% Browser-Support.SL - General Browser Support
% Author: Alan Snyder
% Hewlett-Packard/CRC
% Date: 18 October 1982
% Revised: 14 March 1983
% 14-Mar-83 Alan Snyder
% Added functions to find existing browsers. New functions:
% browser-current-item, browser-view-buffer, browser-edit-buffer,
% browser-help-command, browser-exit, current-browser, kill-browser,
% kill-browser-command, browser-update. Change browser-enter to take browser
% as arg instead of buffer. Fix browser-enter and browser-exit to
% restore old buffers upon exit.
% 4-Mar-83 Alan Snyder
% New functions: browser-add-item, browser-add-items.
% 3-Feb-83 Alan Snyder
% Revised to use Browser objects.
% This file contains support functions for browsers, such as the Buffer
% Browser and DIRED. A browser is a buffer that displays a set of items, one
% item per line, and allows the individual items to be manipulated.
(compiletime (load numeric-operators))
(on fast-integers)
% External variables:
(fluid '(nmode-top-window
% User options:
(fluid '(
(setf browser-split-screen NIL)
% Internal Static Variables:
(fluid '(nmode-active-browsers))
% General Browser Support Functions
(de nmode-register-browser (browser)
% Add the specified browser to the list of active browsers. This list is
% used to create the items for the browser browser, for example. This
% function is called by create-browser.
(if (unboundp 'nmode-active-browsers)
(setf nmode-active-browsers ()))
(when (not (memq browser nmode-active-browsers))
(setf nmode-active-browsers (cons browser nmode-active-browsers)))
(de nmode-unregister-browser (browser)
% Remove the specified browser from the list of active browsers.
(if (unboundp 'nmode-active-browsers)
(setf nmode-active-browsers ()))
(when (memq browser nmode-active-browsers)
(setf nmode-active-browsers (delq browser nmode-active-browsers)))
(de browser-is-active? (browser)
(memq browser nmode-active-browsers)
(de browser-enter (browser)
% Start up a browser.
(let ((wp (nmode-window-position)))
(=> browser put 'window-status wp)
(=> browser put 'old-top (=> (=> nmode-top-window buffer) name))
(=> browser put 'old-bottom
(when browser-split-screen (=> (=> nmode-bottom-window buffer) name)))
(if browser-split-screen
(if (eq wp 'bottom) (nmode-switch-windows))
(=> browser enter)
(de browser-exit (browser)
% Exit the browser, which means to detach its buffers from windows and
% restore the window to its previous state.
(let* ((ws (=> browser get 'window-status))
(old-top (=> browser get 'old-top))
(old-bottom (=> browser get 'old-bottom))
(nmode-set-window-position ws)
(when old-top
(window-select-buffer nmode-top-window (buffer-find old-top)))
(when old-bottom
(window-select-buffer nmode-bottom-window (buffer-find old-bottom)))
(=> browser exit)
(de kill-browser (browser)
% Kill the browser, which means exit it and then remove it from the list
% of active browsers (which should allow it to be garbage collected).
(=> browser exit)
(nmode-unregister-browser browser)
(de all-browsers ()
% Return a list of all active browsers. The list should not be modified.
(de all-browsers-of-a-kind (browser-kind-id)
% Return a list of all existing browsers of the specified kind.
(for (in br (all-browsers))
(when (eq (=> br browser-kind) browser-kind-id))
(collect br)
(de find-browser (browser-kind-id info-string)
% Search for a browser of the specified kind with the specified info string.
(for (in br (all-browsers-of-a-kind browser-kind-id))
(when (equal (=> br browser-info-string) info-string))
(do (exit br))
(de browser-update (browser)
(=> browser update-items)
% Browser commands: attach these to keys in your browser mode
(de browser-kill-and-exit-command ()
(de browser-exit-command ()
% Exit the current browser. This removes the browser from the display,
% but does not destroy it (it can be reentered).
(let ((browser (current-browser)))
(when browser
(browser-exit browser)
(de kill-browser-command ()
% Kill the current browser. This removes the browser from the display,
% and removes it from the active browser list (it cannot be reentered).
(let ((browser (current-browser)))
(when browser
(kill-browser browser)
(de browser-delete-command ()
% Mark items as 'deleted'.
(browser-do-repeated-command 'delete-item () nil)
(de browser-undelete-command ()
% Mark items as not 'deleted'.
(browser-do-repeated-command 'undelete-item () nil)
(de browser-undelete-backwards-command ()
% Mark items as not 'deleted'.
(setf nmode-command-argument (- nmode-command-argument))
(browser-do-repeated-command 'undelete-item () nil)
(de browser-kill-command ()
% Kill items.
(browser-do-repeated-command 'kill-item () t)
(de browser-ignore-command ()
% Ignore items: filter them out.
(browser-do-repeated-command 'ignore-item () t)
(de browser-view-command ()
% View the current item.
(let ((buffer (browser-view-item-in-buffer)))
(if buffer
(browser-view-buffer buffer nmode-command-argument-given)
(de browser-edit-command ()
% Edit the current item.
(let ((buffer (browser-view-item-in-buffer)))
(if buffer
(browser-edit-buffer buffer nmode-command-argument-given)
(de browser-kill-deleted-items-command ()
(let ((browser (current-browser)))
(=> browser kill-deleted-items)
(de browser-undo-filter-command ()
(let* ((browser (current-browser))
(filter (=> browser undo-filter))
(if filter
(set-prompt (bldmsg "Application of %w undone." filter))
(nmode-error "No filters have been applied to create this list.")
(de browser-help-command ()
(let ((browser (current-browser)))
(when browser
(=> browser display-documentation)
% Browser functions: use these in browser commands
(de current-browser ()
(=> nmode-current-buffer get 'browser))
(de browser-sort (prompt sorter)
(let ((browser (current-browser)))
(=> browser sort sorter)
(write-prompt prompt)
(de browser-current-item ()
% Return the current item, if any, NIL otherwise.
(let ((browser (current-browser)))
(when browser
(=> browser current-item)
(de browser-view-item (w)
% View the current item in the specified window. Return T if successful,
% NIL otherwise.
(let ((buffer (browser-view-item-in-buffer)))
(when buffer
(=> buffer set-previous-buffer nmode-current-buffer)
(window-select-buffer w buffer)
(de browser-view-item-in-buffer ()
% View the current item in a buffer. Return the buffer if successful,
% NIL otherwise. The buffer is not attached to any window.
(let ((browser (current-browser)))
(when browser
(=> browser view-item)
(de browser-view-buffer (b invert-split-screen-option)
% View the buffer B like an item is viewed.
(let* ((use-other (xor browser-split-screen invert-split-screen-option))
(w (if use-other (nmode-other-window) nmode-current-window))
(=> b set-previous-buffer nmode-current-buffer)
(window-select-buffer w b)
(if use-other
(nmode-2-windows) % display the other window
(set-message "C-M-L returns to browser.")
(de browser-edit-buffer (b invert-split-screen-option)
% Edit the buffer B like an item is edited.
(let* ((use-other (xor browser-split-screen invert-split-screen-option))
(w (if use-other (nmode-other-window) nmode-current-window))
(=> b set-previous-buffer nmode-current-buffer)
(window-select-buffer w b)
(cond (use-other
(nmode-2-windows) % display the other window
(nmode-select-window w)
(set-message "C-X O returns to browser.")
(set-message "C-M-L returns to browser.")
(de browser-add-item-and-view (new-item)
% Add the item to the current browser. Then, if in split screen mode,
% view the item.
(browser-add-item new-item)
(when browser-split-screen
(setf nmode-command-argument-given NIL)
(de browser-add-item (new-item)
% Add the item to the current browser.
(let ((browser (current-browser)))
(when browser
(=> browser add-item new-item)
(de browser-add-items (new-item-list)
% Add the items to the current browser.
(let ((browser (current-browser)))
(when browser
(=> browser add-items new-item-list)
(de browser-do-repeated-command (msg args removes?)
% Perform a browser command that takes a signed numeric argument to mean
% a repetition count. On each iteration, the browser is sent
% the specified message with the specified arguments. If REMOVES? is
% true, then the browser operation may remove the current item and
% it will return true if it does.
(let ((browser (current-browser)))
(if (> nmode-command-argument 0)
(for (from i 1 nmode-command-argument)
(do (when (not (=> browser current-item))
(Ding) (exit))
(if (not (and (lexpr-send browser msg args) removes?))
(for (from i 1 (- nmode-command-argument))
(do (when (current-line-is-first?)
(Ding) (exit))
(when (not (=> browser current-item))
(move-to-next-line) (Ding) (exit))
(lexpr-send browser msg args)
(off fast-integers)