% HCONS.SL - Hashing (unique) CONS and associated utilities.
% Author: William Galway
% Symbolic Computation Group
% Computer Science Dept.
% University of Utah
% Date: Wednesday, 2 June 1982
% Copyright (c) 1982 University of Utah
(BothTimes % ?? Compile time may suffice.
(load useful)
(load fast-vector))
% Summary of "user level" functions provided:
% (DM Hcons (X) ...) % Nary hashed cons, right associative.
% (DN Hlist (X) ...) % Hcons version of "list" function.
% Hcons version of "copy" function. Note that unlike copy, this is not
% guaranteed to create a new copy of a structure. (In fact, rather the
% opposite.)
% (DE Hcopy (lst) ...)
% (DE Happend (U V) ...) % Hcons version of "append" function.
% (DE Hreverse (U) ...) % Hcons version of "reverse" function.
% Pairs for property list functions must be created by Hcons.
% Get property of id or pair.
% (DE extended-get (id-or-pair indicator) ...)
% Put property of id or pair. Known to setf.
% (DE extended-put (id-or-pair indicator val) ...)
% Number of hash "slots" in table, should be a prime number to get an even
% spread of hits (??). This package has been written so that it should be
% possible to modify this size at runtime (I hope). So if the hash-tables
% get too heavily loaded they can be copied to larger ones.
(DefConst hcons-table-size 103)
% Build the two tables (we switch from one to the other on each garbage
% collection. Note that (MkVect 1) gives TWO locations.
(setf hash-cons-tables (MkVect 1))
(setf (IGetV hash-cons-tables 0)
(MkVect (sub1 (const hcons-table-size))))
(setf (IGetV hash-cons-tables 1)
(MkVect (sub1 (const hcons-table-size))))
% current-table-number switches between 0 and one at each garbage
% collection--selecting the current table to use.
(setf current-table-number 0)
(DE next-table-number (table-number)
((equal table-number 0) 1)
(T 0)))
% Should really use structs for this, but I'm unsure on the exact details
% of how structs work, and it's very important to understand how much free
% space will be demanded by any routines that are called.
% Anyway, each location in a "hash table" is either NIL, or an "entry",
% where an entry is implemented as a vector of
% [ <dotted-pair> <property-list-for-pair> <next-entry-in-chain> ]
% This should be done differently too.
(DefConst entry-size 4) % The size of an entry in "heap units"??
(DefConst pair-size 2) % Similarly for pairs.
(DS create-hash-entry ()
% Create a 3 element vector.
(MkVect 2))
(DS pair-info (ent)
(IGetV ent 0))
(DS prop-list-info (ent)
(IGetV ent 1))
(DS next-entry (ent)
(IGetV ent 2))
% Finds a location within a "hash table", for a pair (X,Y).
% This version is very simpleminded!
(DS hcons-hash-function (htable X Y)
% Take absolute value to avoid sign problems with remainder.
(abs (plus (Sys2Int X) (Sys2Int Y)))
(add1 (ISizeV htable))))
% Copy entries from one "hash cons table" to another, setting the source
% table to all NILs. Return the dst-table, as well as copying into it.
% This routine is used to place entries in their new locations after a
% garbage collection. This routine MUST NOT allocate anything on the heap.
(DE move-hcons-table (src-table dst-table)
(prog (dst-index src-entry src-pair nxt-entry)
(for (from src-index 0 (ISizeV src-table) 1)
(setf src-entry (IGetV src-table src-index))
% Use GetV here, until "the bug" in IGetV gets fixed.
(setf (GetV src-table src-index) NIL)
(while src-entry
(setf src-pair (pair-info src-entry))
(setf dst-index
(car src-pair) (cdr src-pair)))
% Save the next entry in the the chain, and then relink the
% current entry into its new location.
(setf nxt-entry (next-entry src-entry))
(setf (next-entry src-entry)
(IGetV dst-table dst-index))
(setf (IGetV dst-table dst-index) src-entry)
% Move to next thing in chain.
(setf src-entry nxt-entry))))))
(return dst-table)))
% Nary version of hashed cons.
(DM Hcons (X)
(RobustExpand (cdr X) 'hcons2 NIL))
% Binary "hashed" cons of X and Y, returns pointer to previously
% constructed pair if it can be found in the hash table.
(DE Hcons2 (X Y)
(prog (hashloc hitchain tmpchain newpair newentry)
(setf hashloc (hcons-hash-function
(IGetV hash-cons-tables current-table-number)
X Y))
% Get chain of entries at the appropriate hash location in the
% appropriate table.
(setf hitchain (IGetV
(IGetV hash-cons-tables current-table-number)
% Search for a previously constructed pair, if any, with car and cdr
% equal to X and Y respectively.
% Note that tmpchain is not a list, but a "chain" of "entries".
(setf tmpchain hitchain)
(while (and tmpchain
% Keep searching unless an exact match is found.
(not (and
% EqN test might be better, so that we handle numbers
% intelligently? Probably have to worry about hash
% code also.
(eq X (car (setf newpair (pair-info tmpchain))))
(eq Y (cdr newpair)))))
% do
(setf tmpchain (next-entry tmpchain)))
% If no entry was found, create a new one.
((null tmpchain)
% We need enough room for one new pair, plus one new entry. If
% there isn't enough room on the heap then collect garbage (and
% in the process move EVERYTHING around, switch hash tables,
% etc.)
(GtHeap NIL) % Returns free space in heap.
(plus (const pair-size) (const entry-size)))
% Recalculate locations of everything.
(setf hashloc
(IGetV hash-cons-tables current-table-number)
X Y))
% Get chain of entries at the appropriate hash location in
% the appropriate table.
(setf hitchain
(IGetV hash-cons-tables current-table-number)
% Allocate the new pair, store information into the appropriate
% spot in appropriate table.
(setf newpair (cons X Y))
(setf newentry (create-hash-entry))
(setf (pair-info newentry) newpair)
(setf (prop-list-info newentry) NIL)
(setf (next-entry newentry) hitchain)
% Link the new entry into the front of the table.
(IGetV hash-cons-tables current-table-number)
% Return the pair (either newly constructed, or old).
(return newpair)))
% "hcons" version of "list" function.
(DN Hlist (X)
(do-hlist X))
(DE do-hlist (X)
((null X) NIL)
(T (hcons (car X) (do-hlist (cdr X))))))
% "hcons" version of copy. Note that unlike copy, this is not guaranteed
% to create a new copy of a structure. (In fact, rather the opposite.)
(DE Hcopy (lst)
((not (pairp lst)) lst)
(T (hcons (hcopy (car lst)) (hcopy (cdr lst))))))
% "hcons" version of Append function.
(DE Happend (U V)
% First arg is NIL, or some other non-pair.
((not (PairP U)) V)
% else ...
(T (hcons (car U) (Happend (cdr U) V)))))
% Hcons version of Reverse.
(DE Hreverse (U)
(prog (V)
(while (PairP U)
(setf V (hcons (car U) V))
(setf U (cdr U))))
(return V)))
% Look up and return the entry for a pair, if any. Return NIL if argument
% is not a pair.
(DE entry-for-pair (p)
((PairP p)
(prog (hashloc ent)
(setf hashloc
(IGetV hash-cons-tables current-table-number)
(car p) (cdr p)))
% Look at appropriate spot in hash table.
(setf ent
(IGetV (IGetV hash-cons-tables current-table-number) hashloc))
% Search through chain for p.
(while (and ent
(not (eq (pair-info ent) p)))
(setf ent (next-entry ent)))
% Return the entry, or NIL if none found.
(return ent)))))
% Get a property for a pair or identifier. Only pairs stored in the hash
% table have properties.
(DE extended-get (id-or-pair indicator)
((IdP id-or-pair) (get id-or-pair indicator))
((PairP id-or-pair)
(prog (proplist prop-pair)
(setf proplist (pair-property-list id-or-pair))
(setf prop-pair (atsoc indicator proplist))
((PairP prop-pair) (cdr prop-pair))))))))
% Put function for pairs and identifiers. Only pairs in the hash table can
% be given properties. (We are very sloppy about case when pair isn't in
% table, but hopefully the code won't blow up.) "val" is returned in all
% cases.
(DE extended-put (id-or-pair indicator val)
((IdP id-or-pair) (put id-or-pair indicator val))
((PairP id-or-pair)
(prog (proplist prop-pair)
(setf proplist (pair-property-list id-or-pair))
% Get the information (if any) stored under the indicator.
(setf prop-pair (Atsoc indicator proplist))
% Modify the information under the indicator, if any.
((PairP prop-pair)
(setf (cdr prop-pair) val))
% Otherwise (nothing found under indicator), create new
% (indicator . value) pair.
% Note use of cons, not Hcons, WHICH IS RIGHT? (I think cons.)
(setf prop-pair (cons indicator val))
% Tack new (indicator . value) pair onto property list, and
% store in entry for the pair who's property list is being
% hacked.
id-or-pair (cons prop-pair proplist)))))
% We return the value even if the pair isn't in the hash table.
(return val)))))
(PUT 'extended-get 'assign-op 'extended-put)
(FLAG '(extended-get) 'SETF-SAFE)
% Return the "property list" associated with a pair.
(DE pair-property-list (p)
(prog (ent)
(setf ent (entry-for-pair p))
(ent (prop-list-info ent))
(T NIL)))))
% Set the "property list" cell for a pair, return the new "property list".
(DE set-pair-property-list (p val)
(prog (ent)
(setf ent (entry-for-pair p))
(ent (setf (prop-list-info ent) val))
(T NIL)))))
% We redefine the garbage collector so that it rebuilds the hash table
% after garbage collection has moved everything.
(putd 'original-!%Reclaim (car (getd '!%Reclaim)) (cdr (getd '!%Reclaim)))
% New version of !%reclaim--shuffles stuff in cons tables after collecting
% garbage.
(DE !%Reclaim ()
% Move the old table to the new one, shuffling everything into its
% correct position.
% Would use IGetV, but there appears to be a bug preventing it from
% working.
% Source
(GetV hash-cons-tables current-table-number)
% Destination
(GetV hash-cons-tables
(next-table-number current-table-number)))
% Point to new "current-table".
(setf current-table-number
(next-table-number current-table-number))))