* $Id: v384.trm,v 3.26 92/03/24 22:35:48 woo Exp Locker: woo $
/* GNUPLOT - v384.trm */
* Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992
* Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its
* documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
* that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
* in supporting documentation.
* Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to
* distribute the modified code. Modifications are to be distributed
* as patches to released version.
* This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
* This file is included by ../term.c.
* This terminal driver supports:
* Vectrix 384 - works with tandy color printer as well
* roland@moncskermit.OZ (Roland Yap)
* send your comments or suggestions to (info-gnuplot@ames.arc.nasa.gov).
* Vectrix 384 driver - works with tandy color printer as well
* in reverse printing 8 color mode.
* This doesn't work on Vectrix 128 because it redefines the
* color table. It can be hacked to work on the 128 by changing
* the colours but then it will probably not print best. The color
* table is purposely designed so that it will print well
#define V384_XMAX 630
#define V384_YMAX 480
#define V384_XLAST (V384_XMAX - 1)
#define V384_YLAST (V384_YMAX - 1)
#define V384_VCHAR 12
#define V384_HCHAR 7
#define V384_VTIC 8
#define V384_HTIC 7
fprintf(outfile,"%c%c G0 \n",27,18);
fprintf(outfile,"Q 0 8\n");
fprintf(outfile,"0 0 0\n");
fprintf(outfile,"255 0 0\n");
fprintf(outfile,"0 255 0\n");
fprintf(outfile,"0 0 255\n");
fprintf(outfile,"0 255 255\n");
fprintf(outfile,"255 0 255\n");
fprintf(outfile,"255 255 0\n");
fprintf(outfile,"255 255 255\n");
fprintf(outfile,"%c%c E0 RE N 65535\n",27,18);
int linetype;
static int color[]= {
1 /* red */,
2 /* green */,
3 /* blue */,
4 /* cyan */,
5 /* magenta */,
6 /* yellow */, /* not a good color so not in use at the moment */
7 /* white */
if (linetype < 0)
linetype %= 5;
fprintf(outfile,"C %d\n",color[linetype]);
unsigned int x,y;
fprintf(outfile,"M %d %d\n",x+20,y);
unsigned int x,y;
fprintf(outfile,"L %d %d\n",x+20,y);
V384_put_text (x, y, str)
unsigned int x, y;
char str[];
V384_move (x, y + V384_VCHAR/2);
fprintf (outfile, "$%s\n", str);