% RAWIO.RED - Support routines for PSL Emode
% Author: Eric Benson
% Computer Science Dept.
% University of Utah
% Date: 17 August 1981
% Copyright (c) 1981, 1982 University of Utah
% Modified and maintained by William F. Galway.
% DEC-20 version
FLUID '(!*rawio); % T if terminal is using "raw" i.o.
CompileTime <<
load if!-system;
load syslisp$
load monsym$
load jsys$
BothTimes if_system(Dec20, % CompileTime probably suffices.
FLUID '( % Global?
lisp procedure BITS1 U;
if not NumberP U then Error(99, "Non-numeric argument to BITS")
else lsh(1, 35 - U);
macro procedure BITS U;
begin scalar V;
V := 0;
for each X in cdr U do V := lor(V, BITS1 X);
return V;
LoadTime if_system(Dec20,
OldJfnModeWord := NIL; % Flag "modes not saved yet"
lap '((!*entry PBIN expr 0)
% Read a single character from the TTY as a Lisp integer
(pbin) % Issue PBIN
(!*CALL Sys2Int) % Turn it into a number
(!*exit 0)
lap '((!*entry PBOUT expr 1)
% write a single charcter to the TTY, works for integers and single char IDs
% Don't bother with Int2Sys?
(!*exit 0)
lap '((!*entry CharsInInputBuffer expr 0)
% Returns the number of characters in the terminal input buffer.
(!*MOVE (WConst 8#101) (reg 1)) % The input file (the terminal, =
% 8#101)
(sibe) % skip if input buffer empty
(skipa (reg 1) (reg 2)) % otherwise # chars in r2
(setz (reg 1) 0) % if skipped, then zero
(!*CALL Sys2Int) % Turn it into a number
(!*exit 0)
lap '((!*entry RFMOD expr 1)
% returns the JFN mode word as Lisp integer
(hrrzs (reg 1))
(!*MOVE (reg 2) (reg 1)) % Get mode word from R2
(!*CALL Sys2Int)
(!*exit 0)
lap '((!*entry RFCOC expr 1)
% returns the 2 CCOC words for JFN as dotted pair of Lisp integers
(hrrzs (reg 1))
(!*PUSH (reg 2)) % save the first word
(!*MOVE (reg 3) (reg 1))
(!*CALL Sys2Int) % make second into number
(exch (reg 1) (indexed (reg st) 0)) % grab first word, save
% tagged 2nd word.
(!*CALL Sys2Int) % make first into number
(!*POP (reg 2))
(!*JCALL Cons) % and cons them together
lap '((!*entry RTIW expr 1)
% Returns terminal interrupt word for specified process, or -5 for entire job,
% as Lisp integer
(hrrzs (reg 1)) % strip tag
(!*MOVE (reg 2) (reg 1)) % result in r2, return in r1
(!*JCALL Sys2Int) % return as Lisp integer
lisp procedure SaveInitialTerminalModes();
% Save the terminal modes, if not already saved.
if null OldJfnModeWord then
<< OldJFNModeWord := RFMOD(8#101);
OldCCOCWords := RFCOC(8#101);
OldTIW := RTIW(-5);
lap '((!*entry SFMOD expr 2)
% SFMOD(JFN, ModeWord);
% set program related modes for the specified terminal
(hrrzs (reg 1))
(!*PUSH (reg 1))
(!*MOVE (reg 2) (reg 1))
(!*CALL Int2Sys)
(!*MOVE (reg 1) (reg 2))
(!*POP (reg 1))
(!*exit 0)
lap '((!*entry STPAR expr 2)
% STPAR(JFN, ModeWord);
% set device related modes for the specified terminal
(hrrzs (reg 1))
(!*PUSH (reg 1))
(!*MOVE (reg 2) (reg 1))
(!*CALL Int2Sys)
(!*MOVE (reg 1) (reg 2))
(!*POP (reg 1))
(!*exit 0)
lap '((!*entry SFCOC expr 3)
% set control character output control for the specified terminal
(hrrzs (reg 1))
(!*PUSH (reg 1))
(!*PUSH (reg 3))
(!*MOVE (reg 2) (reg 1))
(!*CALL Int2Sys)
(exch (reg 1) (indexed (reg st) 0))
(!*CALL Int2Sys)
(!*MOVE (reg 1) (reg 3))
(!*POP (reg 2))
(!*POP (reg 1))
(!*exit 0)
lap '((!*entry STIW expr 2)
% STIW(JFN, ModeWord);
% set terminal interrupt word for the specified terminal
(hrrzs (reg 1))
(!*PUSH (reg 1))
(!*MOVE (reg 2) (reg 1))
(!*CALL Int2Sys)
(!*MOVE (reg 1) (reg 2))
(!*POP (reg 1))
(!*exit 0)
lisp procedure EchoOff();
% A bit of a misnomer, perhaps "on_rawio" would be better.
% Off echo, On formfeed, send all control characters
% Allow input of 8-bit characters (meta key)
if not !*rawio then % Avoid doing anything if already "raw mode"
% Note that 8#101, means "the terminal".
% Clear bit 24 to turn echo off,
% bits 28,29 turn off "translation"
SFMOD(8#101, LAND(OldJFNModeWord, LNOT BITS(24, 28, 29)));
% Set bit 0 to indicate "has mechanical tab" (so cntrl-L gets
% through?).
% Clear bit 34 to turn off cntrl-S/cntrl-Q
STPAR(8#101, LAND(lor(OldJFNModeWord, BITS 1), LNOT BITS(34)));
% More nonsense to turn off processing of control characters?
% Turn off terminal interrupts for entire job (-5), for everything
% except cntrl-C (the bit number three that's one).
!*rawio := T; % Turn on flag
lisp procedure EchoOn();
% Restore initial terminal echoing modes
% Avoid doing anything if OldJFNModeWord is NIL, means terminal mode
% already "restored".
if OldJFNModeWord then
SFCOC(8#101,car OldCCOCWords,cdr OldCCOCWords);
% Set to NIL so that things get saved again by
% SaveInitialTerminalModes. (The terminal status may have been changed
% between times.)
OldJFNModeWord := NIL;
!*rawio := NIL; % Indicate "cooked" i/o.
% Flush output buffer for stdoutput. (On theory that we're using buffered
% I/O to speed things up.)
Symbolic Procedure FlushStdOutputBuffer();
NIL; % Just a dummy routine for the 20.
% END OF DEC-20 version.
% VAX Unix version
LoadTime if_system(Unix,
% EchoOn, EchoOff, and CharsInInputBuffer are part of "kernel".
Symbolic Procedure PBIN();
% Read a "raw character". NOTE--assumption that 0 gives terminal input.
VaxReadChar(0); % Just call this with "raw mode" on.
Symbolic Procedure PBOUT(chr);
% NOTE ASSUMPTION that 1 gives terminal output.
% END OF Unix version.
fluid '(!*EMODE);
Symbolic Procedure rawio_break();
% Redefined break handler to turn echoes back on after a break, unless
% EMODE is running.
if !*rawio and not !*EMODE then
pre_rawio_break(); % May want to be paranoid and use a "catch(nil,
% '(pre_rawio_break)" here.
% Carefully redefine the break handler.
if null getd('pre_rawio_break) then
CopyD('pre_rawio_break, 'Break);
CopyD('break, 'rawio_break);