module sfbes; % Procedures and Rules for the Bessel functions.
% Author: Chris Cannam, October 1992.
% Firstly, procedures to compute values of the Bessel functions by
% direct bigfloat manipulation; also procedures for large arguments,
% using an asymptotic formula.
% These are specific to the Schoepf/Beckingham binary bigfloats, though
% easily adapted, and they should only be used with n and z both
% numeric, real and non-negative.
% Then follow procedures written in algebraic mode and used for certain
% special cases such as complex arguments. Anybody who wishes to create
% symbolic mode complex-rounded versions is welcome to do so, with my
% blessing.
% No functions are provided to compute bessel K, though for special
% cases the ruleset handles it.
imports complex!*on!*switch, complex!*off!*switch,
complex!*restore!*switch, sq2bf!*, sf!*eval;
% This module exports no functions. I want to keep it available only
% through the algebraic operators, largely because the functions are
% quite a complicated lot. If you want to use it from symbolic mode,
% use a wrapper and use the algebraic operators- it's slower, but at
% least that way you'll get the answers.
global '(logten);
algebraic operator besselJ, besselY, besselI, besselK, hankel1, hankel2;
symbolic operator do!*j, do!*y, do!*i;
algebraic (bessel!*rules := {
besselJ(~n,0) => 1 when n=0, % We need this form to be sure rules
% are in right order.
besselJ(~n,0) => 0
when numberp n and n neq 0,
besselY(~n,0) => infinity,
besselJ(1/2,~z) => sqrt(2/(pi*z)) * sin(z),
besselJ(-1/2,~z) => sqrt(2/(pi*z)) * cos(z),
besselY(-1/2,~z) => sqrt(2/(pi*z)) * sin(z),
besselY(1/2,~z) => - sqrt(2/(pi*z)) * cos(z),
besselK(~n,~z) => sqrt(Pi/(2*z))*e^(-z)
when (n = 1/2 or n=-1/2),
besselI(1/2,~z) => 1/sqrt(Pi*2*z)*(e^z - e^(-z)),
besselI(-1/2,~z) => 1/sqrt(pi*2*z)*(e^z + e^(-z)),
% J and Y for negative values and indices.
besselJ(~n,~z) => ((-1)**n) * besselJ(-n,z)
when numberp n and impart n=0 and n=floor n and n < 0,
besselJ(~n,~z) => ((-1)**n) * besselJ(n,-z)
when numberp n and impart n=0 and n=floor n
and numberp z and repart z < 0,
besselY(~n,~z) => ((-1)**n) * besselY(-n,z)
when numberp n and impart n=0 and n=floor n and n < 0,
besselY(~n,~z) => ((besselJ(n,z)*cos(n*pi))-(besselJ(-n,z)))/sin(n*pi)
when not symbolic !*rounded
and numberp n
and (impart n neq 0 or not (repart n = floor repart n)),
% Hankel functions.
hankel1(~n,~z) => sqrt(2/(pi*z)) * (exp(i*z)/i)
when symbolic !*complex and n = 1/2,
hankel2(~n,~z) => sqrt(2/(pi*z)) * (exp(-i*z)/(-i))
when symbolic !*complex and n = 1/2,
hankel1(~n,~z) => besselJ(n,z) + i * besselY(n,z)
when symbolic !*complex and not symbolic !*rounded,
hankel2(~n,~z) => besselJ(n,z) - i * besselY(n,z)
when symbolic !*complex and not symbolic !*rounded,
% Modified Bessel functions I and K.
besselI(~n,0) => (if n = 0 then 1 else 0) when numberp n,
besselI(~n,~z) => besselI(-n,z)
when numberp n and impart n=0 and n=floor n and n < 0,
besselK(~n,~z) => besselK(-n,z)
when numberp n and impart n=0 and n=floor n and n < 0,
besselK(~n,0) => infinity,
besselK(~n,~z) => (pi/2)*((besselI(-n,z) - besselI(n,z))/(sin(n*pi)))
when numberp n and impart n = 0 and not (n = floor n),
% Derivatives.
% df(besselJ(~n,~z),z) => -besselJ(1,z) when numberp n and n = 0,
% df(besselY(~n,~z),z) => -besselY(1,z) when numberp n and n = 0,
% df(besselI(~n,~z),z) => besselI(1,z) when numberp n and n = 0,
% df(besselK(~n,~z),z) => -besselK(1,z) when numberp n and n = 0,
% AS (9.1.26 and 27)
df(besselJ(~n,~z),z) => besselJ(n-1,z) - (n/z) * besselJ(n,z),
df(besselY(~n,~z),z) => besselY(n-1,z) - (n/z) * besselY(n,z),
df(BesselK(~n,~z),z) => - BesselK(n-1,z) - (n/z) * BesselK(n,z),
df(hankel1(~n,~z),z) => hankel1(n-1,z) - (n/z) * hankel1(n,z),
df(hankel2(~n,~z),z) => hankel2(n-1,z) - (n/z) * hankel2(n,z),
df(besselI(~n,~z),z) => (besselI(n-1,z) + besselI(n+1,z)) / 2,
% Sending to be computed
besselJ(~n,~z) => do!*j(n,z)
when numberp n and numberp z and symbolic !*rounded,
besselY(~n,~z) => do!*y(n,z)
when numberp n and numberp z and symbolic !*rounded,
besselI(~n,~z) => do!*i(n,z)
when numberp n and numberp z and symbolic !*rounded
algebraic (let bessel!*rules);
algebraic procedure do!*j(n,z);
(if impart n = 0 and impart z = 0 and repart z > 0
then algebraic sf!*eval('j!*calc!*s,{n,z})
else algebraic sf!*eval('j!*calc, {n,z}));
algebraic procedure do!*y(n,z);
(if impart n = 0 and impart z = 0 and n = floor n
then if repart z < 0
then algebraic sf!*eval('y!*calc!*sc, {n,z })
else algebraic sf!*eval('y!*calc!*s, {n,z,{}})
else if impart n neq 0 or n neq floor n
then y!*reexpress(n,z)
else algebraic sf!*eval('y!*calc, {n,z }));
% What should be the value of BesselY(0,3i)?
algebraic procedure do!*i(n,z);
(if impart n = 0 and impart z = 0 and repart z > 0
then algebraic sf!*eval('i!*calc!*s, {n,z})
else algebraic sf!*eval('i!*calc, {n,z}));
algebraic procedure j!*calc!*s(n,z);
begin scalar n0, z0, fkgamnk, result, alglist!*;
integer prepre, precom;
precom := complex!*off!*switch();
prepre := precision 0;
if z > (2*prepre) and z > 2*n and
(result := algebraic sf!*eval('asymp!*j!*calc,{n,z})) neq {}
<< precision prepre;
return result >>;
if prepre < !!nfpd
then precision (!!nfpd+3+floor(abs n/10))
else precision (prepre+6+floor(abs n/10));
n0 := n; z0 := z;
fkgamnk := gamma(n+1);
result :=
algebraic sf!*eval('j!*calc!*s!*sub,{n0,z0,fkgamnk,prepre});
precision prepre;
return result;
symbolic procedure j!*calc!*s!*sub(n,z,fkgamnk,prepre);
begin scalar result, admissable, this,
modify, fkgamnk, zfsq, zfsqp, knk, azfsq, k;
n := sq2bf!* n; z := sq2bf!* z;
fkgamnk := sq2bf!* fkgamnk;
modify := exp!:(timbf(log!:(divbf(z,bftwo!*),
c!:prec!:()+2),n), c!:prec!:());
% modify := ((z/2)**n);
zfsq := minus!:(divbf(timbf(z,z),i2bf!: 4));
% zfsq := (-(z**2)/4);
azfsq := abs!: zfsq;
result := divbf(bfone!*, fkgamnk);
k := bfone!*; zfsqp := zfsq;
fkgamnk := timbf(fkgamnk, plubf(n,bfone!*));
if lessp!:(abs!: result, bfone!*) then
admissable := abs!: divbf (bfone!*,
timbf (exp!:(timbf(fl2bf logten, i2bf!:(prepre +
length explode fkgamnk)), 8), modify))
admissable := abs!: divbf (bfone!*,
timbf (exp!:(timbf(fl2bf logten, i2bf!:(prepre +
length explode (1 + conv!:bf2i abs!: result))), 8),
this := plubf(admissable, bfone!*);
while greaterp!:(abs!: this, admissable) do
<< this := divbf(zfsqp, fkgamnk);
result := plubf (result, this);
k := plubf(k,bfone!*);
knk := timbf (k, plubf(n, k));
if greaterp!: (azfsq, knk) then
precision (precision(0) +
length explode(1 + conv!:bf2i divbf (azfsq, knk)));
zfsqp := timbf(zfsqp,zfsq);
fkgamnk := timbf(fkgamnk,knk) >>;
result := timbf(result,modify);
return mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result;
flag('(j!*calc!*s!*sub), 'opfn);
algebraic procedure asymp!*j!*calc(n,z);
begin scalar result, admissable, alglist!*,
modify, chi, mu, p, q, n0, z0;
integer prepre;
prepre := precision 0;
if prepre < !!nfpd
then precision (!!nfpd + 5)
else precision (prepre+8);
modify := sqrt(2/(pi*z));
admissable := 1 / (10 ** (prepre + 5));
chi := z - (n/2 + 1/4)*pi;
mu := 4*(n**2);
n0 := n; z0 := z;
p := algebraic symbolic asymp!*p(n0,z0,mu,admissable);
if p neq {} then
<< q := algebraic symbolic asymp!*q(n0,z0,mu,admissable);
if q neq {} then
result := modify*(first p * cos chi - first q * sin chi)
else result := {} >>
else result := {};
precision prepre;
return result;
algebraic procedure asymp!*y!*calc(n,z);
begin scalar result, admissable, alglist!*,
modify, chi, mu, p, q, n0, z0;
integer prepre;
prepre := precision 0;
if prepre < !!nfpd
then precision (!!nfpd + 5)
else precision (prepre+8);
modify := sqrt(2/(pi*z));
admissable := 1 / (10 ** (prepre + 5));
chi := z - (n/2 + 1/4)*pi;
mu := 4*(n**2);
n0 := n; z0 := z;
p := algebraic symbolic asymp!*p(n0,z0,mu,admissable);
if p neq {} then
<< q := algebraic symbolic asymp!*q(n0,z0,mu,admissable);
if q neq {} then
result := modify*(first p * sin chi + first q * cos chi)
else result := {} >>
else result := {};
precision prepre;
return result;
symbolic procedure asymp!*p(n,z,mu,admissable);
begin scalar result, this, prev, zsq, zsqp, aj2t;
integer k, f;
n := sq2bf!* n; z := sq2bf!* z; mu := sq2bf!* mu;
admissable := sq2bf!* admissable;
k := 2; f := 1 + conv!:bf2i
difbf(divbf(n,bftwo!*),divbf(bfone!*,i2bf!: 4));
this := plubf(admissable, bfone!*);
result := bfone!*;
aj2t := asymp!*j!*2term(2, mu);
zsq := timbf(i2bf!: 4, timbf(z, z));
zsqp := zsq;
while greaterp!:(abs!: this, admissable) do
<< prev := abs!: this;
this := timbf(i2bf!: ((-1)**(k/2)), divbf(aj2t, zsqp));
if greaterp!: (abs!: this, prev) and (k > f)
then result := this := bfz!*
<< result := plubf(result, this);
zsqp := timbf(zsqp, zsq);
k := k + 2;
aj2t := timbf(aj2t, asymp!*j!*2term!*modifier(k, mu))
>> >>;
if result = bfz!* then return '(list)
else return list('list, mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result);
symbolic procedure asymp!*q(n,z,mu,admissable);
begin scalar result, this, prev, zsq, zsqp, aj2t;
integer k, f;
n := sq2bf!* n; z := sq2bf!* z; mu := sq2bf!* mu;
admissable := sq2bf!* admissable;
k := 1; f := 1 + conv!:bf2i
difbf(divbf(n,bftwo!*),divbf(i2bf!: 3, i2bf!: 4));
this := plubf(admissable, bfone!*);
result := bfz!*;
aj2t := asymp!*j!*2term(1, mu);
zsq := timbf(i2bf!: 4, timbf(z, z));
zsqp := timbf(bftwo!*, z);
while greaterp!:(abs!: this, admissable) do
<< prev := abs!: this;
this := timbf(i2bf!: ((-1)**((k-1)/2)), divbf(aj2t, zsqp));
if greaterp!: (abs!: this, prev) and (k > f)
then result := this := bfz!*
<< result := plubf(result, this);
zsqp := timbf(zsqp, zsq);
k := k + 2;
aj2t := timbf(aj2t, asymp!*j!*2term!*modifier(k, mu))
>> >>;
if result = bfz!* then return '(list)
else return list('list, mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result);
symbolic procedure asymp!*j!*2term(k, mu);
begin scalar result;
result := bfone!*;
for j := 1 step 2 until (2*k - 1) do
result := timbf(result, difbf(mu, i2bf!: (j**2)));
result := divbf (result, i2bf!: (factorial k * (2**(2*k))));
return result;
symbolic procedure asymp!*j!*2term!*modifier(k, mu);
(timbf (difbf(mu, i2bf!: ((2*k-3)**2)),
divbf (difbf(mu, i2bf!: ((2*k-1)**2)),
i2bf!: ((k-1) * k * 16))));
algebraic procedure y!*calc!*s(n,z,st);
begin scalar n0, z0, st0, ps, fkgamnk, result, alglist!*;
integer prepre, precom;
precom := complex!*off!*switch();
prepre := precision 0;
if z > (2*prepre) and z > 2*n and
(result := asymp!*y!*calc(n,z)) neq {}
<< precision prepre;
return result >>;
if prepre < !!nfpd then precision (!!nfpd+5)
else precision (prepre + 8);
n0 := n; z0 := z; st0 := st;
ps := psi 1 + psi(1+n);
fkgamnk := gamma(n+1);
result :=
algebraic symbolic y!*calc!*s!*sub(n0,z0,ps,fkgamnk,prepre,st0);
precision prepre;
return result;
% The last arg to the next procedure is an algebraic list of the
% modifier, start value and (factorial n) for the series. If this is
% (LIST) (i.e. the nil algebraic list {}), the values will be computed
% in this procedure; otherwise the values in st0 will be used. This
% feature is used for decomposition of the computation of y at negative
% real z. It is of course designed to make the code as hard to follow
% as possible. Why else?
% n must be a non-negative integer for this next procedure to work.
symbolic procedure y!*calc!*s!*sub(n,z,ps,fkgamnk,prepre, st0);
begin scalar start, result, this, ps, fc, modify,
zfsq, zfsqp, nps, azfsq, bj, z0, n0, tpi, admissable;
integer k, fk, fnk, difd, fcp;
z0 := z;
z := sq2bf!* z; ps := sq2bf!* ps;
n := sq2bf!* n; n0 := conv!:bf2i n;
tpi := pi!*();
if st0 = '(LIST) then
<< modify := divbf(exp!:
(timbf(n, log!:(divbf(z, bftwo!*), c!:prec!:()+2)),
c!:prec!:()), tpi);
bj := retag cdr !*a2f
if n0 < 1 then
<< start := timbf(timbf(divbf(bftwo!*,tpi),
log!:(divbf(z,bftwo!*),c!:prec!:()+1)), bj);
fc := factorial n0 >>
else if (n0 < 100) then
<< start := bfz!*;
zfsq := divbf(timbf(z,z), i2bf!: 4);
for k := 0:(n0-1) do
start := plubf(start, divbf
(exptbf(zfsq, k, i2bf!: factorial (n0-k-1)),
i2bf!: factorial k));
start := minus!: timbf(start, divbf(exp!:
(timbf(minus!: n, log!:(divbf(z, bftwo!*),
c!:prec!:()+2)), c!:prec!:()), tpi));
start := plubf (start,
log!:(divbf(z,bftwo!*), c!:prec!:()+2)));
fc := factorial n0 >>
<< zfsq := divbf(timbf(z,z), i2bf!: 4); zfsqp := bfone!*;
fk := 1; fnk := factorial (n0-1); fc := fnk * n0;
start := bfz!*;
for k := 0:(n0-2) do
<< start := plubf(start,
timbf(i2bf!: fnk, divbf(zfsqp, i2bf!: fk)));
fk := fk * (k+1);
fnk := fnk / (n0-k-1);
zfsqp := timbf(zfsqp, zfsq) >>;
start := plubf(start,
timbf(i2bf!: fnk, divbf(zfsqp, i2bf!: fk)));
start := minus!: plubf(timbf(start,
timbf(timbf(divbf(bftwo!*,tpi), bj),
log!:(divbf(z,bftwo!*),c!:prec!:()+2))) >> >>
<< start := sq2bf!* cadr st0;
modify := sq2bf!* caddr st0;
fc := cadddr st0 >>;
zfsq := minus!: divbf(timbf(z,z),i2bf!: 4);
azfsq := abs!: zfsq;
result := divbf(ps, i2bf!: fc);
k := 1; zfsqp := zfsq; fc := fc * (n0+1);
ps := plubf(ps,plubf(bfone!*,divbf(bfone!*,plubf(n,bfone!*))));
% Note: we are assuming numberp start. Be sure to catch other cases
% elsewhere. (Notably for z < 0). This goes for bessel J as well.
if lessp!: (abs!: plubf(result, start), bfone!*) then
admissable := abs!: divbf(divbf(bfone!*,
exp!:(timbf(fl2bf logten, plubf(i2bf!:(prepre+2),
plubf(abs!: result, abs!: start)), 5),
fl2bf logten))), 5)), modify)
else admissable := abs!: divbf(divbf(bfone!*,
exp!:(timbf(fl2bf logten, plubf(i2bf!:(prepre+2),
divbf(log!:(plubf(abs!: result, abs!: start), 5),
fl2bf logten))), 5)), modify);
this := plubf(admissable, bfone!*);
while greaterp!: (abs!: this, admissable) do
<< this := timbf(ps, divbf(zfsqp, i2bf!: fc));
result := plubf(result, this);
k := k + 1; zfsqp := timbf(zfsqp, zfsq);
nps := plubf(ps,
plubf(divbf(bfone!*,i2bf!: k),
fcp := k * (n0+k);
if greaterp!:(timbf(nps,azfsq),timbf(ps,i2bf!: fcp)) then
<< difd := 1 + conv!:bf2i
divbf(timbf(nps,azfsq),timbf(ps,i2bf!: fcp));
precision (precision(0) + length explode difd) >>;
fc := fc * fcp;
ps := nps >>;
result := difbf(start, timbf(result, modify));
return mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result;
algebraic procedure i!*calc!*s(n,z);
begin scalar n0, z0, ps, fkgamnk, result, alglist!*;
integer prepre, precom;
precom := complex!*off!*switch();
prepre := precision 0;
if prepre < !!nfpd
then precision (!!nfpd+3+floor(abs n/10))
else precision (prepre+8+floor(abs n/10));
n0 := n; z0 := z;
fkgamnk := gamma(n+1);
result :=
algebraic symbolic i!*calc!*s!*sub(n0,z0,fkgamnk,prepre);
precision prepre;
return result;
symbolic procedure i!*calc!*s!*sub(n,z,fkgamnk,prepre);
begin scalar result, admissable, this,
modify, fkgamnk, zfsq, zfsqp, knk, azfsq, k;
n := sq2bf!* n; z := sq2bf!* z;
fkgamnk := sq2bf!* fkgamnk;
modify := exp!:(timbf(log!:(divbf(z,bftwo!*),
c!:prec!:()+2),n), c!:prec!:());
% modify := ((z/2)**n);
zfsq := divbf(timbf(z,z),i2bf!:(4));
% zfsq := (-(z**2)/4);
azfsq := abs!: zfsq;
result := divbf(bfone!*, fkgamnk);
k := bfone!*; zfsqp := zfsq;
fkgamnk := timbf(fkgamnk, plubf(n,bfone!*));
if lessp!:(abs!: result, bfone!*) then
admissable := abs!: divbf (bfone!*,
timbf (exp!:(timbf(fl2bf logten, i2bf!:(prepre +
length explode fkgamnk)), 8), modify))
admissable := abs!: divbf (bfone!*,
timbf (exp!:(timbf(fl2bf logten, i2bf!:(prepre +
length explode (1 + conv!:bf2i abs!: result))),
this := plubf(admissable, bfone!*);
while greaterp!:(abs!: this, admissable) do
<< this := divbf(zfsqp, fkgamnk);
result := plubf (result, this);
k := plubf(k,bfone!*);
knk := timbf (k, plubf(n, k));
if greaterp!: (azfsq, knk) then
precision (precision(0) +
length explode (1 + conv!:bf2i divbf (azfsq, knk)));
zfsqp := timbf(zfsqp, zfsq);
fkgamnk := timbf(fkgamnk, knk) >>;
result := timbf(result, modify);
return mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result;
% algebraic procedure j!*calc(n,z);
% Given integer n and arbitrary (I hope) z, compute and return
% the value of the Bessel J-function, order n, at z. Current
% version mostly coded for speed rather than clarity.
% Does work for non-integral n.
algebraic procedure j!*calc(n,z);
begin scalar result, admissable, this, alglist!*,
modify, fkgamnk, zfsq, zfsqp, azfsq, knk; % bind alglist!* to
integer prepre, k, difd; % stop global alglist being cleared
prepre := precision 0;
% Don't need to check if asymptotic expansion is valid;
% if we're using this routine, it's not appropriate anyway.
% if z > (2*prepre) and z > 2*n and
% (result := asymp!*j!*calc(n,z)) neq {}
% then return result;
precision (prepre + 4);
modify := ((z/2) ** n);
zfsq := (-(z**2)/4); azfsq := abs zfsq;
fkgamnk := gamma(n+1);
result := (1 / (fkgamnk));
k := 1; zfsqp := zfsq; fkgamnk := fkgamnk * (n+1);
if numberp modify and impart modify = 0 then
if (abs result) < 1 then
<< difd := ceiling (1/abs result);
admissable := abs ((1 / (10 ** (prepre +
(symbolic length explode difd)))) / modify) >>
<< difd := ceiling abs result;
admissable := abs ((1 / (10 ** (prepre -
(symbolic length explode difd)))) / modify) >>
if (abs result) < 1 then
<< difd := ceiling (1/abs result);
admissable := abs (1 / (10 ** (prepre + 10 +
(symbolic length explode difd)))) >>
<< difd := ceiling abs result;
admissable := abs (1 / (10 ** (prepre + 10 -
(symbolic length explode difd)))) >>;
this := admissable + 1;
while (abs this > admissable) do
<< this := (zfsqp / (fkgamnk));
result := result + this;
k := k + 1; % Maintain k as term counter,
knk := k * (n+k);
if azfsq > knk then
<<difd := ceiling (azfsq / knk);
precision(precision(0)+(lisp length explode difd))>>;
zfsqp := zfsqp * zfsq; % zfsqp as ((-(z**2)/4)**k), and
fkgamnk := fkgamnk * knk >>;
% fkgamnk as k! * gamma(n+k+1).
result := result * modify;
precision prepre;
return result;
% Procedure to compute (modified) start value for
% Bessel Y computations. Also used to get imaginary
% part for certain values
algebraic procedure y!*modifier!*calc(n,z);
begin scalar modify, start, zfsq, zfsqp, fc;
integer fk, fnk, prepre;
prepre := precision 0;
% if prepre < !!nfpd then precision (!!nfpd + 2)
% else precision (prepre + 2);
modify := ((z/2)**n) / pi;
% Simple expression for start value when n<1.
if (n < 1) then
<< start := ((2/pi) * log(z/2) * besselJ(n,z));
fc := factorial n >>
% If n smallish, just sum using factorials. (REDUCE
% seems to do smallish factorials quite quickly. In
% fact it does largish factorials quite quickly as well,
% but not quite as quickly as we can build them by
% per-term multiplication.)
else if (n < 100) then
<< start := - (((z/2) ** (-n)) / pi) *
(for k := 0:(n-1) sum
((factorial (n-k-1) * (((z**2)/4) ** k)) /
(factorial k))) + ((2/pi)*log(z/2)*besselJ(n,z));
fc := factorial n >>
% If n largish, avoid computing factorials, and try
% to do the minimum possible real work.
<< zfsq := (z**2)/4; zfsqp := 1;
fk := 1; fnk := factorial (n-1); fc := fnk * n;
start := 0;
for k := 0:(n-2) do
<< start := start + (fnk * zfsqp / fk);
fk := fk * (k+1);
fnk := floor(fnk/(n-k-1));
zfsqp := zfsqp * zfsq >>;
start := start + (fnk * zfsqp / fk);
start := - ((1/(modify*(pi**2)))*start)+
((2/pi)*log(z/2)*besselJ(n,z)) >>;
precision prepre;
return {start, modify, fc};
% algebraic procedure y!*calc(n,z);
% Given integer n and arbitrary (I hope) z, compute and return
% the value of the Bessel Y-function, order n, at z. Current
% version mostly coded for speed rather than clarity.
% Owing to its dependence upon factorials, doesn't work for
% non-integral n. (But in any case it'd be very slow, particularly
% for large non-integral n.)
algebraic procedure y!*calc(n,z);
begin scalar start, result, this, ps, fc, smf,
modify, zfsq, zfsqp, alglist!*, nps, azfsq;
integer prepre, k, fk, fnk, difd, fcp;
prepre := precision(0);
precision (prepre + 8);
smf := y!*modifier!*calc (n,z);
start := first smf;
modify := second smf;
fc := third smf;
% Now we have the starting value: prepare the loop for
% the remaining terms. k will be our loop counter. p1
% will hold psi(k+1), and p2 psi(k+n+1); zfsqp is
% maintained at ((-(z**2)/4)**k); fc is k! * (n+k)!.
% The sum is of (p1 + p2) * zfsqp / fc, and we
% precompute the first term in order to get an idea
% of the general magnitude (it's a decreasing series).
ps := psi 1 + psi(1+n);
zfsq := (-(z**2)/4); azfsq := abs zfsq;
result := ps / fc;
k := 1; zfsqp := zfsq; fc := fc * (n+1);
ps := ps + 1 + (1/(n+1));
% Having the first term and start, we check whether
% they're small or large and modify the maximum
% acceptable error accordingly.
if numberp start then if (abs (result + start)) < 1 then
admissable := abs ((1 / (10 **
(prepre+2 + log10(1/(abs result + abs start)))))/modify)
else admissable := abs ((1 / (10 ** (prepre + 2))) *
(log10(abs result + abs start)) / modify)
else admissable := abs (1 / (10 ** (prepre + 10)));
this := admissable + 1;
% Now sum the series.
while ((abs this) > admissable) do
<< this := ps * (zfsqp / fc);
result := result + this;
k := k + 1; zfsqp := zfsqp * zfsq;
nps := ps + (1/k) + (1/(k+n));
fcp := k * (n+k);
if (nps*azfsq) > (ps*fcp) then
<<difd := ceiling ((nps*azfsq)/(ps*fcp));
precision(precision(0) + (lisp length explode difd))>>;
fc := fc * fcp; % fc ends up as k! * (n+k)!
ps := nps >>;
% Amalgamate the start value and modification, and
% return the answer.
result := start - (result * modify);
precision prepre;
return result;
% algebraic procedure i!*calc(n,z);
% Given integer n and arbitrary (I hope) z, compute and return
% the value of the (modified) Bessel I-function, order n, at z.
% Current version mostly coded for speed rather than clarity.
% Does work for non-integral n.
algebraic procedure i!*calc(n,z);
begin scalar result, admissable, this, prev, nprev, alglist!*,
modify, fkgamnk, zfsq, zfsqp, knk; % bind alglist!* to prevent
integer prepre, k, difd; % global alglist being cleared
modify := ((z/2) ** n);
prepre := precision 0;
precision (prepre + 4);
zfsq := (z**2)/4; azfsq := abs zfsq;
fkgamnk := gamma(n+1);
result := (1 / (fkgamnk));
k := 1; zfsqp := zfsq; fkgamnk := fkgamnk * (n+1);
if numberp modify then
if (abs result) < 1 then
<< difd := ceiling (1/abs result);
admissable := abs ((1 / (10 ** (prepre +
(symbolic length explode difd)))) / modify) >>
<< difd := ceiling abs result;
admissable := abs ((1 / (10 ** (prepre -
(symbolic length explode difd)))) / modify) >>
if (abs result) < 1 then
<< difd := ceiling (1/abs result);
admissable := abs (1 / (10 ** (prepre + 10 +
(symbolic length explode difd)))) >>
<< difd := ceiling abs result;
admissable := abs (1 / (10 ** (prepre + 10 -
(symbolic length explode difd)))) >>;
this := admissable + 1; nprev := abs this;
while (abs this > admissable) do
<< this := (zfsqp / (fkgamnk));
result := result + this;
k := k + 1; % Maintain k as term counter,
knk := k * (n+k);
if azfsq > knk then
<<difd := ceiling (azfsq / knk);
precision(precision(0) + (lisp length explode difd))>>;
zfsqp := zfsqp * zfsq; % zfsqp as ((-(z**2)/4)**k), and
fkgamnk := fkgamnk * knk >>;
% fkgamnk as k! * gamma(n+k+1).
result := result * modify;
precision prepre;
return result;
algebraic procedure k!*calc!*2(n,z);
begin scalar result, precom;
integer prepre;
prepre := precision 0;
precision (prepre + 8);
precom := complex!*on!*switch();
result := (pi/2)*i*exp((pi/2)*n*i)*hankel1(n,z*exp((pi/2)*i));
precision prepre;
return result;
% Function which simply rewrites bessely (with nonintegral
% order) in terms of besselj. Turns off rounded mode to
% do so, because if rounded is on, cos(n*pi) =/= 0 for
% n*2 = floor (n*2), which can lead to some spectacular
% inaccuracies.
algebraic procedure y!*reexpress(n,z);
begin scalar result, premsg;
premsg := lisp !*msg;
off msg;
off rounded;
result := ((besselJ(n,z)*cos(n*pi))-(besselJ(-n,z)))/sin(n*pi);
on rounded;
if premsg then on msg;
return result;
% Function to make an evil blend of the symbolic and
% algebraic mode bessel-y functions where the order
% is real and the arg is real and negative. Here the
% result will be complex (probably), but most of the
% computations involved will be with real numbers so
% the symbolic mode version will do them better.
% Therefore this routine, which gets the modifier
% and initial terms (the only complex bits) from the
% algebraic procedure and then gets the rest from the
% symbolic one.
algebraic procedure y!*calc!*sc(n,z);
begin scalar st, ic, rc, md, fc, result, precom, prepre;
prepre := precision 0; z := -z;
if prepre < !!nfpd then precision (!!nfpd + 2)
else precision (prepre + 4);
st := y!*modifier!*calc(n,z);
rc := - first st;
precom := complex!*on!*switch();
ic := impart(log(-pi/2));
ic := ic*(2/pi)*besselj(n,-z);
md := - second st; fc := third st;
precision prepre;
precom := complex!*off!*switch();
result := y!*calc!*s(n,z,{rc,md,fc});
if symbolic !*complex
then result := result + i * ic
else result := (if ic < 0 then 1 else -1) *
sqrt(-(ic**2)) + result;
return result;