module vdpcom;
% common routines to all vdp mappings
fluid '(intvdpvars!* vdpvars!* secondvalue!* vdpsortmode!* !*groebrm
!*vdpinteger !*trgroeb !*groebdivide pcount!* !*gsugar
vdpsortextension!* );
global '(vdpprintmax);
vdpprintmax := 5;
% Repeat of smacros defined in vdp2dip.
smacro procedure vdpPoly u; cadr cddr u;
smacro procedure vdpzero!? u;
null u or null vdpPoly u;
smacro procedure vdpevlmon u; cadr u;
% manipulating of exponent vectors
symbolic procedure vevnth (a,n);
% extract nth element from a
if null a then 0 else if n=1 then car a else vevnth(cdr a,n #- 1);
% unrolled code for zero test (very often called)
smacro procedure vevzero!? u;
null u or (car u = 0 and vevzero!?1 cdr u);
symbolic procedure vevzero!?1 u;
null u or (car u = 0 and vevzero!? cdr u);
symbolic procedure veveq(vev1,vev2);
if null vev1 then vevzero!? vev2
else if null vev2 then vevzero!? vev1
else (car vev1 = car vev2 and vevequal(cdr vev1,vev2));
symbolic procedure vevmaptozero e;
% generate an exponent vector with same length as e and zeros only
symbolic procedure vevmaptozero1(e,vev);
if null e then vev else vevmaptozero1(cdr e, 0 . vev);
symbolic procedure vevmtest!? (e1,e2);
% /* Exponent vector multiple test. e1 and e2 are compatible exponent
% vectors. vevmtest?(e1,e2) returns a boolean expression.
% True if exponent vector e1 is a multiple of exponent
% vector e2, else false. */
if null e2 then t
else if null e1 then if vevzero!? e2 then t else nil
else not(car e1 #<car e2)and vevmtest!?(cdr e1,cdr e2);
symbolic procedure vevlcm (e1,e2);
% /* Exponent vector least common multiple. e1 and e2 are
% exponent vectors. vevlcm(e1,e2) computes the least common
% multiple of the exponent vectors e1 and e2, and returns
% an exponent vector. */
begin scalar x;
while e1 and e2 do
<<x := (if car e1 #> car e2 then car e1 else car e2) . x;
e1 := cdr e1; e2 := cdr e2>>;
x := reversip x;
if e1 then x := nconc(x,e1)
else if e2 then x := nconc(x,e2);
return x;
symbolic procedure vevmin (e1,e2);
% Exponent vector minima
begin scalar x;
while e1 and e2 do
<<x := (if car e1 #< car e2 then car e1 else car e2) . x;
e1 := cdr e1; e2 := cdr e2>>;
while x and 0=car x do x := cdr x; % cut trailing zeros
return reversip x;
symbolic procedure vevsum (e1,e2);
% /* Exponent vector sum. e1 and e2 are exponent vectors.
% vevsum(e1,e2) calculates the sum of the exponent vectors.
% e1 and e2 componentwise and returns an exponent vector. */
begin scalar x;
while e1 and e2 do
<<x := (car e1 #+ car e2) . x;e1 := cdr e1; e2 := cdr e2>>;
x := reversip x;
if e1 then x := nconc(x,e1)
else if e2 then x := nconc(x,e2);
return x;
symbolic procedure vevtdeg u;
% calculate the total degree of u
if null u then 0 else car u #+ vevtdeg cdr u;
symbolic procedure vdptdeg u;
if vdpzero!? u then 0 else
max(vevtdeg vdpevlmon u,vdptdeg vdpred u);
symbolic procedure vevdif (ee1,ee2);
% Exponent vector difference. e1 and e2 are exponent
% vectors. vevdif(e1,e2) calculates the difference of the
% exponent vectors e1 and e2 componentwise and returns an
% exponent vector.
begin scalar x,y,break,e1,e2;
e1 := ee1; e2 := ee2;
while e1 and e2 and not break do
<<y := (car e1 #- car e2); x := y . x;
break := y #< 0;
e1 := cdr e1; e2 := cdr e2>>;
if break or (e2 and not vevzero!? e2) then
<<print ee1; print ee2;
if getd 'backtrace then backtrace();
return rerror(dipoly,5,"Vevdif, difference would be < 0")>>;
return nconc(reversip x,e1);
% numbering of polynomials
symbolic procedure vdpEnumerate f;
% f is a temporary result. Prepare it for medium range storage
% and ssign a number
if vdpzero!? f then f else
<< f := vdpsave f;
if not vdpGetProp(f,'NUMBER) then
f := vdpPutProp(f,'NUMBER,(pcount!* := pcount!* #+ 1));
%smacro procedure vdpNumber f;
% vdpGetProp(f,'NUMBER) ;
% SUGAR of polynomials
symbolic procedure gsugar p;
if !*gsugar then
((s or
<< print list("*** missing sugar",p);
s:=vdptdeg p;
) where s= if vdpzero!? p then 0 else vdpgetprop(p,'SUGAR));
symbolic procedure gsetsugar(p,s);
!*gsugar and vdpputprop(p,'SUGAR,s or vdptdeg p) or p;
% operations on sets of polynomials
symbolic procedure vdpMember(p1,l);
% test membership of a polynomial in a list of polys
if null l then nil
if vdpEqual(p1,car l) then l
vdpMember(p1,cdr l);
symbolic procedure vdpUnion (s1,s2);
% s1 and s2 are two sets of polynomials.
% union of the sets using vdpMember as crit
if null s1 then s2
if vdpmember(car s1,s2) then vdpUnion(cdr s1,s2)
else car s1 . vdpUnion(cdr s1,s2);
symbolic procedure vdpIntersection (s1,s2);
% s1 and s2 are two sets of polynomials.
% intersection of the sets using vdpMember as crit
if null s1 then NIL
if vdpmember(car s1,s2) then car s1 . vdpUnion(cdr s1,s2)
else vdpUnion(cdr s1,s2);
symbolic procedure vdpSetEqual!?(s1,s2);
% tests if s1 and s2 have the same polynomials as members
if not (length s1 = length s2) then nil
else vdpSetEqual!?1(s1,append(s2,nil));
symbolic procedure vdpSetEqual!?1(s1,s2);
% destroys its second parameter (is therefor copied when called)
if null s1 and null s2 then t
if null s1 or null s2 then nil
(if hugo then vdpSetEqual!?1(cdr s1,groedeletip(car hugo,s2))
else nil) where hugo = vdpMember(car s1,s2);
symbolic procedure vdpSortedSetEqual!?(s1,s2);
% tests if s1 and s2 have the same polynomials as members
% here assuming, that both sets are sorted by the same
% principles
if null s1 and null s2 then t
if null s1 or null s2 then nil
if vdpequal(car s1,car s2) then
vdpSortedSetEqual!?(cdr s1,cdr s2)
else NIL;
symbolic procedure vdpDisjoint!? (s1,s2);
% s1 and s2 are two sets of polynomials.
% test that there are no common members
if null s1 then T
if vdpmember(car s1,s2) then NIL
else vdpDisjoint!?(cdr s1,s2);
symbolic procedure vdpSubset!? (s1,s2);
not(length s1 > length s2) and vdpSubset!?1(s1,s2);
symbolic procedure vdpSubset!?1 (s1,s2);
% s1 and s2 are two sets of polynomials.
% test if s1 is subset of s2
if null s1 then T
if vdpmember(car s1,s2) then vdpSubset!?1 (cdr s1,s2)
else NIL;
symbolic procedure vdpDeleteMember(p,l);
% delete polynomial p from list l
if null l then nil
if vdpequal(p,car l) then vdpdeletemember(p,cdr l)
else car l . vdpdeletemember(p,cdr l);
% sorting of polynomials
symbolic procedure vdplsort pl;
% /* Distributive polynomial list sort. pl is a list of
% distributive polynomials. vdplsort(pl) returns the
% sorted distributive polynomial list of pl.
sort(pl, function vdpvevlcomp);
symbolic procedure vdplsortin (po,pl);
% po is a polynomial, pl is a list of polynomials.
% po is inserted into pl at its place determined by vevlcompless?.
% the result is the updated pl;
if null pl then list po
else if vevcompless!? (vdpevlmon po, vdpevlmon car pl)
then car pl . vdplsortin (po, cdr pl)
else po . pl;
symbolic procedure vdplsortinreplacing (po,pl);
% po is a polynomial, pl is a list of polynomials.
% po is inserted into pl at its place determined by vevlcompless?.
% if there is a multiple of the exponent of pl, this is deleted
% the result is the updated pl;
if null pl then list po
else if vevdivides!? (vdpevlmon po, vdpevlmon car pl)
then vdplsortinreplacing (po, cdr pl)
else if vevcompless!? (vdpevlmon po, vdpevlmon car pl)
then car pl . vdplsortinreplacing (po, cdr pl)
else po . pl;
% property lists for polynomials
symbolic procedure vdpPutProp (poly,prop,val);
begin scalar c,p;
if not pairp poly or not pairp (c := cdr poly)
or not pairp (c := cdr c)
or not pairp (c := cdr c)
or not pairp (c := cdr c )
then rerror(dipoly,6,
list("vdpPutProp given a non-vdp as 1st parameter",
p := assoc(prop,car c);
if p then rplacd(p,val)
else rplaca(c,(prop . val) . car c);
return poly;
symbolic procedure vdpGetProp (poly,prop);
if null poly then nil % nil is a legal variant of vdp=0
if not eqcar(poly,'vdp)
then rerror(dipoly,7,
list("vdpGetProp given a non-vdp as 1st parameter",
(if p then cdr p else nil)
where p=assoc(prop,cadr cdddr poly);
symbolic procedure vdpRemAllProps u;
begin scalar c;
if not pairp u or not pairp (c := cdr u)
or not pairp (c := cdr c)
or not pairp (c := cdr c)
or not pairp (c := cdr c)
then return u;
rplaca(c,NIL); return u;
% Groebner interface to power substitution
fluid '(!*sub2);
symbolic procedure groebsubs2 q;
(subs2 q) where !*sub2=t;
% and a special print
symbolic procedure vdpprintshort u;
begin scalar m;
m := vdpprintmax;
vdpprintmax:= 2;
vdpprint u;