% A simple desk calculator to run under EMODE. In this mode all the
% numbers in the buffer are summed up, any other characters are inserted
% and ignored, the total is given as the last line of the OUT_WINDOW buffer..
(load useful) % Need useful so that FOR loops work!
% Insert a character, and then sum up all the lines in the buffer.
(DE InsertAndTotal ()
(DE DeleteBackwardAndTotal ()
(DE DeleteForwardAndTotal ()
(DE kill_line_and_total ()
(DE insert_kill_buffer_and_total ()
(DE FindBufferTotal ()
(prog (total save-point save-line-index itm)
% Remember our spot in the buffer.
(setf save-point point)
(setf save-line-index CurrentLineIndex)
(setf total 0)
% Move to the start of the buffer.
% Read from, and write to, EMODE buffers.
% Find the total.
(while (not (EndOfBufferP (NextIndex CurrentLineIndex)))
% NOTE that READ would loose badly here--since it calls
% MakeInputAvailable here, and thus call EMODE recursively.
(setf itm (ChannelRead IN*))
((NumberP itm)
(setf total (plus total itm))))))
% Now, show the total in the OUT_WINDOW buffer.
(prog (old-point old-line-index old-buffer)
(setf old-buffer CurrentBufferName)
(SelectBuffer 'OUT_WINDOW)
(!$EndOfBuffer) % Move to end of the buffer.
(setf old-point point)
(setf old-line-index CurrentLineIndex)
% Move to beginning of previous line.
% Delete the old text
(delete_or_copy T CurrentLineIndex point old-line-index old-point)
% Print the total (to the output buffer)
(PRINT total)
(SelectBuffer old-buffer))
% Finally, restore the original point and mark.
(SelectLine save-line-index)
(setf point save-point)))
% Establish keyboard bindings for Desk Calculator mode.
(DE SetDCmode ()
% Make most characters insert and then find total.
(for (from i 32 126 1)
(SetKey i 'InsertAndTotal)))
(SetKey (char TAB) 'InsertAndTotal)
% Inherit the rest of the bindings from "text mode"
(for (in itm TextDispatchList)
(SetKey (car itm) (cdr itm))))
% Then, rebind (some of?) the folks who actually modify stuff.
(SetKey (char (cntrl D)) 'DeleteForwardAndTotal)
(SetKey (char (cntrl K)) 'kill_line_and_total)
(SetKey (char DELETE) 'DeleteBackwardAndTotal)
(SetKey (char (cntrl Y)) 'insert_kill_buffer_and_total)))
(setf DCMode '(RlispInterfaceDispatch SetDCmode BasicDispatchSetup))
% This code must be run AFTER starting up EMODE.
(prog (old-buffer)
(setf old-buffer CurrentBufferName)
(CreateBuffer 'DC DCMode)
(SelectBuffer 'DC)
(insert_string "0")
(SelectBuffer old-buffer))