//created 20/02/02 since it wasn't needed for Trivial.java
// exactly same as CONSTANT_Methodref_info with "Method" replaced by "Field"
import java.io.*;
public class CONSTANT_Fieldref_info extends Cp_info
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
short cidx = (short)0x4;
short ntidx = (short)0xf;
CONSTANT_Fieldref_info cm = new CONSTANT_Fieldref_info(cidx, ntidx);
short cidx2 = (short)0x3;
short ntidx2 = (short)0x10;
CONSTANT_Fieldref_info cm2 = new CONSTANT_Fieldref_info(cidx2, ntidx2);
short class_index;
short name_and_type_index;
CONSTANT_Fieldref_info(short classIndex, short ntIndex)
throws IOException
{ tag = CONSTANT_Fieldref;
class_index = classIndex;
name_and_type_index = ntIndex;
//below is the toInfo() method of Code_Attribute.java
byte[][] infoTemp = new byte[2][0];
infoTemp[0] = shortToByteArray(class_index);
infoTemp[1] = shortToByteArray(name_and_type_index);
info = new byte[4];
info = flatBytes(infoTemp);
// end of CONSTANT_Fieldref_info.java