% Prompting.SL - NMODE Prompt Line Manager
% Author: Alan Snyder
% Hewlett-Packard/CRC
% Date: 19 August 1982
% Revised: 28 February 1983
% Adapted from Will Galway's EMODE.
% 28-Feb-83 Alan Snyder
% Extend write-prompt to work properly when NMODE is not running.
% 16-Feb-83 Alan Snyder
% Declare -> Declare-Flavor.
% 7-Feb-83 Alan Snyder
% Use one-window or one-screen refresh.
% 29-Dec-82 Alan Snyder
% Revised input completion support to run completion characters as commands
% rather than terminating and resuming. Added new functions to manipulate the
% input buffer.
% 22-Dec-82 Jeffrey Soreff
% Revised to handle control characters on prompt and message lines.
% 21-Dec-82 Alan Snyder
% Efficiency improvement: Added declarations for virtual screens and buffer
% windows.
(CompileTime (load objects extended-char fast-strings numeric-operators))
(on fast-integers)
% External variables used:
% Global variables defined here:
% Internal static variables:
(setf nmode-prompt-cursor 0)
(setf nmode-message-cursor 0)
(setf nmode-message-string "")
(setf nmode-input-level 0)
(setf nmode-input-default NIL)
(declare-flavor virtual-screen nmode-prompt-screen nmode-message-screen)
(declare-flavor buffer-window nmode-input-window nmode-current-window)
(declare-flavor text-buffer input-buffer)
% String input:
(de prompt-for-string (prompt-string default-string)
% Prompt for a string (terminated by CR or NL). Use default-string if an
% empty string is returned (and default-string is non-NIL). The original
% message line is restored, but not refreshed. Note: if you attempt to use
% this function recursively, it will automatically throw '$ERROR$. The effect
% of this action is that in string-input mode, commands that request string
% input appear to be undefined. (This assumes that all such commands do
% nothing visible before they first request string input.)
(prompt-for-string-special prompt-string default-string NIL))
(de prompt-for-string-special (prompt-string default-string command-list)
% This function is similar to PROMPT-FOR-STRING, except that it accepts a
% command list that specifies a set of additional commands to be defined
% while the user is typing at the input window.
(if (> nmode-input-level 0)
(throw '$error$ NIL)
% else
(setf nmode-input-special-command-list command-list)
(setf nmode-input-default default-string)
(let ((old-msg nmode-message-string)
(old-window nmode-current-window)
(nmode-input-level (+ nmode-input-level 1)) % FLUID
(if default-string
(setf prompt-string
(string-concat prompt-string " (Default is: '" default-string "')")))
(=> (=> nmode-input-window buffer) reset)
(nmode-select-window nmode-input-window)
(set-message prompt-string)
(set-prompt "") % avoid old prompt popping back up when we're done
% Edit the buffer until an "exit" character is typed or the user aborts.
(cond ((eq (NMODE-reader T) 'abort)
(=> nmode-input-window deexpose)
(nmode-select-window old-window)
(set-message old-msg)
(throw 'abort NIL)
% Show the user that his input has been accepted.
(nmode-refresh-one-window nmode-input-window)
% Pick up the string that was typed.
(let ((return-string (current-line)))
% Switch back to old window, etc.
(=> nmode-input-window deexpose)
(nmode-select-window old-window)
% Restore original "message window".
(set-message old-msg)
% If an empty string, use default (unless it's NIL).
(if (and default-string (equal return-string ""))
(de nmode-substitute-default-input ()
% If the input buffer is empty and there is a default string, then stuff the
% default string into the input buffer.
(let ((input-buffer (=> nmode-input-window buffer)))
(if (and (=> input-buffer at-buffer-start?)
(=> input-buffer at-buffer-end?)
(stringp nmode-input-default)
(=> input-buffer insert-string nmode-input-default)
(de nmode-get-input-string ()
% Return the contents of the input buffer as a string. If the buffer contains
% more than one line, only the current line is returned.
(let ((input-buffer (=> nmode-input-window buffer)))
(=> input-buffer current-line)
(de nmode-replace-input-string (s)
% Replace the contents of the input buffer with the specified string.
(let ((input-buffer (=> nmode-input-window buffer)))
(=> input-buffer reset)
(=> input-buffer insert-string s)
(de nmode-terminate-input ()
% A command bound to this function will act to terminate string input.
(de nmode-yank-default-input ()
% A command bound to this function will act to insert the default string into
% the input buffer.
(if nmode-input-default
(insert-string nmode-input-default)
% Prompt line functions:
% NOTE: if your intent is to display a prompt string for user input, you should
% use a function defined in TERMINAL-INPUT rather than one of these.
(de write-prompt (msg)
% Write the specified string to the prompt line and refresh the prompt
% line. Note: the major windows are not refreshed.
(set-prompt msg)
(nmode-refresh-virtual-screen nmode-prompt-screen)
(printf "%w%n" msg)
(de set-prompt (msg)
% Write the specified string to the prompt window, but do not refresh.
(setf nmode-prompt-cursor 0)
(=> nmode-prompt-screen clear)
(prompt-append-string msg)
% Message line functions:
(de write-message (msg)
% Display a string to the message window and refresh the message window.
% Note: the major windows are not refreshed.
% Return the previous message string.
(set-message msg)
(nmode-refresh-virtual-screen nmode-message-screen)
(de rewrite-message ()
% Rewrite the existing message (used when the default enhancement changes).
(set-message nmode-message-string)
(de set-message (msg)
% Display a string in the "message" window, do not refresh.
% Message will not appear until a refresh is done.
% Return the previous message string.
(let ((old-message nmode-message-string))
(setf nmode-message-string msg)
(setf nmode-message-cursor 0)
(=> nmode-message-screen clear)
(message-append-string msg)
(de reset-message ()
% Clear the "message" window, but do not refresh.
(setf nmode-message-string "")
(setf nmode-message-cursor 0)
(=> nmode-message-screen clear)
% Internal functions:
(de prompt-append-string (s)
(for (from i 0 (string-upper-bound s))
(do (prompt-append-character (string-fetch s i)))))
(de prompt-append-character (ch)
((or (< ch #\space) (= ch #\rubout)) % Control Characters
(=> nmode-prompt-screen write #/^ 0 nmode-prompt-cursor)
(setf nmode-prompt-cursor (+ nmode-prompt-cursor 1))
(=> nmode-prompt-screen write (^ ch 8#100) 0 nmode-prompt-cursor)
(setf nmode-prompt-cursor (+ nmode-prompt-cursor 1)))
(t (=> nmode-prompt-screen write ch 0 nmode-prompt-cursor) % Normal Char
(setf nmode-prompt-cursor (+ nmode-prompt-cursor 1)))))
(de message-append-string (s)
(for (from i 0 (string-upper-bound s))
(do (message-append-character (string-fetch s i)))))
(de message-append-character (ch)
((or (< ch #\space) (= ch #\rubout)) % Control Characters
(=> nmode-message-screen write #/^ 0 nmode-message-cursor)
(setf nmode-message-cursor (+ nmode-message-cursor 1))
(=> nmode-message-screen write (^ ch 8#100) 0 nmode-message-cursor)
(setf nmode-message-cursor (+ nmode-message-cursor 1)))
(t (=> nmode-message-screen write ch 0 nmode-message-cursor) % Normal Char
(setf nmode-message-cursor (+ nmode-message-cursor 1)))))
(undeclare-flavor nmode-prompt-screen nmode-message-screen)
(undeclare-flavor nmode-input-window nmode-current-window)
(undeclare-flavor input-buffer)