module rank;
% Author: Eberhard Schruefer.
% Module for calculating the rank of a matrix or a system of linear
% equations.
% Format: rank <matrix> : rank <list of equations>.
symbolic procedure rank!-eval u;
begin scalar n;
if cdr u then rerror(matrix,17,"Wrong number of arguments")
else if getrtype (u := car u) eq 'matrix
then return rank!-matrix matsm u
else if null eqcar(u := aeval u,'list) then typerr(u,"matrix")
else return rank!-matrix
for each row in cdr u collect
if not eqcar(row,'list)
then rerror(matrix,15,"list not in matrix shape")
else <<row := cdr row;
if null n then n := length row
else if n neq length row
then rerror(matrix,151,"list not in matrix shape");
for each j in row collect simp j>>
symbolic procedure rank!-matrix u;
begin scalar x,y,z; integer m,n;
z := 1;
for each v in u do
<<y := 1;
for each w in v do y := lcm(y,denr w);
m := 1;
x := nil;
for each j in v do
<<if numr j then
x := list m .* multf(numr j,quotf(y,denr j)) .+ x;
m := m + 1>>;
if y := c!:extmult(x,z)
then <<z := y; n := n + 1>>>>;
return n