% CLCOMP.SL - Incompatible Common Lisp compatibility
% Author: Eric Benson
% Symbolic Computation Group
% Computer Science Dept.
% University of Utah
% Date: 12 April 1982
% Copyright (c) 1982 University of Utah
% These are Common Lisp compatiblity definitions that cause Standard Lisp
% to break. Changes character definitions and redefines functions.
(imports '(useful common fast-vector))
(defmacro prog2 (first second . others)
`(progn ,first (prog1 ,second ,@others)))
(remprop 'prog2 'compfn)
(defun char (s i) (igets s i))
(put 'char 'cmacro '(lambda (s i) (igets s i)))
% NTH is a problem, hasn't been dealt with yet
% Also MAP functions...
(comment "make backslash the escape character")
(setf IDEscapeChar* #\!\)
(setf (elt lispscantable* #\!\) 14)
(comment "Make percent a letter")
(setf (elt lispscantable* #\!%) 10)
(comment "Make semicolon start comments")
(setf (elt lispscantable* #\;) 12)
(comment "make bang a letter")
(setf (elt lispscantable* #\!!) 10)
(comment "Make colon the package character")
(setf PackageCharacter* #\:)
(setf (elt lispscantable* #\:) 16)
(comment "Add vertical bars for reading IDs")
(setf (elt lispscantable* #\|) 21)
(comment "#M and #Q mean if_maclisp and if_lispm")
(defun throw-away-next-form (channel qt)
(ChannelReadTokenWithHooks channel)
(ChannelReadTokenWithHooks channel))
(put '!#M 'LispReadMacro 'throw-away-next-form)
(put '!#Q 'LispReadMacro 'throw-away-next-form)
(push '(M . !#M) (get '!# (getv LispScanTable* 128)))
(push '(Q . !#Q) (get '!# (getv LispScanTable* 128)))
(comment "So we can add #+psl to maclisp code")
(push 'psl system_list*)