TITLE Corona graphics module
; Colin Kelley
; January 1987
include header.mac
include lineproc.mac
_text segment
public _GrInit,_GrReset,_GrOnly,_TxOnly,_GrandTx,_Cor_line,_Cor_mask
corpixel proc near
ror word ptr linemask,1
jc cont
cont: push bp
mov bp,sp
push ax
push bx
push cx
mov es,ScSeg
shl bx,1 ; y
mov bx,word ptr LookUp[bx] ; bx has y mem address
mov cl,al ; x
and cl,7
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1 ; ax /= 8
add bx,ax
mov al,1
shl al,cl ; al contains bit mask
or byte ptr es:[bx],al
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop bp
lineproc _Cor_line, corpixel
beginproc _GrInit
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
mov ax, [bp+X] ; screen number (0 - 7)
mov cl,11
shl ax,cl ; multiply by 2048 to get segment
mov ScSeg,ax ; save segment for later
push ax
mov es, ax
xor ax,ax
mov di,ax
mov cx, 4000h
rep stosw
pop cx
call near ptr GrAddr
mov ax,es
pop di
pop bp
_GrInit endp
beginproc _GrReset
mov cx, 0
call near ptr GrAddr
_GrReset endp
GrAddr proc near
mov dx,3b4h ; address of 6845
mov al,0ch ; register 12
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,ch ; Graphics Segment High
out dx,al
dec dx
mov al,0dh ; register 13
out dx,al
mov al,cl ; Graphics Segment Low
inc dx
out dx,al
GrAddr endp
beginproc _GrOnly
mov dx,3b8h
mov al,0a0h
out dx,al
_GrOnly endp
beginproc _TxOnly
mov dx,3b8h
mov al,28h
out dx,al
_TxOnly endp
beginproc _GrandTx
mov dx,3b8h
mov al,0a8h
out dx,al
_GrandTx endp
beginproc _Cor_mask
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,[bp+x] ; mask
mov linemask,ax
pop bp
_Cor_mask endp
corpixel endp
_text ends
_data segment
linemask dw -1
ScSeg dw 0
_data ends
const segment
K equ 1024
mem_mac MACRO x
dw x,2*K+x,4*K+x,6*K+x,8*K+x,10*K+x,12*K+x,14*K+x,16*K+x
dw 18*K+x,20*K+x,22*K+x,24*K+x
LookUp equ $
mem_mac 0
mem_mac 80
mem_mac (80*2)
mem_mac (80*3)
mem_mac (80*4)
mem_mac (80*5)
mem_mac (80*6)
mem_mac (80*7)
mem_mac (80*8)
mem_mac (80*9)
mem_mac (80*10)
mem_mac (80*11)
mem_mac (80*12)
mem_mac (80*13)
mem_mac (80*14)
mem_mac (80*15)
mem_mac (80*16)
mem_mac (80*17)
mem_mac (80*18)
mem_mac (80*19)
mem_mac (80*20)
mem_mac (80*21)
mem_mac (80*22)
mem_mac (80*23)
mem_mac (80*24)
const ends