% Build a CSL REDUCE.
% Depending on how this file is used it will EITHER create a bootstrap
% version of REDUCE or a full and optimised one.
% The behaviour is determined by whether the version of CSL used to
% run it has a full complement of functions in the modules u01.c to u12.c.
% slowr37 -z build37.lsp -- log/boot37.log
% Builds a system "slowr37.img" that does not depend on any
% custom C code. The main use of this slow system is for profiling
% REDUCE and then compiling the hot-spots into C. Once that has been
% done this image is logically unnecessary.
% r37 -z build37.lsp -l log/full37.log
% Here the files u01.c to u12.c and u01.lsp to u12.lsp must already
% have been created, and that the r37 executable has them compiled in.
% The REDUCE source files that are compiled *MUST* be the same as those used
% to create this C code.
% Author: Anthony C. Hearn, Stanley L. Kameny and Arthur Norman
(verbos 3)
(window!-heading "basic CSL")
(setq !*savedef (lessp (cdr (assoc 'c!-code lispsystem!*)) 20))
(cond ((null !*savedef) (progn
(de c!:install (name env c!-version !&optional c1)
(c1 (check!-c!-code name env c!-version c1))
(t (progn
(put name 'c!-version c!-version)
(cond (env (prog (v n)
(setq v (mkvect (sub1 (length env))))
(setq n 0)
top (cond
((null env) (progn
(put name 'funarg v)
(return (symbol!-set!-env name v)))))
(putv v n (car env))
(setq n (add1 n))
(setq env (cdr env))
(go top))))
(rdf "../csl-c/u01.lsp")
(rdf "../csl-c/u02.lsp")
(rdf "../csl-c/u03.lsp")
(rdf "../csl-c/u04.lsp")
(rdf "../csl-c/u05.lsp")
(rdf "../csl-c/u06.lsp")
(rdf "../csl-c/u07.lsp")
(rdf "../csl-c/u08.lsp")
(rdf "../csl-c/u09.lsp")
(rdf "../csl-c/u10.lsp")
(rdf "../csl-c/u11.lsp")
(rdf "../csl-c/u12.lsp") )))
(rdf "../util/fastgets.lsp")
(rdf "../cslbase/compat.lsp")
(rdf "../cslbase/extras.lsp")
(rdf "../cslbase/compiler.lsp")
(setq !*comp t) % It's faster if we compile the boot file.
% Tidy up be deleting any modules that are left over in this image
(dolist (a (library!-members)) (delete!-module a))
% Build fasl files for the compatibility code and the two
% versions of the compiler.
(faslout 'cslcompat)
(rdf "../util/fastgets.lsp")
(rdf "../cslbase/compat.lsp")
(rdf "../cslbase/extras.lsp")
(faslout 'compiler)
(rdf "../cslbase/compiler.lsp")
(faslout 'ccomp)
(rdf "../cslbase/ccomp.lsp")
(setq !*comp t)
(de concat (u v)
(compress (cons '!" (append (explode2 u)
(nconc (explode2 v) (list '!"))))))
(global '(oldchan!*))
(setq prolog_file 'cslprolo)
(setq rend_file 'cslrend)
(setq !*argnochk t)
(setq !*int nil) % Prevents input buffer being saved.
(setq !*msg nil)
(global '(!$reduce))
(setq !$reduce "../../..")
(window!-heading "bootstrap RLISP")
(rdf "$reduce/packages/support/boot.sl")
rds(xxx := open("$reduce/packages/support/build.red",'input));
(close xxx)
(load!-package!-sources prolog_file 'support)
(load!-package!-sources 'rlisp 'rlisp)
(load!-package!-sources rend_file 'support)
(load!-package!-sources 'poly 'poly)
(load!-package!-sources 'alg 'alg)
(load!-package!-sources 'arith 'arith) % Needed by roots, specfn*, (psl).
(load!-package!-sources 'entry 'support)
(load!-package!-sources 'remake 'support)
(setq !*comp nil)
!#if (not !*savedef)
faslout 'user;
% The "user" module is only useful when building a full system, since
% in the bootstrap the files u01.lsp to u12.lsp will probably not exist
% and it is CERTAIN that they are not useful.
symbolic procedure c!:install(name, env, c!-version, !&optional, c1);
scalar v, n;
if c1 then return check!-c!-code(name, env, c!-version, c1);
put(name, 'c!-version, c!-version);
if null env then return name;
v := mkvect sub1 length env;
n := 0;
while env do <<
putv(v, n, car env);
n := n + 1;
env := cdr env >>;
% I only instate the environment if there is nothing useful there at
% present. Actually this is even stronger. When a built-in function is
% set up it gets NIL in its environment cell by default. Things that are
% not defined at all have themselves there.
if symbol!-env name = nil then symbol!-set!-env(name, v);
put(name, 'funarg, v);
return name;
rdf "../csl-c/u01.lsp"$
rdf "../csl-c/u02.lsp"$
rdf "../csl-c/u03.lsp"$
rdf "../csl-c/u04.lsp"$
rdf "../csl-c/u05.lsp"$
rdf "../csl-c/u06.lsp"$
rdf "../csl-c/u07.lsp"$
rdf "../csl-c/u08.lsp"$
rdf "../csl-c/u09.lsp"$
rdf "../csl-c/u10.lsp"$
rdf "../csl-c/u11.lsp"$
rdf "../csl-c/u12.lsp"$
faslout 'remake;
!#if (not !*savedef)
load!-module "user";
in "$reduce/packages/support/remake.red"$
% This next function recompiles the "patches" module from source
% if the current compiled module for it seems out of date. It loads
% that module into memory if that seems necessary, and then applies
% patches to those packages that are already loaded.
symbolic procedure ensure_patches_are_up_to_date();
scalar sourcedate, fasldate, w;
if not boundp '!$reduce or not stringp !$reduce then <<
if boundp '!@reduce and stringp !@reduce then
!$reduce := !@reduce
else !$reduce := "../../.." >>;
sourcedate := filedate "$reduce/packages/support/patches.red";
fasldate := modulep 'patches;
if sourcedate and
(null fasldate or datelessp(fasldate, sourcedate)) then <<
faslout 'patches;
semic!* := '!$;
in "$reduce/packages/support/patches.red"$
printc "patches.red read";
faslend >>;
if modulep 'patches then <<
load!-module 'patches;
for each p in loaded!-packages!* do begin
scalar !*usermode, !*redefmsg;
if (w := get(p, 'patchfn)) then apply(w, nil) end;
if patch!-date!* then
w := append(explodec ", 15-Jan-99 patched to ",
append(explodec patch!-date!*, explodec " ..."))
else w := explodec ", 15-Jan-99 ...";
startup!-banner list!-to!-string append(explodec version!*, w) >>
global '(r37_base_modules r37_extra_modules r37_test_cases !$reduce);
symbolic procedure get_configuration_data();
% Read data from a configuration file that lists the modules that must
% be processed. NOTE that this and the next few funtions will ONLY
% work ppoperly if REDUCE had been started up with the correct
% working directory. This is (just about) acceptable because these are
% system maintainance functions rather than generally flexible things
% for arbitrary use.
scalar i;
i := open("../util/config.lsp", 'input);
i := rds i;
r37_base_modules := read();
r37_extra_modules := read();
r37_test_cases := read();
i := rds i;
close i
symbolic procedure build_reduce_modules names;
!#if !*savedef
!*savedef := t;
!*savedef := nil;
!$reduce := "../../.."; % Indicates how "$reduce" expands in a filename
in "$reduce/package.red"$
window!-heading list!-to!-string explodec car names;
package!-remake car names;
if null (names := cdr names) then printc "Recompilation complete";
!#if !*savedef
if null names then restart!-csl 'begin
if null names then restart!-csl '(user begin)
else restart!-csl('(remake build_reduce_modules), names) >>;
symbolic procedure test_a_package names;
scalar packge, logname, logtmp, logfile, start_time, start_gctime, gt;
scalar oll;
princ "TESTING: "; print car names;
window!-heading list!-to!-string explodec car names;
!*backtrace := nil;
!*errcont := t;
!*extraecho := t; % Ensure standard environment for the test...
!*int := nil; % ... so that results are predictable.
!$reduce := "../../..";
packge := car names;
verbos nil;
semic!* := '!$;
if boundp '!@log and stringp !@log then logname := !@log
else logname := "log";
logname := concat("$reduce/", concat(logname, "/"));
logtmp := concat(logname, concat(car names, ".tmp"));
logname := concat(logname, concat(car names,".rlg"));
logfile := open(logtmp, 'output);
in "$reduce/package.red"$
scalar !*terminal!-io!*, !*standard!-output!*, !*error!-output!*,
!*trace!-output!*, !*debug!-io!*, !*query!-io!*;
!*terminal!-io!* := !*standard!-output!* := !*error!-output!* := logfile;
!*trace!-output!* := !*debug!-io!* := !*query!-io!* := logfile;
oll := linelength 80;
princ date(); princ " run on "; printc cdr assoc('name, lispsystem!*);
load!-package packge;
if get(packge,'folder) then packge := get(packge,'folder);
packge := concat("$reduce/packages/",
concat(car names,".tst"))));
start_time := time();
start_gctime := gctime();
!*mode := 'algebraic;
semic!* := '!;; % Specifically not a !$.
!*extraecho := t; % Ensure standard environment for the test...
!*int := nil; % ... so that results are predictable.
in packge;
prin2 "Time for test: ";
prin2 (time() - start_time);
prin2 " ms";
if (gt := gctime() - start_gctime) > 0 then <<
prin2 ", plus GC time: ";
prin2 gt;
prin2 " ms" >>;
linelength oll
close logfile;
delete!-file logname;
rename!-file(logtmp, logname);
names := cdr names;
if null names then restart!-csl t
else restart!-csl('(remake test_a_package), names)
symbolic procedure report_incomplete_tests names;
% Displays information about what "complete_tests" would do
scalar packge, tfile, logname;
scalar date1, date2, date3;
!$reduce := "../../..";
semic!* := '!$;
in "$reduce/package.red"$
for each packge in names do <<
tfile := packge;
if get(packge,'folder) then tfile := get(packge,'folder);
tfile := concat("$reduce/packages/",
if boundp '!@log and stringp !@log then logname := !@log
else logname := "log";
logname := concat("$reduce/", concat(logname, "/"));
logname := concat(logname, concat(packge,".rlg"));
date1 := filedate "r37.img";
date2 := filedate tfile;
date3 := filedate logname;
if null date1 then date1 := date();
if null date2 then date2 := date();
if null date3 or
datelessp(date3, date1) or datelessp(date3, date2) then <<
princ "NEED TO TEST: "; print packge >> >>
symbolic procedure complete_tests names;
% Just like the previous testing code except that logs that are already up
% to date are not re-generated.
scalar packge, tfile, logname, logfile, logtmp,
start_time, start_gctime, gt;
scalar date1, date2, date3, oll;
!*backtrace := nil;
!*errcont := t;
!*extraecho := t; % Ensure standard environment for the test...
!*int := nil; % ... so that results are predictable.
verbos nil;
!$reduce := "../../..";
semic!* := '!$;
in "$reduce/package.red"$
tfile := packge := car names;
if get(tfile,'folder) then tfile := get(tfile,'folder);
tfile := concat("$reduce/packages/",
if boundp '!@log and stringp !@log then logname := !@log
else logname := "log";
logname := concat("$reduce/", concat(logname, "/"));
logtmp := concat(logname, concat(packge, ".tmp"));
logname := concat(logname, concat(packge, ".rlg"));
date1 := filedate "r37.img";
date2 := filedate tfile;
date3 := filedate logname;
if null date1 then date1 := date();
if null date2 then date2 := date();
if null date3 or
datelessp(date3, date1) or datelessp(date3, date2) then <<
princ "TESTING: "; print packge;
window!-heading list!-to!-string explodec packge;
logfile := open(logtmp, 'output);
start_time := time();
start_gctime := gctime();
scalar !*terminal!-io!*, !*standard!-output!*, !*error!-output!*,
!*trace!-output!*, !*debug!-io!*, !*query!-io!*;
!*terminal!-io!* := !*standard!-output!* := !*error!-output!* := logfile;
!*trace!-output!* := !*debug!-io!* := !*query!-io!* := logfile;
oll := linelength 80;
princ date(); princ " run on ";
printc cdr assoc('name, lispsystem!*);
load!-package packge;
!*mode := 'algebraic;
semic!* := '!;; % Specifically not a !$.
!*extraecho := t; % Ensure standard environment for the test...
!*int := nil; % ... so that results are predictable.
in tfile;
prin2 "Time for test: ";
prin2 (time() - start_time);
prin2 " ms";
if (gt := gctime() - start_gctime) > 0 then <<
prin2 ", plus GC time: ";
prin2 gt;
prin2 " ms" >>;
linelength oll
close logfile;
delete!-file logname;
rename!-file(logtmp, logname) >>
else if cdr names then <<
names := cdr names;
go to top >>;
names := cdr names;
if null names then restart!-csl t
else restart!-csl('(remake complete_tests), names)
symbolic procedure profile_compare_fn(p, q);
(float caddr p/float cadr p) < (float caddr q/float cadr q);
% This function runs a test file and sorts out what the top 350
% functions in it. It appends their names to "profile.dat".
% I need to talk a little about the interaction between profiling and
% patching. Well firstly I arrange that whenever I run a profiling job
% I rebuild REDUCE with the latest paches. This may involve re-compiling
% the patches.red source. Thus when a test is run the current patches
% will be in place. Patched functions are first defined with funny names
% (including a hash based on their definition) and then copied into place
% when a package is loaded. However MAPSTORE and the CSL instrumentation
% attributes their cost to the hash-extended name even though the
% functions may have been called via the simple one. Thus in the face
% of patches one can expect the profile data to refer to some names that
% are long and curious looking. Throughout all this I assume that there will
% never be embarassing collisions in my hash functions.
symbolic procedure profile_a_package names;
scalar packge, oll, w, w1, w2;
princ "PROFILING: "; print car names;
!*backtrace := nil;
!*errcont := t;
!*int := nil;
!$reduce := "../../..";
packge := car names;
verbos nil;
load!-package packge;
semic!* := '!$;
in "$reduce/package.red"$
if get(packge,'folder) then packge := get(packge,'folder);
packge := concat("$reduce/packages/",
concat(car names,".tst"))));
oll := linelength 80;
semic!* := '!;; % specifically not a !$.
!*mode := 'algebraic;
window!-heading list!-to!-string explodec car names;
mapstore 4; % reset counts;
in packge;
w := sort(mapstore 2, function profile_compare_fn);
w1 := nil;
while w do <<
w2 := get(caar w, '!*savedef);
if eqcar(w2, 'lambda) then w1 := (caar w . md60 cdr w2 .
cadar w . caddar w) . w1;
w := cdr w >>;
w := w1;
% I collect the top 350 functions as used by each test, not because all
% that many will be wanted but because I might as well record plenty
% of information here and discard unwanted parts later on.
for i := 1:349 do if w1 then w1 := cdr w1;
if w1 then rplacd(w1, nil);
% princ "MODULE "; prin car names; princ " suggests ";
% print for each z in w collect car z;
w1 := open("profile.dat", 'append);
w1 := wrs w1;
linelength 80;
princ "("; prin car names; terpri();
for each n in w do <<
princ " ("; prin car n; princ " ";
if posn() > 30 then << terpri(); ttab 30 >>;
prin cadr n;
% I also display the counts just to help me debug & for interest.
princ " "; prin caddr n; princ " "; princ cdddr n;
printc ")" >>;
printc " )";
close wrs w1;
linelength oll;
names := cdr names;
if null names then restart!-csl t
else restart!-csl('(remake profile_a_package), names)
symbolic procedure trim_prefix(a, b);
while a and b and car a = car b do <<
a := cdr a;
b := cdr b >>;
if null a then return b
else return nil
fluid '(time_info);
symbolic procedure read_file f1;
% I take the view that I can afford to read the whole of a file into
% memory at the start of processing. This makes life easier for me
% and the REDUCE log files are small compared with current main memory sizes.
scalar r, w, w1, n, x;
scalar p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7;
% To make comparisons between my CSL logs and some of the Hearn "reference
% logs", which are created using a different script, I will discard
% lines that match certain patterns! Note that if the reference logs change
% the particular tests I perform here could become out of date! Also if any
% legitimate test output happened to match one of the following strings
% I would lose out slightly.
p1 := explodec "REDUCE 3.7,";
p2 := explodec "1: 1:";
p3 := explodec "2: 2: 2:";
p4 := explodec "3: 3: "; % a prefix to first real line of output.
p5 := explodec "4: 4: 4:";
p6 := explodec "5: 5:";
p7 := explodec "Quittin"; % nb left so that the "g" remains!
% this is so that the match is detected.
r := nil;
n := 0;
while not ((w := readline f1) = !$eof!$) do <<
w1 := explodec w;
if x := trim_prefix(p4, w1) then
r := ((n := n + 1) . list!-to!-string x) . r
else if trim_prefix(p1, w1) or
trim_prefix(p2, w1) or
trim_prefix(p3, w1) or
trim_prefix(p5, w1) or
trim_prefix(p6, w1) or
trim_prefix(p7, w1) then nil
else r := ((n := n + 1) . w) . r >>;
w := r;
% The text scanned for here is expected to match that generated by the
% test script. I locate the last match in a file, extract the numbers
% and eventually write them to log/times.log
n := explodec "Time for test:";
while w and null (x := trim_prefix(n, explodec cdar w)) do w := cdr w;
if null w then <<
time_info := nil;
return reversip r >>;
while eqcar(x, '! ) do x := cdr x;
w := n := nil;
while digit car x do << w := car x . w; x := cdr x >>;
while eqcar(x, '! ) do x := cdr x;
if x := trim_prefix(explodec "ms, plus GC time:", x) then <<
while eqcar(x, '! ) do x := cdr x;
while digit car x do << n := car x . n; x := cdr x >> >>;
if null w then w := '(!0);
if null n then n := '(!0);
time_info := compress reverse w . compress reverse n;
return reversip r;
symbolic procedure in_sync(d1, n1, d2, n2);
for i := 1:n1 do if d1 then <<
d1 := cdr d1 >>;
for i := 1:n2 do if d2 then <<
d2 := cdr d2 >>;
if null d1 then return null d2
else if null d2 then return nil;
% Here I insist on 3 lines that agree before I count a match as
% having been re-established.
if not (cdar d1 = cdar d2) then return nil;
d1 := cdr d1; d2 := cdr d2;
if null d1 then return null d2
else if null d2 then return nil;
if not (cdar d1 = cdar d2) then return nil;
d1 := cdr d1; d2 := cdr d2;
if null d1 then return null d2
else if null d2 then return nil;
if not (cdar d1 = cdar d2) then return nil;
d1 := cdr d1; d2 := cdr d2;
if null d1 then return null d2
else if null d2 then return nil
else return t
fluid '(time_data time_ratio gc_time_ratio log_count);
symbolic procedure file_compare(f1, f2, name);
scalar i, j, d1, d2, t1, gt1, t2, gt2, time_info;
d1 := read_file f1;
if null time_info then t1 := gt1 := 0
else << t1 := car time_info; gt1 := cdr time_info >>;
d2 := read_file f2;
if null time_info then t2 := gt2 := 0
else << t2 := car time_info; gt2 := cdr time_info >>;
i := wrs time_data;
j := set!-print!-precision 3;
prin name;
ttab 20;
if zerop t1 then princ "---"
else << prin t1; ttab 30; prin gt1 >>;
ttab 40;
if zerop t2 then princ "---"
else << prin t2; ttab 50; prin gt2 >>;
ttab 60;
if zerop t1 or zerop t2 then princ "*** ***"
else begin
scalar r1, gr1;
r1 := float t1 / float t2;
gr1 := float (t1+gt1)/float (t2+gt2);
time_ratio := time_ratio * r1;
gc_time_ratio := gc_time_ratio * gr1;
log_count := log_count + 1;
prin r1;
ttab 70;
prin gr1 end;
set!-print!-precision j;
wrs i;
% I can not see a neat way to get a "structured" control structure
% here easily. Ah well, drop back to GOTO statements!
if null d1 then <<
if d2 then terpri();
i := 0;
while d2 and i < 20 do <<
princ "REF "; princ caar d2; princ ":"; ttab 10; printc cdar d2;
d2 := cdr d2;
i := i + 1 >>;
if d2 then printc "...";
return >>;
if null d2 then <<
i := 0;
while d1 and i < 20 do <<
princ "NEW "; princ caar d1; princ ":"; ttab 10; printc cdar d1;
d1 := cdr d1;
i := i + 1 >>;
if d1 then printc "...";
return >>;
if cdar d1 = cdar d2 then <<
d1 := cdr d1;
d2 := cdr d2;
go to top >>;
% I will first see if there are just a few blank lines inserted into
% one or other file. This special case is addressed here because it
% appears more common a possibility than I had expected.
if cdar d1 = "" and cdr d1 and cdadr d1 = cdar d2 then <<
princ "NEW "; princ caar d1; princ ":"; ttab 10; printc cdar d1;
d1 := cdr d1;
go to top >>
else if cdar d1 = "" and cdr d1 and cdadr d1 = "" and cddr d1 and
cdaddr d1 = cdar d2 then <<
princ "NEW "; princ caar d1; princ ":"; ttab 10; printc cdar d1;
d1 := cdr d1;
princ "NEW "; princ caar d1; princ ":"; ttab 10; printc cdar d1;
d1 := cdr d1;
go to top >>
else if cdar d2 = "" and cdr d2 and cdadr d2 = cdar d1 then <<
princ "REF "; princ caar d2; princ ":"; ttab 10; printc cdar d2;
d2 := cdr d2;
go to top >>
else if cdar d2 = "" and cdr d2 and cdadr d2 = "" and cddr d2 and
cdaddr d2 = cdar d1 then <<
princ "REF "; princ caar d2; princ ":"; ttab 10; printc cdar d2;
d2 := cdr d2;
princ "REF "; princ caar d2; princ ":"; ttab 10; printc cdar d2;
d2 := cdr d2;
go to top >>;
i := 1;
j := 0;
if in_sync(d1, i, d2, j) then <<
for k := 1:i do <<
princ "NEW "; princ caar d1; princ ":"; ttab 10; printc cdar d1;
d1 := cdr d1 >>;
for k := 1:j do <<
princ "REF "; princ caar d2; princ ":"; ttab 10; printc cdar d2;
d2 := cdr d2 >>;
% Should be in step again here.
if null d1 then return
else go to top >>;
j := j + 1;
i := i - 1;
if i >= 0 then go to inner;
i := j;
% I am prepared to seek 80 lines ahead on each side before I give up.
if i < 80 then goto seek_rematch;
i := 0;
while d2 and i < 20 do <<
princ "REF "; princ caar d2; princ ":"; ttab 10; printc cdar d2;
d2 := cdr d2;
i := i+1 >>;
if d2 then printc "...";
i := 0;
while d1 and i < 20 do <<
princ "NEW "; princ caar d1; princ ":"; ttab 10; printc cdar d1;
d1 := cdr d1;
i := i+1 >>;
if d1 then printc "...";
printc "Comparison failed."
fluid '(which_module);
symbolic procedure check_a_package;
scalar oll, names, p1, mylogname, mylog, reflogname, reflog,
time_data, time_ratio, gc_time_ratio, log_count;
!$reduce := "../../..";
if boundp 'which_module and which_module and
not (which_module = "") then <<
names := compress explodec which_module;
if member(names, r37_test_cases) then names := list names
else error(0, list("unknown module to check", which_module)) >>
else names := r37_test_cases;
semic!* := '!$;
in "$reduce/package.red"$
% I write a summary of timing information into log/times.log
time_data := open("log/times.log", 'output);
p1 := wrs time_data;
princ "MODULE";
ttab 20; princ "Local"; ttab 30; princ "(GC)";
ttab 40; princ "Reference"; ttab 50; princ "(GC)";
ttab 60; princ "Ratio"; ttab 70; printc "inc GC";
wrs p1;
oll := linelength 100;
printc "=== Comparison results ===";
time_ratio := gc_time_ratio := 1.0; log_count := 0;
for each packge in names do <<
princ "CHECKING: "; print packge;
if boundp '!@log and stringp !@log then logname := !@log
else logname := "log";
logname := concat("$reduce/", concat(logname, "/"));
mylogname := concat(logname, concat(packge, ".rlg"));
if get(packge,'folder) then p1 := get(packge,'folder)
else p1 := packge;
reflogname := concat("$reduce/packages/",
mylog := errorset(list('open, mkquote mylogname, ''input), nil, nil);
reflog := errorset(list('open, mkquote reflogname, ''input), nil, nil);
if errorp mylog then <<
if not errorp reflog then close car reflog;
princ "No current log in "; print mylogname >>
else if errorp reflog then <<
close car mylog;
princ "No reference log in "; print reflogname >>
else <<
mylog := car mylog; reflog := car reflog;
file_compare(mylog, reflog, packge);
close mylog;
close reflog >> >>;
time_data := wrs time_data;
if not zerop log_count then <<
time_ratio := expt(time_ratio, 1.0/log_count);
gc_time_ratio := expt(gc_time_ratio, 1.0/log_count);
p1 := set!-print!-precision 3;
princ "Over "; prin log_count; princ " tests the speed ratio was ";
print time_ratio;
princ " (or ";
prin gc_time_ratio;
printc " is garbage collection costs are included)";
set!-print!-precision p1 >>;
close wrs time_data;
linelength oll;
faslout 'cslhelp;
module cslhelp;
global '(!*force);
on force;
symbolic procedure formhelp(u,vars,mode);
list('help, 'list . for each x in cdr u collect mkquote x);
if member('help, lispsystem!*) then <<
put('help, 'stat, 'rlis);
flag('(help), 'go);
put('help, 'formfn, 'formhelp) >>;
off force;
load!-module 'remake;
<< initreduce();
date!* := "Bootstrap version";
checkpoint('begin, "REDUCE 3.7") >>;
!#if (not !*savedef)
load!-module 'user;
in "$reduce/package.red"$
% The next lines hava LOTS of hidden depth! They restart CSL repeatedly
% so that each of the modules that has to be processed gets dealt with in
% a fresh uncluttered environment. The list of modules is fetched from
% a configuration file which must have 3 s-expressions in it. The first
% is a list of basic modules that must be built to get a core version of
% REDUCE. The second list identifies modules that can be built one the core
% is ready for use, while the last list indicates which modules have
% associated test scripts.
% when the modules have been rebuild the system does a restart that
% kicks it back into REDUCE by calling begin(). This then continues
% reading from the stream that had been the standard input when this
% job started. Thus this script MUST be invoked as
% csl -oslowr37.img -z build37.lsp -l log/build37.log
% with the file build37.lsp specified on the command line in the call. It
% will not work if you start csl manually and then do a (rdf ..) [say]
% on build37.lsp. I told you that it was a little delicate.
build_reduce_modules r37_base_modules;
% Now I want to do a cold-start so that I can create a sensible
% image for use in the subsequent build steps. This image should not
% contain ANYTHING extraneous.
symbolic restart!-csl nil;
(setq !*savedef (lessp (cdr (assoc 'c!-code lispsystem!*)) 20))
(cond ((null !*savedef) (load!-module 'user)))
(load!-module 'cslcompat)
(setq !*comp nil)
(load!-module 'module) % Definition of load_package, etc.
(load!-module 'cslprolo) % CSL specific code.
(setq loaded!-packages!* '(cslcompat user cslprolo))
% NB I will re-load the "patches" module when REDUCE is started
% if there is a version newer than the one I load up here. Note that
% if there had not been a "patches.red" file I will not have a module to load
% here.
((modulep 'patches) (load!-module 'patches)))
(load!-package 'rlisp)
(load!-package 'cslrend)
(load!-package 'poly)
(load!-package 'arith)
(load!-package 'alg)
(load!-package 'mathpr)
(load!-package 'entry)
(write!-help!-module "../util/r37.inf" nil)
(load!-module 'cslhelp)
(setq version!* "REDUCE 3.7")
(setq date!* "15-Jan-99")
(setq no_init_file nil)
(checkpoint 'begin (bldmsg "%w, %w ..." version!* date!*))
(setq no_init_file t)
% See the fairly length comments given a bit earlier about the
% delicacy of the next few lines!
load!-module 'remake;
build_reduce_modules r37_extra_modules;
% At this stage I have a complete workable REDUCE. If built using a
% basic CSL (I call it "slowr37" here) nothing has been compiled into C
% (everything is bytecoded), and it is big because it has retained all
% Lisp source code in the image file. If however I built using a version
% of CSL ("r37") that did have things compiled into C then these will
% be exploited and the original Lisp sourtce will be omitted from the
% image, leaving a production version.