module specfn; % Special functions package for REDUCE.
% Author: Chris Cannam, Sept-Nov 1992.
% Winfried Neun, Nov 1992 ...
% |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| %
% %
% Please report bugs to Winfried Neun, %
% Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum %
% fuer Informationstechnik Berlin, %
% Heilbronner Str. 10 %
% W-1000 Berlin 31 %
% Federal Republic of Germany %
% or by email, %
% %
% |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| %
% %
% This package provides algebraic and numeric %
% manipulations upon various special functions: %
% %
% -- Bernoulli Numbers %
% -- Gamma Function %
% -- Pochhammer Notation %
% -- Digamma (Psi) Function and Derivatives %
% -- Riemann Zeta Function %
% -- Bessel Functions J, Y, I and K %
% -- Hankel Functions H1 and H2 %
% -- Kummer Hypergeometric Functions M and U %
% -- Struve, Lommel and Whittaker Functions %
% -- Integral funtions, Si, Ci, s_i (=si), Ei,...
% %
% accessible through the new operators Bernoulli, Gamma, %
% Pochhammer, Psi, Polygamma, Zeta, BesselJ, BesselY, %
% BesselI, BesselK, Hankel1, Hankel2, KummerM, KummerU, %
% Beta, StruveL, StruveH, Lommel1, Lommel2, WhittakerM %
% and WhittakerW, with the new switch SaveSFs. %
% %
% |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| %
load!-package 'arith; % For bootstrapping purposes.
create!-package ('(specfn
'(contrib specfn));
exports sq2bf!*, c!:prec!:;
switch savesfs;
on savesfs;
symbolic fluid '(bernoulli!-alist new!*bfs bf!*base sf!-alist !*savefs);
symbolic ( bernoulli!-alist := nil );
symbolic ( sf!-alist := nil );
symbolic ( new!*bfs := fluidp '!:bprec!: );
symbolic ( bf!*base := (if new!*bfs then 2 else 10) );
symbolic ( if not globalp 'log2of10 then
<< global '(log2of10);
log2of10 := 3.32193 >> );
symbolic smacro procedure sq2bf!*(x);
(if fixp x then i2bf!: x
else ((if car y neq '!:rd!: then retag cdr !*rn2rd y
else retag cdr y) where y = !*a2f x));
symbolic smacro procedure c!:prec!:;
(if new!*bfs then lispeval '!:bprec!: else !:prec!:);
algebraic array stieltjes (5); % for use in raw zeta computations
algebraic array stf (5);
algebraic array psi!*ld (1);
algebraic (psi!*ld(0) := -1); % precision at which last psi was calc'd
algebraic (psi!*ld(1) := 0); % lowest post-scale value acceptable at
% that precision
% These functions are needed in other modules.
algebraic procedure complex!*on!*switch;
if not symbolic !*complex then
if symbolic !*msg then
<< off msg;
on complex;
on msg >>
else on complex
else t;
algebraic procedure complex!*off!*switch;
if symbolic !*complex then
if symbolic !*msg then
<< off msg;
off complex;
on msg >>
else off complex
else t;
algebraic procedure complex!*restore!*switch(fl);
if not fl then
if symbolic !*msg then
<< off msg;
if symbolic !*complex then
off complex
else on complex;
on msg >>
else if symbolic !*complex then
off complex
else on complex;
module sfgen; % Handy functions used by the special functions package.
% Author: Chris Cannam.
exports sq2bf!*,bfprin!:roundup,sf!*eval;
symbolic procedure sf!*assoc(compare,val,alist);
(if null alist then nil
else if not lispeval list(compare,car car alist,val)
then car alist
else sf!*assoc(compare,val,cdr alist));
symbolic procedure sf!*multi!*assoc!*comparator(compare,vals,entry);
(if null entry
then (null vals)
else (not null vals)
and (lispeval list(compare,list('quote,car vals),
list('quote,car entry)))
and (sf!*multi!*assoc!*comparator(compare,cdr vals,cdr entry)));
symbolic procedure sf!*multi!*assoc(compare,vals,alist);
(if null alist then nil
else if sf!*multi!*assoc!*comparator(compare,vals,car car alist)
then car alist
else sf!*multi!*assoc(compare,vals,cdr alist));
symbolic procedure sf!*do!*eval(expression);
begin scalar prepre, result;
prepre := precision 0;
precision (prepre + 3);
result := aeval expression;
precision prepre;
return result;
% It's a finite state automaton! It's a big nested if..then..else
% construct! It's repulsive repetitive code! It's easy to compile
% and run quickly! It's longer than it needs to be! It's all of
% this and more...! (But at least it works.)
symbolic procedure sf!*eval(name,args);
begin scalar part1, part2, result, prepre;
args := cdr args;
if (part1 := assoc((name . !*complex),sf!-alist))
then if (part2 := sf!*assoc('lessp,c!:prec!:(),cdr part1))
then if (result :=
sf!*multi!*assoc('evalequal,args,cdr part2))
then result := cdr result
else if !*savesfs
then setq(cdr part2,
(args . (result := sf!*do!*eval(name . args)))
. cdr part2)
else result := sf!*do!*eval(name . args)
else if !*savesfs
then setq(cdr part1,
. list ((args .
(result := sf!*do!*eval(name . args)))))
. cdr part1)
else result := sf!*do!*eval(name . args)
else if !*savesfs
then sf!-alist :=
((name . !*complex) .
list ((c!:prec!:() .
list ((args .
(result := sf!*do!*eval(name . args))
))))) . sf!-alist
else result := sf!*do!*eval(name . args);
return result;
module sfbern; % Procedures for computing Bernoulli numbers.
% Author: Chris Cannam, Oct 1992.
% Note there is currently no Bernoulli polynomial function.
% There was one in an older version but it won't convert directly.
% This is Something To Be Done.
fluid '(compute!-bernoulli);
imports complex!*on!*switch, complex!*off!*switch,
exports nearest!-int!-to!-bf, bernoulli!*calc, multi!*bern,
single!*bern, retrieve!*bern;
algebraic operator bernoulli;
symbolic operator bernoulli!*calc;
algebraic (bernoullirules := {
bernoulli(~n) => 1 when numberp n and n = 0,
bernoulli(~n) => -1/2 when numberp n and n = 1,
bernoulli(~n) => 0 when numberp n and impart n = 0
and n = floor n and n/2 neq floor (n/2) and n > 0,
bernoulli(~n) => bernoulli!*calc n when numberp n
and impart n = 0 and n = floor n and n > 0
algebraic (let bernoullirules);
algebraic procedure bernoulli!*calc n;
begin scalar precom, result, prepre;
% Loading the SPECFAUX module will do two things. First it will
% set compute!-bernoulli to true, so that there is no future attempt
% to load it. Then it will set up a table of values in the variable
% bernoulli!-alist, where the table is computed at compile time rather
% than load or run-time. This will make compiling a fairly
% slow process. It also has bad consequences for any attempt to run
% this code interpreted.
% Note: ACN find the "algebraic symbolic" stuff here pretty heavy
% and confusing, but without it REDUCE sticks in calls to aeval (etc)
% in places where that is not wanted. Maybe a future version of the
% language will make mixed algebraic/symbolic mode code less delicate.
if (lisp null compute!-bernoulli) then
symbolic <<errorset!*('(load_package '(specfaux)), nil); nil>>;
precom := complex!*off!*switch();
if (prepre := precision(0)) < !!nfpd
then precision (!!nfpd + 1);
result := algebraic symbolic retrieve!*bern(n);
precision prepre;
return result;
symbolic procedure retrieve!*bern n;
begin scalar info, result;
integer heldpre;
info := assoc(n, bernoulli!-alist);
if not info then result := bern!*calc (n, '(() () ()))
<< info := cdr info;
if !*rounded then
if (heldpre := cadr info) and heldpre >= c!:prec!:() then
result := mk!*sq !*f2q rd!:prep caddr info
else if (result := car info) then
result := mk!*sq !*f2q mkround
divbf(i2bf!: caadr result,
i2bf!: cdadr result)
else result := bern!*calc(n, info)
else if not (result := car info) then
result := bern!*calc(n,info) >>;
return result;
symbolic procedure bern!*calc(n, info);
begin scalar result;
result := single!*bern(n/2);
if !*rounded then
info := list (car info, c!:prec!:(), result)
else info := list (result, cadr info, caddr info);
bernoulli!-alist := (n . info) . bernoulli!-alist;
return result;
% Computation of Bernoulli numbers using the algorithms of
% one Herbert S. Wilf, presented by Sandra Fillebrown in the
% Journal of Algorithms 13 (1992)
% Chris Cannam, October 1992
% Useful auxiliary fn.
symbolic procedure nearest!-int!-to!-bf(x);
(conv!:bf2i rb)
where rb = (if lessp!:(x,bfz!*)
then difference!:(x,bfhalf!*)
else plus!:(x,bfhalf!*));
% Procedure to compute B(2k) for k = 2 ... n
% Returns list of even bernoullis from B(4) to B(2n),
% in reverse order; only works when compiled, owing
% to reliance upon msd!:, which is a compiled inline
% macro.
% If called with rounded mode off, it computes the
% exact quotient; otherwise it will usually approximate
% (to the correct precision) if it saves time to do so.
symbolic procedure multi!*bern(n);
begin scalar results, primes, tprimes, r0, rk, rkm1, b2k,
tpi, pie, tk, n2k;
integer thisp, gn, prepre, prernd, p2k, k2, plim, d2k;
results := nil;
prernd := !*rounded;
if not prernd then on rounded;
prepre := precision 0;
if new!*bfs then
<< gn := 2 * n * msd!: n;
if gn < (log2of10*!!nfpd) then precision (!!nfpd + 2)
else if prepre > (gn/3) or not prernd then
precision (gn/3 + 1)
else precision (prepre + 2) >>
<< gn := 2 * n * length explode n;
if gn < !!nfpd then precision (!!nfpd + 2)
else if prepre > gn or not prernd then
precision (gn + 2)
else precision (prepre + 2) >>;
tpi := pi!*(); pie := divbf(bfone!*, timbf(tpi, e!*()));
if n < 1786 then primes := !*primelist!*
<< primes := nil;
for thisp := 3573 step 2 until (2*n + 1) do
if primep thisp then primes := thisp . primes;
primes := append(!*primelist!*, reverse primes) >>;
r0 := sq2bf!* algebraic ((2*pi)**(-2));
rkm1 := timbf(i2bf!: 4, r0);
for k := 2:n do
<< k2 := 2*k;
rk := timbf(i2bf!:(k2*(k2 - 1)), timbf(r0, rkm1));
rkm1 := rk;
tk := bfone!*; d2k := 1;
plim := 1 + conv!:bf2i timbf(i2bf!: k2, pie);
tprimes := cdr primes; thisp := car primes;
while thisp <= plim do
<< p2k := thisp ** k2;
tk := timbf(tk, divbf(i2bf!: p2k, i2bf!: (p2k - 1)));
thisp := car tprimes;
tprimes := cdr tprimes >>;
tprimes := cdr primes; thisp := car primes;
while thisp <= k+1 do
<< if cdr divide (k2, thisp - 1) = 0 then
d2k := d2k * thisp;
thisp := car tprimes;
tprimes := cdr tprimes >>;
if primep (k2 + 1) then d2k := d2k * (k2 + 1);
n2k := timbf(timbf(rk, tk), i2bf!: d2k);
if prernd then
b2k := mk!*sq !*f2q mkround
divbf (i2bf!: (((-1)**(k+1)) *
nearest!-int!-to!-bf n2k),
i2bf!: d2k)
else b2k := list ('!*sq, (((-1)**(k+1)) *
nearest!-int!-to!-bf n2k) . d2k, t);
results := b2k . results >>;
precision prepre;
if not prernd then off rounded;
return results;
% Procedure to compute B(2n). If it is called with rounded
% mode off, it computes the exact quotient; otherwise it
% will approximate (to the correct precision) whenever it
% saves time to do so.
symbolic procedure single!*bern(n);
begin scalar result, primes, tprimes, rn, tn, n2n, pie;
integer d2n, thisp, gn, prepre, prernd, p2n, n2, plim;
prernd := !*rounded;
if not prernd then on rounded;
prepre := precision 0;
if new!*bfs then
<< gn := 2 * n * msd!: n;
if gn < (log2of10*!!nfpd) then precision (!!nfpd + 2)
else if prepre > (gn/3) or not prernd then
precision (gn/3 + 1)
else precision (prepre + 2) >>
<< gn := 2 * n * length explode n;
if gn < !!nfpd then precision (!!nfpd + 2)
else if prepre > gn or not prernd then
precision (gn + 1)
else precision (prepre + 2) >>;
pie := divbf(bfone!*, timbf(pi!*(), e!*()));
if n < 1786 then primes := !*primelist!*
<< primes := nil;
for thisp := 3573 step 2 until (2*n + 1) do
if primep thisp then primes := thisp . primes;
primes := append(!*primelist!*, reverse primes) >>;
n2 := 2*n;
rn := divbf(i2bf!: (2 * factorial n2),
sq2bf!* algebraic ((2*pi)**(n2)));
tn := bfone!*; d2n := 1;
plim := 1 + conv!:bf2i timbf(i2bf!: n2, pie);
tprimes := cdr primes; thisp := car primes;
while thisp <= plim do
<< p2n := thisp ** n2;
tn := timbf(tn, divbf(i2bf!: p2n, i2bf!: (p2n - 1)));
thisp := car tprimes;
tprimes := cdr tprimes >>;
tprimes := cdr primes; thisp := car primes;
while thisp <= n+1 do
<< if cdr divide (n2, thisp - 1) = 0 then
d2n := d2n * thisp;
thisp := car tprimes;
tprimes := cdr tprimes >>;
if primep (n2 + 1) then d2n := d2n * (n2 + 1);
n2n := timbf(timbf(rn, tn), i2bf!: d2n);
precision prepre;
if prernd then
result := mkround divbf(i2bf!: (((-1)**(n+1)) *
nearest!-int!-to!-bf n2n),
i2bf!: d2n)
<< off rounded;
result := list ('!*sq, (((-1)**(n+1)) *
nearest!-int!-to!-bf n2n) . d2n, t) >>;
return result;
module sfgamma; % Gamma function procedures and rules for REDUCE.
% Author: Chris Cannam, Sept/Oct '92
imports complex!*on!*switch, complex!*off!*switch,
complex!*restore!*switch, sf!*eval;
exports do!*gamma, do!*pochhammer, do!*poch!*conj!*calc;
% Rule set for the gamma function.
% Comments:
% Base cases are provided for gamma(1) and gamma(1/2).
% The rules will convert gammas to factorials where appropriate.
% A numerical value is always computed if rounded mode is on.
algebraic operator gamma;
symbolic (operator do!*gamma);
algebraic (gamma!*rules := {
gamma(~x) => 1 when numberp x and x = 1,
gamma(~x) => sqrt(pi) when numberp x and x = (1/2),
gamma(~x) => factorial (x-1)
when numberp x and impart x = 0
and x = floor x and x > 0,
gamma(~x) => infinity
when numberp x and impart x = 0
and x = floor x and x < 1,
gamma(~x) => gamma(x-1) * (x-1)
when numberp x and not symbolic !*rounded
and impart x = 0 and (64*x) = floor(64*x) and x > 1 and x < 50,
gamma(~x) => pi / (sin(pi*x) * gamma(-x) * (-x))
when numberp x and x < 0,
gamma(~x) => do!*gamma(x)
when numberp x
and symbolic !*rounded,
df(gamma(~x), x) => gamma(x) * psi(x)
algebraic (let gamma!*rules);
algebraic operator beta;
algebraic (beta!*rules := {
beta(~z,~w) => (gamma(z) * gamma(w)) / gamma(z+w)
when (numberp z and numberp w and impart z = 0 and impart w = 0
and not ((z = floor z and z < 1)
or (w = floor w and w < 1)
or (z+w = floor (z+w) and (z+w) < 1)))
or (numberp z and numberp w
and (impart z neq 0 or impart w neq 0))
or not (numberp z and numberp w),
beta(~z,~w) => 0
when numberp z and numberp w and impart z = 0 and impart w = 0
and not ((z = floor z and z < 1)
or (w = floor w and w < 1))
and (z+w = floor (z+w) and (z+w) < 1),
beta(~z,~w) => infinity
when numberp z and numberp w and impart z = 0 and impart w = 0
and ((z = floor z and z < 1)
or (w = floor w and w < 1))
and not (z+w = floor (z+w) and (z+w) < 1)
algebraic (let beta!*rules);
Comment Ruleset for calculating the Pochhammer symbol
Author: Wolfram Koepf, Freie Universitaet Berlin 1992,
Translated to Reduce syntax by Winfried Neun, ZIB Berlin.
Made generally safer (and uglier) by Chris Cannam, ZIB.
algebraic operator pochhammer;
symbolic (operator do!*pochhammer, do!*poch!*conj!*calc);
algebraic (pochhammer!*rules := {
pochhammer(~z,~k) => 1
when numberp k and k = 0,
pochhammer(~z,~k -1) =>
2 * pochhammer(1/2,k) / (2*k -1)
when numberp z and z = 1/2,
pochhammer(~a,~k) =>
factorial(2k)/((4^k) * factorial(k))
when numberp a and a = 1/2,
pochhammer(~n,~k) =>
when numberp n and numberp k
and impart n = 0 and impart k = 0
and n = floor n and k = floor k
and n > -1 and k > 0,
pochhammer(~a,~k) =>
when symbolic !*rounded
and numberp k and numberp a
and impart a = 0 and impart k = 0
and ((a neq floor a) or (a > 0))
and k = floor k and k > 0,
pochhammer(~n,~k) =>
(-1)^k * factorial(-n) / factorial(-n-k)
when numberp n and numberp k
and impart n = 0
and n = floor n and n < 1 and (-n-k) >= 0,
pochhammer(~a,~k) =>
pochhammer(2*a-1,2k)/((4^k) * pochhammer((2 a -1)/2,k))
when numberp a and impart a = 0
and (a+1/2) = floor (a+1/2) and a > 0,
pochhammer(~a,~k)*pochhammer(~b,~k) =>
when (b-a)=1/2,
pochhammer(~a,~k) =>
(-1)^(-a+1/2) * pochhammer(1-a-(-a+1/2),-a+1/2) *
pochhammer(a +(-a +1/2),k-(-a+1/2))
when numberp a and impart a = 0
and (a+1/2) = floor (a+1/2) and a<0,
pochhammer(~z,~k) * pochhammer(~cz,~k) =>
when numberp z and numberp cz and numberp k
and not(impart z = 0) and z = conj cz
and impart k = 0 and k = floor k and k >= 0,
pochhammer(~a,~k)*pochhammer(~aa,~k) =>
factorial(3 k)/(factorial(k) * 27^k)
when numberp a and a = 1/3 and numberp aa and aa = 2/3,
pochhammer(~a,~k) * pochhammer(~aa,~k) =>
factorial(1 + 3 k)/(27 ^k * factorial(k))
when numberp a and a = 2/3 and numberp aa and aa = 4/3,
pochhammer(~b,~k) * pochhammer(~c,~k) =>
pochhammer(3*b,3*k)/( 27^k * pochhammer(b +2/3,k))
when numberp b and numberp c
and (c-b)=1/3 and (b-1/3) = floor (b-1/3) and not (b-1/3 = 0),
pochhammer(~a,~k)*pochhammer(~aa,~k)*pochhammer(~aaa,~k) =>
factorial(4*k)/(factorial(k) * 64^k)
when numberp a and numberp aa and numberp aaa
and a = 1/4 and aa = 1/2 and aaa = 3/4,
pochhammer(~aaa,~k)*pochhammer(~aaaa,~k) =>
factorial(5*k)/(factorial(k) * 3125^k)
when numberp a and numberp aa
and numberp aaa and numberp aaaa
and a = 1/5 and aa = 2/5 and aaa = 3/5 and aaaa = 4/5,
pochhammer(~aaa,~k)*pochhammer(~aaaa,~k) =>
5*(1/5 +k)*factorial(5*k)/(factorial(k) * 3125^k)
when numberp a and numberp aa
and numberp aaa and numberp aaaa
and a = 2/5 and aa = 3/5 and aaa = 4/5 and aaaa = 6/5,
pochhammer(~aaa,~k)*pochhammer(~aaaa,~k) =>
(25 *(1/5+k)*(2/5 +k)*factorial(5*k)) / (factorial(k) * 2* 3125^k)
when numberp a and numberp aa
and numberp aaa and numberp aaaa
and a = 3/5 and aa = 4/5 and aaa = 6/5 and aaaa = 7/5,
pochhammer(~aaa,~k)*pochhammer(~aaaa,~k) =>
(125*(1/5+k)*(2/5+k)*(3/5+k)*factorial(5*k)) /
(factorial(k) * 6 *3125^k)
when numberp a and numberp aa
and numberp aaa and numberp aaaa
and a = 4/5 and aa = 6/5 and aaa = 7/5 and aaaa = 8/5,
pochhammer(~aaa,~k)*pochhammer(~aaaa,~k) =>
(625*(1/5+k)*(2/5+k)*(3/5+k)*(4/5+k)*factorial(5*k)) /
(factorial(k) * 24 *3125^k)
when numberp a and numberp aa
and numberp aaa and numberp aaaa
and a = 6/5 and aa = 7/5 and aaa = 8/5 and aaaa = 9/5
%Pochhammer(~a,~k)//Pochhammer(~b,~k) =>
% (a + k -1)/(a - 1)
% when (a - b)=1,
%Pochhammer(~a,~k)//Pochhammer(~b,~k) =>
% (b - 1)/(b + k -1)
% when (b - a)=1,
algebraic (let pochhammer!*rules);
algebraic procedure do!*gamma(z);
(if impart z = 0
then algebraic sf!*eval('gamma!*calc!*s,{z})
else algebraic sf!*eval('gamma!*calc,{z}));
algebraic procedure gamma!*calc!*s(z);
begin scalar scale, result, alglist!*;
integer p, precom;
precom := complex!*off!*switch();
p := precision(0);
op := lisp c!:prec!:();
if p < !!nfpd then precision (!!nfpd + 1);
% else precision(p+3);
if p > 49 then
scale := 500 + p
else scale := 10 * (p+1);
if z > scale then scale := 2;
result := gamma!*calc!*s!*sub(z,scale,op);
precision p;
return result;
algebraic procedure gamma!*calc!*s!*sub(z,scale,op);
begin scalar za, z1, result; integer z0;
za := z; z0 := floor (z+1); z1 := z + scale;
result := algebraic symbolic log!*gamma(z1,z0);
result := (exp result / pochhammer(z,scale));
return result;
symbolic procedure log!*gamma(z, zint);
begin scalar result, this, zpwr, zsq, admissable, abk;
integer k, adep, famt, rp, orda, magn;
magn := bf!*base ** c!:prec!:();
if zint < 1000 then
if new!*bfs
then admissable := divbf
(i2bf!: msd!: (1 + (factorial zint / 3)),
i2bf!: magn)
else admissable := divbf
(i2bf!: length explode factorial zint,
i2bf!: magn)
admissable := divbf
sqrt!:(exptbf(i2bf!: zint,2*zint+1,bfone!*),8)),8),
i2bf!: zint),i2bf!: magn);
z := sq2bf!* z;
result := timbf(log!* z, difference!:(z, bfhalf!*));
result := plubf((difference!: (result, z)), timbf(bfhalf!*,
log!* timbf(pi!*(), bftwo!*)));
this := plubf (admissable, bfone!*);
rp := c!:prec!:(); orda := order!: admissable - 5;
k := 2; zpwr := z; zsq := timbf (z, z);
while greaterp!:(abs!: this, admissable) do
<< abk := retag cdr !*a2f retrieve!*bern k;
this := divide!: (abk,
timbf (i2bf!: (k * (k-1)), zpwr), rp);
rp := order!: this - orda;
result := plubf(result, this);
zpwr := timbf (zpwr, zsq);
k := k + 2; >>;
return mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result;
% algebraic procedure loggamma!*calc!*sub(z);
% Procedure to calculate ln(gamma(z)); returns a 2-list of
% the value of ln(gamma) and the final term used in the
% constructing series. (This term is used by gamma!*calc!*sub
% to compute the error.)
% Also requires to be fed the indices for the first and last
% terms to be used in constructing the portion of the
% series that it will construct. Both of these values should
% be even; if the first term's index is 2, then the initial
% terms to construct the log gamma will also be included.
algebraic procedure loggamma!*calc!*sub(z, premier, dernier);
begin scalar result, ft, sofar, div;
if premier = 2 then result := ((z - (1/2)) * log z) - z +
((1/2) * log (2*pi))
else result := 0;
sofar := z ** (dernier-1);
div := z ** 2;
result := result + (ft := (bernoulli!*calc(dernier) /
((dernier -1) * dernier * sofar)));
for n := (dernier-2) step -2 until premier
do << sofar := sofar / div;
result := result + (bernoulli!*calc(n) /
(n * (n-1) * sofar)) >>;
return { result, ft };
% algebraic procedure gamma!*calc!*sub(z,scale);
% Procedure to calculate values of gamma. Given the value
% at which to calculate and the amount by which to scale
% up in calculation, returns (eventually) a 2-list of the value
% of gamma and the maximum error on this value. Needs a
% better interface -- see the gamma!*calc procedure, below.
algebraic procedure gamma!*calc!*sub(z,scale);
begin scalar result, expresult, ft, err, newerr, rescale,
admissable, alglist!*;
integer prepre, premier, dernier;
prepre := precision(0);
% precision (prepre + 4);
rescale := for k := 1:scale product (z+k-1);
admissable := 1 / (10 ** (prepre + 4));
err := admissable + 1;
premier := 2;
dernier := 50;
result := 0;
while (err > admissable) do
<< ft := loggamma!*calc!*sub(z+scale, premier, dernier);
result := result + first ft;
ft := second ft;
expresult := exp result;
newerr := (abs ((expresult/(exp ft)) - expresult))/rescale;
if newerr > err or (dernier > 180 and
newerr > (admissable * 1000)) then
<< scale := scale * 3;
rescale := (for m := 1:scale product (z+m-1));
write ("Scaling up to scale=", scale,
" (from ", scale/3, ")");
result := 0;
premier := 2;
dernier := 100;
err := admissable + 1 >>
<< err := newerr;
premier := dernier + 2;
dernier := dernier + 30 >> ;
result := expresult / rescale;
% precision prepre;
return { result, err };
% algebraic procedure gamma!*calc(z);
% Procedure to calculate values of gamma to (one hopes)
% an error within the tolerance allowed by the current
% precision. Calls gamma!*calc!*sub (above) with a scale worked
% out by slightly ad-hoc (but apparently fairly good) methods
% and will be generally OK for z between 1e-7 and infinity.
% Only works for positive z, and only in rounded mode.
algebraic procedure gamma!*calc(z);
if precision(0) > 49
then first gamma!*calc!*sub(z,500+4*precision(0))
else first gamma!*calc!*sub(z, ceiling (exp(precision(0)/10) * 2));
% Functions to compute Pochhammer(a,k).
algebraic procedure do!*pochhammer(a,k);
algebraic sf!*eval('pochhammer!*calc,{a,k});
algebraic procedure do!*poch!*conj!*calc(z,n);
algebraic sf!*eval('poch!*conj!*calc,{z,n});
algebraic procedure pochhammer!*calc(a,k);
(if fixp a and not symbolic !*rounded
then (symbolic fac!-part(a, a+k-1))
else pochhammer!*calc!*sub(a,k));
algebraic procedure pochhammer!*calc!*sub(a,k);
begin scalar result, prepre, precom, a0;
precom := complex!*off!*switch();
prepre := precision 0;
if prepre < !!nfpd then precision (1+!!nfpd);
a0 := a;
result := if (symbolic new!*bfs)
then algebraic symbolic pochhammer!*calc!*sub!*sub!*newbf(a,k)
else algebraic symbolic pochhammer!*calc!*sub!*sub!*oldbf(a,k);
precision prepre;
return result;
symbolic procedure pochhammer!*calc!*sub!*sub!*oldbf(a,k);
begin scalar result;
if fixp a
then result := poch!*sub!*2(0, k-1, i2bf!: a)
else << a := sq2bf!* a;
if order!: a < - !:prec!:
then result := poch!*sub!*2(0, k-1, bfone!*)
else if length explode mt!: a < !:prec!:/2
and order!: a > -2
then result := poch!*sub!*2(0, k-1, a)
else result := poch!*sub!*1(a, k-1,bfone!*)>>;
return mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result;
symbolic procedure pochhammer!*calc!*sub!*sub!*newbf(a,k);
begin scalar result;
if fixp a
then result := poch!*sub!*2(0, k-1, i2bf!: a)
else << a := sq2bf!* a;
if order!: a < - c!:prec!:()
then result := poch!*sub!*2(0, k-1, bfone!*)
else if preci!: a < c!:prec!:()/2 and order!: a>-2
then result := poch!*sub!*2(0, k-1, a)
else result := poch!*sub!*1(a,k-1,bfone!*)>>;
return mk!*sq !*f2q result;
symbolic procedure poch!*sub!*1(a,k,tot);
if k=0 then timbf(tot,a)
else poch!*sub!*1(plus!:(a,bfone!*),k-1,timbf(tot,a));
symbolic procedure poch!*sub!*2(m,n,a);
if m=n then plus!:(a,i2bf!: m)
else if m = n-1 then
timbf(plus!:(a,i2bf!: m), plus!:(a,i2bf!: n))
else (timbf(poch!*sub!*2(m,p,a),poch!*sub!*2(p+1,n,a)))
where p=(m+n)/2;
algebraic procedure poch!*conj!*calc(z,n);
for i := 1:n product ((repart z + (i-1))**2 + (impart z)**2);
module sfpsi; % Procedures relevant to the digamma, polygamma & zeta
% functions.
% Author: Chris Cannam, Sept/Oct '92.
% Added: PSI_SIMP.RED F.J.Wright, 2 July 1993
% The polygamma rules are addded by Y.K. Man on 9 July 1993
% Yiu K. Man's email is:
imports sq2bf!*, sf!*eval;
exports do!*psi, do!*polygamma, do!*trigamma!*halves,
do!*zeta, do!*zeta!*pos!*intcalc;
% A couple of global values are used (from which can speed
% up psi calculations (a bit) when repeated calculations are made at the
% same level of precision.
% Here's an approximation sufficiently good for most purposes
% (assuming it's right, that is); if it isn't good enough, it
% won't be used. This approximation is to 506 dec. places.
algebraic (old!*precision := precision(0));
precision 510;
algebraic procedure get!-eulers!-constant(a);
a := 577215664901532860606512090082402431 * 10^40 +
a := a * 10^40 + 6467093694706329174674951463144724980708;
a := a * 10^40 + 2480960504014486542836224173997644923536;
a := a * 10^40 + 2535003337429373377376739427925952582470;
a := a * 10^40 + 9491600873520394816567085323315177661152;
a := a * 10^40 + 8621199501507984793745085705740029921354;
a := a * 10^40 + 7861466940296043254215190587755352673313;
a := a * 10^40 + 9925401296742051375413954911168510280798;
a := a * 10^40 + 4234877587205038431093997361372553060889;
a := a * 10^40 + 3312676001724795378367592713515772261027;
a := a * 10^40 + 3492913940798430103417771778088154957066;
a := a * 10^30 + 107501016191663340152278935868;
a := a * (10**(-506)) >>;
algebraic (euler!*constant := get!-eulers!-constant(0));
algebraic precision old!*precision;
algebraic clear old!*precision;
% Define some suitable rules for initial simplification of psi
% (digamma) function expressions.
% Comments:
% When rounded mode is on, psi(number) is always computed
% directly unless it simplifies to an expression in psi(1/2) or
% psi(1), in which case it is simplified. Expressions in psi(1/2)
% and psi(1) are expanded into expressions in euler!*constant.
% If, however, the precision is greater than 500, then
% euler!*constant is not stored sufficiently precisely, and all
% such expressions will be computed without simplification.
% When rounded mode is off, psi(number) will _never_ be expanded
% into an expression involving euler!*constant, but will always
% be expanded into some form involving psi(p), where 0<p<1.
% It should be borne in mind that computations which will need
% numerical results could do without such expansion, and there-
% fore such computations should be performed in rounded mode
% as soon as possible.
% Expressions for the derivative and integral of psi are included.
algebraic operator psi, polygamma;
symbolic operator psi!*calc;
algebraic (psi!*rules := {
psi(~x,~xx) => polygamma(x,xx),
psi(~z) => infinity
when repart z = floor repart z and impart z = 0 and z < 1,
psi(~z) => -euler!*constant
when numberp z and z = 1
and symbolic !*rounded and precision(0) < 501,
psi(~z) => -euler!*constant - 2 * log(2)
when numberp z and z = (1/2)
and symbolic !*rounded and precision(0) < 501,
psi(~z) => do!*psi(z)
when numberp z and impart z = 0 and symbolic !*rounded,
psi(~z) => (psi(z/2) + psi((z+1)/2) + 2 * log(2)) / 2
when numberp z and impart z = 0
and (z/2) = floor (z/2)
and z > 0 and not symbolic !*rounded,
psi(~z) => psi(z-1) + (1 / (z-1))
when numberp z and impart z = 0
and z > 1 and not symbolic !*rounded,
psi(~z) => psi(1-z) + pi*cot(pi*(1-z))
when numberp z and impart z = 0
and z < 0 and not symbolic !*rounded,
df(psi(~z),z) => polygamma(1, z),
int(psi(~z),z) => log gamma(~z)
algebraic (let psi!*rules);
% PSI_SIMP.RED F.J.Wright, 2 July 1993
% The polygamma rules are addded by Y.K. Man on 9 July 1993
% Support for the psi operator.
% =============================
% psi(x) = df(log Gamma(x), x) as in specfn package, etc.
% The specfn package does not currently provide the required
% simplifications.
% Simplify to "standard form" in which argument is allowed a numeric
% shift in the range 0 <= shift < 1:
psi_rules := {
% Rule for integer shifts (x + 3), and non-integer shifts (x + 3/2)in
% a non-integer number domain (on rational) or with "on intstr, div":
psi(~x+~n) => psi(x+n-1) + 1/(x+n-1) when numberp n and n >= 1,
psi(~x+~n) => psi(x+n+1) - 1/(x+n) when numberp n and n < 0,
polygamma(~m,~x+~n) => polygamma(m,x+n-1)+(-1)^m*factorial(m)
/(x+n-1)^(m+1) when numberp n and fixp m and n >= 1,
polygamma(~m,~x+~n) => polygamma(m,x+n+1)-(-1)^(m)*factorial(m)
/(x+n)^(m+1) when numberp n and fixp m and n < 0,
% Rule for rational shifts (x + 3/2) in the default (integer) number
% domain and rational arguments (x/y + 3):
psi((~x+~n)/~d) => psi((x+n-d)/d) + d/(x+n-d) when
numberp(n/d) and n/d >= 1,
psi((~x+~n)/~d) => psi((x+n+d)/d) - d/(x+n) when
numberp(n/d) and n/d < 0,
polygamma(~m,(~x+~n)/~d) => polygamma(m,(x+n-d)/d) +
(-1)^m*factorial(m)*d^(m+1)/(x+n-d)^(m+1) when
fixp m and numberp(n/d) and n/d >= 1,
polygamma(~m,(~x+~n)/~d) => polygamma(m,(x+n+d)/d) -
(-1)^m*factorial(m)*d^(m+1)/(x+n)^(m+1) when
fixp m and numberp(n/d) and n/d < 0
% NOTE: The rational-shift rule does not work with "on intstr, div".
let psi_rules;
% Rules for initial manipulation of polygamma functions.
symbolic (operator polygamma!*calc, trigamma!*halves, printerr,
symbolic procedure printerr(x); rederr x;
algebraic procedure polygamma_aux(n,m);
for ii:=1:(n-1) sum (1/ii**(m+1));
algebraic (polygamma!*rules := {
polygamma(~n,~x) => printerr
"Index of Polygamma must be an integer >= 0"
when numberp n and (not fixp n or n < -1),
polygamma(~n,~x) => psi(x)
when numberp n and n = 0,
polygamma(~n,~x) => infinity
when numberp x and impart x = 0 and x = floor x and x < 1,
polygamma(~n,~x) => do!*trigamma!*halves(x)
when numberp n and n = 1 and numberp x and impart x = 0
and (not (x = floor x) and ((2*x) = floor (2*x))) and x > 1,
polygamma(~n,~x) => ((-1) ** (n)) * (factorial n) * (- zeta(n+1) +
when fixp x and x >= 1 and not symbolic !*rounded,
polygamma(~n,~x) => ((-1)**n) * factorial n * (-2 * (2**n) *
zeta(n+1) + 2 * (2**n) + zeta(n+1))
when numberp x and x = (3/2) and not symbolic !*rounded,
polygamma(~n,~x) => do!*polygamma(n,x)
when numberp x and symbolic !*rounded
and numberp n and impart n = 0 and n = floor n,
df(polygamma(~n,~x), ~x) => polygamma(n+1, x),
int(polygamma(~n,~x),~x) => polygamma(n-1,x)
algebraic (let polygamma!*rules);
% Set up rules for the initial manipulation of zeta.
% Comments:
% Zeta of positive even numbers and negative odd numbers
% is evaluated (in terms of pi) always when its argument
% has magnitude less than 31, and only in rounded mode
% otherwise. (This is because the coefficients get a bit
% big when the argument is over about 30.)
algebraic operator zeta;
symbolic (operator zeta!*calc, zeta!*pos!*intcalc);
algebraic (zeta!*rules := {
zeta(~x) => (- (1/2))
when numberp x and x = 0,
zeta(~x) => (pi ** 2) / 6
when numberp x and x = 2,
zeta(~x) => (pi ** 4) / 90
when numberp x and x = 4,
zeta(~x) => infinity
when numberp x and x = 1,
zeta(~x) => 0
when numberp x and impart x = 0 and x < 0 and (x/2) = floor(x/2),
zeta(~x) => ((2*pi)**x) / (2*factorial x)*(abs bernoulli!*calc x)
when numberp x and impart x = 0 and x > 0
and (x/2) = floor (x/2) and x < 31,
zeta(~x) => - (bernoulli!*calc (1-x)) / (2*x)
when numberp x and impart x = 0 and x < 0
and x = floor x and x > -31,
zeta(~x) => ((2*pi)**x)/(2 * factorial x)*(abs bernoulli!*calc x)
when numberp x and impart x = 0 and x > 0
and (x/2) = floor(x/2) and x < 201 and symbolic !*rounded,
zeta(~x) => - (bernoulli!*calc (1-x)) / (1-x)
when numberp x and impart x = 0 and x < 0
and x = floor x and x > -201 and symbolic !*rounded,
zeta(~x) => (2**x)*(pi**(x-1))*sin(pi*x/2)*gamma(1-x)*zeta(1-x)
when numberp x and impart x = 0 and x < 0
and (x neq floor x or x < -200) and symbolic !*rounded,
zeta(~x) => do!*zeta!*pos!*intcalc(fix x)
when symbolic !*rounded and numberp x and impart(x) = 0 and x > 1
and x = floor x and (x <= 15 or precision 0 > 100
or 2*x < precision 0),
zeta(~x) => do!*zeta(x)
when numberp x and impart x = 0% and x > 1
and symbolic !*rounded,
df(zeta(~x),x) => -(1/2)*log(2*pi)
when numberp x and x = 0
algebraic (let zeta!*rules);
algebraic procedure do!*psi(z);
algebraic sf!*eval('psi!*calc,{z});
algebraic procedure do!*polygamma(n,z);
algebraic sf!*eval('polygamma!*calc,{n,z});
algebraic procedure do!*trigamma!*halves(z);
algebraic sf!*eval('trigamma!*halves,{z});
algebraic procedure do!*zeta(z);
(if z <= 1.5 and precision(0) <= floor(4+3*z)
then raw!*zeta(z)
else if (3*z) > (10*precision(0)) then 1.0
else if z > 100 then algebraic sf!*eval('zeta!*calc,{z})
else algebraic sf!*eval('zeta!*general!*calc,{z}));
algebraic procedure do!*zeta!*pos!*intcalc(z);
algebraic sf!*eval('zeta!*pos!*intcalc,{z});
% algebraic procedure psi!*calc(z);
% Compute a value of psi. Works by first computing the
% smallest positive integral x at which psi(x) is easily
% computable to the current precision using no more
% than the first 200 bernoulli numbers, then scaling up
% the given argument (if necessary) so that it can be
% computed, scaling down again afterwards.
% Does not work for complex arguments.
algebraic procedure psi!*calc(z);
begin scalar result, admissable, bern300, alglist!*, precom;
integer prepre, scale, lowest;
precom := complex!*off!*switch();
prepre := precision 0;
if prepre < !!nfpd then precision (!!nfpd + 1);
admissable := (1 / (10 ** prepre)) / 2;
if prepre = psi!*ld(0) then lowest := psi!*ld(1)
<< bern300 := abs bernoulli!*calc 300;
lowest := 1 +
symbolic conv!:bf2i exp!:
(divbf(log!:(divbf(sq2bf!* bern300,
timbf(i2bf!: 150,
sq2bf!* admissable)), 4),
i2bf!: 300), 3); % Use symbolic mode so as to
% force less accuracy for more speed
psi!*ld(0) := prepre;
psi!*ld(1) := lowest >> ;
if lowest>repart z then scale := ceiling(lowest - repart z) + 20;
z := z + scale;
result := algebraic symbolic psi!*calc!*sub(z, scale, admissable);
precision prepre;
return result;
symbolic procedure psi!*calc!*sub(z, scale, admissable);
begin scalar result, zsq, zsqp, this, bk;
integer k, orda, rp; k := 2;
z := sq2bf!* z;
admissable := sq2bf!* admissable;
zsq := timbf(z,z); zsqp := zsq;
this := plubf(admissable, bfone!*);
result := difbf (log!: (z,c!:prec!:()),
divbf(bfone!*, timbf(bftwo!*, z)));
orda := order!: admissable - 5; rp := c!:prec!:();
while greaterp!: (abs!: this, admissable) do
<< bk := sq2bf!* symbolic algebraic bernoulli!*calc k;
this := divide!:(bk, timbf(i2bf!: k, zsqp), rp);
result := difbf(result, this);
k := k + 2; rp := order!: this - orda;
zsqp := timbf(zsqp, zsq) >>;
for n := 1:scale do
result := difbf(result, divbf(bfone!*, difbf(z, i2bf!: n)));
return mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result;
% algebraic procedure polygamma!*aux(n,z);
% Used by the procedure below, to implement the Reflection
% Formula. This obtains an expression for
% n
% d
% --- ( cot ( pi * x ) )
% n
% dx
% and substitutes z for x into it, returning the result.
algebraic procedure polygamma!*aux(n,z);
begin scalar poly;
clear dummy!*arg;
poly := cot(pi * dummy!*arg);
for k := 1:n do poly := df(poly, dummy!*arg);
dummy!*arg := z;
return poly;
% algebraic procedure polygamma!*calc(n,z);
% Computes a value of the polygamma function, order n,
% at z. N must be an integer, and z must be real. If
% z is negative, the Reflection Formula is applied by
% a call to polygamma!*aux (above); then the positive
% argument is fed to polygamma!*calc!*s which does the
% real work.
algebraic procedure polygamma!*calc(n,z);
begin scalar result, z0, prepre, precom;
precom := complex!*off!*switch();
prepre := precision 0;
if prepre < !!nfpd then precision (!!nfpd + 3)
else precision (prepre + 3 + floor(prepre/50));
if z > 0 then
<< z0 := z;
result := algebraic symbolic polygamma!*calc!*s(n,z0) >>
<< z0 := 1-z;
result := ((-1)**n)*(pi*polygamma!*aux(n,z0) +
algebraic symbolic polygamma!*calc!*s(n,z0)) >>;
precision prepre;
return result;
% symbolic procedure polygamma!*calc!*s(n,z);
% Implementation of an asymptotic series for the poly-
% gamma functions. Computes a scale factor which should
% (hopefully) provide a minimum argument for which this
% series is valid at the given order and precision; then
% computes the series for that argument and scales down
% again using the Recurrence Formula.
symbolic procedure polygamma!*calc!*s(n,z);
begin scalar result, this, admissable, partial,
zexp, zexp1, zsq, nfac, nfac1, kfac, rescale, signer, z0;
integer k, nm1, nm2, rp, orda, min, scale;
z := sq2bf!* z; signer := i2bf!:((-1)**(n-1));
admissable := divide!:(bfone!*,i2bf!:(bf!*base**c!:prec!:()),8);
min := 10 + conv!:bf2i
log!:(divide!:(timbf(round!:mt(i2bf!: factorial(300+n),8),
abs!: sq2bf!* symbolic algebraic bernoulli 300),
times!:(admissable,round!:mt(i2bf!: factorial 300,8)),
8),8)),8); % In which Chris approximates to 8 bits
% and hopes to get away with it...
scale := min - (1 + conv!:bf2i z);
if scale < 0 then scale := 0;
z0 := plubf(z,i2bf!: scale);
nfac := round!:mt(i2bf!: factorial(n-1),c!:prec!:());
zexp := texpt!:any(z0,n);
result := plubf(divbf(nfac,zexp),
divbf((nfac1 := timbf(i2bf!: n,nfac)),
timbf(bftwo!*,(zexp1 := timbf(zexp,z0)))));
nfac := nfac1; zexp := zexp1;
nm1 := n-1; nm2 := n-2; rp := c!:prec!:();
nfac := timbf(nfac, i2bf!: (n+1));
kfac := bftwo!*; zexp := timbf(zexp,z0);
zsq := timbf(z0,z0);
partial := divbf(nfac,timbf(kfac,zexp));
k := 2; orda := order!: admissable - 5;
this := bfone!*;
while greaterp!:(abs!: this, admissable) do
<< result := plubf(result,
(this := timbf(sq2bf!* retrieve!*bern k,partial)));
k := k + 2;
partial := divide!:(timbf(partial,i2bf!:((nm2+k)*(nm1+k))),
rp := order!: this - orda >>;
result := times!:(signer,result);
if scale neq 0 then
<< rescale := bfz!*;
nfac := round!:mt(i2bf!: factorial n,c!:prec!:());
for k := 1:scale do
<<rescale := plus!:(rescale,timbf(nfac,texpt!:(z,-n-1)));
z := plubf(z,bfone!*) >>;
result := plubf(result,times!:(signer,rescale)) >>;
return mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result;
% algebraic procedure trigamma!*halves(x);
% Applies a formula to derive the exact value of the trigamma
% function at x where x = n+(1/2) for n = 1, 2, ...
algebraic procedure trigamma!*halves(x);
begin integer prepre; scalar result, alglist!*;
result := (1/2) * (pi ** 2) - (4 * (for k := 1:(round (x-(1/2)))
sum ((2*k - 1) ** (-2))));
return result;
% algebraic procedure zeta!*calc(s);
% Calculate zeta(s). Only valid for repart(s) > 1.
% This function uses the system !*primelist!* of the first
% 500 primes. If the system variable disappears or changes,
% this function is helpless.
algebraic procedure zeta!*calc(z);
begin scalar result, admissable, primelist,
partialpl, this, modify, spl, alglist!*;
integer prepre, j, rflag, thisprime, nexti;
share spl;
prepre := precision(0);
precision prepre + 3;
admissable := (1 / (10 ** (prepre + 2)));
symbolic (spl := !*primelist!*);
primelist := {};
result := 1; modify := 1;
for k := 1:10 do
<< j := symbolic car spl;
symbolic (spl := cdr spl);
primelist := (j . primelist);
modify := modify * (1 - (1 / (j**z))) >>;
modify := 1 / modify;
this := admissable + 1;
if not symbolic cdr divide (j, 3) then j := j + 2;
nexti := (if not symbolic cdr divide (j+1, 3) then 2 else 4);
while ((abs this) > admissable) do
<< rflag := 1; partialpl := primelist;
while ((partialpl neq {}) and rflag) do
<< thisprime := first partialpl;
rflag := symbolic cdr divide(j, thisprime);
partialpl := rest partialpl >>;
if rflag then result := result + (this := (1 / (j**z)));
j := j + nexti; nexti := 6 - nexti >>;
result := result * modify;
precision prepre;
return result;
algebraic procedure zeta!*pos!*intcalc(m);
+ 1 + (1/(2**m)));
algebraic procedure zeta!*error(z,terms);
(((-1) ** (terms+2)) / ((terms+1) ** z));
algebraic procedure zeta!*general!*calc(z);
begin scalar result, zp, admissable, z0;
integer pre, k;
pre := precision(0);
admissable := algebraic symbolic
(mk!*sq !*f2q mkround divide!:(bfone!*,i2bf!:(10 ** pre),8));
if (z**2) < admissable
then result := ((-1/2) - ((log(2*pi))*z)/2)
else if pre < !!nfpd
then begin scalar sstt, stt;
sstt := (for k := 2:(pre-1) sum (k**(-z)));
precision (!!nfpd + 2);
z0 := z; zp := pre**(-z); stt := sstt + 1;
result := algebraic symbolic
else <<z0 := z; zp := pre**(-z);
result := algebraic symbolic
precision pre;
return result;
symbolic procedure zeta!*general!*calc!*sub(z,zp,admissable,pre,stt);
begin scalar result, prere, this, fac, pre, zk1, zk2, logz;
integer k;
z := sq2bf!* z;
zp := sq2bf!* zp;
admissable := sq2bf!* admissable;
if stt = nil then
<< result := bfone!*; k := 1;
this := plus!:(admissable,bfone!*);
while greaterp!: (abs!: this,admissable) and k < pre-1 do
<< k := k + 1;
this := texpt!:any(i2bf!: k, minus!: z);
result := plubf(result, this) >> >>
else result := sq2bf!* stt;
pre := i2bf!: pre;
zk1 := plubf(z,bftwo!*); zk2 := plubf(z,bfone!*);
result := plubf(result,
fac := divbf(bfone!*,timbf(pre,pre));
this := timbf(divbf(z,bftwo!*),divbf(zp,pre));
result := plubf(result,divbf(this,i2bf!: 6));
k := 4; prere := plubf(result,bfone!*);
while greaterp!: (abs!: difbf(prere,result), admissable) do
<< this := divbf(timbf(this,timbf(fac,timbf(zk1,zk2))),
prere := result;
result := plubf(result,timbf(
sq2bf!* symbolic algebraic bernoulli!*calc k, this));
zk1 := plus!:(zk1,bftwo!*);
zk2 := plus!:(zk2,bftwo!*);
k := k + 2; >>;
return mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result;
stieltjes (0) := 0.577215664901532860606512$ % Euler's constant
stieltjes (1) := -0.0728158233766$
stieltjes (2) := -0.00968992187973$
stieltjes (3) := 0.00206262773281$
stieltjes (4) := 0.00250054826029$
stieltjes (5) := 0.00427794456482$
stf (0) := 1$
stf (1) := 1$
stf (2) := 2$
stf (3) := 6$
stf (4) := 24$
stf (5) := 120$
algebraic procedure raw!*zeta(z);
<< z := z-1;
1/z + (for m := 0:5 sum ((-1)**m * stieltjes(m) * z**m / stf(m)))
module sfbes; % Procedures and Rules for the Bessel functions.
% Author: Chris Cannam, October 1992.
% Firstly, procedures to compute values of the Bessel functions by
% direct bigfloat manipulation; also procedures for large arguments,
% using an asymptotic formula.
% These are specific to the Schoepf/Beckingham binary bigfloats, though
% easily adapted, and they should only be used with n and z both
% numeric, real and non-negative.
% Then follow procedures written in algebraic mode and used for certain
% special cases such as complex arguments. Anybody who wishes to create
% symbolic mode complex-rounded versions is welcome to do so, with my
% blessing.
% No functions are provided to compute bessel K, though for special
% cases the ruleset handles it.
imports complex!*on!*switch, complex!*off!*switch,
complex!*restore!*switch, sq2bf!*, sf!*eval;
% This module exports no functions. I want to keep it available only
% through the algebraic operators, largely because the functions are
% quite a complicated lot. If you want to use it from symbolic mode,
% use a wrapper and use the algebraic operators- it's slower, but at
% least that way you'll get the answers.
global '(logten);
algebraic operator besselj, bessely, besseli, besselk, hankel1, hankel2;
symbolic operator do!*j, do!*y, do!*i;
algebraic (bessel!*rules := {
besselj(~n,~z) => 0
when numberp z and z = 0
and numberp n and n neq 0,
bessely(~n,~z) => infinity
when numberp z and z = 0,
besselj(~n,~z) => sqrt(2/(pi*z)) * sin(z)
when numberp n and n = 1/2,
bessely(~n,~z) => sqrt(2/(pi*z)) * cos(z)
when numberp n and n = 1/2,
% J and Y for negative values and indices.
besselj(~n,~z) => ((-1)**n) * besselj(-n,z)
when numberp n and impart n = 0
and n = floor n and n < 0,
besselj(~n,~z) => ((-1)**n) * besselj(n,-z)
when numberp n and impart n = 0 and n = floor n
and numberp z and repart z < 0,
bessely(~n,~z) => ((-1)**n) * bessely(-n,z)
when numberp n and impart n = 0
and n = floor n and n < 0,
bessely(~n,~z) => ((besselj(n,z)*cos(n*pi))-(besselj(-n,z)))/sin(n*pi)
when not symbolic !*rounded
and numberp n
and (impart n neq 0 or not (repart n = floor repart n)),
% Hankel functions.
hankel1(~n,~z) => sqrt(2/(pi*z)) * (exp(i*z)/i)
when symbolic !*complex and numberp n and n = 1/2,
hankel2(~n,~z) => sqrt(2/(pi*z)) * (exp(-i*z)/(-i))
when symbolic !*complex and numberp n and n = 1/2,
hankel1(~n,~z) => besselj(n,z) + i * bessely(n,z)
when symbolic !*complex and not symbolic !*rounded,
hankel2(~n,~z) => besselj(n,z) - i * bessely(n,z)
when symbolic !*complex and not symbolic !*rounded,
% Modified Bessel functions I and K.
besseli(~n,~z) => 0
when numberp z and z = 0
and numberp n and n neq 0,
besseli(~n,~z) => besseli(-n,z)
when numberp n and impart n = 0
and n = floor n and n < 0,
besselk(~n,~z) => besselk(-n,z)
when numberp n and impart n = 0
and n < 0,
besselk(~n,~z) => infinity
when numberp z and z = 0,
besselk(~n,~z) => (pi/2)*((besseli(-n,z) - besseli(n,z))/(sin(n*pi)))
when numberp n and impart n = 0 and not (n = floor n),
% Derivatives.
df(besselj(~n,~z),z) => -besselj(1,z)
when numberp n and n = 0,
df(bessely(~n,~z),z) => -bessely(1,z)
when numberp n and n = 0,
df(besseli(~n,~z),z) => besseli(1,z)
when numberp n and n = 0,
df(besselk(~n,~z),z) => -besselk(1,z)
when numberp n and n = 0,
df(besselj(~n,~z),z) => besselj(n-1,z) - (n/2) * besselj(n,z),
df(bessely(~n,~z),z) => bessely(n-1,z) - (n/2) * bessely(n,z),
df(hankel1(~n,~z),z) => hankel1(n-1,z) - (n/2) * hankel1(n,z),
df(hankel2(~n,~z),z) => hankel2(n-1,z) - (n/2) * hankel2(n,z),
df(besseli(~n,~z),z) => (besseli(n-1,z) + besseli(n+1,z)) / 2,
% Sending to be computed
besselj(~n,~z) => do!*j(n,z)
when numberp n and numberp z and symbolic !*rounded,
bessely(~n,~z) => do!*y(n,z)
when numberp n and numberp z and symbolic !*rounded,
besseli(~n,~z) => do!*i(n,z)
when numberp n and numberp z and symbolic !*rounded
algebraic (let bessel!*rules);
algebraic procedure do!*j(n,z);
(if impart n = 0 and impart z = 0 and repart z > 0
then algebraic sf!*eval('j!*calc!*s,{n,z})
else algebraic sf!*eval('j!*calc, {n,z}));
algebraic procedure do!*y(n,z);
(if impart n = 0 and impart z = 0 and n = floor n
then if repart z < 0
then algebraic sf!*eval('y!*calc!*sc, {n,z })
else algebraic sf!*eval('y!*calc!*s, {n,z,{}})
else if impart n neq 0 or n neq floor n
then y!*reexpress(n,z)
else algebraic sf!*eval('y!*calc, {n,z }));
% What should be the value of BesselY(0,3i)?
algebraic procedure do!*i(n,z);
(if impart n = 0 and impart z = 0 and repart z > 0
then algebraic sf!*eval('i!*calc!*s, {n,z})
else algebraic sf!*eval('i!*calc, {n,z}));
algebraic procedure j!*calc!*s(n,z);
begin scalar n0, z0, fkgamnk, result, alglist!*;
integer prepre, precom;
precom := complex!*off!*switch();
prepre := precision 0;
if z > (2*prepre) and z > 2*n and
(result := algebraic sf!*eval('asymp!*j!*calc,{n,z})) neq {}
<< precision prepre;
return result >>;
if prepre < !!nfpd
then precision (!!nfpd+3+floor(abs n/10))
else precision (prepre+6+floor(abs n/10));
n0 := n; z0 := z;
fkgamnk := gamma(n+1);
result :=
algebraic sf!*eval('j!*calc!*s!*sub,{n0,z0,fkgamnk,prepre});
precision prepre;
return result;
symbolic procedure j!*calc!*s!*sub(n,z,fkgamnk,prepre);
begin scalar result, admissable, this, prev, nprev,
modify, fkgamnk, zfsq, zfsqp, knk, azfsq, k;
n := sq2bf!* n; z := sq2bf!* z;
fkgamnk := sq2bf!* fkgamnk;
modify := exp!:(timbf(log!:(divbf(z,bftwo!*),
c!:prec!:()+2),n), c!:prec!:());
% modify := ((z/2)**n);
zfsq := minus!:(divbf(timbf(z,z),i2bf!: 4));
% zfsq := (-(z**2)/4);
azfsq := abs!: zfsq;
result := divbf(bfone!*, fkgamnk);
k := bfone!*; zfsqp := zfsq;
fkgamnk := timbf(fkgamnk, plubf(n,bfone!*));
if lessp!:(abs!: result, bfone!*) then
admissable := abs!: divbf (bfone!*,
timbf (exp!:(timbf(fl2bf logten, i2bf!:(prepre +
length explode fkgamnk)), 8), modify))
admissable := abs!: divbf (bfone!*,
timbf (exp!:(timbf(fl2bf logten, i2bf!:(prepre +
length explode (1 + conv!:bf2i abs!: result))), 8),
this := plubf(admissable, bfone!*);
while greaterp!:(abs!: this, admissable) do
<< this := divbf(zfsqp, fkgamnk);
result := plubf (result, this);
k := plubf(k,bfone!*);
knk := timbf (k, plubf(n, k));
if greaterp!: (azfsq, knk) then
precision (precision(0) +
length explode(1 + conv!:bf2i divbf (azfsq, knk)));
zfsqp := timbf(zfsqp,zfsq);
fkgamnk := timbf(fkgamnk,knk) >>;
result := timbf(result,modify);
return mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result;
flag('(j!*calc!*s!*sub), 'opfn);
algebraic procedure asymp!*j!*calc(n,z);
begin scalar result, admissable, alglist!*,
modify, chi, mu, p, q, n0, z0;
integer prepre;
prepre := precision 0;
if prepre < !!nfpd
then precision (!!nfpd + 5)
else precision (prepre+8);
modify := sqrt(2/(pi*z));
admissable := 1 / (10 ** (prepre + 5));
chi := z - (n/2 + 1/4)*pi;
mu := 4*(n**2);
n0 := n; z0 := z;
p := algebraic symbolic asymp!*p(n0,z0,mu,admissable);
if p neq {} then
<< q := algebraic symbolic asymp!*q(n0,z0,mu,admissable);
if q neq {} then
result := modify*(first p * cos chi - first q * sin chi)
else result := {} >>
else result := {};
precision prepre;
return result;
algebraic procedure asymp!*y!*calc(n,z);
begin scalar result, admissable, alglist!*,
modify, chi, mu, p, q, n0, z0;
integer prepre;
prepre := precision 0;
if prepre < !!nfpd
then precision (!!nfpd + 5)
else precision (prepre+8);
modify := sqrt(2/(pi*z));
admissable := 1 / (10 ** (prepre + 5));
chi := z - (n/2 + 1/4)*pi;
mu := 4*(n**2);
n0 := n; z0 := z;
p := algebraic symbolic asymp!*p(n0,z0,mu,admissable);
if p neq {} then
<< q := algebraic symbolic asymp!*q(n0,z0,mu,admissable);
if q neq {} then
result := modify*(first p * sin chi + first q * cos chi)
else result := {} >>
else result := {};
precision prepre;
return result;
symbolic procedure asymp!*p(n,z,mu,admissable);
begin scalar result, this, prev, zsq, zsqp, aj2t;
integer k, f;
n := sq2bf!* n; z := sq2bf!* z; mu := sq2bf!* mu;
admissable := sq2bf!* admissable;
k := 2; f := 1 + conv!:bf2i
difbf(divbf(n,bftwo!*),divbf(bfone!*,i2bf!: 4));
this := plubf(admissable, bfone!*);
result := bfone!*;
aj2t := asymp!*j!*2term(2, mu);
zsq := timbf(i2bf!: 4, timbf(z, z));
zsqp := zsq;
while greaterp!:(abs!: this, admissable) do
<< prev := abs!: this;
this := timbf(i2bf!: ((-1)**(k/2)), divbf(aj2t, zsqp));
if greaterp!: (abs!: this, prev) and (k > f)
then result := this := bfz!*
<< result := plubf(result, this);
zsqp := timbf(zsqp, zsq);
k := k + 2;
aj2t := timbf(aj2t, asymp!*j!*2term!*modifier(k, mu))
>> >>;
if result = bfz!* then return '(list)
else return list('list, mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result);
symbolic procedure asymp!*q(n,z,mu,admissable);
begin scalar result, this, prev, zsq, zsqp, aj2t;
integer k, f;
n := sq2bf!* n; z := sq2bf!* z; mu := sq2bf!* mu;
admissable := sq2bf!* admissable;
k := 1; f := 1 + conv!:bf2i
difbf(divbf(n,bftwo!*),divbf(i2bf!: 3, i2bf!: 4));
this := plubf(admissable, bfone!*);
result := bfz!*;
aj2t := asymp!*j!*2term(1, mu);
zsq := timbf(i2bf!: 4, timbf(z, z));
zsqp := timbf(bftwo!*, z);
while greaterp!:(abs!: this, admissable) do
<< prev := abs!: this;
this := timbf(i2bf!: ((-1)**((k-1)/2)), divbf(aj2t, zsqp));
if greaterp!: (abs!: this, prev) and (k > f)
then result := this := bfz!*
<< result := plubf(result, this);
zsqp := timbf(zsqp, zsq);
k := k + 2;
aj2t := timbf(aj2t, asymp!*j!*2term!*modifier(k, mu))
>> >>;
if result = bfz!* then return '(list)
else return list('list, mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result);
symbolic procedure asymp!*j!*2term(k, mu);
begin scalar result;
result := bfone!*;
for j := 1 step 2 until (2*k - 1) do
result := timbf(result, difbf(mu, i2bf!: (j**2)));
result := divbf (result, i2bf!: (factorial k * (2**(2*k))));
return result;
symbolic procedure asymp!*j!*2term!*modifier(k, mu);
(timbf (difbf(mu, i2bf!: ((2*k-3)**2)),
divbf (difbf(mu, i2bf!: ((2*k-1)**2)),
i2bf!: ((k-1) * k * 16))));
algebraic procedure y!*calc!*s(n,z,st);
begin scalar n0, z0, st0, ps, fkgamnk, result, alglist!*;
integer prepre, precom;
precom := complex!*off!*switch();
prepre := precision 0;
if z > (2*prepre) and z > 2*n and
(result := asymp!*y!*calc(n,z)) neq {}
<< precision prepre;
return result >>;
if prepre < !!nfpd then precision (!!nfpd+5)
else precision (prepre + 8);
n0 := n; z0 := z; st0 := st;
ps := psi 1 + psi(1+n);
fkgamnk := gamma(n+1);
result :=
algebraic symbolic y!*calc!*s!*sub(n0,z0,ps,fkgamnk,prepre,st0);
precision prepre;
return result;
% The last arg to the next procedure is an algebraic list of the
% modifier, start value and (factorial n) for the series. If this is
% (LIST) (i.e. the nil algebraic list {}), the values will be computed
% in this procedure; otherwise the values in st0 will be used. This
% feature is used for decomposition of the computation of y at negative
% real z. It is of course designed to make the code as hard to follow
% as possible. Why else?
% n must be a non-negative integer for this next procedure to work.
symbolic procedure y!*calc!*s!*sub(n,z,ps,fkgamnk,prepre, st0);
begin scalar start, result, this, ps, fc, modify,
zfsq, zfsqp, nps, azfsq, bj, z0, n0, tpi, admissable;
integer k, fk, fnk, difd, fcp;
n0 := n; z0 := z;
z := sq2bf!* z; ps := sq2bf!* ps;
n := i2bf!: n;
tpi := pi!*();
if st0 = '(list) then
<< modify := divbf(exp!:
(timbf(n, log!:(divbf(z, bftwo!*), c!:prec!:()+2)),
c!:prec!:()), tpi);
bj := retag cdr !*a2f
if n0 < 1 then
<< start := timbf(timbf(divbf(bftwo!*,tpi),
log!:(divbf(z,bftwo!*),c!:prec!:()+1)), bj);
fc := factorial n0 >>
else if (n0 < 100) then
<< start := bfz!*;
zfsq := divbf(timbf(z,z), i2bf!: 4);
for k := 0:(n0-1) do
start := plubf(start, divbf
(exptbf(zfsq, k, i2bf!: factorial (n0-k-1)),
i2bf!: factorial k));
start := minus!: timbf(start, divbf(exp!:
(timbf(minus!: n, log!:(divbf(z, bftwo!*),
c!:prec!:()+2)), c!:prec!:()), tpi));
start := plubf (start,
log!:(divbf(z,bftwo!*), c!:prec!:()+2)));
fc := factorial n0 >>
<< zfsq := divbf(timbf(z,z), i2bf!: 4); zfsqp := bfone!*;
fk := 1; fnk := factorial (n0-1); fc := fnk * n0;
start := bfz!*;
for k := 0:(n0-2) do
<< start := plubf(start,
timbf(i2bf!: fnk, divbf(zfsqp, i2bf!: fk)));
fk := fk * (k+1);
fnk := fnk / (n0-k-1);
zfsqp := timbf(zfsqp, zfsq) >>;
start := plubf(start,
timbf(i2bf!: fnk, divbf(zfsqp, i2bf!: fk)));
start := minus!: plubf(timbf(start,
timbf(timbf(divbf(bftwo!*,tpi), bj),
log!:(divbf(z,bftwo!*),c!:prec!:()+2))) >> >>
<< start := sq2bf!* cadr st0;
modify := sq2bf!* caddr st0;
fc := cadddr st0 >>;
zfsq := minus!: divbf(timbf(z,z),i2bf!: 4);
azfsq := abs!: zfsq;
result := divbf(ps, i2bf!: fc);
k := 1; zfsqp := zfsq; fc := fc * (n0+1);
ps := plubf(ps,plubf(bfone!*,divbf(bfone!*,plubf(n,bfone!*))));
% Note: we are assuming numberp start. Be sure to catch other cases
% elsewhere. (Notably for z < 0). This goes for bessel J as well.
if lessp!: (abs!: plubf(result, start), bfone!*) then
admissable := abs!: divbf(divbf(bfone!*,
exp!:(timbf(fl2bf logten, plubf(i2bf!:(prepre+2),
plubf(abs!: result, abs!: start)), 5),
fl2bf logten))), 5)), modify)
else admissable := abs!: divbf(divbf(bfone!*,
exp!:(timbf(fl2bf logten, plubf(i2bf!:(prepre+2),
divbf(log!:(plubf(abs!: result, abs!: start), 5),
fl2bf logten))), 5)), modify);
this := plubf(admissable, bfone!*);
while greaterp!: (abs!: this, admissable) do
<< this := timbf(ps, divbf(zfsqp, i2bf!: fc));
result := plubf(result, this);
k := k + 1; zfsqp := timbf(zfsqp, zfsq);
nps := plubf(ps,
plubf(divbf(bfone!*,i2bf!: k),
fcp := k * (n0+k);
if greaterp!:(timbf(nps,azfsq),timbf(ps,i2bf!: fcp)) then
<< difd := 1 + conv!:bf2i
divbf(timbf(nps,azfsq),timbf(ps,i2bf!: fcp));
precision (precision(0) + length explode difd) >>;
fc := fc * fcp;
ps := nps >>;
result := difbf(start, timbf(result, modify));
return mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result;
algebraic procedure i!*calc!*s(n,z);
begin scalar n0, z0, ps, fkgamnk, result, alglist!*;
integer prepre, precom;
precom := complex!*off!*switch();
prepre := precision 0;
if prepre < !!nfpd
then precision (!!nfpd+3+floor(abs n/10))
else precision (prepre+8+floor(abs n/10));
n0 := n; z0 := z;
fkgamnk := gamma(n+1);
result :=
algebraic symbolic i!*calc!*s!*sub(n0,z0,fkgamnk,prepre);
precision prepre;
return result;
symbolic procedure i!*calc!*s!*sub(n,z,fkgamnk,prepre);
begin scalar result, admissable, this, prev, nprev,
modify, fkgamnk, zfsq, zfsqp, knk, azfsq, k;
n := sq2bf!* n; z := sq2bf!* z;
fkgamnk := sq2bf!* fkgamnk;
modify := exp!:(timbf(log!:(divbf(z,bftwo!*),
c!:prec!:()+2),n), c!:prec!:());
% modify := ((z/2)**n);
zfsq := divbf(timbf(z,z),i2bf!:(4));
% zfsq := (-(z**2)/4);
azfsq := abs!: zfsq;
result := divbf(bfone!*, fkgamnk);
k := bfone!*; zfsqp := zfsq;
fkgamnk := timbf(fkgamnk, plubf(n,bfone!*));
if lessp!:(abs!: result, bfone!*) then
admissable := abs!: divbf (bfone!*,
timbf (exp!:(timbf(fl2bf logten, i2bf!:(prepre +
length explode fkgamnk)), 8), modify))
admissable := abs!: divbf (bfone!*,
timbf (exp!:(timbf(fl2bf logten, i2bf!:(prepre +
length explode (1 + conv!:bf2i abs!: result))),
this := plubf(admissable, bfone!*);
while greaterp!:(abs!: this, admissable) do
<< this := divbf(zfsqp, fkgamnk);
result := plubf (result, this);
k := plubf(k,bfone!*);
knk := timbf (k, plubf(n, k));
if greaterp!: (azfsq, knk) then
precision (precision(0) +
length explode (1 + conv!:bf2i divbf (azfsq, knk)));
zfsqp := timbf(zfsqp, zfsq);
fkgamnk := timbf(fkgamnk, knk) >>;
result := timbf(result, modify);
return mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result;
% algebraic procedure j!*calc(n,z);
% Given integer n and arbitrary (I hope) z, compute and return
% the value of the Bessel J-function, order n, at z. Current
% version mostly coded for speed rather than clarity.
% Does work for non-integral n.
algebraic procedure j!*calc(n,z);
begin scalar result, admissable, this, alglist!*,
modify, fkgamnk, zfsq, zfsqp, azfsq, knk; % bind alglist!* to
integer prepre, k, difd; % stop global alglist being cleared
prepre := precision 0;
% Don't need to check if asymptotic expansion is valid;
% if we're using this routine, it's not appropriate anyway.
% if z > (2*prepre) and z > 2*n and
% (result := asymp!*j!*calc(n,z)) neq {}
% then return result;
precision (prepre + 4);
modify := ((z/2) ** n);
zfsq := (-(z**2)/4); azfsq := abs zfsq;
fkgamnk := gamma(n+1);
result := (1 / (fkgamnk));
k := 1; zfsqp := zfsq; fkgamnk := fkgamnk * (n+1);
if numberp modify and impart modify = 0 then
if (abs result) < 1 then
<< difd := ceiling (1/abs result);
admissable := abs ((1 / (10 ** (prepre +
(symbolic length explode difd)))) / modify) >>
<< difd := ceiling abs result;
admissable := abs ((1 / (10 ** (prepre -
(symbolic length explode difd)))) / modify) >>
if (abs result) < 1 then
<< difd := ceiling (1/abs result);
admissable := abs (1 / (10 ** (prepre + 10 +
(symbolic length explode difd)))) >>
<< difd := ceiling abs result;
admissable := abs (1 / (10 ** (prepre + 10 -
(symbolic length explode difd)))) >>;
this := admissable + 1;
while (abs this > admissable) do
<< this := (zfsqp / (fkgamnk));
result := result + this;
k := k + 1; % Maintain k as term counter,
knk := k * (n+k);
if azfsq > knk then
<<difd := ceiling (azfsq / knk);
precision(precision(0)+(lisp length explode difd))>>;
zfsqp := zfsqp * zfsq; % zfsqp as ((-(z**2)/4)**k), and
fkgamnk := fkgamnk * knk >>;
% fkgamnk as k! * gamma(n+k+1).
result := result * modify;
precision prepre;
return result;
% Procedure to compute (modified) start value for
% Bessel Y computations. Also used to get imaginary
% part for certain values
algebraic procedure y!*modifier!*calc(n,z);
begin scalar modify, start, zfsq, zfsqp, fc;
integer fk, fnk, prepre;
prepre := precision 0;
% if prepre < !!nfpd then precision (!!nfpd + 2)
% else precision (prepre + 2);
modify := ((z/2)**n) / pi;
% Simple expression for start value when n<1.
if (n < 1) then
<< start := ((2/pi) * log(z/2) * besselj(n,z));
fc := factorial n >>
% If n smallish, just sum using factorials. (REDUCE
% seems to do smallish factorials quite quickly. In
% fact it does largish factorials quite quickly as well,
% but not quite as quickly as we can build them by
% per-term multiplication.)
else if (n < 100) then
<< start := - (((z/2) ** (-n)) / pi) *
(for k := 0:(n-1) sum
((factorial (n-k-1) * (((z**2)/4) ** k)) /
(factorial k))) + ((2/pi)*log(z/2)*besselj(n,z));
fc := factorial n >>
% If n largish, avoid computing factorials, and try
% to do the minimum possible real work.
<< zfsq := (z**2)/4; zfsqp := 1;
fk := 1; fnk := factorial (n-1); fc := fnk * n;
start := 0;
for k := 0:(n-2) do
<< start := start + (fnk * zfsqp / fk);
fk := fk * (k+1);
fnk := floor(fnk/(n-k-1));
zfsqp := zfsqp * zfsq >>;
start := start + (fnk * zfsqp / fk);
start := - ((1/(modify*(pi**2)))*start)+
((2/pi)*log(z/2)*besselj(n,z)) >>;
precision prepre;
return {start, modify, fc};
% algebraic procedure y!*calc(n,z);
% Given integer n and arbitrary (I hope) z, compute and return
% the value of the Bessel Y-function, order n, at z. Current
% version mostly coded for speed rather than clarity.
% Owing to its dependence upon factorials, doesn't work for
% non-integral n. (But in any case it'd be very slow, particularly
% for large non-integral n.)
algebraic procedure y!*calc(n,z);
begin scalar start, result, this, ps, fc, smf,
modify, zfsq, zfsqp, alglist!*, nps, azfsq;
integer prepre, k, fk, fnk, difd, fcp;
prepre := precision(0);
precision (prepre + 8);
smf := y!*modifier!*calc (n,z);
start := first smf;
modify := second smf;
fc := third smf;
% Now we have the starting value: prepare the loop for
% the remaining terms. k will be our loop counter. p1
% will hold psi(k+1), and p2 psi(k+n+1); zfsqp is
% maintained at ((-(z**2)/4)**k); fc is k! * (n+k)!.
% The sum is of (p1 + p2) * zfsqp / fc, and we
% precompute the first term in order to get an idea
% of the general magnitude (it's a decreasing series).
ps := psi 1 + psi(1+n);
zfsq := (-(z**2)/4); azfsq := abs zfsq;
result := ps / fc;
k := 1; zfsqp := zfsq; fc := fc * (n+1);
ps := ps + 1 + (1/(n+1));
% Having the first term and start, we check whether
% they're small or large and modify the maximum
% acceptable error accordingly.
if numberp start then if (abs (result + start)) < 1 then
admissable := abs ((1 / (10 **
(prepre+2 + log10(1/(abs result + abs start)))))/modify)
else admissable := abs ((1 / (10 ** (prepre + 2))) *
(log10(abs result + abs start)) / modify)
else admissable := abs (1 / (10 ** (prepre + 10)));
this := admissable + 1;
% Now sum the series.
while ((abs this) > admissable) do
<< this := ps * (zfsqp / fc);
result := result + this;
k := k + 1; zfsqp := zfsqp * zfsq;
nps := ps + (1/k) + (1/(k+n));
fcp := k * (n+k);
if (nps*azfsq) > (ps*fcp) then
<<difd := ceiling ((nps*azfsq)/(ps*fcp));
precision(precision(0) + (lisp length explode difd))>>;
fc := fc * fcp; % fc ends up as k! * (n+k)!
ps := nps >>;
% Amalgamate the start value and modification, and
% return the answer.
result := start - (result * modify);
precision prepre;
return result;
% algebraic procedure i!*calc(n,z);
% Given integer n and arbitrary (I hope) z, compute and return
% the value of the (modified) Bessel I-function, order n, at z.
% Current version mostly coded for speed rather than clarity.
% Does work for non-integral n.
algebraic procedure i!*calc(n,z);
begin scalar result, admissable, this, prev, nprev, alglist!*,
modify, fkgamnk, zfsq, zfsqp, knk; % bind alglist!* to prevent
integer prepre, k, difd; % global alglist being cleared
modify := ((z/2) ** n);
prepre := precision 0;
precision (prepre + 4);
zfsq := (z**2)/4; azfsq := abs zfsq;
fkgamnk := gamma(n+1);
result := (1 / (fkgamnk));
k := 1; zfsqp := zfsq; fkgamnk := fkgamnk * (n+1);
if numberp modify then
if (abs result) < 1 then
<< difd := ceiling (1/abs result);
admissable := abs ((1 / (10 ** (prepre +
(symbolic length explode difd)))) / modify) >>
<< difd := ceiling abs result;
admissable := abs ((1 / (10 ** (prepre -
(symbolic length explode difd)))) / modify) >>
if (abs result) < 1 then
<< difd := ceiling (1/abs result);
admissable := abs (1 / (10 ** (prepre + 10 +
(symbolic length explode difd)))) >>
<< difd := ceiling abs result;
admissable := abs (1 / (10 ** (prepre + 10 -
(symbolic length explode difd)))) >>;
this := admissable + 1; nprev := abs this;
while (abs this > admissable) do
<< this := (zfsqp / (fkgamnk));
result := result + this;
k := k + 1; % Maintain k as term counter,
knk := k * (n+k);
if azfsq > knk then
<<difd := ceiling (azfsq / knk);
precision(precision(0) + (lisp length explode difd))>>;
zfsqp := zfsqp * zfsq; % zfsqp as ((-(z**2)/4)**k), and
fkgamnk := fkgamnk * knk >>;
% fkgamnk as k! * gamma(n+k+1).
result := result * modify;
precision prepre;
return result;
algebraic procedure k!*calc!*2(n,z);
begin scalar result, precom;
integer prepre;
prepre := precision 0;
precision (prepre + 8);
precom := complex!*on!*switch();
result := (pi/2)*i*exp((pi/2)*n*i)*hankel1(n,z*exp((pi/2)*i));
precision prepre;
return result;
% Function which simply rewrites bessely (with nonintegral
% order) in terms of besselj. Turns off rounded mode to
% do so, because if rounded is on, cos(n*pi) =/= 0 for
% n*2 = floor (n*2), which can lead to some spectacular
% inaccuracies.
algebraic procedure y!*reexpress(n,z);
begin scalar result, premsg;
premsg := lisp !*msg;
off msg;
off rounded;
result := ((besselj(n,z)*cos(n*pi))-(besselj(-n,z)))/sin(n*pi);
on rounded;
if premsg then on msg;
return result;
% Function to make an evil blend of the symbolic and
% algebraic mode bessel-y functions where the order
% is real and the arg is real and negative. Here the
% result will be complex (probably), but most of the
% computations involved will be with real numbers so
% the symbolic mode version will do them better.
% Therefore this routine, which gets the modifier
% and initial terms (the only complex bits) from the
% algebraic procedure and then gets the rest from the
% symbolic one.
algebraic procedure y!*calc!*sc(n,z);
begin scalar st, ic, rc, md, fc, result, precom, prepre;
prepre := precision 0; z := -z;
if prepre < !!nfpd then precision (!!nfpd + 2)
else precision (prepre + 4);
st := y!*modifier!*calc(n,z);
rc := - first st;
precom := complex!*on!*switch();
ic := impart(log(-pi/2));
ic := ic*(2/pi)*besselj(n,-z);
md := - second st; fc := third st;
precision prepre;
precom := complex!*off!*switch();
result := y!*calc!*s(n,z,{rc,md,fc});
if symbolic !*complex
then result := result + i * ic
else result := (if ic < 0 then 1 else -1) *
sqrt(-(ic**2)) + result;
return result;
module sfkummer; % Functions and rules for the Kummer M and U functions.
% Author: Chris Cannam, Sept/Oct 1992.
imports complex!*on!*switch, complex!*off!*switch,
complex!*restore!*switch, sq2bf!*;
exports kummerm!*calc;
% Provides algebraic things for both functions, and numeric for (only)
% the M function. The amount of non-working code for the U function I
% had to cut out of this before getting this version was a sight to
% behold.
algebraic (operator kummerm, kummeru);
symbolic operator kummerm!*calc;
algebraic (kummer!*rules := {
kummeru(~a,~b,~z) => ( pi / sin (pi * b)) *
( (kummerm(a,b,z) / (gamma(1+a-b) * gamma(b))) -
((z**(1-b)) * (kummerm(1+a-b,2-b,z)/(gamma(a) * gamma(2-b)))))
when numberp b and (impart b neq 0 or b neq floor b)
and numberp a and (impart a neq 0 or a neq floor a or a > 0)
and ((a-b) neq floor repart (a-b) or (a-b) > -1),
kummeru(~a,~b,~z) => ( pi / sin (pi * b)) *
( -((z**(1-b)) * (kummerm(1+a-b,2-b,z)/(gamma(a) * gamma(2-b)))))
when numberp b and (impart b neq 0 or b neq floor b)
and numberp a and (impart a neq 0 or a neq floor a or a > 0),
kummerm(~a,~b,~z) => exp z
when a = b,
kummerm(~a,~b,~z) => ((2 * exp (z/2)) / z) * sinh (z/2)
when numberp a and numberp b and numberp z
and a = 1 and b = 2 and impart z = 0 and z neq 0,
kummerm(~a,~b,~z) => ((-2 * i * exp (z/2)) / z) * sin (-z / (2*i))
when numberp a and numberp b and numberp z
and a = 1 and b = 2 and repart z = 0 and z neq 0,
kummerm(~a,~b,~z) => infinity
when numberp a and numberp b
and impart b = 0 and b < 0 and b = floor b
and not (impart a = 0 and a < 0 and a = floor a and a >= b),
kummerm(~a,~b,~z) => do!*kummerm(a,b,z)
when symbolic !*rounded
and numberp a and numberp b and numberp z
and b neq 0
and impart a = 0 and impart b = 0 and impart z = 0
and not (repart b = floor repart b
and repart a = floor repart a
and repart a < 0 and repart b < 0
and repart a >= repart b),
df(kummerm(~a,~b,~z),z) => (a/b) * kummerm(a+1, b+1, z),
df(kummeru(~a,~b,~z),z) => -a * kummeru(a+1,b+1,z)
algebraic (let kummer!*rules);
algebraic procedure do!*kummerm(a,b,z);
algebraic sf!*eval('kummerm!*calc, {a,b,z});
algebraic procedure kummerm!*calc(a,b,z);
begin scalar a0, b0, z0, result, alglist!*;
integer prepre, precom;
precom := complex!*off!*switch();
prepre := precision 0;
if prepre < !!nfpd then precision (!!nfpd + 1)
else precision (prepre + 2);
a0 := a; b0 := b; z0 := z;
result :=
algebraic symbolic kummerm!*calc!*sub(a0,b0,z0);
precision prepre;
return result;
symbolic procedure kummerm!*calc!*sub(a,b,z);
begin scalar result, this,
admissable, pamod, pbmod;
integer rp, orda, k;
a := sq2bf!* a; b := sq2bf!* b; z := sq2bf!* z;
result := bfone!*; k := 1;
pamod := timbf(a,z); pbmod := b;
admissable := divbf(bfone!*,
i2bf!: (bf!*base**(5 + c!:prec!:())));
orda := order!: admissable - 5;
this := bfone!*; rp := c!:prec!:();
while greaterp!: (abs!: this, admissable) do
<< this := divide!:(times!:(this,pamod),
times!:(pbmod, i2bf!: k),rp);
rp := order!: this - orda;
result := plus!:(result, this);
k := k + 1;
pamod := plus!:(pamod, z);
pbmod := plus!:(pbmod, bfone!*);
return mk!*sq !*f2q mkround result;
module sfother; % Rulesets for the Struve H and L functions, Lommel
% 1 and 2 functions and Whittaker M and W functions.
% Author: Chris Cannam, Nov 1992.
% The aim is to re-express in terms % of other (more `standard') special
% functions. No numerical approximation code.
% Neither imports nor exports functions.
% This module contains only rulesets.
algebraic (operator struveh, struvel);
algebraic (struve!*rules := {
df(struveh(~n,~z),z) =>
(2/pi) - struveh(1,z)
when numberp n and n = 0,
df((z**n)*struveh(~n,~z),z) =>
df((z**(-n))*struveh(~n,~z),z) =>
(1/(sqrt(pi)*(2**n)*gamma(n+(3/2)))) - (z**(-n))*struveh(n+1,z),
struveh(~n,~z) =>
when numberp n and impart n = 0
and n < 0 and (n*2)=floor(n*2),
struveh(~n,~z) =>
((2/(pi*z))**(1/2))*(1-cos z)
when numberp n and n=1/2,
struveh(~n,~z) =>
((z/(pi*2))**(1/2)) * (1+(2/(z**2))) -
((2/(pi*z))**(1/2)) * (sin z + ((cos z)/z))
when numberp n and n=3/2,
struvel(~n,~z) =>
when numberp n and impart n = 0
and n < 0 and (n*2)=floor(n*2),
struvel(~n,~z) =>
when symbolic !*complex
algebraic (let struve!*rules);
algebraic (operator lommel1, lommel2);
algebraic (lommel!*rules := {
lommel1(~a,~b,~z) =>
when numberp a and numberp b and a = b+1,
lommel1(~a,~b,~z) =>
when numberp b and b < 0 and a neq b and a neq (b+1),
lommel1(~a,~b,~z) =>
(sqrt(pi)*(2**a)*gamma((2*a + 1)/2)*struveh(a,z))/2
when a = b,
lommel2(~a,~b,~z) =>
when numberp a and numberp b and a = b+1,
lommel2(~a,~b,~z) =>
when numberp b and b < 0 and a neq b and a neq (b+1),
lommel2(~a,~b,~z) =>
(sqrt(pi)*(2**a)*gamma((2*a + 1)/2)*(-bessely(a,z)+struveh(a,z)))/2
when a = b
algebraic (let lommel!*rules);
algebraic (operator whittakerm, whittakerw);
algebraic (whittaker!*rules := {
whittakerm(~k,~m,~z) =>
whittakerw(~k,~m,~z) =>
algebraic (let whittaker!*rules);
module dilog;
% Dilogarithm Integral
% Collected (most items) from Abramowitz-Stegun (27.8.7)
% by Winfried Neun , ZIB Berlin
algebraic <<
operator fps;
operator defint;
let { fps(dilog ~x,~x) => infsum((-1)^k*(x-1)^k/k^2,k,1,infinity)};
let { df(dilog(~x),~x) => - log(x)/(x-1)};
let { defint(log(~tt)/(~tt-1),~tt,1,~x) => -dilog x };
let { dilog(exp(-~t)) => - dilog(exp t) - t^2/2,
dilog(-~x+1) => - dilog(x) -log x * log (1-x) + pi^2/6
when numberp x and geq(x,0) and geq(1,x),
dilog(1/~x) => - dilog(x) -(log x)^2/2
when numberp x and geq(x,0) and geq(1,x),
dilog(~x + 1) => dilog(x) - log x *
log (x +1)-pi^2/12-(dilog x)^2/2
when numberp x and geq(x,0) and geq(2,x),
dilog(~x) => compute_dilog(x)
when numberp x and lisp !*rounded and x>=0,
dilog 2 => -pi^2/12,
dilog 1 => 0,
dilog 0 => pi^2/6};
procedure compute_dilog(x);
if x = 0.0 then pi^2/6
else if x = 1.0 then 0
else if x = 2.0 then -pi^2/12
else if (x >= 1.9 and x < 2.0) then
compute_dilog(1-(x-1)^2)/2 - compute_dilog(1-(x-1))
else if (x > 1.9 or x < -1.0) then
-(log x)^2/2 -compute_dilog(1/x)
else if (x < 0.5 and x > 0.0)
then -log(1-x)*log(x) + pi^2/6 - compute_dilog(1-x)
else if (x > 0.5 and x < 1.0 )
then -(log x)^2/2 -compute_dilog(1/x)
else begin scalar !*uncached,yy,summa,ii,term,altern ,xm1,xm1!^ii;
!*uncached :=t;
yy := 10^-(lisp !:prec!:);
summa := 0; xm1 := x-1.0; xm1!^ii := xm1;
ii :=1; altern := -1;
while abs(term :=(altern * xm1!^ii/(ii*ii))) > yy do <<
summa := summa + term; ii:=ii+1 ;
altern := -1 * altern; xm1!^ii := xm1!^ii *xm1>>;
return summa; end;
module sfint; % Assorted Integral Functions, Ei, Si, Ci etc.
% Includes rules and limited rounded mode evaluation
% for Ei, Si, si (called s_i here!), Ci, Chi, Shi,
% Fresnel_S, Fresnel_C and Erf;
% the numerical part to be improved!
% Author: Winfried Neun, Jun 1993
% email :
% For Math References, see e.g. Abramowitz/Stegun, chapter 5 and 7
% Exponential Integral etc.
algebraic operator ei, fresnel_c, fresnel_s, erfc;
algebraic operator ci, si, s_i, shi, chi;
algebraic let limit(si(~tt),~tt,infinity) => pi/2;
let { defint(sin(~tt)/~tt,~tt,0,~z) => si (z),
si(-~x) => (- si(x)),
df(si(~x),~x) => sin(x)/x ,
si(~x) => compute_int_functions(x,si)
when numberp x and lisp !*rounded
let { defint(sin(~tt)/~tt,~tt,~z,infinity) => - s_i (z),
limit(s_i(~tt),x,infinity) => 0,
s_i(~x) => si(x) - pi/2,
df(s_i(~x),~x) => sin(x)/x
let { defint(exp(~tt)/~tt,~tt,-infinity,~z) => ei (z),
df(ei(~x),~x) => exp(x)/x,
ei(~x) => compute_int_functions(x,ei)
when numberp x and lisp !*rounded
let { defint(cos(~tt)/~tt,~tt,~z,infinity) => - ci (z),
defint((cos(~tt) -1)/~tt,~tt,0,~z) => ci (z) + psi(1) -log(z),
% psi(1) may be replaced by euler_gamma one day ...
ci(-~x) => - ci(x) -i*pi,
df(ci(~x),~x) => cos(x)/x,
ci(~x) => compute_int_functions(x,ci)
when numberp x and lisp !*rounded
let { defint(sinh(~tt)/~tt,~tt,0,~z) => shi (z),
df(shi(~x),~x) => sinh(x)/x ,
shi(~x) => compute_int_functions(x,shi)
when numberp x and lisp !*rounded
let { defint((cosh(~tt) -1)/~tt,~tt,0,~z) => chi (z) + psi(1) -log(z),
% psi(1) may be replaced by euler_gamma one day ...
df(chi(~x),~x) => cosh(x)/x ,
chi(~x) => compute_int_functions(x,chi)
when numberp x and lisp !*rounded
let { defint(sin(pi/2*~tt^2),~tt,0,~z) => fresnel_s (z),
fresnel_s(-~x) => (- fresnel_s (x)),
fresnel_s(i* ~x) => (-i*fresnel_s (x)),
limit(fresnel_s(~tt),~tt,infinity) => 1/2,
df(fresnel_s(~x),~x) => sin(pi/2*x^x) ,
fresnel_s (~x) => compute_int_functions(x,fresnel_s)
when numberp x and lisp !*rounded };
let { defint(cos(pi/2*~tt^2),~tt,0,~z) => fresnel_c (z),
fresnel_c(-~x) => (- fresnel_c (x)),
fresnel_c(i* ~x) => (i*fresnel_c (x)),
limit(fresnel_c(~tt),~tt,infinity) => 1/2,
df(fresnel_c(~x),~x) => cos(pi/2*x^x) ,
fresnel_c (~x) => compute_int_functions(x,fresnel_c)
when numberp x and lisp !*rounded };
let { limit (erf(~x),~x,infinity) => 1,
limit (erfc(~x),~x,infinity) => 0,
erfc (~x) => 1-erf(x),
defint(1/e^(~tt^2),~tt,0,~z) => erf(z)/2*sqrt(pi),
defint(1/e^(~tt^2),~tt,~z,infinity) => erfc(z)/2*sqrt(pi),
erf (~x) => compute_int_functions(x,erf)
when numberp x and abs(x)<3 and lisp !*rounded };
algebraic procedure compute_int_functions(x,f);
begin scalar !*uncached,scale, term, n, precision,result, interm;
precision := 10^(-lisp !:prec!:);
lisp setq (!*uncached,t);
if f = si then
if x < 0 then - compute_int_functions(-x,f) else
<< n:=1; term := x; result := x;
while abs(term) > precision do
<< term := -1 * (term * x*x)/(2n * (2n+1));
result := result + term/(2n+1);
n := n + 1>>; >>
% for n:=0:100 sum (-1)^n*x^(2n+1)/((2n+1)*factorial(2n+1))
else if f = ci then
if x < 0 then - compute_int_functions(-x,f) -i*pi else
<< n:=1; term := 1; result := euler!*constant + log(x);
while abs(term) > precision do
<< term := -1 * (term * x*x)/((2n-1) * 2n);
result := result + term/(2n);
n := n + 1>>; >>
%euler!*constant + log(x) +
%for n:=1:100 sum (-1)^n *x^(2n)/((2n)*factorial(2n))
else if f = ei then
<< n:=1; term := 1; result := euler!*constant + log(x);
while abs(term) > precision do
<< term := (term * x)/n;
result := result + term/n;
n := n + 1>>; >>
%euler!*constant + log(x) +
%for n:=1:100 sum x^n/(n*factorial n)
else if f = shi then
<< n:=1; term := x; result := x;
while abs(term) > precision do
<< term := (term * x*x)/(2n * (2n+1));
result := result + term/(2n+1);
n := n + 1>>; >>
%for n:=0:100 sum x^(2n+1)/((2n+1)*factorial(2n+1))
else if f = chi then
<< n:=1; term := 1; result := euler!*constant + log(x);
while abs(term) > precision do
<< term := (term * x*x)/((2n-1) * 2n);
result := result + term/(2n);
n := n + 1>>; >>
%euler!*constant + log(x) +
%for n:=1:100 sum x^(2n)/((2n)*factorial(2n));
else if f = erf then
if x < 0 then - compute_int_functions(-x,f) else
<< n:=1; term := x; result := x;
while abs(term) > precision do
<< term := -1 * (term * x*x)/n;
result := result + term/(2n+1);
n := n + 1>>;
result := result*2/sqrt(pi) ;>>
else if f = fresnel_s then
<< n:=1; term := x^3*pi/2; result := term/3;
interm := x^4*(pi/2)^2;
while abs(term) > precision do
<< term := -1 * (term * interm)/(2n * (2n+1));
result := result + term/(4n+3);
n := n + 1>>; >>
else if f = fresnel_c then
<< n:=1; term := x; result := x; interm := x^4*(pi/2)^2;
while abs(term) > precision do
<< term := -1 * (term * interm)/(2n * (2n-1));
result := result + term/(4n+1);
n := n + 1>>; >>;
return result;