% Routines to support generalized inferior processes in TOPS20 PSL.
% Much of the code is based on PHOTO.FAI
% Mark R. Swanson
% University of Utah
% June 17, 1983
(load objects monsym jsys)
(fluid '(current-process
(setf current-process nil)
(setf process-list nil)
(setf nmode-selectable-processes ())
(de create-process-stream (name b)
(let ((process (make-instance 'process-stream
'exe-file-name name
'out-buf b)))
(defflavor process-stream (
(sys-proc-id 0)
(exe-jfn -1)
(initable-instance-variables exe-file-name out-buf)
(gettable-instance-variables ttyjfn
out-buf mode-word
status exe-file-name
(defmethod (process-stream init) ()
(=> self getjfn) % get jfn for executable
(=> self getpty) % get a jfn for pty
(=> self efork) % create an inferior fork and attach it to PTY
(=> self setpty) % set up pty parameters, links, etc.
(=> self runfrk) % start up the fork
(defmethod (process-stream write-to-process) (string)
% Send the given string to the inferior process thru the PTY, but do not
% block if buffer is full (for whatever reason). Also, only dole out the
% string in bite-size pieces.
% 91 seems to be a magic number, as far as tty buffers go.
(let ((str-len (add1 (size string)))
(i 0)
(while (and (timeout-wait 'accepting-output? (list ttyjfn) 60)
(> str-len 0))
(setf cur-sout-len (min 92 str-len))
(jsys0 ptyjfn
(sub string i (sub1 cur-sout-len))
0 (const jsSOUT))
(setf i (+ i cur-sout-len))
(setf str-len (- str-len cur-sout-len)))
(if (~= str-len 0)
(write-message "Current process not accepting input"))
(de user-typed-input? ()
% Return T if our user has typed something, NIL if not
(~= (xsibe 8#100) 0))
(de accepting-output? (jfn)
% See if PTY buffer is already filled to capacity
(<= (xsibe jfn) 92)) % 8#91 is assumed not to exceed buffer capacity
% of a PTY, but be enough to force process wakeup
% The following are provided to avoid unwanted error handling on the +1 return
(lap '((!*entry xsibe expr 1)
(jsys (const jssibe))
(!*move (reg 2) (reg 1))
(!*exit 0)))
(lap '((!*entry xsobe expr 1)
(jsys (const jssobe))
(!*move (reg 2) (reg 1))
(!*exit 0)))
(defmethod (process-stream read-into-buffer) ()
% Reads output of inferior process into associated buffer, if any output
% is to be had; waits only a *small* finite amount of time for input to
% appear.
(let ((chars-read nil)
(input-recvd nil))
(=> out-buf move-to-buffer-end) % New output should appear at buffer end
(while (and % Keep reading until no more output from
(not (user-typed-input?)) % process or user typein.
(setf chars-read (=> self read-from-process)))
(setf input-recvd t) % So we will know to refresh window.
(let ((string string-in)
(i 0)
(< i chars-read)
(if (~= (setf char (string-fetch string i)) #\cr) % ignore CR's
(=> out-buf insert-character char))
(setf i (+ i 1))
(setf output-end (=> out-buf position))
(if input-recvd (=> self window-refresh)) % refresh window when all done
(defmethod (process-stream read-from-process) ()
% READ-FROM-PROCESS reads as many chars as are waiting to be read into
% string-in and returns number read, or NIL if there were none. Will
% not block if no output is available, though it will wait a short
% time for some to arrive.
(let ((chars-to-read (timeout-wait 'output-waiting? (list ttyjfn) 20))
(if (null chars-to-read) (exit nil))
(setf string-in (mkstring (- chars-to-read 1) 0))
(- chars-to-read (jsys3 ptyjfn string-in chars-to-read 0 (const jsSIN)))
(de output-waiting? (jfn)
% OUTPUT-WAITING? checks inferior process' tty output buffer to see if it's
% empty. Returns NIL if it is empty, else the count of characters in buffer.
(let ((n (xsobe jfn)))
(if (= n 0) nil n)))
(defmethod (process-stream getjfn) ()
% GETJFN -- get a jfn for executable file specified by exe-file-name
(setf exe-jfn (jsys1 (bits 2 17) exe-file-name 0 0 (const jsGTJFN)))
(defmethod (process-stream efork) ()
% EFORK -- create an inferior fork and get a copy of the desired file into it
(setf sys-proc-id (jsys1 (bits 1) 0 0 0 (const jsCFORK))) % create fork
(jsys0 sys-proc-id 0 0 0 (const jsFFORK)) % freeze it
(jsys0 (xword sys-proc-id exe-jfn) 0 0 0 (const jsGET)) % get the executable into it
(jsys0 sys-proc-id % don't allow LOGOff or CTRL-C trap
(xword 8#200001
(lowhalfword (jsys2 sys-proc-id 0 0 0 (const jsRPCAP))))
0 0 (const jsEPCAP))
(jsys0 sys-proc-id (xword ttyjfn ttyjfn) 0 0 (const jsSPJFN))
(defmethod (process-stream runfrk) ()
% RUNFRK -- run something in an inferior fork
% returns with ERRFLG T if the fork terminated abnormally
(jsys0 sys-proc-id 0 0 0 (const jsSFRKV))
(jsys0 sys-proc-id 0 0 0 (const jsRFORK))
(setf status (jsys1 sys-proc-id 0 0 0 (const jsRFSTS)))
% (setf error-flag (not (eqn 2 (land (loworderhalf status) 2))))
% (defmethod (process-stream proc-sts) ()
% (setf status (jsys1 sys-proc-id 0 0 0 (const jsRFSTS)))
% (setf mode-word (jsys2 ttyjfn 0 0 0 (const jsRFMOD)))
% )
%(defmethod (process-stream running) ()
% (not (eqn (land (highhalfword status) 8#400000) 8#400000)))
%(defmethod (process-stream io-wait) ()
% (eqn (land (highhalfword status) 8#377777) 1))
(defmethod (process-stream getpty) ()
% GETPTY - get a jfn on a pty and also its TTY number
(let ((curpty (get-1-pty)))
(cond ((eqn curpty -1)
"There are too many people using PTY's now; try again later.")))
(setf ptyjfn (openpty (ptynum curpty)))
(setf ttyjfn (openpty (ttynum curpty)))
(defmethod (process-stream intrpt-process) ()
% essentially the same as ^C to the inferior
(jsys0 sys-proc-id (bits 1) 0 0 (const jsIIC))
(defmethod (process-stream close-pty) ()
(jsys0 ptyjfn 0 0 0 (const jsCLOSF))
(jsys0 ttyjfn 0 0 0 (const jsCLOSF))
(setf ptyjfn 0)
(setf ttyjfn 0)
(defmethod (process-stream kill) ()
% kil the fork, close its PTY's, reset fork handle
(jsys0 sys-proc-id 0 0 0 (const jsKfork))
(setf sys-proc-id 0)
(=> self close-pty)
(de get-1-pty ()
% find an available PTY; note that TOPS20 will tell us that a PTY is available
% to us if we have it in use already--ensure that we get a new one.
(for* (with dev-characteristics pty-owning-job
(numpty (HighHalfWord (jsys1 26 0 0 0 (const JsGETAB))))
(my-job-num (jsys3 -1 (xword -1 3) 0 0 (const jsGETJI))))
(from curpty 0 numpty 1)
(finally (return -1)) % in case none is found
(setf dev-characteristics
(jsys2 (xword 8#600013 curpty) 0 0 0 (const JsDVCHR)))
(setf pty-owning-job
(highhalfword (jsys3 (xword 8#600013 curpty) 0 0 0 (const JsDVCHR))))
(eqn 8#010000 % is it available?
(land (highhalfword dev-characteristics) 8#010000)) % dv%av
(not (eqn my-job-num % does it already belong to us?
(return curpty))
(de openpty (ptynum)
(let ((devnam (Mkstring 10))
(jsys0 devnam % turn Device descriptor into a name-string
(jsys1 ptynum 0 0 0 (const JsDVCHR))
0 0 (const JsDEVST))
(setf devnam (recopystringtonull devnam)) % truncate it at NULL
(setf ptyjfn % make it into a TOPS-20 dev name
(jsys1 (Xword 8#001 0) (concat devnam ":") 0 0 (const JsGTJFN))) % gj%sht!gj%acc
(jsys0 ptyjfn (Xword 8#70000 8#300000) 0 0 (const JsOPENF)) % 7 bit byte,in-out
(de ttynum (ptynum)
% TTYNUM--given a PTY number, turn it into the device designator of the
% associated TTY
(plus ptynum
(LowHalfWord (jsys1 22 0 0 0 (const JsGETAB))) % 26 is the index of the PTY table
8#400000)) % .ttdes
(de ptynum (ptynum)
% PTYNUM--given a PTY number, turn it into a PTY device designator
(xword 8#600013 ptynum))
(defmethod (process-stream setpty) ()
% SETPTY-- set up PTY mode
(jsys0 ttyjfn 8#525252525252 8#525252525252 0 (const jsSFCOC))
(setf mode-word (jsys2 ttyjfn 0 0 0 (const jsRFMOD)))
(jsys0 ttyjfn (land mode-word 8#777777774000) 0 0 (const jsSFMOD))
(jsys0 ttyjfn (land mode-word 8#777777774000) 0 0 (const jsSTPAR))
(defmethod (process-stream window-refresh) ()
(when out-buf
(if (and *OutWindow
(not (buffer-is-displayed? out-buf)))
(nmode-expose-output-buffer out-buf))
(let ((window-list (find-buffer-in-exposed-windows out-buf)))
(when window-list
(nmode-adjust-output-window (car window-list))
(defmethod (process-stream name) ()
(=> out-buf name))
(de feed-process-from-buffer (terminate-flag)
% Causes NMODE to send input to an inferior process from the current buffer.
% Output will go to end of the output buffer. Supply a free EOL if the last
% line is unterminated.
(if (null current-process) (write-message "No process")
(if (=> nmode-current-buffer modified?) (make-buffer-terminated))
(let* ((process-output-buffer (=> current-process out-buf))
(old-pos (=> process-output-buffer position))
(input-line (=> nmode-current-buffer current-line))
(=> process-output-buffer set-mark-from-point)
% Set things up to read from and write to NMODE buffers.
(=> current-process write-to-process input-line)
(if terminate-flag
(=> current-process write-to-process (mkstring 0 #\lf)))
(=> nmode-current-buffer move-to-next-line)
(=> current-process read-into-buffer)
(de create-process-command ()
(let* ((fn (prompt-for-file-name "Executable file: " "SYSTEM:EXEC.EXE"))
(nmode-default-mode process-mode)
(b (buffer-create-default
(filename-to-buffername fn))))
(process (create-process-stream fn b)))
(setf nmode-selectable-processes (cons process nmode-selectable-processes))
(setf current-process process)
(de execute-region-command ()
% Send region to inferior process; one line at a time.
(set-mark-from-point) % in case the user wants to come back
(feed-process-from-buffer t)
(de execute-line-command ()
% Send current line to inferior process; start at the beginning of the line.
(set-mark-from-point) % in case the user wants to come back
(feed-process-from-buffer t)
(de execute-unterminated-line-command ()
% Execute starting at the beginning of the current line, do not send an EOL.
(set-mark-from-point) % in case the user wants to come back
(feed-process-from-buffer nil)
(de intrpt-process-command ()
(if (null current-process)
(write-message "No process")
(=> current-process intrpt-process)))
(de kill-process-command ()
(if current-process
(=> current-process kill)
(setf current-process (cadr nmode-selectable-processes))
(setf nmode-selectable-processes (cdr nmode-selectable-processes)))
(write-message "No process")))
(de send-char-immediate-command ()
% Send the next character as is, without waiting for a line terminator
% Useful for sending control characters, and for talking to programs (such
% as DDT, that break on single, non-control characters such as "/"
(if current-process
(let ((ch (input-direct-terminal-character)))
(=> current-process write-to-process (mkstring 0 ch))
(=> current-process read-into-buffer))
(write-message "No process")))
(de execute-from-input-window ()
(if (null current-process)
(write-message "No process")
(let* ((buf (=> current-process out-buf))
(prompt-string (progn
(=> buf move-to-buffer-end)
(=> buf current-line))))
(=> current-process write-to-process (prompt-for-process-string
prompt-string NIL))
(=> current-process write-to-process (mkstring 0 #\lf))
(=> current-process read-into-buffer))
(de cut-line-command ()
(let ((cur-char-pos (current-char-pos))
(cur-line (current-line)))
(cons 1 (vector (sub cur-line cur-char-pos
(- (size cur-line) cur-char-pos))))
% A replacement for NMODE-READER-STEP (found in PN:READER.SL); the only
% change is to check for output from inferior process(es)
(de nmode-reader-step ()
(cond ((not nmode-timing?)
(t (nmode-timed-reader-step))
(de nmode-process-output-check()
% Check for output from the current (if there is one) process; read it if
% there is any; the read should not block waiting for further output
(cond ((and
(output-waiting? (=> current-process ttyjfn)))
(=> current-process read-into-buffer)))
(de prompt-for-process-string (prompt-string restore-inserts?)
% This function is similar to PROMPT-FOR-STRING.
(setf nmode-input-special-command-list nil)
(if restore-inserts?
(if (> nmode-input-level 0)
(throw '$error$ NIL)
% else
(let ((old-msg nmode-message-string)
(old-window nmode-current-window)
(nmode-input-level (+ nmode-input-level 1)) % FLUID
(=> (=> nmode-input-window buffer) reset)
(nmode-select-window nmode-input-window)
(set-message prompt-string)
(set-prompt "") % avoid old prompt popping back up when we're done
% Edit the buffer until an "exit" character is typed or the user aborts.
(cond ((eq (NMODE-reader T) 'abort)
(=> nmode-input-window deexpose)
(nmode-select-window old-window)
(set-message old-msg)
(throw 'abort NIL)
% Show the user that his input has been accepted.
(nmode-refresh-one-window nmode-input-window)
% Pick up the string that was typed.
(let ((return-string (current-line)))
% Switch back to old window, etc.
(=> nmode-input-window deexpose)
(nmode-select-window old-window)
% Restore original "message window".
(set-message old-msg)
(de Process-prefix ()
(nmode-append-separated-prompt "Process-")
(let ((ch (input-terminal-character)))
(nmode-complete-prompt (x-char-name ch))
(list (x-char C-!\) ch)
(define-command-prefix 'Process-prefix "Process-")
% Most of what follows really should gpo into MODE-DEFS.SL, if processes become
% an accepted part of NMODE
(CompileTime (load extended-char))
(fluid '(Process-Mode
(fluid '(Process-Command-List
(setf Text-Mode
'((nmode-define-commands Text-Command-List)
(nmode-define-commands Modifying-Terminal-Command-List)
(nmode-define-commands Process-Command-List)
(nmode-establish-mode Read-Only-Text-Mode)
(setf Process-Mode
'((nmode-define-commands Process-Command-List)
(nmode-define-commands Process-Mode-Command-List)
(nmode-establish-mode Read-Only-Text-Mode)
(setf Lisp-Interface-Mode
'((nmode-define-commands Rlisp-Command-List)
(nmode-define-commands Lisp-Command-List)
(nmode-define-commands Process-Command-List)
(nmode-establish-mode Text-Mode)
(de process-mode-command ()
(buffer-set-mode nmode-current-buffer Process-Mode)
% Process-Mode-Command-List - commands related to the Process interface
(setf Process-Mode-Command-List
(cons (x-char C-k) 'cut-line-command)
(cons (x-char RETURN) 'execute-line-command)
% Process-Command-List - commands related to the Process interface
(setf Process-Command-List
(cons (x-char C-!\) 'Process-prefix)
(cons (x-chars C-!\ C) 'intrpt-process-command)
(cons (x-chars C-!\ E) 'execute-line-command)
(cons (x-chars C-!\ I) 'execute-from-input-window)
(cons (x-chars C-!\ K) 'kill-process-command)
(cons (x-chars C-!\ Q) 'send-char-immediate-command)
(cons (x-chars C-!\ P) 'process-browser-command)
(cons (x-chars C-!\ U) 'execute-unterminated-line-command)
(setf Basic-Command-List
(NConc Basic-Command-List
(list (cons (m-x "Create Process") 'create-process-command))))
(setf Text-Command-List
(NConc Text-Command-List
(list (cons (m-x "Process Mode") 'Process-mode-command))))