module sfkummer; % Functions and rules for the Kummer M and U functions.
% Author: Chris Cannam, Sept/Oct 1992.
imports complex!*on!*switch, complex!*off!*switch,
complex!*restore!*switch, sq2bf!*;
exports kummerm!*calc;
% Provides algebraic things for both functions, and numeric for (only)
% the M function. The amount of non-working code for the U function I
% had to cut out of this before getting this version was a sight to
% behold.
algebraic (operator kummerM, kummerU);
symbolic operator kummerm!*calc;
algebraic (kummer!*rules := {
kummerU(~a,~b,~z) => ( pi / sin (pi * b)) *
( (kummerM(a,b,z) / (gamma(1+a-b) * gamma(b))) -
((z**(1-b)) * (kummerM(1+a-b,2-b,z)/(gamma(a) * gamma(2-b)))))
when numberp b and (impart b neq 0 or b neq floor b)
and numberp a and (impart a neq 0 or a neq floor a or a > 0)
and not(z=0 and repart(1-b) < 0)
and ((a-b) neq floor repart (a-b) or (a-b) > -1),
kummerU(~a,~b,~z) => ( pi / sin (pi * b)) *
( -((z**(1-b)) * (kummerM(1+a-b,2-b,z)/(gamma(a) * gamma(2-b)))))
when numberp b and (impart b neq 0 or b neq floor b)
and not(z=0 and repart(1-b) < 0)
% ComplexInfinity otherwise, but we can't calculate with
% CI.
and numberp a and (impart a neq 0 or a neq floor a or a > 0),
kummerM(~a,~b,~z) => exp z when a = b,
kummerM(~a,~b,~z) => ((2 * exp (z/2)) / z) * sinh (z/2)
when numberp a and numberp b and numberp z
and a = 1 and b = 2 and impart z = 0 and z neq 0,
kummerM(~a,~b,~z) => ((-2 * i * exp (z/2)) / z) * sin (-z / (2*i))
when numberp a and numberp b and numberp z
and a = 1 and b = 2 and repart z = 0 and z neq 0,
kummerM(~a,~b,~z) => infinity
when numberp a and numberp b
and impart b = 0 and b < 0 and b = floor b
and not (impart a = 0 and a < 0 and a = floor a and a >= b),
kummerM(~a,~b,~z) => do!*kummerm(a,b,z)
when symbolic !*rounded
and numberp a and numberp b and numberp z
and b neq 0
and impart a = 0 and impart b = 0 and impart z = 0
and not (repart b = floor repart b
and repart a = floor repart a
and repart a < 0 and repart b < 0
and repart a >= repart b),
%%df(kummerM(~a,~b,~z),z) => (a/b) * kummerM(a+1, b+1, z),
%%df(kummerU(~a,~b,~z),z) => -a * kummerU(a+1,b+1,z)
% AS (13.4.13)
df(KummerM(~a,~b,~z),z) =>
% AS (13.4.26)
df(KummerU(~a,~b,~z),z) =>
(- KummerU(a-1,b,z) + (a-b+z)*KummerU(a,b,z))/z
algebraic (let kummer!*rules);
algebraic procedure do!*kummerm(a,b,z);
algebraic sf!*eval('kummerm!*calc, {a,b,z});
algebraic procedure kummerm!*calc(a,b,z);
begin scalar a0, b0, z0, result, alglist!*;
integer prepre, precom;
precom := complex!*off!*switch();
prepre := precision 0;
if prepre < !!nfpd then precision (!!nfpd + 1)
else precision (prepre + 2);
a0 := a; b0 := b; z0 := z;
result :=
algebraic symbolic kummerm!*calc!*sub(a0,b0,z0);
precision prepre;
return result;
symbolic procedure kummerm!*calc!*sub(a,b,z);
begin scalar result, this,
admissable, pAmod, pBmod;
integer rp, orda, k;
a := sq2bf!* a; b := sq2bf!* b; z := sq2bf!* z;
result := bfone!*; k := 1;
pAmod := timbf(a,z); pBmod := b;
admissable := divbf(bfone!*,
i2bf!: (bf!*base**(5 + c!:prec!:())));
orda := order!: admissable - 5;
this := bfone!*; rp := c!:prec!:();
while greaterp!: (abs!: this, admissable) do
<< this := divide!:(times!:(this,pAmod),
times!:(pBmod, i2bf!: k),rp);
rp := order!: this - orda;
result := plus!:(result, this);
k := k + 1;
pAmod := plus!:(pAmod, z);
pBmod := plus!:(pBmod, bfone!*);
return mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result;