% FileIO.SL
% Author: Alan Snyder
% Hewlett-Packard/CRC
% Date: 17 September 1982
% Revised: 31 March 1983
% File I/O for NMODE.
% 31-Mar-83 Alan Snyder
% Fix bug: Print-Buffer didn't do tabs right (because the PSL manual
% incorrectly described the Repeat macro!).
% 15-Mar-83 Alan Snyder
% Create-buffer-unselectable -> Create-unnamed-buffer. Add
% print-buffer-command. Rename write-screen-photo-command to
% write-screen-command; Fix to work when there are multiple physical screens;
% add a default file name.
% 4-Mar-83 Alan Snyder
% Added error handling for bad pathname specified by user. Added some
% recovery for bad pathnames in general. Pathname-without-version renamed to
% Filename-without-version.
% 4-Feb-83 Alan Snyder
% Added functions for deleting/undeleting files and writing a message.
% Find-file-in-buffer changed incompatibly to make it more useful. Use
% nmode-error to report errors.
% 1-Feb-83 Alan Snyder
% Added separate default string for Insert File command.
% 27-Dec-82 Alan Snyder
% Removed runtime LOAD statements, for portability.
(CompileTime (load objects numeric-operators fast-strings pathnames))
(on fast-integers)
% External Variables:
(fluid '(nmode-selectable-buffers nmode-current-buffer nmode-screen
nmode-command-argument-given nmode-current-window Text-Mode
% Internal static variables:
(fluid '(text-io-default-fn
(setf nmode-print-device "PRINTER:") % probably override this in system file
(setf text-io-default-fn NIL)
(setf insert-file-default-fn NIL)
(setf write-screen-default-fn NIL)
% File commands:
(de visit-file-command ()
% Ask for and read in a file.
(let ((fn (prompt-for-defaulted-filename "Visit File: " NIL)))
(visit-file nmode-current-buffer fn)
(de insert-file-command ()
% Ask for and read a file, inserting it into the current buffer.
(setf insert-file-default-fn
(prompt-for-file-name "Insert File: " insert-file-default-fn))
(insert-file-into-buffer nmode-current-buffer insert-file-default-fn)
(de write-file-command ()
% Ask for filename, write out the buffer to the file.
(prompt-for-defaulted-filename "Write File:" NIL)))
(de save-file-command ()
% Save current buffer on its associated file, ask for file if unknown.
((not (=> nmode-current-buffer modified?))
(write-prompt "(No changes need to be written)"))
(t (save-file nmode-current-buffer))))
(de save-file-version-command ()
% Save current buffer on its associated file, ask for file if unknown.
% The file is written using the current version number.
((not (=> nmode-current-buffer modified?))
(write-prompt "(No changes need to be written)"))
(t (save-file-version nmode-current-buffer))))
(de find-file-command ()
% Ask for filename and then read it into a buffer created especially for that
% file, or select already existing buffer containing the file.
(find-file (prompt-for-defaulted-filename "Find file: " NIL))
(de write-screen-command ()
% Ask for filename, write out the screen to the file.
(setf write-screen-default-fn
(prompt-for-file-name "Write Screen to File: " write-screen-default-fn))
(write-screen write-screen-default-fn)
(de write-region-command ()
% Ask for filename, write out the region to the file.
(cdr (extract-region NIL (buffer-get-position) (current-mark)))
(setf text-io-default-fn
(prompt-for-file-name "Write Region to File:" text-io-default-fn))))
(de prepend-to-file-command ()
% Ask for filename, prepend the region to the file.
(cdr (extract-region NIL (buffer-get-position) (current-mark)))
(setf text-io-default-fn
(prompt-for-file-name "Prepend Region to File:" text-io-default-fn))))
(de append-to-file-command ()
% Ask for filename, append the region to the file.
(cdr (extract-region NIL (buffer-get-position) (current-mark)))
(setf text-io-default-fn
(prompt-for-file-name "Append Region to File:" text-io-default-fn))))
(de delete-file-command ()
(nmode-delete-file (prompt-for-defaulted-filename "Delete File:" NIL)))
(de delete-and-expunge-file-command ()
(prompt-for-defaulted-filename "Delete and Expunge File:" NIL)))
(de undelete-file-command ()
(nmode-undelete-file (prompt-for-defaulted-filename "Undelete File:" NIL)))
(de save-all-files-command ()
% Save all files. Ask first, unless arg given.
(in b nmode-selectable-buffers)
(cond ((and (=> b file-name)
(=> b modified?)
(or nmode-command-argument-given
(bldmsg "Save %w in %w (Y or N)?"
(=> b name) (=> b file-name)))
(save-file b))
(de print-buffer-command ()
% Print the current buffer. Translates tabs and control characters.
(setf nmode-print-device
(prompt-for-string "Print buffer to device:" nmode-print-device))
(print-buffer nmode-print-device)
% File functions:
(de prompt-for-defaulted-filename (prompt b)
% The default name is the name associated with the specified buffer (without
% Version number). Will throw 'ABORT if a bad file name is given.
% If B is NIL, the "current" buffer is used.
(let ((fn (=> (or b nmode-current-buffer) file-name)))
(prompt-for-file-name prompt
(and fn (filename-without-version fn))
(de prompt-for-file-name (prompt default-name)
% Default-Name may be NIL.
% Will throw 'ABORT if a bad file name is given.
(let* ((fn (prompt-for-string prompt default-name))
(pn (maybe-pathname fn))
(when (not pn)
(nmode-error (bldmsg "Invalid pathname: %w" fn))
(throw 'ABORT)
(if default-name
(setf pn (attempt-to-merge-pathname-defaults
pn default-name (pathname-type default-name) NIL)))
(namestring pn)
(de attempt-to-merge-pathname-defaults (pn dn type version)
(let ((result (errset (merge-pathname-defaults pn dn type version) NIL)))
((listp result) (car result))
(t (nmode-error EMSG*)
(throw 'ABORT)))))
(de read-file-into-buffer (b file-name)
(=> b set-file-name file-name)
(buffer-set-mode b (pathname-default-mode file-name))
(let ((s (attempt-to-open-input file-name)))
(if s
(read-stream-into-buffer b s)
% else
(=> b reset)
(=> b set-modified? NIL)
(write-prompt "(New File)")
(de read-stream-into-buffer (b s)
(let ((fn (=> s file-name)))
(write-prompt (bldmsg "Reading file: %w" fn))
(=> b read-from-stream s)
(=> s close)
(write-prompt (bldmsg "File read: %w (%d lines)" fn (=> b visible-size)))
(de insert-file-into-buffer (buf pn)
(let ((b (create-unnamed-buffer Text-Mode)))
(read-file-into-buffer b pn)
(insert-buffer-into-buffer b buf)
(de insert-buffer-into-buffer (source destination)
(let ((old-pos (=> destination position)))
(=> destination insert-text (=> source contents))
(=> destination set-mark-from-point)
(=> destination set-position old-pos)
(de save-file (b)
% Save the specified buffer on its associated file, ask for file if unknown.
(let ((fn (=> b file-name)))
((not (=> b modified?)) nil)
(fn (write-buffer-to-file b (filename-without-version fn)))
(T (write-file b)))))
(de save-file-version (b)
% Save the specified buffer on its associated file, ask for file if unknown.
% The file is written to the current version number.
(let ((fn (=> b file-name)))
((not (=> b modified?)) nil)
(fn (write-buffer-to-file b fn))
(T (write-file b)))))
(de write-file (b)
% Ask for filename, write out the buffer to the file.
(let ((msg (bldmsg "Write Buffer %w to File: " (=> b name))))
(write-buffer-to-file b (prompt-for-defaulted-filename msg b))))
(de write-buffer-to-file (b pn)
% Write the specified buffer to a file.
(write-prompt "")
(let* ((file-name (namestring pn))
(s (attempt-to-open-output file-name))
(if s
(let ((fn (=> s file-name)))
(write-prompt (bldmsg "Writing file: %w" fn))
(=> b write-to-stream s)
(=> s close)
(bldmsg "File written: %w (%d lines)" fn (=> b visible-size)))
(=> b set-modified? NIL)
(=> b set-file-name fn)
(nmode-error (bldmsg "Unable to write file: %w" file-name))
(de write-text-to-file (text pn)
(let ((b (create-unnamed-buffer Text-Mode)))
(=> b insert-text text)
(write-buffer-to-file b pn)
(de prepend-text-to-file (text pn)
(let ((b (create-unnamed-buffer Text-Mode)))
(read-file-into-buffer b pn)
(=> b move-to-buffer-start)
(=> b insert-text text)
(write-buffer-to-file b pn)
(de append-text-to-file (text pn)
(let ((b (create-unnamed-buffer Text-Mode)))
(read-file-into-buffer b pn)
(=> b move-to-buffer-end)
(=> b insert-text text)
(write-buffer-to-file b pn)
(de visit-file (b file-name)
% If the specified file exists, read it into the specified buffer.
% Otherwise, clear the buffer for a new file.
% If the buffer contains precious data, offer to save it first.
(if (=> b modified?)
(let* ((fn (=> b file-name))
(msg (if fn (bldmsg "file %w" fn)
(bldmsg "buffer %w" (=> b name))))
(if (nmode-yes-or-no? (bldmsg "Write out changes in %w?" msg))
(save-file b)
(let ((fn (actualize-file-name file-name)))
(if fn
(read-file-into-buffer b fn)
(nmode-error (bldmsg "Unable to read or create file: %w" file-name))
(de find-file (file-name)
% Select a buffer containing the specified file. If the file exists in a
% buffer already, then that buffer is selected. Otherwise, a new buffer is
% created and the file read into it (if the file exists).
(find-file-in-window nmode-current-window file-name))
(de find-file-in-window (w file-name)
% Attach a buffer to the specified window that contains the specified file.
% If the file exists in a buffer already, then that buffer is used.
% Otherwise, a new buffer is created and the file read into it (if the file
% exists).
(let ((b (find-file-in-buffer file-name nil)))
(if b
(window-select-buffer w b)
% otherwise
(nmode-error (bldmsg "Unable to read or create file: %w" file-name))
(de find-file-in-buffer (file-name existing-file-only?)
% Return a buffer containing the specified file. The buffer is not
% selected. If the file exists in a buffer already, then that buffer is
% returned. Otherwise, if the file exists and can be read, a new buffer is
% created and the file read into it. Otherwise, if EXISTING-FILE-ONLY? is
% NIL and the file is potentially creatable, a new buffer is created and
% returned. Otherwise, NIL is returned.
(setf file-name (actualize-file-name file-name))
(if (and file-name (not (string-empty? file-name)))
(find-file-in-existing-buffer file-name) % look for existing buffer
(let ((s (attempt-to-open-input file-name)))
(when (or s (not existing-file-only?)) % create a buffer
(let ((b (buffer-create-default
(filename-to-buffername file-name)))))
(=> b set-file-name file-name)
(buffer-set-mode b (pathname-default-mode file-name))
(if s
(read-stream-into-buffer b s)
(write-prompt "(New File)")
(de find-file-in-existing-buffer (file-name)
% Look for the specified file in an existing buffer. If found, return
% that buffer, otherwise return NIL. The filename should be complete.
(let ((pn (maybe-pathname file-name)))
(when pn
(for (in b nmode-selectable-buffers)
(do (if (pathnames-match pn (=> b file-name)) (exit b)))
(returns nil))
(de nmode-delete-file (fn)
(let ((del-fn (file-delete fn)))
(if del-fn
(write-prompt (bldmsg "File deleted: %w" del-fn))
(nmode-error (bldmsg "Unable to delete file: %w" fn))
(de nmode-delete-and-expunge-file (fn)
(let ((del-fn (file-delete-and-expunge fn)))
(if del-fn
(write-prompt (bldmsg "File deleted and expunged: %w" del-fn))
(nmode-error (bldmsg "Unable to delete file: %w" fn))
(de nmode-undelete-file (fn)
(let ((del-fn (file-undelete fn)))
(if del-fn
(write-prompt (bldmsg "File undeleted: %w" del-fn))
(nmode-error (bldmsg "Unable to undelete file: %w" fn))
(de write-screen (file-name)
% Write the current screen to file.
(let ((s (attempt-to-open-output file-name)))
(if s
(let ((screen (=> (=> nmode-current-window screen) screen)))
(=> screen write-to-stream s)
(=> s close)
(write-prompt (bldmsg "File written: %w" (=> s file-name)))
(nmode-error (bldmsg "Unable to write file: %w" file-name))
(de print-buffer (print-device)
% Print the current buffer. PSL output is used because it is probably more
% general (less specialized) and will handle character output devices. This
% routine is likely to be redefined in the system file.
(let ((result (errset (open print-device 'OUTPUT))))
(if (not (pairp result))
(nmode-error (bldmsg "Unable to write to %w" print-device))
% otherwise
(let* ((chn (car result))
(upper-bound (- (current-buffer-size) 1))
(for (from i 0 upper-bound)
(print-buffer-line chn (current-buffer-fetch i))
(channelterpri chn)
(close chn)
(de print-buffer-line (chn line)
% Used by print-buffer.
(for (from i 0 (string-upper-bound line))
(with (col 0))
(let ((ch (string-fetch line i)))
((= ch #\TAB)
% TABs are converted to an appropriate number of spaces.
(channelwritechar chn #\space)
(setf col (+ col 1))
% until
(= (& col 7) 0)
((or (< ch #\space) (= ch #\rubout))
% Control characters are converted to "uparrow" form.
(channelwritechar chn #/^)
(channelwritechar chn (^ ch 8#100))
(setf col (+ col 2))
(channelwritechar chn ch)
(setf col (+ col 1))
% Auxiliary functions
(de actualize-file-name (file-name)
% If the specified file exists, return its "true" (and complete) name.
% Otherwise, return the "true" name of the file that would be created if one
% were to do so. (Unfortunately, we have no way to do this except by actually
% creating the file and then deleting it!) Return NIL if the file cannot be
% read or created.
(let ((s (attempt-to-open-input file-name)))
(cond ((not s)
(setf s (attempt-to-open-output file-name))
(when s
(setf file-name (=> s file-name))
(=> s close)
(file-delete-and-expunge file-name)
(setf file-name (=> s file-name))
(=> s close)
(de filename-to-buffername (fn)
% Convert from a pathname to the "default" corresponding buffer name.
(let ((pn (maybe-pathname fn)))
(if pn
(string-upcase (file-namestring (pathname-without-version pn)))
(string-upcase fn)
(de pathnames-match (pn1 pn2)
(setf pn1 (pathname pn1))
(setf pn2 (pathname pn2))
(and (equal (pathname-device pn1) (pathname-device pn2))
(equal (pathname-directory pn1) (pathname-directory pn2))
(equal (pathname-name pn1) (pathname-name pn2))
(equal (pathname-type pn1) (pathname-type pn2))
(or (null (pathname-version pn1))
(null (pathname-version pn2))
(equal (pathname-version pn1) (pathname-version pn2)))
(de filename-without-version (fn)
(let ((pn (maybe-pathname fn)))
(if pn
(namestring (pathname-without-version pn))
(off fast-integers)