% Input-Stream.SL (TOPS-20 Version) - File Input Stream Objects
% Author: Alan Snyder
% Hewlett-Packard/CRC
% Date: 29 July 1982
% This package is 6.6 times faster than the standard unbuffered I/O.
% (Using message passing, it is only 1.7 times faster.)
% Note: this code will only run COMPILED.
% See TESTING code at the end of this file for examples of use.
% Be sure to include "(CompileTime (load objects))" at the beginning
% of any file that uses this package.
(BothTimes (load objects jsys))
(defun open-input (file-name)
(let ((s (make-instance 'input-stream)))
(=> s open file-name)
%(CompileTime (setq *pgwd t))
(CompileTime (setq FILE-BUFFER-SIZE (* 5 512)))
(defflavor input-stream ((jfn NIL) % TOPS-20 file number
ptr % "pointer" to next char in buffer
count % number of valid chars in buffer
eof-flag % T => this bufferfull is the last
file-name % full name of actual file
buffer % input buffer
(gettable-instance-variables file-name)
% Note: The JSYS function can't be used for the 'SIN' JSYS because the function
% handles errors. The 'SIN' JSYS will report an error on end-of-file if errors
% are being handled.
(CompileTime (put 'sin 'OpenCode '((jsys 42) (move (reg 1) (reg 3)))))
(CompileTime (put 'closf 'OpenCode '((jsys 18) (move (reg 1) (reg 1)))))
(defmethod (input-stream getc) ()
% Return the next character from the file. Line termination
% is represented by a single NEWLINE (LF) character.
% Note: returns NIL on end of file.
(if (WLessP ptr count)
(let ((ch (prog1
(igets buffer ptr)
(setf ptr (wplus2 ptr 1))
% Ignore CR's
(if (WNEq ch (char CR)) ch (input-stream$getc self))
(input-stream$fill-buffer-and-getc self)
% The above function was coded to produce good compiled code
% using the current PSL compiler. Here's the output. Note
% that no stack variables are used. The main path uses 16
% instructions. There is room for improvement.
% G0002 (MOVE (REG 4) (REG 1))
% (MOVE (REG T1) (INDEXED (REG 1) 6))
% (CAMG (REG T1) (INDEXED (REG 1) 5))
% (JRST G0004)
% (MOVE (REG 2) (INDEXED (REG 1) 5))
% (MOVE (REG 1) (INDEXED (REG 1) 4))
% (AOS (REG 1))
% (ADJBP (REG 2) "L0010")
% (LDB (REG 1) (REG 2))
% (MOVE (REG 3) (REG 1))
% (MOVE (REG 1) (INDEXED (REG 4) 5))
% (AOS (REG 1))
% (MOVEM (REG 1) (INDEXED (REG 4) 5))
% (MOVE (REG 1) (REG 3))
% (CAIE (REG 1) 13)
% (JRST G0001)
% (MOVE (REG 1) (REG 4))
% (JRST G0002)
% G0001 (POPJ (REG ST) 0)
(defmethod (input-stream fill-buffer-and-getc) ()
% Implementation note: Removing all of this code from GETC improves the
% quality of the compiled code for GETC. In particular, the compiler is able
% to keep SELF in a register, instead of saving it in a stack variable and
% (excessively) reloading it every time it is needed. Making this change
% increased the performance of buffered input from 4X to 6.6X the standard
% unbuffered input.
(if eof-flag
(let ((n (sin jfn (jconv buffer) (WDifference 0 #.FILE-BUFFER-SIZE))))
(if (not (WEQ n 0)) (setf eof-flag T))
(setf count (WPlus2 #.FILE-BUFFER-SIZE n))
(setf ptr 0)
(input-stream$getc self))))
(defmethod (input-stream getc-image) ()
% Return the next character from the file. Do not perform
% any translation. In particular, return all <CR>s.
% Returns NIL on end of file.
(if (WLessP ptr count)
(igets buffer ptr)
(setf ptr (wplus2 ptr 1))
(input-stream$fill-buffer-and-getc-image self)
(defmethod (input-stream fill-buffer-and-getc-image) ()
(if eof-flag
(let ((n (sin jfn (jconv buffer) (WDifference 0 #.FILE-BUFFER-SIZE))))
(if (not (WEQ n 0)) (setf eof-flag T))
(setf count (WPlus2 #.FILE-BUFFER-SIZE n))
(setf ptr 0)
(input-stream$getc-image self))))
(defmethod (input-stream empty?) ()
(null (input-stream$peekc self)))
(defmethod (input-stream peekc) ()
% Return the next character from the file, but don't advance
% to the next character. Returns NIL on end of file.
(if (WLessP ptr count)
(let ((ch (igets buffer ptr)))
% Ignore CR's
(if (WNEq ch (char CR))
(setf ptr (wplus2 ptr 1))
(input-stream$peekc self))
(input-stream$fill-buffer-and-peekc self)
(defmethod (input-stream fill-buffer-and-peekc) ()
(if eof-flag
(let ((n (sin jfn (jconv buffer) (WDifference 0 #.FILE-BUFFER-SIZE))))
(if (not (WEQ n 0)) (setf eof-flag T))
(setf count (WPlus2 #.FILE-BUFFER-SIZE n))
(setf ptr 0)
(input-stream$peekc self))))
(defmethod (input-stream open) (name-of-file)
% Open the specified file for input via SELF. If the file cannot
% be opened, a Continuable Error is generated.
(if jfn (input-stream$close self))
(setf buffer (MkString #.FILE-BUFFER-SIZE (char space)))
(setf ptr 0)
(setf count 0)
(setf eof-flag NIL)
(setf jfn (Dec20Open name-of-file
(int2sys 2#001000000000000001000000000000000000)
(int2sys 2#000111000000000000010000000000000000)
(if (= jfn 0) (setf jfn NIL))
(if (null jfn)
(=> self open
(ContinuableError 0
(BldMsg "Unable to Open '%w' for Input." name-of-file)
(setf file-name (MkString 200 (char space)))
(jsys1 file-name jfn #.(bits 2 5 8 11 14 35) 0 #.(get 'jsJFNS 'NewNam))
(setf file-name (recopystringtonull file-name))
(defmethod (input-stream close) ()
(if jfn (progn
(closf jfn)
(setf jfn NIL)
(setf buffer NIL)
(setf count 0)
(setf ptr 0)
(setf eof-flag T)
(CommentOutCode (progn
(de test-buffered-input (name-of-file)
(setq s (open-input name-of-file))
(while (setq ch (input-stream$getc s))
(WriteChar ch)
(=> s close)
(Prin2 "---EOF---")
(de time-buffered-input (name-of-file)
(setq start-time (time))
(setq s (open-input name-of-file))
(while (setq ch (input-stream$getc s))
(=> s close)
(- (time) start-time)
(de time-buffered-input-1 (name-of-file)
(setq start-time (time))
(setq s (open-input name-of-file))
(while (setq ch (=> s getc))
(=> s close)
(- (time) start-time)
(de time-standard-input (name-of-file)
(setq start-time (time))
(setq chan (open name-of-file 'INPUT))
(while (not (= (setq ch (ChannelReadChar chan)) (char EOF)))
(close chan)
(- (time) start-time)
(de time-input (name-of-file)
(time-buffered-input name-of-file)
(time-buffered-input-1 name-of-file)
(time-standard-input name-of-file)
)) % End CommentOutCode