% Author H.-G. Graebe | Univ. Leipzig
% graebe@informatik.uni-leipzig.dbp.de
CALI Changes from v. 2.0. to v. 2.1. :
Changes in the interface :
changed meaning :
getmult -- renamed to degree
groebfactorize -- renamed to groebfactor, now allows constraints
switch lazy -- now chooses between Mora's and Lazard's
removed :
- idealintersect (use matintersect instead)
- homstbasis (off lazy now starts Lazard's approach)
- setecart (incorporated into setring)
changed parameter list :
- setring!*(vars,tord,tag,ecart)
- setring(vars,tord,tag[,ecart])
- resolve!*(m,d)
- groebfactor!*(m,con)
- in general model were exchanged with base elements
changed return code structure :
- getring (in accordance with setring)
- mod!* (returns a pair (NF . pol. unit))
- all symbolic primary decompositions
(lists of 2-element lists instead of pairs)
New facilities :
do simplification for each zerotest of base coefficients
(deleting unit factors under a nonnoetherian term order from
base polynomials)
14.5.93 cali!=ecart becomes local to each ring and was removed as
global variable. This changes ring_define and derivates of
ring_ecart added, ring_checkecart, ring_2a changed.
The algebraic mode proc. "setecart" is incorporated into
"setring" (and hence removed). "setring" now may be called
with 3 (standard ecart) or 4 arguments.
"getring" returns also the ecart.
16.5.93 lazystbasis returns now (gb . syz . nil)
setecart!* changes only the ecart vector.
getmult is now degree.
19.5.93 'dpfn became 'dp!=fn in dpoly.
primarydecomposition : Now it handles gbases and hence
submodulep works properly for detecting superfluous
21.5.93 listtest and listminimize added to unify
minset (removed)
matop_redtest (removed)
matop_reduce (removed)
prime!=redtest (removed)
prime!=reduce (removed)
22.5.93 A new version of the groebner factorization package was
incorporated, that uses constraints.
Hilbert series now have also denominator in accordance with
the ecart vector. moid_hf2dim now computes the pole order,
not the degree of the denominator.
23.5.93 varopt = heuristic variable optimization
mo_2list added and mo_varexp, mo_linear changed.
28.5.93 fctrf supplied with "where !*factor=t" to guarantee correct
execution in the modular case.
10.6.93 red_bas added.
prime!=zeroprimes and prime!=zeroprimes2 corrected to handle
unit ideal properly.
moid_hf2dim corrected : mvar f doesn't exist if denr f=1 .
11.6.93 dp_unit!? : test for bc_unit removed.
switches !*factorunits (find them by factorization) and
!*detectunits (detect base elements of the form monomial *
unit) added.
bas_deleteunits and dp_deleteunits added.
14.6.93 models were changed to base elements since we need also
auxiliary information in several places for best choises
(as e.g. the ecart). This concerns
dp_simp (it became dp_simp with another syntax and
moid updated to handle also vector moideals where it is
possible. This concerns
18.6.93 groeb_stbasis and primarydecomposition!* etc. now return lists.
5.7.93 bc_zero!? modified introducing the switch "hardzerotest".
6.7.93 idealintersect removed.
matintersect changed to one GB computation.
dpmat_det added.
9.7.93 moid_from_bas : bas_zerodelete added
new syntax : red_divtest(base list, monomial)
12.7.93 idealquotient and modulequotient changed to allow prereduction
of the divisor.
13.7.93 matstabquot(m,id) added.
15.7.93 moid_max added.
unmixedradical and eqhull added.
19.7.93 setring changed, ring_from_a added.
20.7.93 resolve!*(m,d) with d = length of the required chain.
all procedures in module prime updated to compute gbasis!*
after the change to new coordinates.
22.7.93 module prime corrected to compute the correct bc_lcm of lc for
the recontraction ideal.
genmat added.
23.7.93 syzygies for zero elements added.
26.7.93 ring degree tests corrected. Primary decomposition supplied with
ring_rlp term orders to guarantee, that precomputed gbases remain
gbases after ring change.
codim and codim!* added.
idealquotient#!*, modulequotient#!*, annihilator#!* (#=1,2)
with different methods added.
27.7.93 dp_pseudodivmod added.
28.7.93 minors added.
3.9.93 strcat added to the header module.
ring_from_a : default ecart now becomes
either first tord
(provided tord exists and all weights are positive)
or (1 .. 1).
7.9.93 dp_tcecart, dp_deletecomp added.
tangentcone!* added.
mod changed to return true reductum.
bc_diff corrected (difff isn't s.f's difference !)
dpgcd and dpgcd!* added.
8.9.93 dpgcd!* for unit polynomials simplified.
9.9.93 groebfactorize becomes groebfactor to avoid name conflict
with the groebner package.
Implementation changed to a version with constraint lists
and ascending easydim problem list sort criterion.
10.9.93 groeb_updatePL discards (0 . 0)-pairs,
bas_setrelations doesn't change elements with bas_nr=0,
groeb_mingb discards element with bas_nr=0.
dpmat_rowdegrees returns degrees only with nr>0.
red_interreduce and mora_interreduce now take base lists.
12.9.93 all stuff in newcali.red embedded into local copies of global
cali variables.
16.9.93 resolve(m[,d]) changed. dim, hilbseries, bettinumbers,
gradedbettinumbers modified.
setmonset, getmonset added.
29.9.93 ideal2mat -> ideal2mat!*
list2mat -> ideal2mat
mat2list -> flatten
setrules, getrules, setrules!*, bc!=simp and cali!=rules added
and bcsf changed appropriately.
7.10.93 groeb!=groebsyz -> groeb_innerstbasis
mora!=homstbasis replaces homstbasis!* and is incorporated as
one of the branches of !*lazy, called by mora_stbasis.
dp_homogenize and dp_dehomogenize now treat also the rep
mod!* -> matop_pseudmod
The new mod!* now returns pairs (NF . pol. unit) as the
algebraic interface mod.
minors, genmat, matjac, dpmat_det -> scripts_det, varopt
moved to the module scripts.
module scripts added.
19.10.93 analytic_spread corrected.
bas_sieve : bas-zerodelete inserted.