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<B>COMPACT</B> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <B>package</B><P>
Author: Anthony C. Hearn
COMPACT is a package of functions for the reduction of a polynomial in the
presence of side relations. COMPACT applies the side relations to the
polynomial so that an equivalent expression results with as few terms as
possible. For example, the evaluation of
compact(s*(1-sin x^2)+c*(1-cos x^2)+sin x^2+cos x^2,
{cos x^2+sin x^2=1});
</TT></PRE><P>yields the result
2 2
SIN(X) *C + COS(X) *S + 1
The first argument to the operator <em>compact</em> is the expression
and the second is a list of side relations that can be
equations or simple expressions (implicitly equated to zero). The
kernels in the side relations may also be free variables with the
same meaning as in rules, e.g.
sin_cos_identity := {cos ~w^2+sin ~w^2=1}$
Also the full rule syntax with the replacement operator is allowed here.