<b><a href=r37_idx.html>INDEX</a></b><p><p>
<B>I</B> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <B>constant</B><P>
REDUCE knows <em>i</em> is the square root of -1,
and that i^2 = -1.
<P> <H3>
examples: </H3>
(a + b*i)*(c + d*i);
A*C + A*D*I + B*C*I - B*D
</TT></PRE><P><em>i</em>cannot be used as an identifier. It is all right to use
as an index variable in a <em>for</em> loop, or as a local (<em>scalar</em>)
variable inside a <em>begin...end</em> block, but it loses its definition as
the square root of -1 inside the block in that case.
Only the simplest properties of i are known by REDUCE unless
the switch
<A HREF=r37_0274.html>complex</A> is turned on, which implements full complex
arithmetic in factoring, simplification, and functional values.
<em>complex</em> is ordinarily off.