% MINI-ARITHMETIC.RED simple ARITHmetic functions
Procedure Plus2(x,y);
if numberp x and numberp y then sys2int(wplus2(intinf x,intinf y))
else NonNumberError(cons(x,y),'Plus2);
Procedure Minus(x);
if numberp x then sys2int wminus intinf x
else NonNumberError(x,'Minus);
Procedure Add1 N;
If Numberp N then sys2int wplus2(N,1) else
else NonNumberError(N,'Add1);
Procedure SUB1 N;
If Numberp N then sys2int wdifference(N,1)
else NonNumberError(N,'SUB1);
Procedure GreaterP(N1,N2);
If NumberP N1 and NumberP N2 then wGreaterp(intinf N1,intinf N2) else NIL;
Procedure LessP(N1,N2);
If NumberP N1 and NumberP N2 then Wlessp(intinf N1,intinf N2) else NIL;
Procedure DIFFERENCE(N1,N2);
If NumberP N1 and NumberP N2 then sys2int wdifference(intinf N1,intinf N2)
else NonNumberError(cons(N1,N2),'Difference);
Procedure TIMES2(N1,N2);
If NumberP N1 and NumberP N2 then sys2int Wtimes2(intinf N1,intinf N2)
else NonNumberError(cons(N1,N2),'TIMES2);