% HELP.RED - User assistance and documentation
% Author: Eric Benson and Martin Griss
% Symbolic Computation Group
% Computer Science Dept.
% University of Utah
% Date: 23 October 1981
% Copyright (c) 1981 University of Utah
% 30 Dec, 1982, MLG
% Move IF_SYSTEM to the Build file
% Changed "FLAG" to "SWITCH" to avoid confusion with flags on property
% lists and to bring terminology in line with PSL manual.
% <PSL.UTIL>HELP.RED.3, 1-Dec-82 16:16:39, Edit by BENSON
% Added if_system(HP9836, ... )
% <PSL.UTIL>HELP.RED.4, 10-Aug-82 00:54:26, Edit by BENSON
% Changed ReadCh to ReadChar in DisplayHelpFile
% <PSL.INTERP>HELP.RED.5, 31-May-82 11:50:48, Edit by GRISS
% Make it LAPIN Help.Tbl
% Changed: to use PH:
% Display help texts, invoke interactive HELPs or print default values
% Place a HELP function on topic name under 'HelpFunction
% Or HELP file on topic name under 'HelpFile
% Or even a short string under 'HelpString (this may be removed)
fluid '(TopLoopRead!*
!*ReloadHelpTable := T;
lisp procedure ReloadHelpTable();
% Set !*ReloadHelpTable to T to cause a fresh help table to be loaded
if !*ReloadHelpTable then
<< LapIn HelpTable!*;
!*ReloadHelpTable := NIL >>;
lisp procedure DisplayHelpFile F;
% Type help file about 'F'
begin scalar NewIn, C, !*Echo;
F := BldMsg(HelpFileFormat!*, F))(T);
NewIn := ErrorSet(list('Open, MkQuote F, '(quote Input)), NIL, NIL);
if not PairP NewIn then
ErrorPrintF("*** Couldn't find help file %r", F)
<< NewIn := car NewIn;
while not ((C := ChannelReadChar NewIn) = char EOF) do WriteChar C;
Close NewIn >>;
fexpr procedure Help U;
% Look for Help on topics U
begin scalar OldOut;
OldOut := WRS HelpOut!*;
ReloadHelpTable(); % Conditional Reload
HelpTopicList U;
WRS OldOut;
lisp procedure HelpTopicList U;
% Auxilliary function to prind help for each topic in list U
if null U then HelpHelp()
else for each X in U do
begin scalar F;
if F := get(X, 'HelpFunction) then Apply(F, NIL)
else if F := get(X, 'HelpFile) then DisplayHelpFile F
else if F := get(X, 'HelpString) then Prin2T F
else DisplayHelpFile X; % Perhaps a File Exists.
lisp procedure HelpHelp();
% HELPFUNCTION: for help itself
<< DisplayHelpFile 'Help;
PrintF("%nOptional modules now loaded:%n%l%n",Options!*);
lisp procedure FindHelpTopics();
% Scan the ID HAST TABLE for loaded HELP info
<< PrintF("Help is available on the following topics:%n");
MapObl Function TestHelpTopic;
PrintF("The files in the help directory can be read using Help.%n") >>;
lisp procedure TestHelpTopic X;
% auxilliary function applied to each ID to see if
% some help info exists
if get(X, 'HelpFunction) or get(X, 'HelpFile) or get(X, 'HelpString) then
<< Prin2 '! ;
Prin1 X >>;
lisp procedure HelpTopLoop();
<< DisplayHelpFile 'Top!-Loop;
if TopLoopName!* then
<< PrintF("%nCurrently inside %w top loop%n", TopLoopName!*);
PrintF("Reader: %p, Evaluator: %p, Printer: %p%n",
TopLoopRead!*, TopLoopEval!*, TopLoopPrint!*) >>
else PrintF("%nNot currently inside top loop%n") >>;
% Switch and global help - record and display all switches and globals.
lisp procedure DefineSwitch(Name, Info);
% Define important switch
% Name does Not have the !*, Info should be a string.
<< put(Name, 'SwitchInfo, Info);
Name >>;
lisp procedure Show1Switch(Name);
% Display a single switch
begin scalar X;
Prin1 Name;
Tab 15;
Prin1 Eval Intern Concat("*", ID2String Name);
If (X := Get(Name, 'SwitchInfo)) then
<< Tab 25;
Prin2 X >>;
lisp procedure ShowSwitches L;
% Display all switches in a list
<< if not PairP L then MapObl function TestShowSwitch;
for each X in L do Show1Switch X >>;
lisp procedure TestShowSwitch X;
% Support function for 1 switch display
if get(X, 'SwitchInfo) then Show1Switch X;
lisp procedure DefineGlobal(Name, Info);
% Define important global
% Name is an ID, Info should be a string.
<< put(Name, 'GlobalInfo, Info);
Name >>;
lisp procedure Show1Global Name;
% Display a Single Global
begin scalar X;
Prin1 Name;
Tab 15;
Prin1 Eval Name;
If (X := get(Name, 'GlobalInfo)) then
<< Tab 25;
Prin2 X >>;
lisp procedure TestShowGlobal X;
% Support for GLOBAL info
if get(X, 'GlobalInfo) then Show1Global X;
lisp procedure Show1State Name;
% Display a single switch or global
<< if get(Name, 'GlobalInfo) then Show1Global Name;
if get(Name, 'SwitchInfo) then Show1Switch Name >>;
lisp procedure ShowGlobals L;
% Display all globals in a list
<< if not PairP L then MapObl Function TestShowGlobal;
for each X in L do Show1Global X >>;
lisp procedure ShowState L;
% Display all globals in a list
<< if not PairP L then MapObl function TestShowState;
for each X in L do Show1State X >>;
lisp procedure TestShowState X;
% Support for a Global
if get(X, 'SwitchInfo) or get(X, 'GlobalInfo) then Show1State X;