% Buffer.SL - Individual Buffer Manipulation Functions
% Author: Alan Snyder
% Hewlett-Packard/CRC
% Date: 27 July 1982
% This file contains functions that manipulate individual buffers.
% It is intended that someday EMODE will be reorganized
% so that all such functions will eventually be in this file.
% This file requires COMMON.
(fluid '(CurrentLine CurrentBufferSize CurrentLineIndex point))
(de char-blank? (ch)
(or (= ch (char space)) (= ch (char tab))))
(de current-line-length () (length CurrentLine))
(de current-line-empty () (= (length CurrentLine) 0))
(de current-line-blank? ()
(for (in ch CurrentLine)
(always (char-blank? ch))
(de at-buffer-end? ()
(and (current-line-is-last?) (= point (current-line-length))))
(de at-buffer-start? ()
(and (= CurrentLineIndex 0) (= point 0)))
(de current-line-is-last? ()
(>= CurrentLineIndex (- CurrentBufferSize 1)))
(de current-line-is-first? ()
(= CurrentLineIndex 0))
(de current-line-fetch (n) (car (pnth CurrentLine (+ n 1))))
(de current-line-store (n c)
(setf CurrentLine (InsertListEntry (DeleteListEntry CurrentLine n) n c)))
(de current-buffer-size ()
% Return the number of lines in the current buffer. Note that if the
% buffer does not end with an incomplete line, then its last line will
% be empty. (See CURRENT-BUFFER-VISIBLE-SIZE, which corrects for this
% anomaly.)
(de current-buffer-visible-size ()
% Return the visible number of lines in the current buffer. In other words,
% don't count the last line if it is empty, since that is just an artifact of
% the buffer representation.
(let* ((buffer-size CurrentBufferSize)
(last-line-index (- buffer-size 1))
(if (= CurrentLineIndex last-line-index) % CurrentLine hack!
(if CurrentLine buffer-size (- buffer-size 1))
(if (>= (size (GetBufferText last-line-index)) 0)
buffer-size (- buffer-size 1))
(de current-buffer-goto (line-number char-number)
(SelectLine line-number)
(setf point char-number)
(de move-to-next-line ()
(let ((next-index (+ CurrentLineIndex 1)))
(cond ((< next-index CurrentBufferSize)
(SelectLine next-index) (setf point 0))
(t (setf point (length CurrentLine)) (PutLine))
(de move-to-previous-line ()
(let ((next-index (- CurrentLineIndex 1)))
(cond ((>= next-index 0)
(SelectLine next-index) (setf point 0))
(t (setf point 0) (PutLine))