% PROPERTY-LIST.RED - Functions dealing with property lists
% Author: Eric Benson
% Symbolic Computation Group
% Computer Science Dept.
% University of Utah
% Date: 17 August 1981
% Copyright (c) 1981 University of Utah
% <PSL.INTERP>PROPERTY-LIST.RED.11, 1-Mar-82 14:09:20, Edit by BENSON
% Changed "move-to-front" to "exchange-with-previous"
% <PSL.INTERP>PROPERTY-LIST.RED.7, 27-Feb-82 12:43:27, Edit by BENSON
% Optimized GET and FLAGP, rearranges property list
% Every ID in the system has a property list. It is obtained by the function
% PROP(ID) and updated with the function SETPROP(ID, PLIST). These functions
% are not in the Standard Lisp report, and are not intended for use in user
% programs. A property list (whose format should also not be known to
% user programs) is a list of IDs and dotted pairs (A-List entries). The
% pairs are used by PUT and GET, and the IDs are used by FLAG and FLAGP.
% Non-Standard Lisp functions used:
% DELQIP -- EQ, destructive version of Delete (in EASY-NON-SL.RED)
% ATSOC -- EQ version of ASSOC (in EASY-NON-SL.RED)
% DELATQIP -- EQ, destructive version of DELASC (in EASY-NON-SL.RED)
% EQCAR(A,B) -- PairP A and car A eq B (in EASY-NON-SL.RED)
% NonIDError -- in TYPE-ERRORS.RED
on SysLisp;
syslsp procedure Prop U; %. Access property list of U
if IDP U then SymPrp IDInf U
else NonIDError(U, 'Prop);
syslsp procedure SetProp(U, L); %. Store L as property list of U
if IDP U then
SymPrp IDInf U := L
NonIDError(U, 'SetProp);
syslsp procedure FlagP(U, Indicator); %. Is U marked with Indicator?
if not IDP U or not IDP Indicator then NIL
else begin scalar PL, PreviousPointer;
PL := SymPrp IDInf U;
if null PL then return NIL;
if car PL eq Indicator then return T;
PreviousPointer := PL;
PL := cdr PL;
if null PL then return NIL;
if car PL eq Indicator then return
<< Rplaca(PL, car PreviousPointer);
Rplaca(PreviousPointer, Indicator);
T >>;
PreviousPointer := PL;
PL := cdr PL;
goto Loop;
on FastLinks;
syslsp procedure GetFnType U;
get(U, 'TYPE);
off FastLinks;
syslsp procedure Get(U, Indicator); %. Retrieve value stored for U with Ind
if not IDP U or not IDP Indicator then NIL
else begin scalar PL, X, PreviousPointer;
PL := SymPrp IDInf U;
if null PL then return NIL;
X := car PL;
if PairP X and car X eq Indicator then return cdr X;
PreviousPointer := PL;
PL := cdr PL;
if null PL then return NIL;
X := car PL;
if PairP X and car X eq Indicator then return
<< Rplaca(PL, car PreviousPointer);
Rplaca(PreviousPointer, X);
cdr X >>;
PreviousPointer := PL;
PL := cdr PL;
goto Loop;
off SysLisp;
lisp procedure Flag(IDList, Indicator); %. Mark all in IDList with Indicator
if not IDP Indicator then
NonIDError(Indicator, 'Flag)
for each U in IDList do Flag1(U, Indicator);
lisp procedure Flag1(U, Indicator);
if not IDP U then
NonIDError(U, 'Flag)
else begin scalar PL;
PL := Prop U;
if not (Indicator memq PL) then SetProp(U, Indicator . PL);
lisp procedure RemFlag(IDList, Indicator); %. Remove marking of all in IDList
if not IDP Indicator then
NonIDError(Indicator, 'RemFlag)
for each U in IDList do RemFlag1(U, Indicator);
lisp procedure RemFlag1(U, Indicator);
if not IDP U then
NonIDError(U, 'RemFlag)
else SetProp(U, DelQIP(Indicator, Prop U));
lisp procedure Put(U, Indicator, Val); %. Store Val in U with Indicator
if not IDP U then
NonIDError(U, 'Put)
else if not IDP Indicator then
NonIDError(Indicator, 'Put)
else begin scalar PL, V;
PL := Prop U;
if not (V := Atsoc(Indicator, PL)) then
SetProp(U, (Indicator . Val) . PL)
RPlacD(V, Val);
return Val;
lisp procedure RemProp(U, Indicator); %. Remove value of U with Indicator
if not IDP U or not IDP Indicator then NIL
else begin scalar V;
if (V := get(U, Indicator)) then
SetProp(U, DelAtQIP(Indicator, Prop U));
return V;
lisp procedure RemPropL(L, Indicator); %. RemProp for all IDs in L
for each X in L do RemProp(X, Indicator);