File psl-1983/3-1/clsc-20/make-nmode.mic from the latest check-in
! 29-Jun-83 Lon Willett ! Modified MAKE-NMODE.CTL to get this file. Just commented out ! the PRINLEVEL change. ! ! This file creates a new S:NMODE.EXE, replacing the old one. ! NOTE: the compiler is also loaded, as most users will need it. @s:bare-psl random-argument-to-get-a-new-fork *(load nmode) *(load compiler) *(nmode-initialize) *(setf nmode-auto-start T) !(setf prinlevel 2) *(savesystem "Extended 20-PSL 3.1 NMODE" "S:NMODE.EXE" ()) *(quit) @reset .