module ode1; % Routines for first order ODEs
% ************************************************************
% Author: Malcolm MacCallum
% Some programs for particular cases based on versions by Francis Wright
% January 1988. January 1990
% Basic layout is to test first for well-known special forms
% namely linear
% separable
% (algebraically) homogeneous
% reducible to homogeneous
% Bernoulli
% exact
% and at a later stage of development to add more general cases
% Riccati
% Others solvable by Shtokhamer, Glinos, and Caviness method
% based on Prelle Singer result
% etc
% Note that all cases of 1st order equations can be considered
% equivalent to searches for integrating factors (In particular
% Lie methods do not help here)
% ************************************************************
% Solve a linear first-order equation
algebraic procedure linear1(ode,y,x);
begin scalar rhs!*;
rhs!* := - (num ode)/lcof(num ode,df(y,x)) + df(y,x);
if afreeof(rhs!*, y)
then return {y = quadrature(rhs!*, x) + newarbconst()};
traceode "This is a first-order linear ODE";
traceode " solved by the integrating factor method";
return {y = solvelinear1(rhs!*, y, x)};
algebraic procedure quadrature(rhs!*, x);
traceode "This first-order ODE can be solved by quadrature";
return int (rhs!*, x);
% This does not return an equation list so that it can also be called
% within solvebernoulli. solvelinear makes the equation from it.
algebraic procedure solvelinear1(rhs,y,x);
begin scalar intfactor, b!*, c!*;
b!* := - lcof(num rhs,y)/den rhs;
c!* := rhs + (b!*)*y;
intfactor:=e**int(b!*, x);
intfactor := resimplify intfactor; % To cure exp(log x) problem
return (newarbconst() + int(intfactor*(c!*),x))/intfactor;
% or that multiplied by intfactor, or num of it?
% ************************************************************
% Top-level solver for non-linear first-order equations
algebraic procedure odesolve1(ode, y, x);
begin scalar rhs!*, arbconst!*;
% Using rhs here seems to lead to trouble!!
if odedegree neq 1 then return
<<traceode "ODESOLVE at present only solves first order equations";
traceode "if degree is 1";
% *** replace with call to a suitable function eventually
arbconst!* := lisp gensym();
odecoeffs := coeff(num ode, df(y,x));
rhs!* := - first odecoeffs/second odecoeffs;
% Following ordering of tests could be altered.
% If rhs!* or ode is not explicitly passed to the test or solution
% routines this is because they use odecoeffs, denfactors etc
if testseparable(rhs!*, y, x) = 0 then return solveseparable(y, x);
if testhom(rhs!*, y, x, arbconst!*)=0
then return solvehomde(rhs!*, y, x);
if testredhom(rhs!*, y, x) = 0 then return solveredhomde(rhs!*, y, x);
if testbernoulli(rhs!*, y, x)=0 then return solvebernoulli(rhs!*,y,x);
% ***** N.B. Next line re-defines odecoeffs: be careful if re-ordering
if testexact(ode, y, x) = 0 then return solveexact(y, x);
return odefailure(ode);
% ************************************************************
% The separable case
algebraic procedure testseparable(rhsterm,y,x);
clear denfacs!*, denfactors; % may not be set here so lose old values
numfacs!* := length(numfactors := xfactorize(num rhsterm));
% We will assume there are no common factors in num and den (is this
% dangerous?)
if testseparable1(y, x, numfacs!*, numfactors) neq 0 then return 1;
denfacs!* := length (denfactors := xfactorize(den rhsterm));
return testseparable1(y, x, denfacs!*, denfactors);
algebraic procedure testseparable1(y, x, number, factorlist);
begin scalar count!*, temp!*;
count!* := 1;
a: if count!* > number then return 0;
temp!* := part(factorlist, count!*);
count!* := count!* + 1;
if not (afreeof(temp!*, x) or afreeof(temp!*, y)) then return 1;
go to a;
algebraic procedure solveseparable(y, x);
begin scalar f!*, g!*, temp!*;
for i:=1:numfacs!* do
if afreeof(temp!*,y) then f!*:=(f!*)*temp!*
else g!*:=(g!*)*temp!*;>>;
for i:=1:denfacs!* do
<<temp!* := part(denfactors,i);
if afreeof(temp!*,y) then f!*:=(f!*)/temp!*
else g!*:=(g!*)/temp!*;>>;
temp!* := int(1/g!*, y) - int(f!*,x) + newarbconst();
traceode "This is a first-order separable ODE";
return {temp!*=0};
% Cannot trust solve here
% ************************************************************
algebraic procedure testhom(rhsterm,y,x, arbconst!*);
resimplify(rhsterm - sub(x=arbconst!**x,y=arbconst!**y,rhsterm));
% Changed 17.10.89
% Solve algebraically homogeneous 1st order ODEs
algebraic procedure solvehomde(rhsterm, y,x);
"This is a first-order ODE of algebraically homogeneous type";
traceode " solved by change of variables y = vx method";
return {solvehomde1(rhsterm, y,x)=0};
% Also called by the solveredhomde function
algebraic procedure solvehomde1(rhsterm, y, x);
<<rhsterm := exp(int(1/(sub(y=y*x,rhsterm)-y),y));
sub(y=y/x, x/resimplify(rhsterm) + newarbconst())>>;
% ************************************************************
% Test if the equation is reducible to homogeneous
% *** Can we use the new pattern matcher here
algebraic procedure testredhom(rhsterm,y,x);
begin scalar temp!*;
if not numberp denfacs!*
then denfacs!* := length (denfactors := xfactorize(den rhsterm));
if not numberp ((rhsterm)*(part(denfactors,denfacs!*)**(denfacs!*-1))/
then return 1;
temp!* := part(numfactors,numfacs!*);
if not afreeof(temp!*-x*coeffn(temp!*, x,1), x) then return 1;
if not afreeof(temp!*-y*coeffn(temp!*, y,1), y) then return 1;
temp!* := part(denfactors,denfacs!*);
if not afreeof(temp!*-x*coeffn(temp!*, x,1), x) then return 1;
if not afreeof(temp!*-y*coeffn(temp!*, y,1), y) then return 1;
return 0;
algebraic procedure solveredhomde(rhsterm,y,x);
begin scalar ans!*;
traceode "This is a first-order ODE reducible to homogeneous type";
ans!* := solveredhomde1(rhsterm,y,x);
% return solve(ans!*,y);
% Solve chokes on this sometimes so leave the user to try it
return {ans!* = 0};
algebraic procedure solveredhomde1(rhsterm,y,x);
begin scalar ans1!*, a1!*, b1!*, a2!*, b2!*;
a1!* := lcof(part(numfactors,numfacs!*),x);
b1!* := lcof(part(numfactors,numfacs!*),y);
a2!* := lcof(part(denfactors,denfacs!*),x);
b2!* := lcof(part(denfactors,denfacs!*),y);
if (a1!*)*(b2!*)-(a2!*)*(b1!*) = 0 then return
<<traceode "belonging to the special case where top and bottom";
traceode "are parallel lines";
traceode "solved by new variable and separation";
rhsterm:=(b1!*)*sub(y=(y-(a1!*)*x)/b1!*, rhsterm) +a1!*;
sub(y=(a1!*)*x+(b1!*)*y, ans1!*)>>
else return
<<traceode "solved by shifting the origin";
ans1!* := first solve({part(numfactors,numfacs!*),
a1!* := rhs first ans1!*;
a2!* := rhs second ans1!*;
rhsterm:=sub(x=x+a1!*,y=y+a2!*, rhsterm);
% ************************************************************
algebraic procedure testbernoulli(rhsterm, y,x);
begin scalar tbnvar;
tbnvar := deg(den rhsterm, y);
if not afreeof(lcof(den rhsterm, y), y) then return 1;
if tbnvar >0 then return testbernoulli1(rhsterm, tbnvar, y, x);
tbnvar := forcecoeff(rhsterm, y);
(if afreeof(part(tbnvar, 1), y)
and afreeof(part(tbnvar, hipow!*+1), y)
and rhsterm - part(tbnvar,2)*y
- part(tbnvar,hipow!*+1)*y**(hipow!*)=0
then 0 else 1);
algebraic procedure testbernoulli1(rhsterm, degry, y, x);
begin scalar tb1var;
if den rhsterm neq lcof(den rhsterm, y)*y**degry then return 1;
tb1var := testbernoulli(y**2*sub(y=1/y, rhsterm), y, x);
hipow!* := 2 - hipow!*;
return tb1var;
algebraic procedure solvebernoulli(rhsterm, y, x);
traceode "This is a first-order ODE of Bernoulli type";
return {y**(1-hipow!*) =
% ************************************************************
algebraic procedure testexact(ode, y, x);
begin scalar M!*,N!*;
M!* := first odecoeffs/den ode;
N!* := second odecoeffs/den ode;
odecoeffs := {M!*, N!*};
return (sub(df(y,x)=0, df(M!*,y)-df(N!*,x)))
algebraic procedure solveexact(y, x);
traceode "This is an exact first order ODE";
% return solve(solveexact1(y, x),y);
% Solve seems to choke on what it gets here
return {solveexact1(y,x)=0};
algebraic procedure solveexact1(y, x);
begin scalar intM, odepl!*;
intM := forceint(first odecoeffs,x);
return num (intM + forceint(second odecoeffs - df(intM, y), y)
+ newarbconst());
endmodule; % ode1