module gensep$
% Routines for generalized separation of de's
% Author: Andreas Brand, Thomas Wolf
% 1990 1994 1997
% $Id: crgensep.red,v 1.7 1998/06/04 15:04:28 tw Exp tw $
symbolic procedure maxnoargs(fl,v)$
% determines the maximal number of arguments of any of the
% functions of fl
begin scalar n,m;
for each f in fl do
<<m:=fctargs f;
m:=if m and not_included(v,m) then length m
else 0;
if n<m then n:=m
return n
symbolic procedure get_gen_separ_pde(pdes)$
% looking for a pde in pdes which can be indirectly separated
% p ...the next equation that will be chosen
% dw...whether p was already delt with
% nv...maximal number of arguments of any of the functions of p
% nf...min number of functions to be dropped before direct sep.
% leng...length of p
begin scalar p,nv,nf,dw,len,h1,h2,h3,h4$
while pdes do <<
if flagp(car pdes,'to_gensep) and
% not too many terms:
(gensep_ > (h1:=get(car pdes,'length)) ) and
% no single function depending on all variables:
(h3:=get(car pdes,'starde) ) and
% Each time the equation is investigated and differentiated
% wrt the first element of car h3, this element is dropped.
% --> The equation should not already have been differentiated
% wrt all variables:
(not null car h3 ) and
% If equations have been investigated by generalized
% separation or if equations resulted from generalized
% separation then they get the flag used_ to be solved
% first, not to have too many unevaluated new functions
% at a time
((h4:=flagp(car pdes,'used_) ) or
(null dw) ) and
% The variables in h3 are the ones wrt which direct separation
% shall be achieved after differentiation, therefore functions
% of these variables have to be thrown out. The remaining
% functions shall be of as many as possible arguments to
% make quick progress:
((null p ) or
(nv < (h2:=maxnoargs(
get(car pdes,'fcts),
car h3 )) ) or
((null dw) and flagp(car pdes,'used_)) or
(( nv = h2 ) and
(( nf > cdr h3 ) or
((nf = cdr h3 ) and
(len > h1 ) ) ) ) ) then
<<p:=car pdes;
nv:=if null nv then maxnoargs(get(p,'fcts),
car h3) % first time
else h2;
if h4 then dw:=h4;
nf:=cdr h3;
pdes:=cdr pdes$
return p
symbolic procedure gensep(p)$
% generalized separation of pde p
if zerop cdr get(p,'starde) then separate(p) % be dropped?
else % e.g. a=((x y z).2)
begin scalar ftem,ftem1,a,aa,q,l1,l2,ft,pl,x,vl,vl1,deno,starlist,
% remflag1(p,'to_gensep)$
if print_ then <<terpri()$write "generalized separation of ",p>>$
if tr_gensep then
terpri()$write "de to be separated : "$
typeeqlist list p$
terpri()$write "variable list for separation : ",car a$
terpri()$write "for each of these variables ",cdr a$
if (cdr a)=1 then write" function does"
else write" functions"$
write" depend on it "
%--- so far only one DE p in the pool starlist of equations
starlist:=list(list(get(p,'val), % expression
get(p,'fcts), % functions
get(p,'vars), % variables
get(p,'starde), % separation charac.
nil % history of divisions
while starlist do <<
%--- take first equation from starlist and
%--- delete it from starlist
l1:=car starlist; starlist:=cdr starlist;
%--- the content of l1:
q :=car l1; % the expression
ftem:=cadr l1; % functions in the expression
vl :=caddr l1; % variables in the expression
a :=car cadddr l1; % the variables for direct separation
l2 :=nth(l1,5); % history of divisions so far
%--- ft: the list of functions to drop from q by differ.
%--- to do a direct separation wrt x:
% x:=car a$
% x:=nth(a,1+random length a)$
% x = any one variable in a on which a function with as
% many as possible variables does not depend on
while ftem1 do <<
vl1:=fctargs car ftem1;
nv1:=if vl1 then length vl1
else 0;
if nv1 > nv then <<
if h then <<
x:=car h;
f:=car ftem1;
ftem1:=cdr ftem1
if nv=0 then x:=car a; % so far no x had been found
% f:=car ftem;
% vl1:=fctargs f;
% nv:=if vl1 then length vl1
% else 0;
% for each x in cdr ftem do <<
% vl2:=fctargs x;
% if vl2 and (nv<length(vl2)) then <<
% f:=x; nv:=length(vl2)
% >>
% >>;
% x:=vl;
% vl1:=fctargs f;
% while member(car x,vl1) do x:=cdr x; % there must be one
% x:=car x;
%x:=car a;
if firsttime then
put(p,'starde,delete(x,car cadddr l1) . cdr cadddr l1);
for each f in ftem do
if member(x,fctargs f) and not freeof(q,f) then ft:=cons(f,ft)$
if tr_gensep then
<<terpri()$write "to separate directly w.r.t. ",x$
write " the expression : "$deprint list q$
write "will be differentiated">>$
ft:=fctsort reverse ft$ % sorting w.r.t. number of args
%--- throwing out functions ft until ft=nil
%--- or until the expression lost the *-property
while ft do
if (l1:=felim(q,car ft,ftem,vl,l2)) then <<
q:=car l1$ % new expression
l2:=cadr l1$ % extended history
ftem:=smemberl(ftem,q); % functions still in q
aa:=stardep(ftem,vl); % still *-expression?
if not aa or zerop cdr aa then ft:=nil
else ft:=smemberl(cdr ft,q)
>> else ft:=nil$
if null l1 then if tr_gensep then <<terpri()$
write"felim gave nil!!"$terpri()$
>> else
<<if tr_gensep then <<
write"Now ready for direct separation."
%--- make denominator-free for direct separation
if (pairp q) and (car q='QUOTIENT) then
<<deno:=caddr q$
q:=cadr q$
ft:=smemberl(ftem,q)>> else ft:=nil$
%--- prepare list of variables vl1 for direct separation
if ft then <<
for each y in vl do if my_freeof(ft,y) then vl1:=cons(y,vl1)
>> else vl1:=vl$
%--- direct separation if useful (i.e. if aa neq nil)
if aa and zerop cdr aa and not (q=0) then
<<if tr_gensep then
<<terpri()$write "trying direct separation of "$
deprint list q$
write "Remaining variables: ",vl1>>$
l1:=for each bb in separ(q,ftem,vl1) collect cdr bb$
if tr_gensep then
write "The result of direct separation: "$deprint l1>>$
if l1 and cdr l1 and tr_gensep then
write "direct separation yields ",length l1," equations">>
>> else l1:=list q$
%--- backintegration
if tr_gensep then <<
write"Separation gave ",length l1," condition(s)"
stop_let_rules(ruli)$ % because integration may not work properly
while l1 do <<
q:=car l1; l1:=cdr l1;
if deno then q:=list('QUOTIENT,q,deno);
vl1:=argset(ft); % all other explicitly occuring variables
% are gone through direct separation
if (aa:=stardep(ft,vl1)) then
ftem_:=reverse ftem_$
for each f in reverse fnew_ do ftem_:=fctinsert(f,ftem_)$
ftem_:=reverse ftem_$
%if null l3 then << a:=cdr a$ q:=get(p,'val)>> else
%% Only if all possible separations should be done at once.
%% Better to stop here and to do substitutions first.
if pl then <<
pl:=mkeqlist(pl,fctsort union(ftem_,get(p,'fcts)),get(p,'vars),
if print_ then <<terpri()$
a:=length pl$
write "separation yields ",a," new equation"$
if a > 1 then write"s"$ write" : "$
if tr_gensep then typeeqlist pl
else listprint pl
return cons(p,pl)$
symbolic procedure felim(q,f,ftem,vl,l2)$
begin scalar a,b,l,l1,ft1,v,prflag$
%--- getting rid of f through diff. wrt. v
v:=car setdiff(vl,fctargs f)$
%--- ft1 are all v-independent functions
%--- In the call to separ one has to disregard v-dep. functions
for each f in ftem do if my_freeof(f,v) then ft1:=cons(f,ft1)$
%--- To run separ, functions ft1 should not be in the denominator
%--- ?????? What if nonl. Problems?
if not (pairp q and (car q='QUOTIENT) and smemberl(ft1,caddr q)) then
l:=desort separ(q,ft1,list v)$ % det. all lin. ind. factors with v
if tr_gensep then
<<terpri()$write "To get rid of ",f,
" we differentiate w.r.t. : ",v>>$
%--- l is a list of dotted pairs a each representing a term in q
% where car(a) is the product of v-dep. factors and cdr(a) the
% product of v-independent factors
%--- A list l1 of car(a) is generated for which cdr(a) depends
% on f. l1 is the list of divisions to be done before differen.
while l do
<<a:=car l$
if not freeof(cdr a,f) and (not zerop car a) then
% if (pairp cdr a) and (cadr a='PLUS) then
% <<for each c in cddr a do if not freeof(c,f) then b:=cons(c,b)$
% if b then b:=cons('PLUS,b)>> else b:=cdr a$
% if b then
<<l1:=cons(car a,l1)$
% q:=reval list('DIFFERENCE,q,list('times,b,car a))
l:=cdr l
if tr_gensep then
write v," - depending coefficients of terms containing ",f," : "$
for each ss in l1 do eqprint ss>>$
%--- Now the divisions and differentiations are done
while l1 do
<<b:=reval aeval car l1$ %--- b is the v-dep. coefficient
l1:=cdr l1$
%--- ????? If for non-linear Problems b includes ftem functions
% then the extra case 0 = b has to be considered
if not zerop b then
<<a:=reval aeval list('QUOTIENT,q,b)$
%--- for later backward integrations: extension of the history
if new_gensep then %############## change:
l:=cons(b . q ,l) %--- q is the equ. before division & diff.
l:=cons(b ,l)$
% l will be returned later by felim
%--- l1 has to be updated as the coefficients
% change through division and differentiation
l1:=for each c in l1 collect
reval list('DF,list('QUOTIENT,c,b),v)$
%--- the differentiation
q:=reval list('DF,a,v)$
if tr_gensep then
<<write "The new equation: "$
eqprint q$
write "The remaining factors:"$
for each ss in l1 do eqprint ss
if l then l2:=cons(list(v,l),l2)$
%--- output
if tr_gensep then
<<terpri()$write "new expression (should not depend on ",f,") : "$
eqprint q$>>$
if tr_gensep and l2 then
<<write "The list of multiplications and integrations ",
"to go backwards after direct separation:"$
for each ss in l2 do <<write "integr. wrt. ",car ss$ terpri()$
write "multiply with "$
for each aa in cadr ss do
%--- print all collected factors
eqprint aa>>
return l1
%--- returns nil if not successful (quotient)
% otherwise a list with 2 elements: the current equation and a history list
% which is the input history list extended by the current run, each
% run being represented by one element which itself is a list of the
% differentiation variable and the list of factors
symbolic procedure backint(s,l2,ftem,vl)$
begin scalar fl,ft,q,l,v,v1,vf,s2,p,f2,fnew1$
% factors should be dropped which do not depend on any integration
% variable and not on any variable of the ftem functions but on other
% variables of vl
% But factors containing ftem functions should not be dropped.
% It is assumed that all integration variables are argument to at
% least one function of ftem
v1:=argset ft;
while q and l do
if freeof(v1,car l) and
(not my_freeof(s,car l)) then q:=nil
else l:=cdr l;
if not q then s:=cadr extractfac(s,append(v1,ft),nil)$
% start of the backintegration
while l2 and fl do
<<l:=car l2$
l2:=cdr l2$
v:=car l$
if tr_gensep then
write "backward integration w.r.t. ",v," of the expression : "$
eqprint p>>$
l:=cadr l$
while l and q do
%terpri()$write "vor int: p= "$eqprint p$
q:=integratepde(p,ft,v,nil,nil)$ % genflag:=nil, potflag=nil
if q then
p:=reval list('TIMES,car l,car q)$
% Substituting the new functions of integration by derivatives
% of them such that back-integration can be made
% hat fnew_ nur ein element, d.h. wird nur eine Integration gemacht
% oder mehrere?
for each f1 in fnew_ do
vf:=setdiff(vl,fctargs f1)$
for each s1 in reverse l2 do
<<v1:=car s1$
if not my_freeof(f1,v1) then
% only then integration makes difficulties
<<s2:=reverse cadr s1$
while s2 do
<<if not smemberl(vf,car s2) then
f2:=reval list('DF,list('QUOTIENT,f2,car s2),v1)$
% actually only dividing through those factors of (car s2)
% which depend on v1 and which do not contain variables
% which f2 does not depent on.
s2:=cdr s2
if f1 neq f2 then
<<if tr_gensep then <<terpri()$
write f1," is replaced by "$
eqprint f2>>$
>> else fl:=nil$
l:=cdr l
if tr_gensep then if fl then <<terpri()$write "yields : "$
eqprint p$>>
else <<terpri()$
write "was not successful.">>$
return if fl then p
else s