module invol;
% Cartan characters, reduced characters, involution test
% Author: David Hartley
fluid '(!*edsverbose !*edsdebug !*edssloppy !*genpos !*ranpos);
symbolic procedure chareval u;
if length u < 1 or length u > 2 then
rerror(eds,000,"Wrong number of arguments to characters")
else if edsp car(u := revlis u) then
makelist characters(car u,if cdr u then !*a2sys cadr u)
makelist characterstab !*a2tab u;
symbolic procedure characterstab u;
% u:tab -> characterstab:list of int
countchars tp1 foreach r in cdr u collect
foreach c in r collect c; % copy u because tp1 destroys it
symbolic procedure characters(s,x);
% s:eds, x:sys -> characters:list of int
% Have to protect call since kernel ordering changes
edscall characters1(s,x);
symbolic procedure characters1(s,x);
% s:eds, x:sys -> characters1:list of int
begin scalar prl,x,ind,q,sp;
if not normaledsp s then
rerror(eds,000,"System not in normal form");
if scalarpart eds_sys s then
rerror(eds,000,"Characters with 0-forms not yet implemented");
s := closure s;
if quasilinearp s then
s := car tmpind changeposition lineargenerators s
else if null x then
"Integral element required for nonlinear EDS characters")
s := car tmpind changeposition linearise(s,x);
if not normaledsp s or scalarpart eds_sys s then
errdhh "Result from tmpind has 0-forms or is not in normal form";
prl := prlkrns s; ind := indkrns s;
q := foreach f in nonpfaffpart eds_sys s join
if f := linearpart(f,prl) then {f};
x := reversip foreach w on reverse ind collect
foreach f in q join
foreach c in ordcomb(cdr w,degreepf f - 2) join
if c := xcoeff(f,car w . c) then {c};
% Get characters from tableau
x := reverse countchars x;
% Get last character from s(p) = n - (p + s(0) + s(1) + ... + s(n-1))
sp := length edscob s - (length ind + length pfaffpart eds_sys s +
foreach si in cdr x sum si);
% Compare the two, since we have them
if sp neq car x then
edsverbose("Cauchy characteristics detected from characters",
return reverse(sp . cdr x);
symbolic procedure changeposition s;
% s:eds -> changeposition:eds
% Transform system to general or random position, depending on
% switches. Ordering of lists is arranged so that transforms are
% lower triangular, since this should suffice. Derivatives are not
% updated, so s should be closed first if necessary.
% NB Kernel order changed.
if !*genpos then
begin scalar x,new;
new := for i:=1:length eds_ind s collect
mkform!*(intern gensym(),1);
x := reversip foreach k in new collect !*k2pf k;
x := foreach l on x collect
zippf(l,(1 ./ 1) . for i:=2:length l collect
!*k2q intern gensym());
x := pair(indkrns s,reverse x);
edsdebug("Transformation to general position",x,'xform);
return xformeds0(s,x,new);
else if !*ranpos then
begin scalar x,y,k,new;
new := for i:=1:length eds_ind s collect
mkform!*(intern gensym(),1);
x := reversip foreach k in new collect !*k2pf k;
k := updkordl lpows x;
for i:=1:length eds_ind s do
begin scalar f;
while null(f := xreduce(f,y)) do
f := zippf(x,ranlistsq(length eds_ind s,10,5));
y := f . y;
setkorder k;
x := pair(indkrns s,foreach f in y collect xreorder f);
edsdebug("Transformation to random position",x,'xform);
return xformeds0(s,x,new);
else s;
symbolic procedure ranlistsq(n,p,m);
% n,p,m:int -> ranlist:list of sq
% Produces a list of n random numbers between -m and m, with
% at most p non-zero elements.
begin scalar u,v;
p := min2(n,p);
u := for i:=1:p collect simpatom(random(2*m+1) - m);
while length v < p do
(if not(x memq v) then v := x . v) where x = 1 + random n;
u := pair(v,u);
return for i:=1:n collect
if v := atsoc(i,u) then cdr v else nil ./ 1;
symbolic procedure countchars x;
% x:list of list of pf -> list of int
% all pf are 1-forms
begin scalar p,ri,si;
foreach r in x do
p := weak_xautoreduce append(r,p);
ri := length p . ri;
while cdr ri do
<<si := (car ri - cadr ri) . si;
ri := cdr ri>>;
return car ri . si;
symbolic procedure involutionchk(s0,s1);
% s0,s1:eds -> involutionchk:bool
% s1 is prolongation of s0
cartantest(characters(s0,eds_sys s1),
length edscob s1 - length edscob s0);
symbolic procedure cartantest(c,d);
% c:list of int, d:int
% c is list of characters, d is dimension of solution variety
begin integer m;
c := reverse c;
foreach k on c do
m := length k*car k + m;
if d > m then errdhh {"Inconsistency in Cartan's test:",reverse c,d}
else return d = m;
symbolic procedure involutiveeval s;
% s:{eds} -> involutiveeval:0 or 1
if edsp(s := reval car s) then
if knowntrueeds(s,'involutive) or
not knownfalseeds(s,'involutive) and
edscall involutive s then 1 else 0
else typerr(s,'eds);
symbolic procedure involutive s;
% s:eds -> involutive:bool
knowntrueeds(s,'involutive) or
not knownfalseeds(s,'involutive) and
begin scalar s0,s1,flg;
s0 := closure s;
if semilinearp s0 then
flg := cartantest(characters(s0,nil),
and null grassmannvarietytorsion s0
<< s1 := prolong s0;
while s1 and (caar s1='prolonged) and involutionchk(s0,cdar s1)
do s1 := cdr s1;
flg := null s1 >>;
if flg
then <<flagtrueeds(s,'involutive); return t>>;
%%% We mustn't flag involutive FALSE since it might be an accident
%%% of the integral flag and not a property of the system we want
%%% to immortalise.
% else <<flagfalseeds(s,'involutive); return nil>>;
symbolic procedure involutioneds s;
% s:eds -> involutioneds:xeds
if not edsp s then typerr(s,'eds)
else mkxeds makelist
foreach x in edscall involution s collect
if null car x then {'involution,cdr x}
else cdr x;
symbolic procedure involution s;
% s:eds -> involution:list of tag.eds
% where tag = t if eds is involutive
% nil if prolongation failed
begin scalar r,s0;
s0 := closure s;
if semilinearp s0 and
cartantest(characters(s0,nil),dimgrassmannvariety(s0,nil)) and
null grassmannvarietytorsion s0
then return {t.s};
foreach s1 in edscall prolong s0 do
if car s1 = 'inconsistent then nil
else if car s1 = 'failed then r := union({nil . cdr s1},r)
else if car s1 = 'prolonged and involutionchk(s0,cdr s1) then
r := union({t.s},r)
else r := union(edscall involution cdr s1,r);
return r;