module sfother; % Rulesets for the Struve H and L functions, Lommel
% 1 and 2 functions and Whittaker M and W functions.
% Author: Chris Cannam, Nov 1992.
% The aim is to re-express in terms % of other (more `standard') special
% functions. No numerical approximation code.
% Neither imports nor exports functions.
% This module contains only rulesets.
algebraic (operator struveh, struvel);
algebraic (struve!*rules := {
df(struveh(~n,~z),z) =>
(2/pi) - struveh(1,z) when numberp n and n = 0,
df(struveh(~n,~x),x) => (x*StruveH(-1 + n,x)- n*StruveH(n,x))/x,
df((z**n)*struveh(~n,~z),z) => (z**n)*struveh(n-1,z),
df((z**(-n))*struveh(~n,~z),z) =>
(1/(sqrt(pi)*(2**n)*gamma(n+(3/2)))) - (z**(-n))*struveh(n+1,z),
struveh(~n,~z) =>
when numberp n and impart n = 0
and n < 0 and (n*2)=floor(n*2) and not evenp floor(n*2),
struveh(~n,~z) =>
((2/(pi*z))**(1/2))*(1-cos z) when numberp n and n=1/2,
struveh(~n,~z) =>
((z/(pi*2))**(1/2)) * (1+(2/(z**2))) -
((2/(pi*z))**(1/2)) * (sin z + ((cos z)/z))
when numberp n and n=3/2,
struveh(~n,~x) => (x*0.5)^(n+1)*struve_compute_term(n,x,h)
when numberp x and numberp n and symbolic !*rounded,
struvel(~n,~x) => struve_compute_term(n,x,l)
when numberp x and numberp n and symbolic !*rounded,
struvel(~n,~z) =>
when numberp n and impart n = 0
and n < 0 and (n*2)=floor(n*2) and not evenp floor(n*2),
struvel(~n,~z) =>
-i*(e**((-i*n*pi)/2))*struveh(n,i*z) when symbolic !*complex,
df(struvel(~n,~x),x) => (x*StruveL(-1 + n,x)- n*StruveL(n,x))/x
algebraic (let struve!*rules);
algebraic (operator lommel1, lommel2);
algebraic (lommel!*rules := {
lommel1(~a,~b,~z) =>
when numberp a and numberp b and a = b+1,
lommel1(~a,~b,~z) =>
when numberp b and b < 0 and a neq b and a neq (b+1),
lommel1(~a,~b,~z) =>
(sqrt(pi)*(2**a)*gamma((2*a + 1)/2)*struveh(a,z))/2 when a = b,
lommel2(~a,~b,~z) => z**b when numberp a and numberp b and a = b+1,
lommel2(~a,~b,~z) => lommel2(a,-b,z)
when numberp b and b < 0 and a neq b and a neq (b+1),
lommel2(~a,~b,~z) =>
(sqrt(pi)*(2**a)*gamma((2*a + 1)/2)*(-bessely(a,z)+struveh(a,z)))/2
when a = b
algebraic (let lommel!*rules);
algebraic (operator whittakerm, whittakerw);
algebraic (whittaker!*rules := {
whittakerm(~k,~m,~z) =>
whittakerw(~k,~m,~z) =>
df(WhittakerM(~n,~m,~z),z) => 1/(2*z)*
((1+2*m-2*n)*WhittakerM(n-1,m,z) + (2*n-z)*WhittakerM(n,m,z)),
df(WhittakerW(~n,~m,~z),z) => 1/(4*z)*
+ (4*n-2*z)*WhittakerW(n,m,z))
% AS (8.5.4)
algebraic (let whittaker!*rules);
%Handbook of Mathematical Functions - page 496
algebraic procedure struve_compute_term(n,x,h_or_l);
begin scalar dmode!*!*;
lisp(dmode!*!* := dmode!*);
begin scalar pre,term,k,precis,result,!*complex,!*rounded,
lisp (dmode!* := dmode!*!*);
if h_or_l = l
then << on complex;
off rounded;
expo := e^(-i*n*pi/2);
on rounded;
return (-i*expo*struveh(n,i*x))>>
else <<
pre := precision 0;
precis := 10.0^(-pre-2);
result := 0;
<< if n > -2 then <<k:=1, term := 2^(n+2)/(pi *
(for i:= 1 :n+1 product(2i-1))) ;
result := term >>
else for kk:=0:-(n+2) do << k:=kk+1;
term := (-1)^kk*(1/2*x)^(2*kk)/
(Gamma(kk+3/2) * Gamma(kk+n+3/2));
result := result + term>>;
while abs(term) > precis do
<< term:= term*(-0.25)*(x^2)/((k+0.5)*(k+n+0.5));
result := result + term;
k := k+1>>;
>>; >>;
return result;
end; end;
symbolic operator struve_compute_term;
% Lambert's W (Omega) function.
% see: "On Lambert's W function" by R. Corless, G. Gonnet et. al.
% only the principal branch is implemented
algebraic <<
% Remove autoload properties.
lisp null remprop('lambert_w,'simpfn);
lisp null remflag('(lambert_w),'full);
operator lambert_w;
let { lambert_w(0) => 0,
lambert_w(-1/e) => -1,
sum((- ~n)^(n-1)/factorial n *~z^n,n,1,infinity)
=> lambert_w(z),
df(lambert_w(~z),z) => 1/((1 + lambert_w(z))*e^lambert_w z),
log(lambert_w(~z)) => log(z) - lambert_w z,
e^(lambert_w ~z) => ~z/lambert_w z,
int(lambert_w(~z),z) => z*(lambert_w z -1 +1/lambert_w z),
lambert_w(~z) => num_lambert_w(z)
when numberp z and lisp !*rounded};
procedure num_lambert_w(z);
if z=0 then 0 else
begin scalar wjnew,wj,accu,expwj,oldprec,!*complex,olddmode!*;
lisp setq(olddmode!* ,dmode!*);
on complex;
oldprec := precision 5;
accu := 10^(- lisp !:prec!:);
if (abs z) <= 1 then % starting point for iteration
if z >= -1/e then wj := 0 else wj := log(z)
else wj := log(z) - log(log(z));
wjnew := 100;
while abs(wjnew) > accu do <<
expwj := exp(wj);
wjnew := - (wj*expwj -z)/
(expwj*(wj+1)-(1/2(wj+2)*(wj*expwj -z))/(wj+1));
wj := wj + wjnew >>;
precision oldprec;
accu := 10^(- lisp !:prec!:);
while abs(wjnew) > accu do <<
expwj := exp(wj);
wjnew := - (wj*expwj -z)/
(expwj*(wj+1)-(1/2(wj+2)*(wj*expwj -z))/(wj+1));
wj := wj + wjnew >>;
lisp setq(dmode!*,olddmode!*);
return wj;