% EXAMPLE-OOL.SL - Examples of the usage of OOL.SL, an "object oriented
% language".
% Author: William F. Galway
% Symbolic Computation Group
% Computer Science Dept.
% University of Utah
% Date: 24 July 1982
% Copyright (c) 1982 University of Utah
(setf generic-number
(value NIL) % Local state is a "value", initially NIL.
% Message table
((gets x) (setf value x)) % Assign argument to local state
((value) value) % Return the local value
% Raise to a power
((to-power n)
(let ((p 1))
(for (from i 1 n 1)
% Repeatedly send a "times" message to our "value".
(do (setf p (send_msg value `(times ,p))))
(setf complex-number
(real-part 0 imag-part 0)
% Message dictionary
((times y) ....???