(QuotSQ(n!*!*2!-1,SU_order),GetCoef g0),GetVL g0)
. nil
% v1
% v3--<--*--<-- v3--<-- --<--v4 v3--<--v4
% : \ /
% : | | 1
% : = | | - --- (10')
% : | | n
% : / \
% v5-->--*-->-- v5-->-- -->--v6 v5-->--v6
% v2
% (a) (b)
%DMessage "4. Common case."$
if null v3 or null v6 then
CError list("Invalid structure of c-graph"
,if null g0 then nil
else if null cdr g0 then car g0
else 'times . g0
v3 := car v3$
v6 := car v6$
PutInQ(v3,GetInQ v2)$
PutInQ(v6,GetInQ v1)$
% Diagram (b)
g1 := MkCopyG0 g0$
w := GetVL g1$
v3 := car member(v3,w)$
v6 := car member(v6,w)$
PutInQ(v3,GetInQ v1)$
PutInQ(v6,GetInQ v2)$
(g0 . MkG0(MultSQ(QuotSQ(('-1 ./ 1),SU_order),GetCoef g1),w))$
symbolic procedure RemoveG2(g0,v1,v2)$
% Remove gluon between quark-gluon(v1) and three-gluon(v2) verticies.
% Return pair (g1.g2), where g1 and g2 are graphs.
begin scalar g1,z,u1,u2$
v2 := RevV(v2,GetE3 v1)$
g1 := MkCopyG0 g0$
u1 := car member(v1,g1)$
u2 := car member(v2,g1)$
% 2 v2 3 3 v2 3 3 v2 3
% v6.....*.....v5 v6.. *......v5 v6... *.....v5
% : . |\ . /|
% :1 = . | \2 - . |1
% : .| \ / .|
% v4-->--*-->--v3 v4-->--* ->-v3 v4->- *--->-v3
% v1 1 v1 v1 2
% (a) (b)
%DMessage "2. Common case."$
z := GetE2 v1$
PutE2(v1,GetE3 v1)$
PutE3(v1,GetE2 v2)$
% Diagram (b)
z := GetE1 u1$
PutE1(u1,GetE3 u1)$
PutE3(u1,GetE2 u2)$
PutE2(u2,GetE1 u2)$
return (g0 . MkG0(NegSQ GetCoef g1,GetVL g1))$
end$ % RemoveG2
symbolic procedure Split3GV(g0,v1)$
% Split three-gluon verticies v1 onto three quark-gluon verticies.
% g0 is modified.
% Return (g1 . g2), where g1 and g2 are graphs.
begin scalar v5,v6,g1,z$
% v2 v2 v2
% : : :
% : : :
% : = *v6 - *v6 (9')
% : / \ / \
% v4.....*.....v3 ....*-<-*.... ....*->-*....
% v1 v1 v5 v1 v5
% (a) (b)
v5 := list('QG,GenSym(),GenSym(),GetE2 v1)$
v6 := list('QG,GenSym(),GetInQ v5,GetE1 v1)$
PutE1(v1,GetOutQ v5)$
PutE2(v1,GetInQ v6)$
PutVL(g0,v5 . v6 . GetVL g0)$
% Diagram (b)
g1 := MkCopyG0 g0$
v1 := car member(v1,GetVL g1)$
v5 := car member(v5,GetVL g1)$
v6 := car member(v6,GetVL g1)$
z := GetInQ v1$
PutE1(v1,GetOutQ v1)$
z := GetInQ v5$
PutE1(v5,GetOutQ v5)$
z := GetInQ v6$
PutE1(v6,GetOutQ v6)$
return (g0 . MkG0(NegSQ GetCoef g1,GetVL g1))$
end$ % Split3GV