% SYMBOL-VALUES.RED - ValueCell, UnboundP, MakeUnbound and Set
% Author: Eric Benson
% Computer Science Dept.
% University of Utah
% Date: 20 August 1981
% Copyright (c) 1981 Eric Benson
on SysLisp;
syslsp procedure UnboundP U; %. Does U not have a value?
if IDP U then
if Tag SymVal IDInf U eq Unbound then T else NIL
NonIDError(U, 'UnboundP);
syslsp procedure MakeUnbound U; %. Make U an unbound ID
if IDP U then
SymVal IDInf U := MkItem(Unbound, IDInf U)
NonIDError(U, 'MakeUnbound);
syslsp procedure ValueCell U; %. Safe access to SymVal entry
begin scalar V; % This guy is called from Eval
return if IDP U then
<< V := SymVal IDInf U;
if Tag V eq Unbound then
ContinuableError('99, BldMsg('"%r is an unbound ID", U), U)
else V >>
NonIDError(U, 'ValueCell);
% This version of SET differs from the Standard Lisp report in that Exp is
% not declared fluid, in order to maintain compatibility between compiled
% and interpreted code.
syslsp procedure Set(Exp, Val); %. Assign Val to ID Exp
if IDP Exp then
if not (null Exp or Exp eq 'T) then
<< SymVal IDInf Exp := Val;
Val >>
else StdError '"T and NIL cannot be SET"
else NonIDError(Exp, 'Set);
off SysLisp;