% DISPCH.SL - Dispatch table utilities
% Author: William F. Galway
% Symbolic Computation Group
% Computer Science Dept.
% University of Utah
% Date: 25 July 1982
% Copyright (c) 1982 University of Utah
% The dispatch table (determining "keyboard bindings") is the 256 element
% vector "MainDispatch", AUGMENTED by association lists for C-X
% (and possibly other prefix) characters. We actually use an association
% list of association lists: the top level is a list of
% (prefixchar . association-list), the second level is a list of
% (character_to_follow_prefix_char . procedure). Associated with every
% buffer is a list of forms to evaluate which will establish that buffer's
% mode(s)--namely, the keyboard bindings that are in effect for that
% buffer.
% csp 7/7/82
% - Put all dispatch list and mode functions together, and collected
% some into this file from EMODE1.
% - Modified EstablishCurrentMode to invoke DefinePrefixChars directly.
% Generalized the idea of adding to a dispatch list with the function
% AddToKeyList.
% - Modified mode lists to EVAL entries rather than APPLYing functions
% to NIL.
% AS 7/12/82
% - Added C-X D (Dired), C-X K (Kill Buffer), M-C-L (Previous BUffer)
% commands to Basic Dispatch list.
% - Separated out read-only text commands into ReadOnlyTextDispatchList.
% AS 7/21/82
% - Attached C-V and M-V to new scroll-window functions.
% WFG 25 July 1982
% - Dired stuff commented back out for now. ModeEstablishProcedures
% renamed to be ModeEstablishExpressions.
% AS 7/15/82
% - Changed AddToKeyList to add the new definition at the end of the
% list, so that it will override existing definitions.
% - Added C-Q.
% AS 8/2/82
% - Revised $Iterate to use delayed prompting feature.
% WFG 23 August 1982
% - Changed AddToKeyList to call EstablishCurrentMode iff *EMODE is T.
MainDispatch % Dispatch table (vector), an entry for each key
PrefixAssociationLists % Additional dispatch information for
% prefixed characters.
% List of declared prefix characters.
SelfInsertCharacter % Character being dispatched upon.
last_operation % The "last" routine dispatched to (before the
% "current operation").
% List of expressions to be evaluated. Each expression is expected to
% modify (add to?) the dispatch table.
FundamentalTextMode % See below
% Create MainDispatch vector, 256 entries in all.
(setf MainDispatch (MkVect 255))
% List of valid prefix characters.
(setf PrefixCharacterList NIL)
% Add a new prefix character and associated prompt.
(DE define_prefix_character (chr prompt-string)
(setf PrefixCharacterList
(cons (cons chr prompt-string) PrefixCharacterList)))
% Set up initial list of valid prefix characters. Note that ESC (etc?)
% aren't implemented as "prefix characters", (although, perhaps they should
% be?) NOTE: there seems to be something wrong in that we're using this
% general tool for only one prefix character. (Note that M-X is not a
% prefix character.)
(define_prefix_character (char (cntrl X)) "C-X ")
% Generate a list of character codes, or a single character, from a list of
% "character descriptors". Syntax is similar to that for the "Char"
% macro.
(DM CharSequence (chlist)
(prog (processed-list)
(setf processed-list
(for (in chr-descriptor (cdr chlist))
(collect (DoChar chr-descriptor))))
% If there was a single character in the list, just return the
% character code.
% Just return the character code if a single character.
((equal (length processed-list) 1)
(car processed-list))
% Otherwise, return the (quoted) list of character codes.
`(quote ,processed-list))))))
% Return T if character has meta bit set.
(DS MetaP (chr)
(GreaterP chr 127))
% Convert character to meta-character.
(DS MakeMeta (chr)
(LOR chr 8#200))
% Return character with meta bit "stripped off"--converts meta to normal char.
(DS UnMeta (chr)
(LAND chr 8#177))
% This version of "UpperCaseP" also handles meta-characters.
(DE X-UpperCaseP (chr)
((MetaP chr)
(UpperCaseP (UnMeta chr)))
(UpperCaseP chr))))
(DE X-Char-DownCase (chr)
((MetaP chr)
(MakeMeta (Char-DownCase (UnMeta chr))))
(Char-DownCase chr))))
% Set up a "clear" dispatch table.
(DE ClearDispatch ()
(for (from i 0 255 1)
(do (Undefine i)))
(setf PrefixAssociationLists NIL)))
% Set up the keyboard dispatch table for a character or "extended character".
% If the character is uppercase, define the equivalent lower case character
% also.
(DE SetKey (xchar op)
((NumberP xchar) % Add table entry for a simple character code.
(setf (indx MainDispatch xchar) op)
((X-UpperCaseP xchar)
(setf (indx MainDispatch (X-Char-DownCase xchar)) op)))))
% If a valid prefixed character.
((and (PairP xchar) (Atsoc (car xchar) PrefixCharacterList))
(prog (prefix-char assoc-entry)
(setf prefix-char (car xchar))
% Look up the prefix character in the a-list of a-lists.
(setf assoc-entry (Atsoc prefix-char PrefixAssociationLists))
% Add the prefix character if no entry present yet.
((null assoc-entry)
(setf PrefixAssociationLists
(setf assoc-entry (cons prefix-char NIL))
% Now, add the prefixed character to the association list. Note
% that in case of duplicate entries the last one added is the one
% that counts. (Perhaps we should go to a little more work and
% DelQIP any old entry?)
(RPLACD assoc-entry
% (cadr xchar) is the prefixed character.
(cons (cons (cadr xchar) op) (cdr assoc-entry)))
% Define the lower case version of the character, if relevent.
((X-UpperCaseP (cadr xchar))
(RPLACD assoc-entry
(cons (cons
(X-Char-DownCase (cadr xchar))
(cdr assoc-entry)))))))
% If we get here, SetKey was given a bad argument
% (Use EMODEerror instead?)
(Error 666 "Bad argument for SetKey"))))
% Procedure to define a character as "self inserting".
(DE MakeSelfInserting (chr)
(SetKey chr 'InsertSelfCharacter))
% Define a character so that it just "dings" bell.
(DE Undefine (chr)
(SetKey chr 'Ding))
(FLUID '(new-oper))
% Dispatch on next command character, "remember" the associated operation.
(DE Dispatcher ()
(Dispatch (GetNextCommandCharacter))
(setf last_operation new-oper)))
% Dispatch on a character, "remember" the associated dispatch routine.
(DE Dispatch (chr)
(prog (oper)
(setf oper (indx MainDispatch chr))
(setf new-oper oper)
(apply oper NIL)))
% Read another character, and then perform appropriate operation from
% appropriate prefix "table" (association list).
(DE do-prefix ()
(prog (prefix-entry char-entry chr)
(setf prefix-entry (atsoc SelfInsertCharacter PrefixAssociationLists))
% "Complain" if no entry.
((null prefix-entry)
% Otherwise, read a character and look up its entry.
(setf chr
% Prompt string for prefix
(cdr (Atsoc SelfInsertCharacter PrefixCharacterList))))
(setf char-entry (Atsoc chr prefix-entry))
((null char-entry)
% Make note of the fact that we ding!
(setf new-oper 'ding)
(apply (setf new-oper (cdr char-entry)) NIL)))))))
% Treat next command character" as "Meta-character". (This routine is
% normally invoked by the "escape" character.)
(DE EscapeAsMeta ()
(dispatch (LOR 8#200 (prompt_for_character "M-"))))
% Treat the next character as a "control-meta-character". (This routine is
% normally invoked by cntrl-Z.)
(DE DoControlMeta ()
(dispatch (LOR 8#200 (LAND 8#37 (prompt_for_character "M-C-")))))
(FLUID '(pushed_back_characters))
% Get command character, processing keyboard macros (someday! ), etc.
% Parity mask is used to clear "parity bit" for those terminals that don't
% have a meta key. It should be 8#177 in that case. Should be 8#377 for
% terminals with a meta key. (Probably the wrong place to do this--if we
% also expect to handle keyboard macros! )
(DE GetNextCommandCharacter ()
% re-read any pushed back stuff.
(setf SelfInsertCharacter (car pushed_back_characters))
(setf pushed_back_characters (cdr pushed_back_characters))))
(setf SelfInsertCharacter (Land parity_mask (PBIN))))))
% "Push back" a character.
(DE push_back (chr)
(setf pushed_back_characters (cons chr pushed_back_characters)))
% Manipulating mode tables
% Set up dispatch table for current buffer, by evaluating the expressions
% in ModeEstablishExpressions.
(De EstablishCurrentMode ()
% Use reverse so things on front of list are evaluated last. (So that
% later incremental changes are added later.)
(for (in x (reverse ModeEstablishExpressions))
((pairp x) (eval x))
(error 667
"%r is not a valid ""mode establish expression"" (non-list)"))))))
% csp 7/782
% Prefix chars are totally global anyway, so let them be
% established here, and let them override regular key defns.
% This list of (character-sequence . operation) defines a partial set
% of bindings for text mode (and other derived modes). This list
% contains only commands that don't modify the buffer.
(setf ReadOnlyTextDispatchList (list
% These commands are read-only commands for text mode.
(cons (char (cntrl @)) 'SetMark)
(cons (char (cntrl A)) '$BeginningOfLine)
(cons (char (cntrl B)) '$BackwardCharacter)
(cons (char (cntrl E)) '$EndOfLine)
(cons (char (cntrl F)) '$ForwardCharacter)
(cons (char (cntrl N)) '$ForwardLine)
(cons (char (cntrl P)) '$BackwardLine)
(cons (char (cntrl R)) 'reverse_string_search)
(cons (char (cntrl S)) 'forward_string_search)
(cons (char (cntrl V)) 'scroll-window-up-page-command)
(cons (char (meta (cntrl B))) 'backward_sexpr)
(cons (char (meta (cntrl F))) 'forward_sexpr)
(cons (char (meta B)) 'backward_word)
(cons (char (meta F)) 'forward_word)
(cons (char (meta V)) 'scroll-window-down-page-command)
(cons (char (meta W)) 'copy_region)
(cons (char (meta <)) '$BeginningOfBuffer)
(cons (char (meta >)) '$EndOfBuffer)
(cons (CharSequence (cntrl X) (cntrl X)) 'ExchangePointAndMark)
% Note that these two would be nice to have for other "data modes" than
% text. But current versions aren't generic enough.
(cons (CharSequence (cntrl X) 1) 'OneWindow)
(cons (CharSequence (cntrl X) 2) 'TwoRfaceWindows)
% This list of (character-sequence . operation) defines bindings for text mode
% (and other derived modes). TextDispatchList includes the initial contents of
% ReadOnlyTextDispatchList (above). Be sure to put read-only commands on that
% list!
(setf TextDispatchList
(cons (char !)) 'insert_matching_paren)
(cons (char (cntrl D)) '$DeleteForwardCharacter)
(cons (char (cntrl K)) 'kill_line)
(cons (char (cntrl O)) 'OpenLine)
(cons (char (cntrl Q)) 'InsertNextCharacter)
(cons (char (cntrl T)) 'transpose_characters)
(cons (char (cntrl W)) 'kill_region)
(cons (char (cntrl Y)) 'insert_kill_buffer)
(cons (char (meta (cntrl K))) 'kill_forward_sexpr)
(cons (char (meta (cntrl RUBOUT))) 'kill_backward_sexpr)
(cons (char (meta D)) 'kill_forward_word)
(cons (char (meta Y)) 'unkill_previous)
(cons (char (meta RUBOUT)) 'kill_backward_word)
(cons (char DELETE) '$DeleteBackwardCharacter)
(cons (char LF) '$CRLF)
(cons (char CR) '$CRLF)
(cons (char (meta !%)) 'Query-Replace-Command)
(cons (CharSequence (cntrl X) (cntrl R)) 'CntrlXread)
(cons (CharSequence (cntrl X) (cntrl S)) 'save_file)
(cons (CharSequence (cntrl X) (cntrl W)) 'CntrlXwrite)
% Add the (chr opr) binding to a list with name listname.
(de AddToKeyList (listname chr opr)
((old-list (eval listname))
(old-binding (atsoc chr old-list))
(binding (cons chr opr)))
% If the binding isn't already in the a-list.
((null old-binding)
% Add the new binding (Destructively to the end, so it's sure to
% override any old stuff).
(set listname (aconc old-list binding)))
% Otherwise, replace the old operation in the binding.
(setf (cdr old-binding) opr)))
% Update the current mode if EMODE is running, in case it's affected by
% the list we just modified.
% Add a new key binding to "text mode".
(de SetTextKey (chr opr)
(AddToKeyList 'TextDispatchList chr opr))
% Add a new key binding to "Lisp mode".
(de SetLispKey (chr opr)
(AddToKeyList 'LispDispatchList chr opr))
% Execute the expressions in this list to establish "Fundamental Text Mode".
(setf FundamentalTextMode
'((SetKeys TextDispatchList)
(SetKeys BasicDispatchList)
(de SetKeys (lis)
(for (in x lis) (do (SetKey (car x) (cdr x)))))
(de NormalSelfInserts ()
(for (from i 32 126) (do (MakeSelfInserting i))))
(setf BasicDispatchList
(cons (char ESC) 'EscapeAsMeta)
(cons (char (cntrl U)) '$Iterate)
(cons (char (cntrl Z)) 'DoControlMeta)
% NOT basic?
(cons (CharSequence (cntrl X) (cntrl B)) 'PrintBufferNames)
(cons (CharSequence (cntrl X) B) 'ChooseBuffer)
%Dired stuff commented out for now.
%? (cons (CharSequence (cntrl X) D) 'dired-command)
% window-kill-buffer not implemented yet?
%? (cons (CharSequence (cntrl X) K) 'window-kill-buffer)
% "C-X N" switches to "next window" (or "other window" if in "two
% window mode").
(cons (CharSequence (cntrl X) N) 'next_window)
% "C-X O" does the same as "C-X N"
(cons (CharSequence (cntrl X) O) 'next_window)
% "C-X P" moves to "previous window".
(cons (CharSequence (cntrl X) P) 'previous_window_command)
% C-X C-Z causes us to exit to monitor.
(cons (CharSequence (cntrl X) (cntrl Z)) 'QUIT)
% M-C-Z causes us to rebind the channels for "normal" I/O, and
% leave EMODE.
(cons (char (meta (cntrl Z))) 'OldFace)
%Dired stuff commented out for now.
%? (cons (char (meta (cntrl L))) 'SelectPreviousBuffer)
(cons (char (cntrl L)) 'FullRefresh)
% Two ways to invoke the help function.
(cons (char (meta !/ )) '$HelpDispatch)
(cons (char (meta !?)) '$HelpDispatch)
(cons (CharSequence (cntrl X) (cntrl F)) 'find_file)
(cons (CharSequence (cntrl X) (cntrl P)) 'WriteScreenPhoto)
(cons (char (meta X)) 'execute_command)))
% Define the prefix characters given in PrefixCharacterList.
(de DefinePrefixChars ()
(for (in prefix-entry PrefixCharacterList)
% car gives character code for prefix.
(SetKey (car prefix-entry) 'do-prefix))))
% Simulate EMACS's C-U, C-U meaning 4, C-U C-U meaning 16, etc., and C-U
% <integer> meaning <integer>. This command suffers from the flaw of
% simply iterating the following command, instead of giving it a
% parameter. Thus, for example, C-U C-A won't do what you expect.
% Written by Alan Snyder, HP labs.
(fluid '(prompt-immediately prompt-was-output))
% C-U handler.
(de $iterate ()
(let ((arg 1)
(ch (char (control U)))
(previous-ch nil)
(prompt "")
(prompt-immediately nil)
(while T
(cond ((eqn ch (char (control U)))
(if previous-ch (setq prompt (concat prompt " ")))
(setq prompt (concat prompt "C-U"))
(setq arg (times arg 4))
% Note check for non-meta character. (Since DigitP blows up
% otherwise? Test may be obsolete??)
((and (LessP ch 128) (digitp ch))
(if (and previous-ch (digitp previous-ch))
(setq arg (plus (times arg 10) (char-digit ch)))
(setq arg (char-digit ch))
(setq prompt (concat prompt " "))
(setq prompt (concat prompt (string ch)))
(t (exit)))
(setq previous-ch ch)
(setq ch (prompt_for_character prompt))
(setq prompt-immediately prompt-was-output)
(for (from i 1 arg 1)
(do (dispatch ch)
% NOTE KLUDGE! Need to work this out better!
(setf last_operation new-oper)))
% Convert from character code to digit.
(de char-digit (c)
(cond ((digitp c) (difference (char-int c) (char-int (char 0))))))