module sfgamm; % Gamma function procedures and rules for REDUCE.
% Author: Chris Cannam, Sept/Oct '92
imports complex!*on!*switch, complex!*off!*switch,
complex!*restore!*switch, sf!*eval;
exports do!*gamma, do!*pochhammer, do!*poch!*conj!*calc;
fluid '(COMPUTE!-BERNOULLI intlogrem);
% Rule set for the gamma function.
% Comments:
% Base cases are provided for gamma(1) and gamma(1/2).
% The rules will convert gammas to factorials where appropriate.
% A numerical value is always computed if rounded mode is on.
algebraic operator gamma,m_gamma; % m_gamma is the incomplete gamma
% function which happens to be produced by definite integration.
symbolic (operator do!*gamma);
algebraic (gamma!*rules := {
gamma(~x) => 1 when numberp x and x = 1,
gamma(~x) => sqrt(pi) when numberp x and x = (1/2),
gamma(~x) => factorial (x-1)
when numberp x and impart x = 0
and x = floor x and x > 0,
% gamma(~x) => infinity
% when numberp x and impart x = 0
% and x = floor x and x < 1,
gamma(~x) => gamma(x-1) * (x-1)
when numberp x and not symbolic !*rounded
and impart x = 0 and (64*x) = floor(64*x) and x > 1 and x < 50,
gamma(~x) => pi / (sin(pi*x) * gamma(-x) * (-x))
when numberp x and x < 0 and not (fixp x and x < 1),
gamma(~x) => do!*gamma(x)
when numberp x and not (fixp x and x < 1) and symbolic !*rounded,
df(gamma(~x), x) => gamma(x) * psi(x)
algebraic (let gamma!*rules);
algebraic operator beta;
algebraic (beta!*rules := {
beta(~z,~w) => (gamma(z) * gamma(w)) / gamma(z+w)
when (numberp z and numberp w and impart z = 0 and impart w = 0
and not ((z = floor z and z < 1)
or (w = floor w and w < 1)
or (z+w = floor (z+w) and (z+w) < 1)))
or (numberp z and numberp w
and (impart z neq 0 or impart w neq 0))
or not (numberp z and numberp w),
beta(~z,~w) => 0
when numberp z and numberp w and impart z = 0 and impart w = 0
and not ((z = floor z and z < 1)
or (w = floor w and w < 1))
and (z+w = floor (z+w) and (z+w) < 1)
%beta(~z,~w) => Infinity
% when numberp z and numberp w and impart z = 0 and impart w = 0
% and ((z = floor z and z < 1)
% or (w = floor w and w < 1))
% and not (z+w = floor (z+w) and (z+w) < 1)
algebraic (let beta!*rules);
Comment Ruleset for calculating the Pochhammer symbol
Author: Wolfram Koepf, Freie Universitaet Berlin 1992,
Translated to Reduce syntax by Winfried Neun, ZIB Berlin.
Made generally safer (and uglier) by Chris Cannam, ZIB.
algebraic operator pochhammer;
symbolic (operator do!*pochhammer, do!*poch!*conj!*calc);
algebraic (pochhammer!*rules := {
df(pochhammer(~z,~k),~z) => pochhammer(~z,~k) * (Psi(z+k)-Psi(z)),
pochhammer(~z,~k) => (-1)^k*factorial(-z)/factorial(-z-k)
when fixp z and z<0,
pochhammer(~z,~k) => ( for i:=0:(k-1) product(z + i))
when numberp k and k < 20 and k > 0,
pochhammer(~z,~k) => 1
when numberp k and k = 0,
pochhammer(~z,~k) => factorial(z+k-1)/factorial(z-1)
when fixp z and z > 0,
pochhammer(~z,~k -1) =>
2 * pochhammer(1/2,k) / (2*k -1)
when numberp z and z = 1/2,
pochhammer(~a,~k) =>
factorial(2k)/((4^k) * factorial(k))
when numberp a and a = 1/2,
pochhammer(~n,~k) =>
when numberp n and numberp k
and impart n = 0 and impart k = 0
and n = floor n and k = floor k
and n > -1 and k > 0,
pochhammer(~a,~k) =>
when symbolic !*rounded
and numberp k and numberp a
and impart a = 0 and impart k = 0
and ((a neq floor a) or (a > 0))
and k = floor k and k > 0,
pochhammer(~n,~k) =>
(-1)^k * factorial(-n) / factorial(-n-k)
when numberp n and numberp k
and impart n = 0
and n = floor n and n < 1 and (-n-k) >= 0,
pochhammer(~a,~k) =>
pochhammer(2*a-1,2k)/((4^k) * pochhammer((2 a -1)/2,k))
when numberp a and impart a = 0
and (a+1/2) = floor (a+1/2) and a > 0,
pochhammer(~a,~k) =>
(-1)^(-a+1/2) * Pochhammer(1-a-(-a+1/2),(-a+1/2)) *
when numberp a and impart a = 0
and (a+1/2) = floor (a+1/2) and a < 0});
algebraic (special!*pochhammer!*rules := {
% these special rules are normally disabled because
% they produce a lot of load for the algebraic mode
pochhammer(~a,~k)*pochhammer(~b,~k) =>
when (b-a)=1/2,
pochhammer(~a,~k) =>
(-1)^(-a+1/2) * pochhammer(1-a-(-a+1/2),-a+1/2) *
pochhammer(a +(-a +1/2),k-(-a+1/2))
when numberp a and impart a = 0
and (a+1/2) = floor (a+1/2) and a<0,
pochhammer(~z,~k) * pochhammer(~cz,~k) =>
when numberp z and numberp cz and numberp k
and not(impart z = 0) and z = conj cz
and impart k = 0 and k = floor k and k >= 0,
pochhammer(~a,~k)*pochhammer(~aa,~k) =>
factorial(3 k)/(factorial(k) * 27^k)
when numberp a and a = 1/3 and numberp aa and aa = 2/3,
pochhammer(~a,~k) * pochhammer(~aa,~k) =>
factorial(1 + 3 k)/(27 ^k * factorial(k))
when numberp a and a = 2/3 and numberp aa and aa = 4/3,
pochhammer(~b,~k) * pochhammer(~c,~k) =>
pochhammer(3*b,3*k)/( 27^k * pochhammer(b +2/3,k))
when numberp b and numberp c
and (c-b)=1/3 and (b-1/3) = floor (b-1/3) and not (b-1/3 = 0),
pochhammer(~a,~k)*pochhammer(~aa,~k)*pochhammer(~aaa,~k) =>
factorial(4*k)/(factorial(k) * 64^k)
when numberp a and numberp aa and numberp aaa
and a = 1/4 and aa = 1/2 and aaa = 3/4,
pochhammer(~aaa,~k)*pochhammer(~aaaa,~k) =>
factorial(5*k)/(factorial(k) * 3125^k)
when numberp a and numberp aa
and numberp aaa and numberp aaaa
and a = 1/5 and aa = 2/5 and aaa = 3/5 and aaaa = 4/5,
pochhammer(~aaa,~k)*pochhammer(~aaaa,~k) =>
5*(1/5 +k)*factorial(5*k)/(factorial(k) * 3125^k)
when numberp a and numberp aa
and numberp aaa and numberp aaaa
and a = 2/5 and aa = 3/5 and aaa = 4/5 and aaaa = 6/5,
pochhammer(~aaa,~k)*pochhammer(~aaaa,~k) =>
(25 *(1/5+k)*(2/5 +k)*factorial(5*k)) / (factorial(k) * 2* 3125^k)
when numberp a and numberp aa
and numberp aaa and numberp aaaa
and a = 3/5 and aa = 4/5 and aaa = 6/5 and aaaa = 7/5,
pochhammer(~aaa,~k)*pochhammer(~aaaa,~k) =>
(125*(1/5+k)*(2/5+k)*(3/5+k)*factorial(5*k)) /
(factorial(k) * 6 *3125^k)
when numberp a and numberp aa
and numberp aaa and numberp aaaa
and a = 4/5 and aa = 6/5 and aaa = 7/5 and aaaa = 8/5,
pochhammer(~aaa,~k)*pochhammer(~aaaa,~k) =>
(625*(1/5+k)*(2/5+k)*(3/5+k)*(4/5+k)*factorial(5*k)) /
(factorial(k) * 24 *3125^k)
when numberp a and numberp aa
and numberp aaa and numberp aaaa
and a = 6/5 and aa = 7/5 and aaa = 8/5 and aaaa = 9/5,
Pochhammer(~a,~k)//Pochhammer(~b,~k) => (a + k -1)/(a - 1)
when (a - b)=1,
Pochhammer(~a,~k)//Pochhammer(~b,~k) => (b - 1)/(b + k -1)
when (b - a)=1
algebraic (let pochhammer!*rules);
algebraic procedure do!*gamma(z);
(if impart z = 0
then algebraic sf!*eval('gamma!*calc!*s,{z})
else algebraic sf!*eval('gamma!*calc,{z}));
algebraic procedure gamma!*calc!*s(z);
begin scalar scale, result, alglist!*;
integer p, precom;
precom := complex!*off!*switch();
p := precision(0);
op := lisp c!:prec!:();
if p < !!nfpd then precision (!!nfpd + 1);
% else precision(p+3);
if p > 49 then
scale := 500 + p
else scale := 10 * (p+1);
if z > scale then scale := 2;
result := gamma!*calc!*s!*sub(z,scale,op);
precision p;
return result;
algebraic procedure gamma!*calc!*s!*sub(z,scale,op);
begin scalar za, z1, result; integer z0;
za := z; z0 := floor (z+1); z1 := z + scale;
result := algebraic symbolic log!*gamma(z1,z0);
result := (exp result / pochhammer(z,scale));
return result;
symbolic procedure log!*gamma(z, zint);
begin scalar result, this, zpwr, zsq, admissable, abk;
integer k, rp, orda, magn;
magn := bf!*base ** c!:prec!:();
if zint < 1000 then
if new!*bfs
then admissable := divbf
(i2bf!: msd!: (1 + (factorial zint / 3)),
i2bf!: magn)
else admissable := divbf
(i2bf!: length explode factorial zint,
i2bf!: magn)
admissable := divbf
sqrt!:(exptbf(i2bf!: zint,2*zint+1,bfone!*),8)),8),
i2bf!: zint),i2bf!: magn);
z := sq2bf!* z;
result := timbf(log!* z, difference!:(z, bfhalf!*));
result := plubf((difference!: (result, z)), timbf(bfhalf!*,
log!* timbf(pi!*(), bftwo!*)));
this := plubf (admissable, bfone!*);
rp := c!:prec!:(); orda := order!: admissable - 5;
k := 2; zpwr := z; zsq := timbf (z, z);
if (lisp null compute!-bernoulli) then
symbolic <<errorset!*('(load_package '(specfaux)), nil); nil>>;
while greaterp!:(abs!: this, admissable) do
<< abk := retag cdr !*a2f retrieve!*bern k;
this := divide!: (abk,
timbf (i2bf!: (k * (k-1)), zpwr), rp);
rp := order!: this - orda;
result := plubf(result, this);
zpwr := timbf (zpwr, zsq);
k := k + 2; >>;
return mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result;
% algebraic procedure loggamma!*calc!*sub(z);
% Procedure to calculate ln(gamma(z)); returns a 2-list of
% the value of ln(gamma) and the final term used in the
% constructing series. (This term is used by gamma!*calc!*sub
% to compute the error.)
% Also requires to be fed the indices for the first and last
% terms to be used in constructing the portion of the
% series that it will construct. Both of these values should
% be even; if the first term's index is 2, then the initial
% terms to construct the log gamma will also be included.
algebraic procedure loggamma!*calc!*sub(z, premier, dernier);
begin scalar result, ft, sofar, div;
if premier = 2 then result := ((z - (1/2)) * log z) - z +
((1/2) * log (2*pi))
else result := 0;
sofar := z ** (dernier-1);
div := z ** 2;
result := result + (ft := (bernoulli!*calc(dernier) /
((dernier -1) * dernier * sofar)));
for n := (dernier-2) step -2 until premier
do << sofar := sofar / div;
result := result + (bernoulli!*calc(n) /
(n * (n-1) * sofar)) >>;
return { result, ft };
% algebraic procedure gamma!*calc!*sub(z,scale);
% Procedure to calculate values of gamma. Given the value
% at which to calculate and the amount by which to scale
% up in calculation, returns (eventually) a 2-list of the value
% of gamma and the maximum error on this value. Needs a
% better interface -- see the gamma!*calc procedure, below.
algebraic procedure gamma!*calc!*sub(z,scale);
begin scalar result, expresult, ft, err, newerr, rescale,
admissable, alglist!*;
integer prepre, premier, dernier;
prepre := precision(0);
% precision (prepre + 4);
rescale := for k := 1:scale product (z+k-1);
admissable := 1 / (10 ** (prepre + 4));
err := admissable + 1;
premier := 2;
dernier := 50;
result := 0;
while (err > admissable) do
<< ft := loggamma!*calc!*sub(z+scale, premier, dernier);
result := result + first ft;
ft := second ft;
expresult := exp result;
newerr := (abs ((expresult/(exp ft)) - expresult))/rescale;
if newerr > err or (dernier > 180 and
newerr > (admissable * 1000)) then
<< scale := scale * 3;
rescale := (for m := 1:scale product (z+m-1));
write ("Scaling up to scale=", scale,
" (from ", scale/3, ")");
result := 0;
premier := 2;
dernier := 100;
err := admissable + 1 >>
<< err := newerr;
premier := dernier + 2;
dernier := dernier + 30 >> ;
result := expresult / rescale;
% precision prepre;
return { result, err };
% algebraic procedure gamma!*calc(z);
% Procedure to calculate values of gamma to (one hopes)
% an error within the tolerance allowed by the current
% precision. Calls gamma!*calc!*sub (above) with a scale worked
% out by slightly ad-hoc (but apparently fairly good) methods
% and will be generally OK for z between 1e-7 and infinity.
% Only works for positive z, and only in rounded mode.
algebraic procedure gamma!*calc(z);
if precision(0) > 49
then first gamma!*calc!*sub(z,500+4*precision(0))
else first gamma!*calc!*sub(z, ceiling (exp(precision(0)/10) * 2));
% Functions to compute Pochhammer(a,k).
algebraic procedure do!*pochhammer(a,k);
algebraic sf!*eval('pochhammer!*calc,{a,k});
algebraic procedure do!*poch!*conj!*calc(z,n);
algebraic sf!*eval('poch!*conj!*calc,{z,n});
algebraic procedure pochhammer!*calc(a,k);
(if fixp a and not symbolic !*rounded
then (symbolic fac!-part(a, a+k-1))
else pochhammer!*calc!*sub(a,k));
algebraic procedure pochhammer!*calc!*sub(a,k);
begin scalar result, prepre, precom, a0;
precom := complex!*off!*switch();
prepre := precision 0;
if prepre < !!nfpd then precision (1+!!nfpd);
a0 := a;
result := if (symbolic new!*bfs)
then algebraic symbolic pochhammer!*calc!*sub!*sub!*newbf(a,k)
else algebraic symbolic pochhammer!*calc!*sub!*sub!*oldbf(a,k);
precision prepre;
return result;
symbolic procedure pochhammer!*calc!*sub!*sub!*oldbf(a,k);
begin scalar result;
if fixp a
then result := poch!*sub!*2(0, k-1, i2bf!: a)
else << a := sq2bf!* a;
if order!: a < - !:prec!:
then result := poch!*sub!*2(0, k-1, bfone!*)
else if length explode mt!: a < !:prec!:/2
and order!: a > -2
then result := poch!*sub!*2(0, k-1, a)
else result := poch!*sub!*1(a, k-1,bfone!*)>>;
return mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result;
symbolic procedure pochhammer!*calc!*sub!*sub!*newbf(a,k);
begin scalar result;
if fixp a
then result := poch!*sub!*2(0, k-1, i2bf!: a)
else << a := sq2bf!* a;
if order!: a < - c!:prec!:()
then result := poch!*sub!*2(0, k-1, bfone!*)
else if preci!: a < c!:prec!:()/2 and order!: a>-2
then result := poch!*sub!*2(0, k-1, a)
else result := poch!*sub!*1(a,k-1,bfone!*)>>;
return mk!*sq !*f2q result;
symbolic procedure poch!*sub!*1(a,k,tot);
if k=0 then timbf(tot,a)
else poch!*sub!*1(plus!:(a,bfone!*),k-1,timbf(tot,a));
symbolic procedure poch!*sub!*2(m,n,a);
if m=n then plus!:(a,i2bf!: m)
else if m = n-1 then
timbf(plus!:(a,i2bf!: m), plus!:(a,i2bf!: n))
else (timbf(poch!*sub!*2(m,p,a),poch!*sub!*2(p+1,n,a)))
where p=(m+n)/2;
algebraic procedure poch!*conj!*calc(z,n);
for i := 1:n product ((repart z + (i-1))**2 + (impart z)**2);
% lets prod (in misc package) know about gamma.
let { prod(~n,~n,~anf,~ende) => Gamma(ende + 1)/Gamma(anf)
when not( fixp anf and anf < 0) ,
prod(~n,~n,~anf) => Gamma(n+1)/Gamma(anf)
when not( fixp anf and anf < 0),
prod(~k +~n,k,~nanf,~nend) =>
gamma(nend + 1 + n)/gamma (nanf + n)
when numberp nanf and numberp n and nanf + n > 0,
prod(~k +~n,k,~nanf,~nend) => 0
when numberp nanf and numberp n and nanf= - n,
prod(~~a*~k +~n,k,~nanf,~nend) => prod(a,k,nanf,nend)*
gamma(nend + 1 + n/a)/gamma (nanf + n/a)
when freeof(a,k) and freeof (n,k),
% when not(numberp nanf and numberp n),
% prod(~n,~n) => gamma(n+1)},
(~~u*gamma(~x+~~n0))//(~~v*gamma(x +~~n1)) =>
when not (numberp x and x eq 0)
and (fixp n0 and fixp n1 and n0<n1 and (n1 -n0)< 6),
(~~u*gamma(~x+~~n0))//(~~v*gamma(x +~~n1)) =>
when not (numberp x and x eq 0)
and (fixp n0 and fixp n1 and n0>n1 and (n0-n1)< 6)